The Virtual Character I Personally Raised Wants to Marry Me


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Xu Sili died at a young age. He woke up again only to find that… not only was he alive but he had become the new emperor of an alien empire. The empire was in a miserable state, facing a crisis of being destroyed by alien beasts at any time.

At that time, he fell down on the emperor’s exclusive gold throne. In front of him stood a handsome man in a white military uniform. The man wore knee-high black boots and stepped on his chest. There was a cruel and bloodthirsty smile on his face as he placed the laser gun to Xu Sili’s forehead. He declared, “Die, new emperor.”

Wait, wait! Xu Sili was confused when he saw the man’s face clearly. Why did this man look so similar to the virtual character he raised? Huh? This was the good-looking uniform that Xu Sili put in long hours to gain!

Si Sheng had a secret. He could hear the voice of God.

During the time when everyone around him was going crazy over the princess, he knew that everything about the princess was actually a gift from God, the one who truly saved him from the s*ave owner—

It was the great God!

He was mysterious and powerful. He had the most moving voice in the world. He stirred Si Sheng’s mind every night, keeping him spellbound and unable to sleep. Si Sheng wanted to see ‘Him’ so badly that he was going crazy.

Finally, there was a day when God asked him, “What would you do if I appear before you?”

Si Sheng knelt on one knee and humbly offered his loyalty. However, he realized at this time that he had a deeper… wilder ambition in his heart for God.

This is probably a story of the main character transmigrating to an alien world and rebuilding a home with his virtual character.

Associated Names
One entry per line
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27 Reviews

May 21, 2021
Status: c115
Before you start this story I recommend at least reading this part of my review if nothing else because I think the summary is a tad misleading:

The story is mostly a world/empire-building novel with a romantic subplot on the side. At least the first 50 chapter focus on MC building his kingdom, the next 50 deal with MC trying to integrate NPCs and Players into one harmonious existence (NPCs die for real, players respawn) and the romance happens in small bits in between the kingdom building. If you know of... more>> anime, it's a bit like Sword Art Online or Overgeared where NPCs are basically sentient but only exist in the game world with both the real and VR game worlds co-existing.


Our MC's a bit blackbellied and very focused on his kingdom while our ML is the obsessive yandere type. Not the "little black room" type but "takes MC's used teacup and preserves it" type, it didn't bother me because ML also thinks of MC as a god like existence, but if that is something that concerns you then be wary at the very least. I honestly really liked MC's world building schemes, and it's refreshing that the game world MC transmigrated into remains an actual game world. It gets really interesting to see how MC cautiously tries to instill loyalty amongst the players so that the players wouldn't turn his kingdom to ruin and mu*der his citizens (players think it's a game, for MC and co, it's their actual lives) along with dealing with the fact that he's dead in their world but can meet again with his family in the game world (and whether or not they think he's just a bunch of code).

Now, the bad. I don't have many complaints honestly because it's still currently on-going, but I do think this story is one that shouldn't get binge-read because it gets to be a lot sometimes. There's also this part where MC, who was a famous singer before he transmigrated, opens up this digital bubble tea shop in this separate online internet-world in an effort to raise money for his kingdom. The problem for me is just, why bubble tea?? He already recorded a few songs to sell online (like iTunes sort of deal) that were selling, has a past as an accomplished singer, and his powers deal with singing, so why start a bubble tea store?! It's not a huge deal breaker, I just think the author could have used these chapters to strengthen the singing aspect but alas.

Overall, it's a bit of a refreshing take on "transmigrated into a game" and kingdom-building because the game-world stays a game and MC will later on be forced to deal with players who very much see it as a game. While not perfect, it's very interesting and I highly recommend giving this story at least a shot.

edit: some people have dm'd me asking for a link to free raws but I buy on jjwxc, so please stop asking me. I don't usually mind but when you get 20 messages with just "link to free raw's please", it's a bit annoying. <<less
115 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 21, 2021
Status: c2
Although I've only read two chapters of the novel, I am totally in love with it.

What first attracted me to this novel was, of course, the cover. The beauty in the cover is so dazzling!

Then I read the synopsis. I fell for this novel.

I read the first chapter and I fell in love, hard.

