The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me


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To save the hopeless Dark Fantasy World, I held back my tears and destroyed the world, then killed the Demon King and returned.

Now, I’m trying to save the world using the “System” I gained as a “Regressor’s Privilege”… But the Main Heroines have also awakened their own memories of the previous timeline.

God damn it.

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메인 히로인들이 나를 죽이려 한다
Related Series
The Villain Who Robbed the Heroines (9)
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The Reincarnated Villain Makes The Heroines Tearfully Beg for Forgiveness (5)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Best Harem Novels.
  2. everything ive read (part 1)
  3. Stuff I like(Tentative)
  4. Peak Hidden Gems Part 3

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121 Reviews sorted by

NemCraft rated it
May 6, 2023
Status: c455
This is my first review, which is fitting considering this is the first light novel I read, and what got me into using novel updates and eventually making this account. All this is to say that The Main Heroines are trying to kill Me is amazing for one quality above all else, consistency. Even after reading many light/web novels, this remains supreme as one of the only novels to not just remain good over time, but actually improve in quality. Despite me not liking the yandere trope generally and despite... more>> the cliche/repetitive aspects of the story, I still highly recommend reading this light novel. If anyone’s looking for an entry into light novels, this is a great start! <<less
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Braindean rated it
April 14, 2023
Status: Completed
I really quite liked this one. It knows its niche and performs well within it. I do admit, the novel does get a little bit too melodramatic at times, but I liked it every time the heroines said "I was wrong, forgive me Frey" even after the ten trillionth time.

Also, for a novel whose entire setup hinges on the few instances where the main heroines finding out that the MC isn't actually evil, it REALLY manages to have that happen many, many times. What I'm trying to say is, normally... more>> it would be just a one and done. The heroines find out, and that's that. The setup is over. But no, this novel circumvents the problem that everyone can only find out that the MC isn't evil once through all sorts of somewhat nonsensical and increasingly ridiculous ways.

For example, the novel takes time to showcase alternate timelines, many past regressions, simulations from a system, and such.

I liked it though.

I did end up reading it through MTL, which made my comprehension of the story and prose less good, to say the least. It doesn't help that the actual plot is kind of convoluted and really weird. Black Tail Fantasy as a game and the setting of the novel is just weird, and the way it interacts with Earth and the setting is also weird.

There's a physical debug room where you can just execute lines of code in the world. What does the author mean by that? Is the novel a simulation?

I just plainly did not comprehend a sizable portion of the plot. There's one moment which, had I properly understood what was happening, would have been a very satisfying and climactic moment. Instead, it unfortunately fell a little flat. I'm not going to criticize the novel for that, though. I think that's a me problem.

Also, as an aside, sometimes the novel just turns into actual smut. <<less
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Devilyourfriend rated it
April 12, 2023
Status: c100
It's really good novel, the author handled it very well.

Character development is there and it's a long story so you have to have patience.

It's a fun story with dark world.

... more>> The MC is a likeable guy.

Though at start you will hate the heroines, they will improve slowly with each chapters.

It's an engaging story with the new pattern to gaming based novels.

World premise is unique with the mysterious vibe.

The system is unique and is very mysterious as well.

Overall it's a good story with powerfull backing of the main characters.

I would recommend this so give it a try. <<less
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JoeMama15 rated it
March 29, 2023
Status: c106
It is awesome. If you are the type that likes action-packed stories than this isn't for you. While there is action, I would say that the main theme is drama.

I saw a few people complaining about how the system is tr*sh and how MC is always sick; thats the point of the story. He has to save the world not only from the demon lord but also from the corruption in the empire while using that shitty system. If the system wasn't that way, this novel could have been 20... more>> chapters long lol. Also a spolier about the system for those interested:


it is revealed that the demon lord also has a system which is opposite to the Mc's. The demon lord has to make false good actions in order to gain false good points. So the MC and the demon lord are on the same boat when it comes to hiding their actions


My only criticism of this is that almost every character is female. There are male characters but almost none of them are important, they aren't even given names, just background characters. <<less
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Legendoras rated it
March 14, 2023
Status: c30
All heroines are s*upid heroins are already weak from start and they are creating difficulty for MC and then because of backlash then MC has to save them, , , , heroins are burden who are making MC path more difficult which is already very difficult, , MC system is also shitty and world building is also illogical and worse or can be said small world where only 1 empire and demon king is there what a cliche

I have give this story 2 star because of MC hardwork... more>> and personality it is good <<less
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February 27, 2023
Status: c101
If you take a typical harem setting but make it so every character becomes as miserable as possible while providing just enough hope that they don't completely break then you get this novel. The story is pretty good and it gets very interesting once the focus starts on the mystery about the world and the system.

