The World of Otome Games is Tough For Mobs


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Office worker Leon is reincarnated into a particularly punishing dating sim video game, where women reign supreme and only beautiful men have a seat at the table. But Leon has a secret weapon: he remembers everything from his past life, which includes a complete playthrough of the very game in which he is now trapped. Watch Leon spark a revolution to change this new world in order to fulfill his ultimate desire…of living a quiet, easy life in the countryside!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Otome Game Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu
Otomege Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu
Thế Giới Otomegame Thật Khắc Nghiệt Với Nhân Vật Quần Chúng
Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs (LN)
Related Series
Ano Otomege wa Oretachi ni Kibishii Sekai desu (Spin-Off)
The World of Otome Game Too Tough for Mobs: Original Route (Spin-Off)
21st Century Archmage (8)
Akuyaku Reijo Ni Koi Wo Shite (8)
To Be a Power in the Shadows! (WN) (7)
The Regressor and the Blind Saint (6)
The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me (6)
I’m the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire! (6)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (JP On-Going)
  2. thesauce
  3. Comedy recommended
  4. enjoyed my time
  5. The novel whose adaptation made me come here

Latest Release

Date Group Release
11/16/21 Dobelyu Wai v8c7
11/09/21 Dobelyu Wai v8c6
11/02/21 Dobelyu Wai v8c5
10/26/21 Dobelyu Wai v8c4
10/20/21 Dobelyu Wai v8c3
10/13/21 Dobelyu Wai v8c2
10/06/21 Dobelyu Wai v8c1
09/28/21 Dobelyu Wai v8 illustrations
09/28/21 Dobelyu Wai v8 prologue
09/21/21 Dobelyu Wai v7 ss if
09/14/21 Dobelyu Wai v7 ss
09/08/21 Dobelyu Wai v7 epilogue
09/08/21 Dobelyu Wai v7c13
08/31/21 Dobelyu Wai v7c12
08/24/21 Dobelyu Wai v7c11
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185 Reviews sorted by

Draakon rated it
October 26, 2018
Status: v1c5/v3e
Damn, that an unexpected gem!

It's light-hearted, but at the same time a smart story, characters don't seem to be one-dimensional (even if MC sometimes thinks that they are), there is cute moments, there is hilarious moves, there is a dark-ish moments (they are actually quite dark, but since we see it through MC and MC attitude toward them is light-hearted, it's still keep the mood of the story very well).

Also, judging by images, he going to have a mecha with spade as a weapon, Russian army approves.

MC himself is likeable... more>> character, he is cynical sociopath most of the time and a bit selfish, but he is actually kind to whoever he think are a good people, and his kindness don't seem unfitting. His ambitions is very small, so he do not go out of his way to fight people for hoarding stuff either.

Edit: Well, I read to the end of third volume. Many things that looked like nonsense and just Otome setting was actually explained. It wasn't in one info dump, it's actually scattered through story, although there is major conversation with the Queen that explain some strangest things in the 3rd volume that makes enough sense. But it's kind of oblivious that this is afterthought on the author's part.

Now, thought almost all story MC is annoyingly indecisive in romance, to the point that


he is tricked by his family, royalty, duke, two girls and two advanced ancient AI to go to his own engagement ceremony. He managed to escape previous attempts to corner him, but he can't run forever


And it's seems that this is not going to be final volume. Yay? Yay. It gives you laughs, there almost no filler episodes, there is cool scenes and some of real character development (although some character seems uncapable to develop and this is part of their character). <<less
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Puruple rated it
July 18, 2019
Status: v3c2.1
Honestly this started good. Then it when downhills, I mean if the intention of the author was to make the readers hate Marie and some other dumbass characters, the author truly did well, because they are annoying, and so is the MC. The MC gets betrayed casually by his sisters (doesn't do anything though) and for some weak ass reason the MC doesn't want to kill thus leaving enemies. In short he has power but no brains.

