The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor


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The man forsaken by the world, the man a s*ave to money and the man known as the legendary God of War in the highly popular MMORPG Continent of Magic. With the coming of age, he decides to say goodbye, but the feeble attempt to earn a little something for his time and effort ripples into an effect none could ever have imagined.

Through a series of coincidences, his legendary avatar is sold for 3 billion won, bringing great joy to him, only to plunge him into despair at losing almost all of it to vicious loan sharks. With revelation of money through gaming, he rises from the abyss with new found resolve and steps forward into the new age of games led by the first ever Virtual Reality MMORPG, Royal Road.

This is the legend of Lee Hyun on his path to becoming Emperor with only his family’s loving heart, his boundless desire for money, his unexpected mind, his diligently forged body and the talent of hard work backing him.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Dalbic Jogaksa
Related Series
The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor: Dad is a Legend (Sequel)
Ark (21)
Emperor of Solo Play (18)
Overgeared (13)
Ark The Legend (10)
Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World (9)
Shura’s Wrath (9)
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194 Reviews sorted by

halilintar_007 rated it
April 25, 2016
Status: --
A nice story with lots of Author’s trolls. If you don’t have time to read about geomchis and some other insignificant plots happening, just use the Ctrl+F combo and find these names : (seo-yoon, lee hyun, bardray, weed). I think the Author purposely includes a lot of side characters and intermix between RL and game to change the pacing of the story while taking a breather, so that lots and lots of volume can be made. But if you have all the time in the world to kill, read everything... more>> and you will enjoy it. <<less
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Augustus7 rated it
April 3, 2016
Status: --
The translation has been dropped and picked up by many translators. So while you are reading half way through, you might realise you are lost due to the difference in styles of the translators. Nevertheless, it is one of my first novels, it has a deep impression on me. If you are looking for novel with virtual reality adventures, LMS tops the charts.
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remy911 rated it
November 3, 2015
Status: --
Addictive at first, but gets grindy and predictable.

I dropped at around volume 8. (Inb4 “B-but it gets REALLY good at volume X!”)

Weed is one of those MCs that are slightly sly and self-serving in nature. An interesting lead, though his antics get a bit predictable much like the story. The side characters are one-dimensional. Let’s not even get into how beautiful and white so-and-so’s face is every time they appear.

Granted, I read 8 out of 20+ volumes, but there lacks an overall plot beyond leveling up and profiteering. If... more>> I can skip volumes and things are basically the same but just “more, ” it ain’t my kind of story. <<less
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kirtil rated it
June 18, 2022
Status: --
I started this because I read a lot of 5 star reviews. I did not like it.

I did not like the MC, I did not like the world building and I did not like how the story is told.

First of all; the MC:

... more>>

Lee Hyun was poor all his life, he loves his family, and does everything he can to make them live comfortably. He is crazy about money, and making money to help his family. Up to here its all good. We have an MC that is underdog, and easy to like and get behind; wishing him to succeed. But that is all we get. As story progresses we see no redeeming qualities no changes or improvements.

In typical cultivation novels you get an underdog MC and then you get him a <something>, a cheat/plot armor he can use to get better fast and build on that to get an OP MC.

But here the MC is already OP from chapter 1. And there is no justification. He is poor; disgustingly, infuriatingly poor. He left school, he overworked to get money to survive, and he played games to relax. It is made extremely clear by the author that he was a solo player up to that point, that he was not a good player, that he doesn't care what happens as long as he "wins" in games. That he has minimal communication with people other than his family. And when he decides to make money by VR gaming he trains one year before he begins the game. And the moment he enters the game, he is already the best. He can solo kill mobs (that a full group struggles to kill) when he doesnt have a class yet. He can understand and use team tactics the moment he enters groups even better than people grouping together all the time. All groups get better as soon as he joins. And not just in terms of power. He is apparently also the best socially. He can open his mouth and everyone is literally charmed by him. He gets hidden quests, discounts from NPCs, he is assumed leader as soon as he talks, all the girls are inevitably in love with him. The way he talks, if he was a scam artists, he would have earned millions already. From day 1. No build up, nothing.

And there is no character development. He considers himself poor when he has millions. He considers himself underdog when he can EASILY win a competition to win 2 million, in like 2 minutes. And later on when he can earn millions each month; the same. He is still the same person, still loving money, still f*king people over for cents. In one scene he cheats an NPC for 50 coppers and he is proud, when he can earn golds per kill at that time.