I read the second chapter and I fell further.
26 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 16, 2021
Status: c46 part2
For some reason I can't open the updates from mushroom, was I banned? But the story is really interesting developing the kingdom and stuff but I wanted to see him work on his singing skills. It's really nice to read and sometimes it has cliffhangers that lead me to finding the translator for a good talk. Other than that, I recommend this book.
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Nov 15, 2021
Status: c350
This is definitely worth the read.

My biggest regret though is binging all 350 chapters cuz now I'm left hanging and wanting more. TT^TT

☑️ World building

☑️ Smart MC

☑️ Slightly yandere but very respectful ML

☑️ Wholesome family bond

☑️ Xiao Wu (chibi skynet)

I really want to read more novels that are of this quality.
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Mar 10, 2022
Status: Completed
Novel not recommended to read.

Better Summary: MC is obsessed with his 2D husbands and spends all his life savings to make a video game where he helps out ML in the game. After his plane crashes he mysteriously crosses into a mysterious space. MC also can see future game forum which says that his template character was killed! Before he can find out more information he crosses into his template character who the ML is threatening with a gun. MC gets his template character's memory and is super panicked about... more>> ML deciding to kill him. Just as MC freaks out, the MC somehow gets a super OP ability to sing and also turn people into his s*ave puppet.

The novel continues with all sorts of your typical nonsense. The author likes to continually change the story based on their whims. Best example of this is how author whitewashes Mc's former scum father by having MC go through a trial to the past. There's a lot of other BS occurrences, most of which are crazy stuff happening to put MC in danger and give him chance encounters with ML. The sheer impossibility of any of this stuff happening goes through the roof. Moreover, the author can't decide on one thing and has MC continually mess around not doing things the ruler of a nation should be doing. MC is assassinated, faces danger from alien beasts, and even starts his own bubble tea store. There's mystical trials, unusual cultivation, and even deep political conspiracies that the author makes up on the fly. Author absolutely had no plan while writing the novel.

As for romance, it takes about a quarter of the novel for ML to discover Mc's identity because the ML isn't too bright. MC is also a weirdo who refuses to communicate with ML anything especially since MC acts super OOC. The fact that no one notices how different the MC acts is absolutely laughable. When they finally get into a relationship, the story becomes much worse since the author's only concept of drama is either MC and ML s*upidly not being honest about anything or MC not dying and being saved by plot armor.

One major issue with the novel is the Mc's character. He's no child, having been an established actor for many years and his own career. When he goes into the game world though, he becomes a helpless worthless little baby pretty boy who can't do anything. Author lays on the tropes pretty thick, from constantly describing how pretty and weak the MC is to detailing how everyone is shocked at the Mc's looks and outfits. As for the empire itself, it's another huge case of Mary Sue MC where not only can he swiftly solve inequality of the whole nation but also provide superior methods for ruling, combat, and infrastructure. Just about everything the MC does is right and perfect. And at the same time, he's a helpless weak unable to care for himself (faints several times) weakling who ML has to dashingly carry away. Also author really loves making ML think of MC as a cat smh.

As for Mc's family and the handling of gamers, this part is more minor than you might think. It's not as huge a focus, with the Mc's guards getting more screen time. Not really a plus or minus.

Overall, a somewhat ridiculous story with weak romance and misguided plot line that doesn't get resolved well along with a somewhat rushed ending. -900Tril/10.

P.S. Still, not too many similar stories. If you're extremely desperate for interstellar territory management, I suppose it might be okay for a low tier skim. Novel is way too long for quick enjoyment though. <<less
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Jun 05, 2021
Status: c211
This is a gem. It's still ongoing but I am hooked.

Whether it's the plot development or the characters they're all written so well. The novel makes me wish there's a game like this in real life..

Even the humour is added at the right parts.

Like when the MC's second brother always had to bear the blame for derailing the game planners designed timeline or when the game planners gained approval for the spectacular game experience when none of it was in their script.


The romance is golden although it feels like a subplot because the world building is just too interesting. Of course I will always support the main couple but the way the side couples are developed are also well done I ship every pair except the ones that break the main CP.


I just love how both the main characters are vinegar jars.