The only likable character is the robot.
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Beleren rated it
December 16, 2018
Status: v2c1 part3
Written at start of VOL 2, end of chapter 1
The novel describes a future we all will share if we sit around and let third-wave feminists do as they want. The characters are nice, nothing too outstanding but they are likable enough. The plot is enjoyable so far. I have stayed on the course because I want to see those obnoxious people owned, and the author hasn't disappointed. Sadly, the TL has stayed true to his moniker so the wait for chapters is agonizing. 4 days for a part of a single chapter. Exile into hell would have been a kinder fate.

Update as of 2020/1/20, end of Vol 4 + All the extras.

Everything other people has complained about was dealt away with.

The MC is growing a spine.

The hierarchy actually makes sh*t ton of sense.

Characters have become much more interesting.


Other reincarnations have shown up and their motives are up in the air.


Don't mind the negative reviews above and below me, jump in. Unless you are sick of isekai stuff, but even then you should check out the first few chapters.
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fireutsie rated it
February 17, 2019
Status: v2c10
Would've been a 3.5/5 otherwise but this suffers heavily from the JP good two shoes MC who doesn't/can't kill the bad guys.

Oh, you just declared war on my country, invaded, took my girl hostage, tried to kill my fellow classmates and fired cannons with the intention to kill at me?

Best I can do is to knock you out with rubber bullets and let you live! I can't kill anyone, this is the best I can do!

At some point he even outright says that he can't kill and wonders how long he can let the bad guys off lightly. All while subjugating pirates who steal and mu*der.

Then there is this hugely inconsistent plothole. Why is the head of the country the king when it's supposed to be a matriarchy? This literally doesn't make sense.

A ton of stereotyping about the women too makes it really weird. Why do I feel as if there is incel tier stereotyping towards women?

I could look past these two flaws but the first one really pisses me off.

What a waste of time
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CrescentSaga rated it
October 14, 2022
Status: ln v5
I registered on this site to specifically leave a review for this novel.

I've read a lot of novels, hundreds of volumes in total, never have I been so infuriated by an MC that literally want to smash anything in my hand for their behavior. The MC has 0 growth, the story is just a repeat with different settings, and he always make the same decision in principal, hell even the jokes are on repeat as well, it really gets old and annoying. I can't read this novel anymore, this novel... more>> made me regret that I was ever interested in it because of the anime.

Negativity and outrage aside, it's a somewhat bearable story, just stop after the first 2 book (or just watch the anime), 4 if you want to push it, after that just stop or wait for a couple of weeks or months before starting on new arcs. <<less
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kuneus rated it
June 21, 2022
Status: v6
This is a heartwarming story about young man who is sexually interested in men coming to terms with his sexuality, as he tries to deny it even as he runs away from potential threesomes with 2 stacked blondes ready and eager, telling to himself he it its totally because he is a gentleman, not because his abusive female family members have turned him off from women all together.

I'm looking forward to the day when he embraces his true self, and tearfully confesses his forbidden love to the older gentleman who... more>> has mastered the art of tea.

Also there's some mechas and magic. But they are hardly worth mentioning. <<less
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Azure02 rated it
March 24, 2021
Status: v7 prologue
There are a lot of things that makes me feel uneasy reading this. Still, it's better than most isekai or harem novels. So you know, you can kill your time with this when you're out of quality read or just have nothing to do atm. I'll sort out my opinion on what the positive and negative for this novel.


    • As you can expect, every single novel written by Mishima Yomu always has that one shitty MC that is dragging the entire plot. Meet Leon a.k.a. The total hypocrite MC, the kind of "I'll do everything I want, screw it" but when he's getting trouble out of it, he will be dodging everything. He's got nothing to back his words up. The author is giving Leon every justification he needs to do whatever he wants.
    • To add on the first point, the MC is created as a wish fulfillment device. So that's probably why a lot of nerds are saying that he's the best MC or some kind of weird shit.
    • Every people, whether it's the heroines, mobs or five fools impression on him, everything about him is built on misunderstanding. A very common thing in Mishima Yomu's works. Those kinds of scenario are pretty f*cked up.
    • Leon is basically tr*sh without Luxion a.k.a. Cheat items. Some characters said he's smart, but that's just bullshit. It's true that he's smarter than average characters in this novel, which by the way, are dumb af. But there's no way he could storm an entire nation without having Luxion. Almost all of his deeds, all the things that he accomplished are possible because he he's a cheater.
    • Something is wrong with Leon's sense of morality. A lot of his actions are pretty questionable. No, should I say the author?

