The Maid Lives Well Alone


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Even as a servant, was it the price for daring to love a duke without knowing the consequences? From the influence of the former duchess and her husband’s continuous infidelity to enduring two miscarriages, becoming the duchess after much suffering only left behind a sense of misery.

“Daring… How dare I. Why did I have to love you of all people?”

Anne despaired, throwing herself down.


Upon waking from death, she found herself back in the past of over a decade ago. She vowed never to repeat her mistakes again. From now on, she would simply take care of herself and live well.

As she desired, she was cast out from the ducal estate and became a maid in the land of Clayde, ruled by a witch.

Despite their wealth, fame, and high status, the Clayde family never seemed happy. Was it because of the witch’s influence? Anne gradually became deeply involved in their family affairs…

Amidst this, the war broke out again, and her husband from her previous life as a duke, unwaveringly, came chasing after her.

“Anne, I will live for you.”

Although in this life, he never once glanced her way or gave her a smile. What did I do to deserve this?

“I love you, Anne Ferro,” said the lord of Clayde, who claimed to abhor women of the capital.

Excuse me, but I just want to live alone!

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