He can kill over his level, and not just one or two. 20-40-60 levels over him; no problem. The only time I remember he was like "no I can't do this, they are too powerful" was when he was thinking about going for mobs that had 250+ levels over him. And he still kept whining about his class. He kept saying oh woe me, how weak my class is when he can earn hand over fist gold, do quests or kill mobs solo that normally take groups. And all during this time he receives offers from NPCs left and right to change to another class. He of course refuses, and continues whining.

He is written as a psychopath. Quite literally. He has no empathy. We see him form a team and play together with the same people for months. They get real close, help each other, he saves their life, helps them time and time again. And his inner monologue is still how to use them, how to get the best of them and how to retaliate if they betray him. All of his good deeds are planned and he uses them when he needs and ignores them when he doesnt. This is not how I interpret the scenes, this is literally his inner monologue, telling us how he is using this or that occasion to increase his gains etc. He keeps deceiving people, both real humans and npcs. He admits this, proud of these and all during this time he thinks he isnt doing anything bad. He is very much self-righteous.


In terms of world building:


Time is accelerated in game. It passes 4 times faster or something. And no one takes advantage of this. No explanation is given why this is still just a game no one uses this incredible thing.

And one of my pet peeves; instead of writing an intelligent person, if you dumb down everyone else, that person looks like intelligent. Author does this a lot. It's like MC is the only intelligent person in the world. The game starts 2 years before MC starts playing. And he is still one of (if not the) the first person to find about grinding stats, picking skills with percentage effects, utilizing secondary skills for special effects, using passive skills etc. This is really lesson 101 for any gamer. It is really common sense for any gamer to check these out, to use and do. But in this universe MC is the first one, or one of the firsts ones that does this. And during 1 year training, he becomes the best sword fighter in the world? Come on just make an effort to make it believable mate.

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dontcallmyname rated it
October 23, 2021
Status: v14
Sigh, No character development at all. I been reading and hoping that for at least the MC can accept and be grateful for his "job" that basically makes him op and brings him tons of cash but no reading up to vol14 I had enough. I cant continue reading with this kind of MC any longer. He's a plastic. Its like everything is joke. Its a shame cause I love how unique his "job" is, but the MC isn't just worth it.
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simianpower rated it
December 23, 2020
Status: v3c5
I honestly don't get why people love this story so much. I thought it was a pale ripoff of Overgeared, but then I saw that it's actually 8 years older than Overgeared. So instead it's more of a prototype of Overgeared. A prototype that's worse in so many ways.

First, let's go over the similarities. This is about a 20-something Korean loser whose primary trait is being poor, who is taking care of his super-smart little sister who happens to be the cutest girl in her high school, who turns to... more>> VR gaming to make money and "unfortunately" winds up with a crafting class that he initially hates due to its weakness but that's actually completely OP.

Now for the differences.

  1. While the MC in both stories starts out as a greedy, one-dimensional a**hole, Grid (Overgeared) slowly overcomes that while Weed (LMS) stays the same, with no noticeable character development.
  2. While there is steady development of the world, the guilds, the secondary characters, and so on in Overgeared, in LMS everything is throwaway. The MC meets people, hangs out with them for 15 chapters, and then he's off somewhere else leaving those characters in his wake. Everything and everyone seems to be there solely for the development of the MC, and once he's done with them that's that.
  3. The story flow in LMS is very choppy, partially due to (2) but also because there's no follow-through on anything. For example, after completing a job or activity that took several chapters, there's no results, but rather a skip to another location or quest. It's really jarring.
  4. The progression in LMS is entirely about crafting, and it's boring. At least in OG that was only a part of it, since the crafting directly affected combat skills.
  5. The translation of LMS is... dodgy at best. At least the translator admits that he's lost sometimes, but that doesn't make the story easier to read. It just explains why it's hard to read.
There are many other things wrong with LMS, but those are the standouts. I just don't get why anyone would read it when OG is basically the same story told 3x better (albeit 10x longer). <<less
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KA2094 rated it
August 30, 2020
Status: v10 or something
3 stars. Good but doesn't.... really change.