      Because even worse in Marie (a.k.a. His little sister) route, they are practically engaged. Though, they don't know that they are siblings.

    • He's treating the whole thing as a game in a regular basis. Other people are dying? Oh the situation just kinda get f*cked? No matter, no matter, this world is basically from a game, doesn't matter from the start.
    • Many characters are useless to the point it's not even funny anymore. Like Livia a.k.a. The main heroine.

      Even though a lot of noble girls are saying that she's useless, a pet for Leon and Angelica/villain, the author has done literally nothing for her character development. She stayed useless.

    • The villains are borderline one-dimensional. They just have that flat personality and reasoning. They are villains for the sake of it. They are bad, because they simply bad.
    • Most heroines are only a plot device to make Leon looks badass. Most of them are useless if it's not for the circumstances they are in.

      Livia with her saintess power for example. She's exceptionally useless if not for that.

      Just like Leon himself (with Luxion).
    • All the matriarchal things and society portrayal in this novel is probably a tool for author to exploit his hidden hatred for irl women. I mean, while there's probably a lot of terrible women like those in this novel out there, the author is using every single opportunity to sh*t on them.

    • Is a simple read.
    • Is a one of those wish fulfillment type of novel where everything is written so that the reader feels better, superior because the author throws his delusion of having a satisfying life where he gets to do everything he likes or whatever really.
    • A harem genre. But for me myself, I had seen harem genre in a pretty negative light when all the harem is getting into marriage stuff. Which is this.
    • Decent illustration.
    • At the very least, author could make an interesting plot, even though it's still terrible.
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Sheshanaga rated it
October 13, 2019
Status: --
Absolutely cringe worthy. Stay away for the sake of your common sense. The MC has no problem with being a punch bag for others, and instead of retaliating and returning the favor to those who humiliated him, he's just acting like a typical, spineless wimp, who doesn't take action even for his own sake or the sake of those he likes.
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[email protected] rated it
August 22, 2019
Status: --
One of the best otome game genre I've ever read ??❤

A really rare & interesting otome game type story which almost have everything;- otome, action, adventure, romance, harem, mecha,... etc

Really recommend u guys to try this & not miss out this amazing story ??
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HentMas rated it
January 6, 2021
Status: v3c13
I dropped this...

I mostly have a lot to say about a series, but honestly it's not even worth it...

The main problem is that the author fell into the common "Japanese MC syndrome" that every Japanese author uses to justify the lack of character growth.

... more>> Go read "Rakudai", the plot points are similar but the MC is carried in a better way and the author knows what story it's trying to tell.

I wouldn't have being infuriated if the author didn't decide to have the MC become the (for a lack of a better term) "beard" of the lesbian romance.

I'll never enjoy cucked characters...

There isn't even redemption after that it's just glossed over, and done for comedic effect.

F. Japanese authors and their cuck fetish. <<less
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rutabella rated it
February 19, 2019
Status: v2 epilogue part1
please do not listen to those talking about how "beta" the MC is for refusing to kill or because of his insecurities. The MC doesnt want to kill because he is a f*cking teenager who doesn't want PTSD. Something is wrong with you people thinking someone has to kill to be "alpha" or manly. The MC is going above and beyond to make sure no one dies, and that is extremely commendable. PLUS, ... more>>

by the end of chapter 11 the MC gets over his insecurities of being unworthy of the 2 love interests and decides instead of accepting his inability to stand by them, he will work to become someone who can.


real romance spoilers here

That said he still doesnt know how to respond to livia's confession by the end of the second volume, but I think he will accept it eventually, this novel has been admirably good about keeping misunderstandings short lived


rant aside, this is a fantastic novel, top grade, dialogue gets wordy when the MC goes on rants about how shitty the shitty nobles are, but it's great most of the time. I didn't think the second volume was that much worse than the first. I think if this novel was converted to a manga, it would be amazing. The reactions between the capture targets and the MC, as well as the dialogue between the MC and the AI are all pretty great.