I'll edit this post in the future maybe when new chapters are released.
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Nov 06, 2022
Status: Completed
This was not what I was expecting at all! I mean, to be fair, the summary is a bit... vague? Or just unclear, I guess LMAO. If I had to describe it shortly, it would be fantasy infrastructure! The protagonist, Xu Sili, is an singer who is terminally ill. He doesn't have long to live. And so, before his death, he decided to invest all of his property into the development of an advanced holographic game. In exchange, the game developers agreed to give him a new 'life' by making... more>> him an NPC. As for the ML! Just before the protagonist dies, he decides to make another request from the game developers. That is, that his favorite game character, Si Sheng, from a mobile card game app (where players raise card characters as the story progresses) is brought into the game with him.

The novel starts off a bit slow. The MC and ML are seemingly at opposite sides from the very beginning, but that doesn't last long. Though various misunderstandings and lack of communication causes much drama between the two and extends the romance development a bit - making a proper slow burn!

Ah, but back to the description: Fantasy Instructure. LOLOL. As the Emperor of this new game world, the MC has to prepare for many things. But, most importantly, it's the participation of the "Players" from the real world. He has to prep their beginner 'start village' planet into something that the Players will be hesitant to leave behind -- which prompts lots of infrastructure development!

I love that kind of thing, but I understand that there may be some people who don't agree and would prefer a faster, action-centric fantasy novel. There is a little bit of action here, but the story is still mostly focused on the infrastructure development! That being the case, I still recommend the novel for the setting and the worldbuilding! It's quite unique~ I'm currently working on a sci-fi original work with similar settings, so this proved to be very inspiring for me. For that reason, I may be a bit biased, but I consider this a fave!

IMPORTANT NOTE: The TL is incomplete but the MTL is approximately 75% readable. The names are a bit annoying (since their Western Names translated to Chinese and then translated back to English DX) but once you get the gist of them, the rest of the text is easy enough to understand. Usually, MTL makes me give up after 100-200 or so chapters, but I persisted to the end this time!


I found the characters of this novel to be very interesting! The cast is quite large, so there are a lot of side-characters that are kind of forgotten after a while, but with their disappearance into the void comes new characters, so it isn't so bad! As a general rule though -- the story starts off slow-paced and focuses more on characters then. Later on, the pacing kind of goes super-speed so they kinda get left behind by the plot.

Xu Sili (MC)

The MC is a pretty arrogant shou. He's been spoiled all his life as the youngest of three brothers. His natural arrogance is more charming than annoying though!

Si Sheng (ML)

A very conflicted character! He's described as a yandere, and that can be confirmed, but he's more of a 'tamed' yandere because of his previous background.


I found the romance satisfying, but perhaps there were a bit too many misunderstandings LOL. Just a liiiiiiitle bit too much. Most of the time the romance was actually rather sweet and fluffy. Not my typical preference, but still capable of drawing smiles.

SETTING: 10/10

As someone who loves stories that focus on worldbuilding, a story like this one, where all the threads align at the end and there is an explanation for everything (even if the explanation is mysterious sometimes), the setting of this story was definitely my favorite! The world is so vast, I can't help but regret that the plot wasn't slowed down a bit more. They never really got to explore the interstellar alliance, which is a shame T.T But, after this, I'm definitely planning to continue reading the EXTRAS or the SEQUELS to see more of this rich universe.

PLOT: 8/10

As mentioned, I loved the infrastructure aspect! But, again, I was a bit disappointed that the ending was so rushed T.T I understand why. At that point, the characters were all pretty settled, so further exploration was really not necessary, but still! Ahhhhhhh so depressed T.T


The fact that I kept reading despite the spotty MTL says it all, I think! This was definitely a fun read for me. And, one I won't be forgetting about in the near future!

RATING: 4.45/5

Technically it's just short of being able to be rounded up to 5 stars, but I rounded it up anyway! This is seriously such a great work. I'm glad I didn't end up missing out just because I was all frazzled by the summary~ <<less
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Nov 07, 2022
Status: c360
MTL'ed this after the translated chapters ran out because I really like this story. In terms of plot, the yearning of the ML, the tension between them both before and after the reveal, the kingdom building, it's all suitable to my taste. Will definitely reread this again in the future once the chapters are complete.
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Oct 30, 2022
Status: c419
I usually don't review novels unless I read the finished translation (And not the mtl) but in this case, because of some negative reviews (and how readable the mtl is) I decided not to wait until the tl catches up (it will take forever at this rate)

Let's get one thing out of the way, this novel doesn't mainly focus on the romance, it's there (and it's so cute and fluffy) but most of it is the MC (and the players and NPC) rebuilding their home planet. I personally didn't... more>> find it boring because I was invested in how far they could go. The setting was also pretty nice, starting in a small kingdom and expanding slowly into an intergalactic setting the stakes also increased appropriately as the story advances!

let's talk characters.