The MC is forced to play the villain but deep inside he is kind and sensible. All heroines have unique traits and personalities. They are also OP and not just damsels in distress waiting for... more>> MC to save them. Their unique abilities and 'past' help the novel move forward.

As far as the plot goes, it is not just simple 'I will kill all demons and save the world.' There are twists and turns and MC also suffered hardship and pain.


No 2D characters.

Best girls (Serena).

The romance is good.


Many characters have their own plans including the villains.


Sometimes description seems too vague.

In conclusion, there are very good parts of the novel but there are a few boring and even annoying parts as well. There are times when I unknowingly fell asleep while reading then there were times when I eagerly want to read. <<less
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Salt090 rated it
February 27, 2023
Status: c63
A must for harem fans.

The MC is forced to play the villain but deep inside he is kind and sensible. All heroines have unique traits and personalities. They are also OP and not just damsels in distress waiting for MC to save them. Their unique abilities and 'past' help the novel move forward.

As far as the plot goes, it is not just simple 'I will kill all demons and save the world.' There are twists and turns and MC also suffered hardship and pain. Till I have read, the author... more>> seems to build a unique and mysterious plot with well flesh characters with their own past.


No 2D characters.

Best girls (Serena).

The romance is good.


Many characters have their own plans including the villains.


Sometimes description seems too vague. <<less
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Leinyl rated it
February 26, 2023
Status: c99
If you take a typical harem setting but make it so every character becomes as miserable as possible while providing just enough hope that they don't completely break then you get this novel. The story is pretty good and it gets very interesting once the focus starts on the mystery about the world and the system. The characters are good enough, though I'd say they are bland if it wasn't for the miserable setting as I see in them the generic harem characters like the pure of heart MC, the... more>> hot-headed heroine, the s*ave that falls in love with their kind owner, the dumb as rocks saintess, etc. The novel also has some emotional parts that are portrayed very well that I even teared up at the first few of them but at one point the novel showed such scenes way too frequently that I ended up desensitized. Regarding the interactions between characters, most of them boils down to pure rage, guilt-trippings and concern that is enjoyable to read at first but gets annoying when it happens often. The action isn't much either, it isn't described well imo and the power level of each character is pretty vague. If it was just these then I would rate the novel 3 stars but one particular character elevates my rating by 1 star because of how good she is.


I'm talking about Serena, the MC's fiancé. Her interaction with the MC is just so different with the other heroines and her label as a super genius isn't just for show. She is discussing her plans with the MC and even managed to help without harming him compared to the other heroines who do something without the MC's knowledge and were plotting his death the moment they regressed. She isn't wishy-washy with her feelings with the MC and just tells it straight to him (hell, the MC would have already had his first experience if it wasn't for the curse on Serena's body) . You can feel how comfortable the MC and her are with interacting compared to the other heroines who wallows in guilt and worry most of the time. Finally, she contributes a lot to the main story as she is the one solving the mystery about the world, the gods, and the system.


In conclusion, there are very good parts of the novel but there are a few boring and even annoying parts as well. There are times when I unknowingly fell asleep while reading then there were times when I eagerly want to read. <<less
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TokuFan rated it
January 23, 2023
Status: c96
Really enjoyed the story. Love how it subvert some of the expected Isekai trope. To start off simple the protagonist isn’t someone from our world himself but rather the grandson, so he already know how this world work because it is well, his world. The idea of a misunderstood hero is nothing new of course, but I like the way the author wrote the story. Definitely recommend it.
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Neos rated it
December 22, 2022
Status: c78
This is a really good novel, probably one I'd put on the top of my lists.

It's got good character development, painfully slow sometimes but it's a gradual change even if it seems like nothing happens. What I like most is when that character development reaches it's climax and you get a satisfactory result, especially when it comes to the relationship the MC has with the heroines.

Speaking of the MC, I really like Frey. He just hits all the good points I like in MCs so it seems kind of bias,... more>> but he's a guy who tries his best to be mature because of the role he has, but he still shows weakness sometimes which helps him seem human to me at least.

Now this novel isn't without fault even if I gave it 5 stars, it's sometimes frustrating to read through the chapters (especially when you've caught up) because that's the type of story it is but I at least the fruits of all that suffering is always satisfactory at the end. I'd say it's better to wait for a large stockpile before binging the story but go for however you want to experience it, I can't really control you after all.