I admit the MC may seem annoying at first, but he actually grows. Maybe I've read too many korean novel protagonists who are borderline sociopaths, but its refreshing to see an MC who wants to be good, who wants to help those who are bullied. And yet at the same time the MC is flawed in ways that make him interesting.

I feel pretty satisfied after reading this, its a great novel, doesn't needlessly stretch out the plot, doesn't take forever to describe how awesomely powerful the MC is. There is magic, but its mentioned offhandedly as magic and monsters are used to enhance the setting rather than be the focal point. You will sometimes read about people using magic to enhance their punches, and how magic spells are used to kill monsters, but it isnt a fighting action novel, its a fantasy novel that has fighting and action in it. A crucial difference that makes this story 100× for the better.

give this a chance no matter if you enjoy reincarnation otome novels or not, its just a damn good young adult mix of scifi, fantasy, and a dash of romance that picks up in the second volume. <<less
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odernatter rated it
January 31, 2019
Status: v2c3
I really like the idea of placing MC in matrialchal society. But suspension of disbelief in this one is hard to contain. It's just hurtful to read about all this harem-seeking evil noble girls. Sure I understand that author is trying to place young women in the postition of young men in other novels. But he just conviniently ignores psychological diffrences between gender which cause women in positions of power and comfort seek different things than men do. It makes all non-love intrest women in the novel to look like... more>> 1-dimensional villans without any depth. It's painful to read.

Class and social system also don't make any sense. Dungeon and adventuring system? Complete gibberish.

MC doesn't really help the novel. Author tries to make him a real character with agenda, likes and dislikes. But in the and is the all on the surface, MC only acts because of the plot and world (which supposed to be unconvinient for males) bends to accomodate him, no matter how s*upid his actions are. What is probably different from other novels is that author also bends MC character to accomodate plot (Sometimes don't accepts social standards/hierachy and somtimes he does because of reasons).

Like with Sevens little incosistencies, nonsensical developments and freaking robots ruined interesing idea for me. I really hoped that author will grow as a writer compared to his previous work so I can't help but stay disappointed. But is still better than lot of tr*sh here, so I won't give one star because of resetment. <<less
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koshwin rated it
July 29, 2022
Status: v6
I thought after having read the spoiler about the romance (that it was garbage) I wouldn't be disappointed and yes I wasn't at all with the 2 girls going all the yuri route what a s*upid gag that was, well whatever, I mean this guy didn't even intend to marry em and was forcefully engaged and all but as I read more and more this guy become beyond pathetic. A MC who doesn't grow up is not worth it. The plot is mediocre at best. This is blindingly overrated. An... more>> average of 3 stars or below would be much more where it should lie.

Honestly should have just stopped at vol 3 and I would have rated it a bit higher but I guess they couldn't stop milking it dry eh? <<less
11 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
January 24, 2021
Status: v6c4
The novel has its hilarious moments, but the op remaining dense as ever just ruins the whole story.
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DaemonOfLaplace rated it
January 1, 2021
Status: v5epilogue
This novel has so many issues that it's really hard for me to put it into words. If I had to summarize the issues in a few sentences, it would be that the author had no plan going into this, so most major plot points feel forced and glaringly unnatural. That's kind of a big issue for a plot-driven drama-oriented light novel that's actually trying to say something meaningful instead of being junk food entertainment. If you want to give this a try, I'd recommend reading the manga first instead... more>> since it'll waste less of your time if you end up not enjoying it.

You can read the very long rant I wrote in the spoiler below if you really want to know how much this novel can piss a person off. In retrospect, it's not as bad as I made it out to be. However, it is still bottom of the list if I were to rank all 15 or so web/light novels I've found interest in here on novel updates.


