The Little Brat’s Sweet And Sassy


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The entire Yunzhou knew that the Ye Family had a new step-child in the house: Ning Li, a low-born and barely literate. However, when she looked at her 17 years old self in the mirror after coming back to life, she grinned.

At 17, her step-siblings had yet destroyed her looks and stolen her glory—she still had everything with her. Since she was given an opportunity to start over, she ought to take revenge on everyone who had wronged her before. It would be interesting.

After Ning Li was chased out of the Ye Family, she was cherished by the most popular solo singer in the entertainment industry,

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Recommendation Lists
  1. i want to be pampered like this
  2. Contemporary Romance (mostly cute and fluffy)
  3. Completely translated novels 2 (higher ratings)
  4. Couldn't Finish yet Reincarnation/Transmigration/R...
  5. Typical Webnovel Romance

Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/01/21 Webnovel c1
11 Reviews

Jun 01, 2022
Status: c324
4 Stars it's a pretty good read so far.

This story should be subtitled "A power fantasy for left behind children"

It has all the elements of the switched at birth stories and lost and found children except there was no losing the bun, and no wrong hold of a child. The mother in this story just destroys the family and leaves, causing the father to have a traffic accident, and the MC to be raised by her grandmother. Eleven years later the grandmother dies, the mother who tossed the child into... more>> the gutter and never wanted contact with her is picking her up at last. That's the open, no spoiler, you get that from Chapter One.

This is where you start to get that one big problem with this novel, "WHY? WHAT'S HER MOTIVATION?" It's implied she is going back with her "mother" to enjoy a "better" life. That's quickly destroyed. What's more the reader learns very quickly this is her second chance at this apple. So why she would lock herself to what are little better than rabid rats, is a giant question.

The other problem the novel has, is that it drags. This should be no real surprise. It has over 1200 chapters, there's going to be a lot of filler.

Bottom Line: A good read for when you are traveling or stuck in bed. <<less
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Jul 17, 2023
Status: Completed
First off, this is a story of an overpowered, multi-talented girl who will quietly get revenge for her previous life before ascending to a life of being spoiled and doted on. If that's something you don't like, then don't read this story. Second off, this story has probably one of the most misleading titles I've ever seen in a CN. The only way it makes sense is if it's from the perspective of the ML, because with everybody else the FL is the quiet, serious, cold beauty.

Personally, though, I liked... more>> the FL's cold and collected manner. The way she didn't go out of her way to explain what her plans were, not even to the reader, added a lot of suspense and anticipation to figuring out how she was going to retaliate against her enemies. The scenes between the ML and FL were also very cryptic at times, but they always clearly had love and doting even when they knew they each were keeping secrets. And considering those secrets were mostly about trauma, it was really nice that both sides didn't try to force the issue and instead trusted their partner.

I also really enjoyed that the FL was mainly involved with astrophysics. Women in STEM!

But what I remember this story for the best is how it made me cry:


As hard as I tried not to, I still bawled when they realized Ning Xi was Tang Tang and they were just waiting for the DNA results. Shen Zhijin had some of the best emotional writing I've seen for a character, because it really made me feel his despair from years of grief and loneliness and his salvation in having his suffering be rewarded. And seeing Ning Xi realize she had always been loved, by her entire family, was also incredibly touching.


This story eventually reveals a lot of deeper themes of loss and pain, but also the happiness within it. That even if the memory of something brings you misery, you can still hang onto that memory because of the special person in it. It may take a while to get there, between faceslappings and revenge plots, but it's very worth the read. <<less
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Apr 09, 2023
Status: Completed
*My english is not that good so excuse me in advance*

I really don't understand some reviews with bad ratings. Cuz from what I just read it was good. Tho its cliche it was really good if you compare it with other *past life/marysue/garystu/multiple identities/face slapping* trope.

This one really has its own plot and not just a copy-paste. The storyline, the plot, the characters, everything. From start to end it is its own world.

The plot (not the romance because the romance was there early on) was really slow burn.

  • The romance was right from the start you won't doubt who's the ML even for a moment its that obvious. The 2nd ML tho, if this novel wasn't the marysue/grarystu trope the MC and the 2nd ML would probably pass as a school life teen romance (shoujo) novel he's the very standard if you want that teen romance. I really want him to be with the MC if this novel wasn't about the opness of the MC and her multiple identities (if only she was a normal girl). But that's it, the MC and the ML are very loving and sweet couple, MC love the ML early on (so yah they are really inseparable, it was only my preference about the MC and the 2nd ML so don't mind it). I like the romance between the MC and ml, tho the ML is the dominant in their relationship he still and always gives in to MC and always listen to what the MC wants, they got that s*xual tension always going on between them hahah. (Tho it might only me but) there are some parts that irks me where I kind of find the ML very overbearing and pushy. But by the next chapter it would be all gone (just like about 3 or 4 times it irk me, thats it)
  • Do remember, the author here would always, I mean ALWAYS describe the appearance and temperament/aura of the MC and ML EVERYTIME they have the screen time. Its like the author was afraid that we readers would forget how beautiful, tall but cold and aloof the MC, or how cold and prideful and abstinent, elegant, but has a hint of laziness the ml.. Uggh you can just skip it, coz I did.
  • The mystery was really a long ride, some hints along the way but it wasn't til the later parts it was fully explained.
  • The drama and the psychological part really caught me off guard cuz I didn't look carefully at the genre so yah it really caught me off guard and got me crying in public (this crying part would start somewhere around the middle part).

