The Main Family Is About to Die Out, so I, from a Branch Family, Am a Seed Provider


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“You’re going to have s*x with my daughter.”


The Fregrance family, one of the kingdom’s five great noble families, had no sons, so as a desperate measure, they chose a young man from a branch family, had him have s*x with a woman from the main family, and the resulting child would be the successor.

And the chosen one was me from a branch of a branch family and further branch from that branch family.

Thus, Lady Ritia, the eldest daughter of the head of the Fregrance family, and I would have s*x in order to produce an heir.

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5 Reviews

Apr 13, 2022
Status: c25
The premise by itself seems like your typical r*pey protag with a big d*ck and gets all the girls he wants by force, but let me tell you that that is not the case. The MC is a pretty caring dude and was forced to procreate with the main family's daughter. You might say this is another fantasy of the author right? Wrong, this is the medieval times where class hierarchies are enforced and as such even the nobles know their place. (In which the MC is a noble but... more>> a lower one). In the first 26 chapters, I do not see any kind of OP protagonist who forces himself on others but instead is a kind and caring guy with common trope harem members such as

The maid (childhood friend), the knight (saved from the enemy empire) and of course the FEMC (The daughter of the family head)

As of the 25'th chapter I would rate this a 5 for the potential it has but as of now, there is truly not enough content to judge the novel yet. I rated it 5 so that more people read it and not be turned off by the bad rating. <<less
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May 08, 2022
Status: c60

I was honestly sucker punched by this story, more or less it start off full of s*x and happy good times basically, the comedy was well done and the flow the story seemed all good with transition of it soon starting to get heavy, don't worry I meant heavy emotionally not like goblin slayer episode one. By the end of the first arc, which is chapter 60, I feel so pissed off being left on such a great cliff hanger. The MC is not like your typical light novel hero where he everything's gonna be okay because plot but it's more realistic, he's trying his best where he sometimes shoots and misses to bite him. I honestly give it five stars, the smut scenes are well written, to lure you in (let's be honest they are reason at least half of us are here) and help sooth the story out so you end up eventually falling in the hole.

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May 03, 2022
Status: c46
Aside from the smut scenes,

The aspect of war in this novel is pretty consistent with the flow. You can definitely see the struggle of the MC, at first it was subtle but as it goes on MC now involves with more struggles related to higher nobles and their politics, as they blame him for the predicament. Even though, it the first place, this war was brought upon them (you reap what you sow). And I see they're looking for a scapegoat in the current situation.

Politics aside, MC really struggling... more>> here due to inexperience in bigger wars than his usual skirmishes. But he learns and listen to someone more experiences. Well with against all odds, especially with having to rely on the head of the family's reputation for atleast getting a voice for a plan, MC doing pretty well and improving with less allies. Which is pretty exciting to see the struggles... unlike the usual troupes of having modern knowledge.

Take my review with a grain of salt. <<less
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Sep 05, 2023
Status: c60
I'll tell you this. I'm generally upset.. and that is because there are s*upid ass ero novels out there that have 700+ chapters and they honestly only needed about 5 to sum up the whole story, and here we have this.. 60ish chapters. And ero novel. That imo needs about 400ch. Minimum for me to be satisfied I demand FIX THIS.

honestly for me the novel changed after about 50ch I was really take it or leave it. The MC being who he was was honestly pretty uninteresting in my eyes,... more>> and to be honest I'm still there. I think his character is contradicting, erratic, and needs major straightening out. The world around the MC is confusing at times and if I'm being honest idk if it's the mtl, the story, or the author. But it gets really hard to understand. The characters around the mc? Honestly pretty decent. I mean some of them are sh*t people, but in all honesty they are written pretty well. Also if the mc's 'main boss' (his master, the master of the main family. Whatever. He's the boss right now) wouldn't act so smug, and speak in riddles so damn much it's wouldn't be so bad either. "Tell me your opinion". MOTHERf*ckER IF YOU WANT TO TREAT HIM AS A SLIME THEN DO, but don't turn around and treat him like an equal or a son 2/10 then the of the interaction. It's so confusing.

last complaint. If you're going to make the MC into this hardass.. you should at least tell him to honor noble etiquette. What Nobel from 'name any isekai' has ever been able to be so mouthy and disrespectful.. LET ALONE one that is barely part of a branch family (he says at one point he's about a commoner).

Also tbh you placed to much emphasis to lower his standing when it can't make sense. He can't be that low sitting sideline to pretty much the only enemy appearing within these 60ch. What foolish country would ever leave that to a Noble who's barely a Noble. Even as a branch family they would be sitting (and this is me really talking out of my ass and only thinking of what I've seen) viscount.

also the idea of the rootless nobles is kind of way out of field. I mean in every novel with nobility you've seen them having no land, but alot of times unless they hold major positions in the government it is for one generation. They barely make anything from the state, and are often just below other noble's. And I mean unless they do something like earth shattering they are usually really low level. But here they seems to hold importance. Which is just odd, but okay. It's otolerable.. but what isn't is how they can still be mouthy to the top 5 in presence of royalty with not even a mention. Once again. Author... your world is weird.


the flow of the story is honestly fantastic, there's no real filler unless you count the main heroine being a stage 7 tsundere and her thoughts or lines progress and it slows the dialogue. But it has a place and reason. Although it abruptly starts literally at the title the world is built. You get the jist of many things fairly easy. I may not deeply like the MC, but he has his moments. (And I wish he was mostly made of those moments)

these are my comments and I've read others with similar thoughts on some, and defended and debated with others over it. This novel needs to grow, and I'll be saving it for now hoping it really will.


author.. you tsundere to hard, and your time skip is quite hefty. I hope one day I can read this to completion. Make it worth it. Please and thanks.

also I didn't read an ero novel to be this sad. And you know why. <<less
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Apr 30, 2022
Status: c34
This is surprisingly good. MC is well written as are the characters, and the setting is also much more grounded than I expected. Definitely one of the best R18 stories I have read on this website, at least so far. Most of them are over the top smut without a good story or vice versa, but both seem well done here and the story is really well thought out. The MC doesn't fall into the usual r18 protagonist role of being a lucky horndog who just sleeps around with every... more>> woman, but instead actually cares for the women involved with him. It's actually kind of strange to see a non scummy MC in this genre, but in a good way. Given his really low social position at the start (relative to other nobles) it will be interesting to see how that changes since the setting seems to be pretty gritty and realistic. <<less
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