I'm rating this harshly, maybe more so than usual, because it's a light novel instead of an unpolished web novel, the beginning of the series set my expectations pretty high, and this series has pissed me off so much that it's the first one I'm dropping because I literally cannot stand this author instead of simply being bored by the content. The only reason this isn't 1 star for me is that the first volume is at least decent, but it's all downhill from there.

I started reading this series since the manga sold me, but I'm now just too tired of pretending I don't hate this series. It like the author is hell-bent on forcing plot points that will piss off the reader for no reason. Maybe this author somehow has a vendetta and thinks that plots should never have satisfying resolutions. The protagonist is literally never happy. Whatever he does, whatever he achieves, and no matter if he achieved his goal or not, he will always get f*cked over in the end because the author has decided beforehand. He takes a beating for no reason when he's perfectly capable of avoiding them and also dealing them back in turn. He gets handed a plateful of sh*t and then proceeds to ask for a spoon and a bib. It's like the author couldn't decide what kind of protagonist to have: the ruthless and strong type you'd see in weak-to-strong series or the jokester and weak type you'd see in lighthearted comedy series. Somehow this MC is the worst of both worlds. This smooth-brained little sh*t of an MC dares to complain about his situation when he literally has all the power in the world in the form of Luxon and then just doesn't use it in some cases, which I'm guessing is entirely due to the author not thinking before writing at all. It's incomprehensible how he hasn't either crushed the kingdom or deserted it to live on his own. This thoughtlessly put together plot would be bad for the series at the web novel state, but somehow it made it to the light novel state.

The worthlessness of the protagonist isn't even the beginning of the series' issues. It's ok for a drama series to have a protagonist that's initially worthless, but you need strong supporting characters that actually whip their ass into shape over time. There are literally none in this series, and the protagonist only ever gets the illusion of growth without really ever going anywhere. Livia is too busy dealing with her own internal sh*t to have an effect anywhere else. Her character is likable, but she will never do anything to affect the major plot points except as a deus ex-machina when the author feels like it. The author even points out how unimpactful she is and then proceeds to not fix it as if spitting in the reader's face. Anjelica has the right idea most of the time, and then never follows through in whipping the protagonist's ass into following that idea for some unknown reason even though it'll only hurt him in the end. The author keeps introducing other love interests for the harem without giving any reason for why this person isn't also complete scum like just about every other female character in the series. Dear writer, is it that hard to recognize that the very setting you chose mandates you justify why some characters deserve to be potential love interests? All we ever see are rare moments of them being cute or emotional. For a series focused on how badly male characters are treated in otome games, does the author really not feel like a complete hypocrite with how they've characterized the female love interests?

Even worse than the love interests are the rest of the cast. Who in their right mind would willingly keep these pieces of sh*t around even if it were to just keep up appearances? Why does the author keep giving Marie and the princes so much attention in the first place? Rather than a proper nemesis, b*tchmouto and her f*ckboi squad feel like the weekly villains in a shounen series that have somehow been given the main recurring villain role. How are they supposed to feel threatening when they are literally incompetent? Why do they deserve our pity when there are clearly characters in much worse circumstances? In fact, why are they still in the story at all, when they should have disappeared at the end of the first novel? Why has the protagonist continued to associate with them, when he openly hates them with a vengeance? If you say it's because the protagonist needs to work with them to save the kingdom, why does he want to do so in the first place when he constantly complains about how sh*t of a place it is WHILE having complete personal security in the form of Luxon? It'd be easy for him to just save those he cared about and leave the rest to their fate. In the first place, why oh why would this author push so hard for us to care about this kingdom potentially falling into destruction when it's literally hammered into us how sh*t of a place it is? And for f*cks sake can we stop introducing corrupt noble after corrupt noble as the "villain of the week"? B*tchmouto and the f*ckboi five are insufferable enough, do we seriously need even more low-quality villains that are even more cliche and forgettable? Is five even the correct number of f*ckbois in b*tchmouto's reverse harem? I can't even f*cking remember. That's how forgettable they are. Seriously, the most relatable character is Luxon. I'd be trying to "exterminate all humans" too if I had to live in that world.