    the family part. Where she finally found /return to her original family

  • And finally my last comment for the novel. The face slapping satisfied me, might because ive been reading bad books recently and only now was I satisfied, this novel really scratch that itch thats been bothering me recently.
Its not with the type of 'great novels', not a masterpiece, not really a gem. But it's that kind of 'Good novel' to read if you're looking for the face slappings and the multiple identities trope.. (^_^)

Would really recommend this novel.
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Apr 07, 2023
Status: Completed
This is one of the most decent dog blood novel that I've ever read. I said it's decent but it's not perfect and maybe many of you would find it cliche because there were:

  • Child swapping troupe
  • The OP Mary Sue MC and Gary Stu ML
  • Many face slapping moments between MC and her enemies
  • Many fillers about how beautiful MC and how handsome ML was
  • Etc
But although this story was far from perfect, I still found it very enjoyable to read (if you ingnored the fillers) because:

  • MC and ML almost had no misunderstanding and they're so sweet from the beginning till the end even when they're still not together yet.
  • There's no in-law drama between MC and ML's family. ML's family fonded of MC since the first time they met and they didn't care much about MC's family background (before she knew her true identity).
  • I also love MC's interaction with her family especially with her uncles.
  • MC took her revenge cleanly and swiftly. She also managed to protect her friends in her current life, something that she failed to do before.
  • I also enjoy MC doing her job especially when she raced. Too bad she didn't race much.
The ending was very satisfying although it didn't tell much about other character's ending. It's understandable though because there were just too many side characters in this story but I'm... more>> already content with the side story of MC and ML's life after their wedding.


I skip the story about MC's parent though because it would break my heart knowing their ending.

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Mar 25, 2023
Status: Completed
It was a good one. I like how it started and how it ended. It's not the first time I've read something like this but the added touch of mystery/thriller kinda made me sitting on pins and needles. Tbh, I was slightly annoyed by the mystery of Lu Huaiyu's past trauma as well as Shen Li's past, wait, rather than saying annoyed, it's more like I'm impatient for the answers because it made my brain hurts. However, I admit that it added a sense of mystery to the story. It'll... more>> make you wonder "what really happened to Lu Huaiyu's trauma?" "what's up with Shen Li's avoidance from Leland?" "how did Lu Huaiyu really met her?" etc. The hints were revealed little by little and it's just answered at the latter part which I'm kinda satisfied because I thought that the story will end with unexplained events, good thing it didn't. The FL's previous life experiences were indeed saddening but actually, her past life's nemesis like Ye Ci is not actually the real villain though. Although they occupied at least half of the story, it's satisfying that they're not like an unkillable c*ckroach that can never be killed and will always sprouted until the end. Now, regarding Shen Li's identity, at first I was like, how can you readily accept them? Because I thought that she'll be grieved over her previous life experiences where she died without knowing all of those but when I mulled over it, I also think it makes sense because she was desperate for a family's warmth. Plus she's sensible and considerate despite looking cold. She knows that her family, especially her father, suffered a lot for almost 2 decades and none of them want that to happen. I can really say that although Shen Li is merciless towards her enemies, she's soft hearted for her loved ones. Another example is when she found out about Saint's identity. I already imagined a heartbreaking scene but she's magnanimous and she indeed understand that Saint doesn't know her at that time and it's also partially her fault for being arrogant and impulsive.

Also, I like that Shen Li and Lu Hauiyu's abilities are well-matched. Yes, they are not really realistic as I don't think there's someone as smart and talented as them but anyway, it's fictional. And there's no sense of imbalanced and forced romance as the two of them are really talented and can be considered geniuses. They are fated to meet and fall in love with each other, though they missed each other in their past lives, they are indeed sweeter in their present life. It's the kind of possessive love but selfless at the same time, especially with Lu Huaiyu's love. He wants to own her alone, but he's also happy for her when she's recognized and loved by others. He's patient, tolerant, and gentle. Also, I must commend the author's ability to spark the s*xual tension between them whenever she/he wants to. It's really amazing. It's like it's explicitly implicit.