I actually stopped reading this for a while and read Overgeared and some of Ark realised how bad Weed is. (Yes I'm using other VR novels to compare them to LMS - the irony)

Using Overgeared as an example Grid is noticeably annoying for roughly the first 100 chapters but gradually develops over the novel. Whilst the annoyance also comes to his lack of intelligence at times, his stubbornness and tr*shing of his class are also part of it. Which he stops later on.

Now... more>> Weed. There are times where he acknowledges his class but then suddenly reverts to hating it a bit afterwards? He is constantly trying to get money which honestly gets a bit annoying at times. Maybe a bit out of habit (Other novels with this setting usually have this). But Weed is seemingly unchanged.

The way he exploits people/friends can also be annoying. Now I will use Ark as an example, Ark has debt and needs the game to make money and is constantly fighting with that goal in mind which justifies his "exploitation" (which even then usually end in some positive for the other side). Weed.... just seems a bit too greedy at times for no real reason.

Next the "Romance".... Why do people like him.

While I do say all these complaints. The quests, battles, and Weed's intelligence (surprising for this sort of novel) usually balance out a lot of the negatives which results in an okay-to-good read. I honestly think if there was a wider focus IRL or with side characters to let Weed actually grow this could be a great novel. Like people make it out to be.

In summary. World itself is pretty good. But the MC just leaves a weird aftertaste after. Still kind of annoying seeing reviews with LMS as the base - but it does make sense. <<less
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iFlaxo rated it
August 4, 2020
Status: v10c1
The story itself is great, started to read it after catching up with overgeared and I have no complaints with the story itself, but the translation is honestly awful, as of v10c1, the chapters have 6 translators/proof readers yet somehow it still gives off the feeling of a glorified MTL, despite all being on the same site, almost every chapter has a different translation for character/location/monster names, and the grammar is on the level of a middle schooler, it's pretty frustrating and makes me not want to read it, I... more>> just hope the translations of the later volumes done by LMSnovel are better

edit: now they're even adding in useless and annoying comments next to certain paragraphs, I'm begging someone with an iq above 5 to re translate the earlier chapters <<less
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thing_thing rated it
October 1, 2019
Status: v11c4
Don't bother. Read "Overgeared" instead. For 11 volumes I despaired reading this drivel. I hear that later in volumes 20-50 it becomes even worse.

The translation is atrocious in volumes 1-11. Barely better than machine-translation at times, usually worse than it due to spelling mistakes and random grammar. I am thankful for the effort to translate, but that prevents other groups from doing a proper take on it. Then again, this novel might not be worth it.

The MC doesn't improve one bit over 11 volumes. At least there's little miscommunication with... more>> his friends.

The secondary ~10 characters are somewhat ok, even if a bit bland. A lot of focus is given to the 500 Geomchis that are essentially one-dimensional cringe characters. Sometimes it's fun, but mostly cringe.

The author treats readers like we have the memory of a goldfish. So, every few sentences reiterate who Weed is, what the current quest is, what the location is called, and what the temperature is.

Then, the author becomes the goldfish and introduces a ton of inconsistencies in every chapter until volume ~7. Later it either gets better, or I got desensitized. Maybe it was the bad translation.

There are fun and cool times, but suffering through the bad translation is not worth them either. <<less
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Rantmania rated it
September 23, 2019
Status: --
When I first started reading novels with vmmorpg I heard that LMS was the best of the best and that reading it would change everything. Then I picked it up and realized something....

This is one of if not the most overrated novels on this website.

It was nothing like I expected and you will see why in my ranting below

Let me begin by saying the translation is bloody awful and I don't mean to rude but this piece of sh*t translation is very bad for such a great book. It is... more>> like watching someone butcher the English language little by little.

Next we get to the MC called weed which is ironic because one would actually need a ton of weed to get high enough and actually enjoy his characterization. I get that he is supposed to be greedy because he needs money but for God's sake you don't have to remind us about it every f*cking chapter. He doesn't even develop his character at all, his personality stays the same throughout the novel. Even after going through different experiences and struggles his character development is mediocre at best and downright non-existent at worst. Even if you bring up the argument that his greediness is part of his charm you are wrong because even after so much there still no satisfying change when it is hinted in between the lines.