It might not be everyone's cup of tea but I like it a lot so far, I'll be reading this for the foreseeable future. <<less
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Alvin06 rated it
May 14, 2024
Status: Completed
I mainly read the story from this site but couldnt wait anymore and read all the raws. According to what I have heard, this was the author's first work. The story is amazing but yeah it is very confusing at the start with not much development but goes much more in depth around chap 150. From 150 onwards its gets way better though there feels like some characters are getting targeted by the author. The MC is a tragic character as you can see by the synopsis and most of... more>> the heroines are beautifully developed in their own arcs though one wasnt complete until the side stories.
The ending was not that satisfactory for me even though it brought some underrated characters into the light. Any more is probably spoilers but the machine translations of the novel are still readable. However for the best translations its best to read in genesis itself. It has a great translation for this novel and many others I have read but there is releases around 1 or 2 a week. <<less
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kpricio6 rated it
May 3, 2024
Status: C299
The novel is always a Masterclass, but I'm currently frustrated with the author for one specific reason.

... more>>

Initially I didn't want to make this comment, but now I can't take it anymore. The author is deliberately picking on Roswyn. At first, I was a little annoyed by her obnoxious behavior, but I thought that once she used her assistance system, she'd be fine. But for a while now I don't understand why the author is trying so hard to make her miserable. Already after the third trial, all the sub-heroines started to develop a certain interest in Frey, but strangely enough, for some reason she's the only one who's kept her hateful nature, and she, like the others, should have had memories of the trial. Then, when she finally becomes aware of and accesses the system, she is literally robbed of her ability to Glare (even if the system finds her more capable, they could have shared it), she is now demoted to the rank of spectator and her reason for living is no more. If the character has become obsolete, we might as well not mention her anymore and forget her, but no, the author wants to show us how miserable she is (I'm sure that since the author couldn't make Frey suffer any longer, he simply fell back on Ros).

Anyway, my opinion may not be objective because I love Roswyn, but right now I'm sick of seeing her like this. If anyone knows the ending, I'd love to know how she ends up (if she's happy or not).
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N.I.B rated it
May 1, 2024
Status: c208
Oh man, the intensity, the solitude, the depression, the burden, the suffering, the intrigue. As an active reader of the harem genre, I must say that this is one of the best WNs I've ever read.

The concept is really interesting, although I despise the game settings in a LN/WN, it's well executed here, and the way that the author does the flashbacks is really amazing, the story sometimes goes in a slow pace, but out of nowhere, the story goes as fast as the author wants, I'm not complaining, since... more>> I like the SoL elements and the interaction between the MC and the girls. Also, some plotwists are really impressive, the author takes care of every single detail to give the reader a satisfying surprise, I think that the best part from this novel.


I have gotten so into reading that seeing Frey suffer because of the game system and the imprudence of some girls from the main harem, has made me scream with frustration and almost make me cry, such a noble and martyred character doesn't deserve to suffer like this, and I agreed with Frey, Dark Tale Fantasy 2 is such a shitty game.


I have to say, I love proactive, overprotective and well written MCs in a harem, just like Otaru Mamiya from Saber Marionette or Aijo Rentaro from 100 Kanojo, and Frey has fulfilled all my expectations. He's so kind with all the girls, no exceptions, Even if they treat him like tr*sh and the biggest scum ever, he will always treat them with affection and kindness, and protect them in the shadows, even if he has to pretend to be evil, he does everything possible to make them happy, even if he needs to carry that burden and suffer for all eternity.


There's 2 type of girls in this story: the main heroines and the sub heroines. The main heroines have every right to be angry with Frey, and I understand why they act that way (except for Serena, who is the only one who really loves him and is devoted to him from the beginning), but after thier redemption arc, is where they show how cute and kind they can be. The author plays his cards very well here, since it's not known in what point of the story the feeling of guilt becomes to something affective until it reaches the romantic, as long my boi is happy with Kania, Irina, Clana, Ferloche and Serena, I'm also happy too.

I didn't understand the introduction of the sub-heroines, but after the horrible way they treated Frey (especially Roswyn), and that "event", I agreed that Frey should distance himself from them, but the Frey's nobility goes first than his mission to finish that game. They're cute in their own way, and they have their redemption arc so it's okay.