Lastly, if there's something I'm slightly dissatisfied about then it's for the other supporting characters who weren't mentioned anymore until te end like Chen Xiuyue, Zhou Fei, Wen Xiao, Xu Langlang, Du Yi, etc. I get it, there's a lot of characters so forgetting some, especially supporting characters, is unavoidable. I also understand that characters like Xu Langlang, Du Yi and Zhou Fei were characters that, like in reality, will exist once in our lives but eventually, we have to part ways with them. But what about the Lu Hauiyu's best chauffer/lackey/friend, Cheng Xiuyue? He wasn't mentioned that much anymore when SL and LH moved to the capital, although he appeared for a few times, he wasn't mentioned at the end. Even Pei Song was mentioned but he wasn't. As for Wen Xiao, well, although his ending wasn't mentioned but at least I know that he's doing good at LYvs coach. But anyway, aside from these, I'm satisfied with everything. Together with the good translation, it's a 10/10. <<less
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Jun 24, 2022
Status: c746
It's dumb and fun. FL is OP in every field you can think of which is ridiculous but also fun. Timelines of her accomplishments are impossible irl. ML is somehow more powerful than her anyways because of money/lineage.

Pretty sure that ML also reincarnated.


It takes forever for them to get together/acknowledge some pretty obvious feelings but because it was obvious it felt like they were already together the entire time.


I think it was 340-something when they got together.

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Jan 07, 2025
Status: c1
This is pretty good. It's got a similar sort of vibe to Madam, Your Sockpuppet is Lost Again! in the sense that the MC has a lot of different identities that slowly get unearthed as the story goes on, although this does lean harder into the romance. Overall this is a pretty good read, although it's annoying how every time they finally start to talk about their secrets they get interrupted by either a phone call or someone entering the room or some other third thing.

The pacing is overall really... more>> good, I didn't really feel any burnout like a lot of these 1000+ chapter stories tend to give me. The characters are all pretty reasonable in that they are consistent with their own character, even if some of them are fairly one-note or one step away from being gag characters. And the overall conflict and resolution of each event is handled quite reasonably for the most part, so it doesn't really break your immersion. <<less
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Jan 27, 2024
Status: c37
The typical OP little naive girl (even though she has lived 2 lives) gets bullied, condescended and get saved and protected by the supposedly perfect pe*ophile ML tropes (repeat repeat repeat) that most people love.

The novel doesn't bring anything new or interesting. MC is still the helpless angelic girl even though it was said she will no longer suffer in silence and be bullied, but when it happens she doesn't say anything, doesn't do anything (except for the first couple of chapters) and forgive those people that have bullied her.... more>> "... the incident is over and everyone now knows the truth. Doing this will only trouble you... " etc etc etc. They always talk tough in the first chapters so readers will fall in love with the MC and then the MC becomes another mindless s*x doll to be controlled by the ml.

The other review that stated MC is icy queen is a lie!

MC is obvious a newborn bunny who needs ML to wrap her up in the softest blanket, OK!!! <<less
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Nov 27, 2023
Status: c743
Personally I enjoyed the ye ci face slapping parts earlier on, but the story gets drier as it goes on. I disliked how overbearing the ML was, always thinking of FL as a brat and how he would "punish" her. He often thinks in this manner and it's hard to get immersed in the story with such an unlikeable male lead. This novel is like a drier version of "ma'am you've been uncovered"
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Apr 01, 2023
Status: --
  • unfitting title. probably a lost in translation kind of thing.

    very mary sue and gary stu protagonist. I usually don't mind them, they're just for escapism but this novel just has the most bland main characters. With barely any meaningful convos between them. He acts more like her distant older cousin than a potential love interest. Their interactions are the most yawn inducing scenes in the novel. I actually had more fun reading her scenes with a schoolmate of hers that copied off of her during an exam. Which coincedentally fits the title more than the FL herself. (Who in their right mind would call her sweet and sassy? She's more like an ice queen but more boring)

    side characters are boring except that schoolmate I mentioned.

    i just gave this 3 stars bc it wasn't poorly translated and it isn't the worst it just has the sin of being boring
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Jul 29, 2022
Status: Completed
It was a fun read, but not a novel I would probably ever like to read again.

Most of the problems between MC and ML could have been solved with communication. At times I was screaming in my head to tell the other party something. And I thought the interruptions at moments they were about to tell each other something were annoying. 1 or 2 times are okay, but about 8 times (I think?) was a little too much for me.

I liked Gu Siyang and found the interactions between him and... more>> his family quite funny.

The ending was good. MC got revenge on everybody who hurt her or her friends in her previous life and we get to her get married and have kids.

MC is very OP in this life. We see she had to learn how to fight since she was young because her father caused a fatal car accident and almost everybody in their town looked down on her. This was also the case in her previous life. I don't quite understand how her mothers family could have walked all over her in her previous life even if she wanted to believe in them. I can understand believing in them in the beginning, but after they showed their true colors I would have expected a little more in her previous life. <<less
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