And for the worst offense I condemn the comedy. The author has no sense of comedic timing and demonstrates it throughout the novel, he tries to make some great comedic moments and he fails miserably. Weed's greed interweaves with the comedic undertone and at first it's manageable but for the sake of comedy weed doesn't even have common sense, all he thinks about is how tr*shy his class is (his class is directly linked to the former emperor and he gets op gradually because of all it's advantages but still says his class is bs), how to save more money than he is already saving (this is also s*upid because in the game he uses the in game currency to get things essential for his character but everytime he does it the author trys to make it funny because of his thriftyness and it gets more and more annoying) and how to just be a s*upid as*hole by using his thriftyness as an excuse for everything he can't provide for either himself or his sister even after he literally starts earning a steady income of millions from the game.

All of this flaws just cover the first 5 volumes of a novel this has 50+ volumes.

In fairness when compared to normal novels it is quite great but when you try to compare it to great works it is severely lacking.

So If I should rate it normally it would get 4 stars at best but if I should rate it based on the overwhelming hype behind it, it is hardly even 2 stars.

After getting to volume 5 chapter 8 the sheer amount of disappointment and dissatisfaction of the novel made drop it and to never follow it's hype train ever again.

So basically if you like being disappointed by a lack of development MC this novel is for you and if you also love misplaced comedy this is also for you.

All I have to say is f*ck Weed, f*ck his s*upidity and f*ck the very annoying geomchis.

I decided to read to volume 7 and now I regret even giving this piece of sh*t a rating as high as 4 stars <<less
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mitreremix rated it
July 29, 2019
Status: v53c9
The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor is definitly the best VRMMORPG web novel out there, it's no suprise that you see so many positive reviews, the few bad ones are from people that either are here for a quick read or just petty.

The translation was a bit rocky at the start and you had to go from one site to another to read it. All the waiting that ensued after vol 20 was out, the anxiety, what will happen to the novel? But the people picked it up, much of this work... more>> was translated by its fans for free. Which speak volumes how good this web novel is!

Let me tell you a bit about the story now.

The MC is a tightwad, but has a good heath and is relatable. He works hard for his plot armor, and he works smart! I've seen some comments that say that he was a loser before he hit it big, but does working hard for a small paycheck equal loser? There are many more character development beside the MCs, which is rare for this kind of web novel having in mind that there are many characters in there and even new ones being introduced.

The story pacing is the best I have seen out there, neither too fast nor too slow, and what I love the most about this web novel is that you see what is happening outside of the game, which works like a valve to vent some steam, it's not your regular filler chapter that is there for the word count. There isn't many tear jerking moments, or too many funny ones, but the story makes it up with the adventure feeling you get. The world building of LMS is beautiful, the game is definitly balanced and Weed isn't unbeatable which makes it exciting to read.

I have reread the story 3 times, and it never failed me.

TL;DR A must read for all MMORPG fans! <<less
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April 21, 2019
Status: v4c5
I tried reading this novel after I read Rebirth of the Thief who Roamed the World, because it was said to be the best gaming novel, so I got really excited, even when the blurb says MC is sculptor. I was like, pff sculptors can be cool? Give it a try.

Regrets were had.

What I was expecting:

  • Money making
  • Bromance/some sort of emotional development/ any sort of feelings
  • Kingdom building (he get's the inheritance of some legendary king?? So he needs to use that to dominate the land, ofc)
  • Face slapping
  • Fighting
  • Explosions
I got none of... more>> that. Instead, I got:

  • Lame money making (selling tiny figurines?? If there is market for that I will eat a shoe). Also, he's playing the game to make money, but it never really says that the conversion rate of game money to irl money is, and how much is he making my doing all these odd jobs? Why not just get a real regular full time job instead if making money is your end goal?
  • No feelings. MC trusts no one and likes no one and is interested in no one. Boring af. I NEED SOME FEELS. Plus, everyone sounds so polite. How can people have hot blooded and tear inducing emotions when everyone is so polite??
  • No kingdom building. Granted, I didn't get that far. Only 4 volumnes. But MC was leanring how to pretend to be a horse/goblin/rabbit/deer, just for the sake of making better sculptures, which is ok if he didn't take it too far and ate grass and said that running on 4 legs was better than running on 2 legs. The only people who can say that, are 4 legged animals. Of which, MC is not.
  • No face slapping. MC brushes off insults, which is ok, but he's not awesome enough for me to be like, just you wait and see you newbs MC is gonna kick your asses. MC is not cool enough for that.
  • Boring fights. It's all very polite. Mainly MC just grinding levels, shouting out the names of his moves and hoping not to die. Boring. Eww.
  • No explosions. A distinct lack of explosions. 0/10. Very disappointed.
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cleesus rated it
January 21, 2019
Status: v11c1
I dont absoultely hate this story but I really do hate the MC. He is one of the dumbiest a**holes without really any redeeming qualities I have read in a long time.