The main villains reminded me of the villains of Mushoku Tensei, Anti-Magic and Arifureta, they're so well written with an annoying and quirky personality that they'll make you angry every time they had an interaction with the main characters, If you have read those LN, you'll know what I mean. *Wink* *wink*

tl:dr, if you "enjoyed" the mushoku tensei arc from volume 15 to onwards, with a more depressive, psychological and lonely atmosphere, where the MC just wants everyone to have a happy ending even if it costs him his own life, this is for you. <<less
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Hitori Saigomade
Hitori Saigomade rated it
April 17, 2024
Status: c132
The Main Heroines are trying to kill me is definitively a very fresh and sufficiently unique concept which is very well executed and sticks surprisingly well to its premise, an oddity for web novels. Frey is a rather well developed character given the fact that he wants to do good as is his nature as a pure Hero but the system compels him to be perceived as evil by everyone in order to achieve his goals of saving the world. This leads to an interesting dichotomy of Frey's internal thoughts... more>> conflicting with his actions.


There is quite a lot of character development once the Heroines start regaining their memories as they learn of the depths of suffering Frey has gone through and as they have to deal with the fact that them knowing Frey's secret weakens his life-force, strength and causes him a great deal of pain, making clearing the game even harder. The characters feel alive and are well developed though there are times where you get quite annoyed at them for their decisions.


Overall, this is very well written novel with a translation on par with its writing and is one I would definitely recommend to read. Though it is not for the faint of heart due to many bittersweet scenes to the point where continuing to read continuously for a period of time makes you feel like a Masochist, which can't be helped given the very nature of the novel as it would not have close to as much depth without taking such a route. <<less
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March 6, 2024
Status: --
This novel is extraordinary. It's hard to explain in words and this.... Just what I wanted. But if I may know whether the comic version will be continued
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Merune rated it
March 6, 2024
Status: c36
I think that there’s something to like about this story, but it would be extremely disingenuous to say that it is anything close to flawless. I think my biggest problem with the story is how messy it feels. It’s simply trying to do to much simultaneously for me. It wants a mystery, a drama, a tragedy, a psychological thriller horror something and it’s just not working for me.

I have no idea how much the story has progressed in these thirty chapters. It’s not that the plot hasn’t progressed, because it... more>> has, it’s that the main character doesn’t feel like they’ve progressed and I blame the ever present mood.

I don’t know, I want to like this story, but it’s just drenched in angst and dark adulting moodiness. Every one is angry or sad, and the story goes” No. This is not enough!”

It might get better and all I need to do is hold on and keep reading, but I not going to do that. The are other stories, better and worse, that I will enjoy more, so I will be dropping this one.

If the premise was interesting, I suggest you try it. If you hate it then I’m sorry. If you love it, great. Really, if you enjoy this, you are most definitely on one extreme of the S&M spectrum. And if you related to any character in this story, go get some help. I mean it. <<less
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ThaniMaram rated it
April 29, 2023
Status: c69
A bitter tragic tale. Weaved with sufficient mystery and some tragedy of course.

The concept of this novel is quite unique with a spin on the generic system and demon king troupe.

The MC Frey (aka Giga Chad) is such a likeable character who will connect with you and make you feel all of his emotions.

... more>> The MC alone is good enough to carry this novel but all the side characters and the FMC are all solid.

Each FMC (Serena best gurl. It's not even close) has a well thought out back story which all connects with the MC quite well.

This novel scratches that specific itch of a tragedic hero who goes through suffering all the time. Which is right up my alley.

Do give it a try, the translation is top notch but you need to have some patience because the update rates are quite slow but you would get used to it. <<less
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Kammmmal rated it
March 4, 2023
Status: c23
The story is really interesting, filled with guilt trip. MC is pure heart but force to be villain. The story is heartbreaking and comedic
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Love4NovelGuy rated it
February 16, 2023
Status: c30
It kinda has the same emotional impact as a wet rag. The main character doesn’t wallow in self-pity, but he does feel ‘guilty’ as the only emotion throughout the novel.

The heroines hate his guts, and he doesn’t give them a reason not to as the synopsis suggests.

The main flaw of the novel is the way everything is presented.

... more>> You get a short description of who the heroines are, some character moments of the heroines, but not much going on for the main character, who has only one gimmick.

He consistently repeats the same actions for several chapters, and I can tell this is all there will be until the end of the novel.

The main gripe you gotta get over in chapter 1 is that he had zero doubt that his ancestor’s legacy was right. He doesn’t admit it, but he believes he’s in a game.

If not, how was he certain a System would pop out after ruining the world?

Too much vague descriptions for the main character’s own feelings is the problem. <<less
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