The MC was barely a young adult by the time he passed away, which makes him pretty young for someone who has to take the responsibility of an emperor in a new world after his death. Despite being OP (which is understandable, his character in the game was literally made to be a very OP emperor) I didn't feel like it was too unreasonable, and still enjoyed his journey to level up and improve.

The ML hm despite the yandere tag, I didn't really think he was one? not in the sense we're used to when we think of a yandere. I need people to understand that for the ML, MC is his GOD, the person who saved him, and gave him the life he has now and his behavior makes sense (he also doesn't cross the line at all and controls himself pretty well. There was ONE scene where it was a bit confusing whether it was dub consent or not but considering the circumstances at that moment I would... let it pass)

One thing to keep in mind before reading is that both the MC and ML are ridiculously overpowered, it's a happy ending novel that will satisfy people who want to read something without worrying about any angst (aka perfectly tailored for me) so if you don't like seeing OP characters doing OP character things, then this might not be the one for you.


One review mentioned how it was ridiculous that the ML didn't realize how MC was his god right away because he's not too bright? I would've been upset if he figured it out right away tbh, he was thinking that MC was the god's new favorite which made much more sense. For the ML his god abandoned him for 10 years, he suddenly lost contact and was sent to a new strange world. Of course he wouldn't think MC is his god right away and it made sense when through the hints MC kept dropping unconsciously he would slowly piece it together!

As for why no one notices MC was too OOC, MC was a prince that was hidden from the public since he was young due to lack of elemental talent, it was mentioned that even his older brother doesn't know him that well. After taking the throne he was finally revealed and was acting cowardly, but people still didn't have much contact with him which is why they also mention how the change might be him acting as a weakling before and due to him awakening his elemental power WHICH is also imo what the game team was going to do since in the original setting snow roland was supposed to become an op NPC AND in that parallel universe si cheng mentions that he was killed by traitors and not by sicheng.

In defense of MC too, he was 21 (? I think ? or was it 23) and he was a spoiled rich kid and a very famous singer, to suddenly die and wake up to your favorite character trying to kill you, being too weak, unable to trust anyone and having a deadline of a month to pay the fee otherwise your country will be invaded, I don't blame him for how he reacted at first. And I can forgive him for being too strong, he has the future forum, future knowledge, and gaming knowledge to be able to reform this magical kingdom so fast. He also has the help of the gaming system.


Overall I think the fun of this novel is seeing the progress of the kingdom, even when things are progressing way too quickly and smoothly because after all this is supposed to be a game world, I won't be applying any logic to it, it's just satisfying to see them be happy and grow as a nation. <<less
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May 24, 2021
Status: c161
this book draws you in, the characters are interesting, the world building is stable and the main couple is surprisingly healthy not to mention the minor relationships that are featured every now and again. There is just enough plot that you don't get overwhelmed by lovey-doveyness and just enough lovey-doveyness that it can break you away from the more serious parts in the plot. There are misunderstandings but none of them are exaggerated to the point that they get annoying and most of them are pretty reasonable.
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Aug 08, 2022
Status: c76 part2
The plot is a mess. There were a lot of abandoned settings that I'm not sure why they were still even included in the story. Scenes that were supposed to be emotional just felt anticlimactic. MC is very inconsistent. Smart at times, downright naive at others. Also, what's up with the ML? He's a creep. Not the "yandere" creep, but the type where he takes-advantage-of-MC's-unstable-emotions-to-perform-shameful-acts-with-him creep. Not sure if it was consensual, I didn't read the H scenes due to it being so abrupt and distasteful.
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Jun 24, 2021
Status: c217
Story is reallllly interesting! I say the love story is cute too, some side ships are adorable and also I’m not sure if the author is shipping them or not but my feelings feels that they are being ship! Ahhh I hope they get together ~~ and also I think this story could really make those people who love games stories like 1/2 Prince or something could really like this! The plots are also laid out and you can see that how the future might turn out like the goals... more>> or something. But there are also some elements of surprise that you would not see coming. It is pretty interesting, have to say the story flow is quite smooth. The idea is not bad at all.