Does this author understand at all that it's painful to read something like this? It like not even the author knew what kind of series this was, so they carelessly threw all the ingredients into the pot without looking and then served the reader a fresh steaming bowl of sh*t soup with a smile. It might look pretty appetizing, but that sh*t taste in your mouth will only get worse the further you get through it. The comedy doesn't make you laugh. The drama only makes you cringe. The sci-fi elements would feel shallow if it weren't for the even shallower magic system. The action is your cliche mecha action with no creativity, and I'm convinced this author doesn't understand the meaning of "adventure." At this point, I'd kill for literally any satisfying development, but villains always just "disappear" having been given their comeuppance off-screen, and those who brought them to justice only get meaningless rewards which sometimes literally hurt them.

I'm sure this author is a nice person and was just trying their best. I really wanted to like this series too. I tried my hardest to just grin and bear it. I wanted to stay convinced that it'll get better in just a few chapters, that the characters are acting dumb for a reason, that the ending will make it all worth it. Reality is harsh.

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blackmoralkrena rated it
April 21, 2020
Status: v5 epilogue
I do not think that this novel was worth my time, at first everything was fine, there was an echo of sci-fi (in the form of cheat ships and robots) but the whole case was not solved properly. The main character of this story is "an ordinary Japanese schoolboy" who, although he got into Otome, has no ambitions at all. + He is deaf to the obvious feelings of others. I think for 90% of Japanese novels/onime / manga it is a huge problem that the main character is one-sided,... more>> he does not reveal himself in the dynamics of the story, the author narrates about him as if making a photo/imprint, and not a slice of the personality during time. The story is interesting up to V. 3-4, but then it just makes you sick.

no offense but it's true. Fortunately, there is no typical chanting of Japanese culture and "communion" to the 'great' Japanese traditions, I do not dispute that your culture is rich, but you do it one-sidedly s*upid and inappropriate, the meaning of every 5 chapters to insert "what a wonderful rice in Japan" or even in the likeness, the meaning of writing every 5 chapters about FOOD, my GOD, who is interested in reading about f*cking food ? How frostbitten should I be? What does the author think when writing about food ? I understand there when it is included in the framework of the story there "catfish cook" or something else, but this is not appropriate. Who is interested in reading about f*cking hot springs, when the description is always the same as if under a carbon copy, the meaning of all this? Only to kill time and atrophy axons in principle this is what the whole industry now serves which has already begun to outlive itself for 3-4 years. <<less
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ScorpioBR rated it
November 4, 2018
Status: v1c7 part3
I've noticed that the author also plays with the theme of reincarnation. It's more like memories in the form of knowledge of a past life that resurfaces in another one. Not exactly a personality transfer, given that the MC doesn't even remembers his past self name, but more of a change of perspective that occurs in a fantasy word character. That merge of memories give birth to a third character, the actual MC of this story.
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October 7, 2020
Status: v6c4
An amazing story! Though honestly, at this point, I feel like the author should just make a separate novel based on the Marie Route... Still, I actually enjoy the SS plot more than the actual plot. It reveals a lot about the world setting that the original doesn’t mention or only skims through, and it is much more interesting to me!
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Condor005 rated it
August 14, 2020
Status: --
Otomega is good read and some of the guys who didn't even read until volume 5 are missing on something, but oh well not that I care, I like the MC personality and the way how he tr*sh talk other people. Ka ka !!
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gman12567 rated it
March 31, 2019
Status: --
This novel literally has all the worst things you can have concerning a Japanese MC he half asses everything he could of got the cheat like items sooner but he didn't care enough to bother too, concerning his knowledge of magic and fighting skills its been said he could do much better than he is but he doesn't care enough. He is a beta like most mc's but even worse he pushes all the girls away because of reason's like their too high class, too low class, he's just a... more>> mob character, or that they have too much potential at one point the main girl is distressed and is crying to the MC and he just walks out of the room cause he said he had nothing to say he also distanced himself from the main girl because she was protected by other guys despite neither them or her showing any interest in each other because according to him he's just a mob character. <<less
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