The Supernatural Tales of Xieji Hospital, the private hospital on Tonghua Middle Road


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Every city has malice and grievances which cannot be eliminated, and the place where they gather is the city’s chasm. Those who trespass into the chasm would realise that they will never be able to resolve those grievances. All they can hope to do is to find a way out before they are devoured by it.

General summary: Two men were trapped in a hospital that had a sudden blackout. Relying on a flashlight and a record book, they have to source clues from the book’s entries about the hospital’s paranormal history to find an escape route.

Suspense √ Horror √ Puzzle solving √ Pseudo detective work √

Men flirting with each other in dangerous situations…… ☓

The original plan was to leave the romance ambiguous, but the main characters started writing their own slowburn love story while running away from danger together.

CP: So obvious there’s no chance of ever boarding the wrong boat.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Tales of Aegiceras: Cave in
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Recommendation Lists
  1. To read
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  3. Chrysanthemum Garden (2)
  4. 2023 finished novels
  5. Novels 1

Latest Release

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09/01/23 Chrysanthemum Garden c39
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5 Reviews

Feb 10, 2024
Status: Completed
The mysteries that the characters needed to solve are very intriguing.

What I am disappointed with was the ending. So sorry, but I'm not a fan of an Open-Ending story. I didn't know it has this kind of ending which makes my hearth itchy and to be honest, I regret reading this.

But still, 5 stars for this novel.

For those who like mystery-solving plot this is a good one. The translation is also excellent. Just be careful for those who doesn't like OE story, like me😢😢
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Mar 20, 2024
Status: Completed
Honestly I have mixed feelings about this. As someone who read a lil bit of Lovecraft stuff I really like the horror.

But honestly the ending is making me frowning.

Still, a good read. The horror is there. The romance do exist although seriously, I do want to see the wedding lol.

Try reading this since it's short anyway but like everyone says, don't read if you don't like Open Ending.
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Jan 09, 2024
Status: Completed
I have not seen a single review here, so I wanted to make one for this amazing story!

Although it's a really short novel compared to other horror novels, I think it was great. The horror aspects was great too but not as scary as the others i've read but it sure did give me shivers from time to time. I really liked our MC and ml, they make a great pair! And for such a short story, there's even a side couple, I really liked the side couple too!

What I... more>> found interesting and unique was how they had to read records left behind in the hospital from a long time ago. They had to solve a lot of mysteries involving this creepy hospital, quite the thrill!

The ending was an actual surprise to me, I really didn't see it coming. It's also an open-ended type of ending, which I felt was right.


Also we find out the MC past and what actually happened to him to be the 'it' of the chasm, it was such a poor ending to him, to be trapped in a room, clearly alive and struggling to get out. Also I wanna mention, the ml's brother, I love him!! He's such a cool character and even sacrifices himself.


So if you're bored and want something short but still thrills you, I recommend this! <<less
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Mar 24, 2024
Status: Completed
To be very honest, even after completing the whole novel I still have major confusions regarding certain elements of the novel.

But nevertheless, what a thrilling read.

It is not very often that you find novels which will leave you on the edge of your seat. It felt like every chapter of the novel was immersing me into the world, letting me be alongside the characters. The plot was definitely interesting and you need to let your brains work overtime for this one.

The dynamics of the MC and ML are unique... more>> to say the least and personally I feel the open ending suits the premise of the novel.

Overall, one of the very good horror novels I've read in a while.

(Please don't read this at night, in the dark.) <<less
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Mar 21, 2024
Status: Completed
Its so good for me. I love horror and BL. When everything revealed at the ending I actually cried. Until I read epilog I still dunno how I actually feeling. This one really good read but my feeling after read it... I can't describe it
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