I super recommend reading this! <<less
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Aug 27, 2022
Status: c99
Edit: Big warning, around chapter 95 there's a long stretch of basically paedophilia between regressed 5 years old MC and teenage ML. It's so damn uncomfortable to read about a toddler hugging and kissing a teen and said teen blushing because he obviously has questionable thoughts. Doesn't matter that MC is in fact 20+, at that time he's 5 and ML has no memories of them being adults, so he is mentally a teen getting way too close to what he thinks is a toddler.
I'm honestly so repulsed by this that I'll drop the novel and changed my rating to one star. What is it with Asian writers and pe*o-shit, why was this necessary in an otherwise decent story?
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Jun 06, 2022
Status: c1
So essentially this is kingdom builder in space it's honestly quite boring and just "worship his Majesty he did something everyone else could do isn't he so great 😃👍!!!" Over all I find myself not really liking the main character because tbh he is lame and the author is obsessed with making him taller dispite originally being small and on the young side.

So when the author makes him taller not only does he fit in the story less but also his pants apparently. Like the author never mentioned anything like... more>> an appearance change or anything dispite the height difference so essentially it's just this tall baby faced punk with long hair and jeans that stop at his ankles. Honestly sounds gross which doesn't help when the ML is a lil bit*h who comments yeah it's not appealing looking. If the author made the main character look cuter it would be fine or heck even just left him how it was it would at least be a bit humourous. His brother out growing him would be funny.

On the other hand I feel absolutely no suspense at all. They act like there is this threat of being invaded by a lizard tribe or something however I feel no suspense from that at all they pretty much might as well not even exist because at the countries weakest state they don't even have any setbacks... Like at all.

No war, no natural disasters, no great beast invasion. Yeah they act like that could be a thing at the border but little did the author know they were being dumb the whole time! They write like it's a thing of the past so appertly the front lines could be held with like 30 wizard dudes and some guys with sticks so

the almost 200 wizard dudes that were discarded like nothing because appertly everyone including the schools became ret*rded after the great space flood

should absolutely decimate that whole ordeal.

Over all I'm annoyed and this is dumb so meh. <<less
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May 14, 2022
Status: c442
I loved this novel!

So it's basically 400+ chapters of the MC developing his kingdom and all the various subplots the players and NPCs meet. These are all pretty short so they can be read as mini-arcs. It's not really a novel to binge-read because it might get a little repetitive though.

The romance isn't the focus of the story and other than the part where they get together, there isn't any long focus on them but they get random sweet moments throughout the novel. Honestly I wasn't really into them as... more>> a couple so I didn't mind. BUT I loved the side CPs, especially the big brothers' one. I can't wait to read the extras about them. And there are many interesting side characters that appear every once in a while, I was always happy when my favorites came back. The characters are probably the thing I liked the most about the novel, along with the interactions between players and NPCs.

For things I didn't like, I hoped MC would have let the players move the game plot by themselves every once in a while, I could understand why they were frustrated with him always stealing their quests. Also, the last chapter felt a little rushed but hopefully the extras will make it better.

I liked the fact that it was only a game honestly so I could have done without that twist at the end, but at least the fact that it's a real world gave an explanation for his transmigration I guess. I just feel bad for his family in the other world, I hoped he wouldn't tell his brothers about it.


All in all, it's a good novel to read slowly, it's pretty relaxing. <<less
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Oct 15, 2021
Status: c47 part1
This novel has been on my reading list for a while now, and I only started reading it recently after I stack up enough chapters.

The only thing to say is...

I regret it.

I regret reading this when it's not finished translating yet, since I want more!

It hooked me up after a couple of chapters and the premise kept me interested enough to delay my school work.

The plot is refreshing.

... more>>

it's similar on someone transmigrating to an interstellar world with added game elements and building a kingdom from the scratch.

There's also a but of slice of life in the business part and the excitement and hype of waiting for the actual 'players' to arrive and the reunion of MC and his family.

Unlike other stories, the people MC cares about in his previous life actually appears.


For someone who has been reading BL for years to the point of already knowing where the story will go after reading a bit, this Novel really brought out the excitement of the old days when it was my first time reading novels.

Ch158 edit

So after a hundred chapters... Is it still good? Yep, definitely.

It's just that I just wanna warn that MC and ML... Seems to be a bit too OP-

Well you can still feel the joy of world building, and author somehow master the art of plot hooking where she'll set up an interesting setting for you to look forward to, but yeah, MC and ML are extremely OP ah


most prominent example is Xiao Wu, the artificial intelligence that could practically do anything, like what the hell, he blew up a battleship with supposed to be low quality equipment he upgraded... And it's said to be a top notch equipment when they supposedly should still be struggling on getting low quality ones


Don't mind my rant, I just think it's going a bit too fast.. <<less
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Apr 02, 2022
Status: c220
Im enjoying this novel.

MC died and was trasmigrated into the game. As the emperor, he tried to improve the kingdom. When the players came into the game he wanted the players and npc to work together. He doesnt want players killing the npcs cause for him their (game) world is real.

I like the development of MC and MLs relationship. ML already has clues about MCs identity he just want MC to tell him honestly. ML is very supportive to MC. He also considered MC as his god since MC was... more>> the one who saved him from s*avery and gave him skills and ability in his previous life (2D game).


MCs is like a bard. His sound ability allows him to stun people/creature in a certain range. After leveling up he was able to control it properly. He also got the healing ability by singing. He assisted the players in a raid againts beast wave. MC also learned the skill of the previous emperor. It is a destructive skill that release sound wave to kill everything around him in a certain range.

ML is OP but he let MC grow. He just guard MC during the fight.

I feel sad when MCs second brother didnt acknowledge him the first time they met. 2nd brother thought that he is just a data modeled after his dead younger brother. MC was so broken hearted. Good thing it was cleared out.

Xiao Wu the AI is so adorable. It is funny how he transformed a civilian ship into a war ship. This allows them to defeat the lizard empire war ship who are trying to invade.

I definitely like the pairing MCs elder brother (in real life) and MCs elder brother (in game). Real life elder brother is a dragon race in game which is very rare.


Im still reading the raw and following the translated version. <<less
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Mar 21, 2022
Status: Completed
Absolutely love this novel! As far as storytelling goes in my opinion it is as good as the Korean novel The tr*sh of the count's family.

I love the romance and world building of this story. Wish I could move there myself!
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Amaruna Myu
Amaruna Myu
Oct 31, 2021
Status: c94
so far the story is okay. As expected, its a kingdom building novel.

there are occasional steamy moments but the scum male atmosphere in the current part I'm reading isn't doing it for me.

our male lead si sheng has paranoia issues and our main character xu sili is too dense to realise what's wrong
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Oct 24, 2021
Status: C94
4.5 Stars

I read the translation by Rainbow Mushroom Translations. The translation is pretty good.

So far, veeeery interesting! I really love kingdom building elements especially when it is done slowly with thought and proper escalation! The first part was this kingdom building and it is super nice. I love family/village/country building because it's just so satisfying. There is a goal you can support. It cannot be done in one shot. There is a lot of planning and thinking and executing to be done and every time something is accomplished, the feeling... more>> of satisfaction is so good! The MC has the power to design the tutorial/beginner mission system for new players so the players won't go crazy and start killing his people to level up as players do haha. And he's basically the designer of the gaming experience for all these players, sooo good!

This story is like a normal CN novel about the MC being reborn as a low-status person, then striving to improve their family's poverty situation to a happy and healthy quality of life. But the scale is multiplied by a hundred because it's not just a few close family members but all his people living on the planet! I love all the characters! They have such a variety of nobles, dead poor, mercenaries, elementals, the army, kids, students, researchers and there are so many just living their lives! Then add in the players XD The large cast of characters really makes the world feel big, alive and breathing. And the MC cares about them so he's working on levelling up the entire planet! It's nice haha. The only con is that I'm not too impressed with the romance and the ML. He's just a typical possessive ML so cue the normal seme uke relationship in bed which I'm not a fan of.

My Created Lists (I include my rating and review in the list itself XD)

  • All Novels I've Read Sorted By Rating - Where I ranked every single novel I read on novelupdates.
  • Heartwarming or Feel Good or Wholesome Stories I Liked - As stated haha
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