I would go into detail but whats the point, the MC doesnt get any character growth and treats everyone else like sh*t and is shortsighted and is always rewarded and warshipped for it even when it doesnt make sense

Dude beats his servants and abuses those around him and the prices for stuff in this world doesnt even make sense... more>> so lets not get on about him and his "probably supposed to be funny love of money" <<less
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Messageboy rated it
December 1, 2018
Status: v52c4
This is an excellent VRMMORPG novel, that only if you were part of the group that found it when it first started being translated and followed it since many years back. Now a days, there are so many different newer novels that are similar enough that those who don't start with this one, will end up having faults or not noticing the charms of it as easily.

This novel is an excellent example of the first readers of the new genre where there was less options compared to newer readers that... more>> had many options to begin from. It is the same when it comes to games, where older gamers are very fond of early era of games that stood at the top of the era back then but the newer gamers look down on them but praise the newer era games that are heavily influence or based on those older gems.

The major issue I seen people dislike this novel is because character isn't a paragon of good, isn't a classic hero or friendship is power quite of character. Fair enough, only those who don't want to read of a main character that follows the same ideology of 90% of every other novel on here, will most likely enjoy this. <<less
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BukuBuku rated it
July 31, 2018
Status: v51c3
I honestly give this novel a 5/5 because I want to boost its rating to counter-act its negative reviews because people who give up before reading a novel based on a personal preference are not doing anyone any good. In actual terms the novel rates a 5/5 on being entertaining and fun to read, but a 4/5 on translation which is not the fault of the author. People are so negative because they are quick to judge because they don't understand the cultural differences between us and Koreans, more than... more>> half of the critical reviews on here is about how THEY don't get the jokes when that is really a fault on their part, not the authors. Honestly the characterization is spot on to someone who is Korean, I'm not but my friends in Korea tell me so. Also people who are reviewing on personal preference is annoying because its like someone who is totally into blood and gore, goes to watch something wholesome and light hearted, then of course they think its bad on principle, but that doesn't help anyone at all and is not a constructive review.

Things I like objectively about this novel:

-Its actually entertaining to read, because the characters are more realistic and they are not some kind of purely driven plot character that believes in absolutes. People are not wholly good or bad and no real person is a saint. The main character and most side characters are like this and thats why many people like this novel and its MC. Weed is a person who is shrewd and greedy with money because he understands its value, he isn't some money obsessed person just because its money, he's greedy because he knows what its like to live without. He has realistic reasons. Then he also works hard, explores, and thinks like an actual person, yet people get mad because they think he has no self-improvement, when he in fact does improve himself. He trains himself, studies the game, adapts to situations and learns lessons, people think that he needs to self-improve like he's some traumatic character with a chip on his shoulder when in fact he's a healthy human being from the get go and not everyone needs to be dramatic, emotional or perfectly likable. None of the characters are driven with an absolute sense of anything and thats objectively good because that means that the characters have depth and are more than just simple beings that fall into predictable scenarios.

-The comedy is really funny even to me who has little knowledge on Korean culture. I understand some references but not all, and thats ok because this novel was written for Korean readers and was never officially translated for English readers so there is no real editing of certain things to account for cultural differences.

-Its original and unique in its own way. So many people are doing VRMMO nowadays but its really hard to set a new style in the same trope, this one definitely sets its now style and has its own spin on it.

-It Breaks the mold on certain tropes and even downright mocks them.


Weed is offered a really rare class and unlike the cliche of accepting it or getting it thrust upon him because of destiny, he rejects it and then it gets forced on him in the most unique way possible.


Objective Critique:

-The author can be wordy or overly explanatory on certain things.

-The author has some room for improvement but its in more of a general sense.

Subjective review (I.E personal preferences) :

-The characters are cute and hilarious because they keep on challenging the norm and taking things at their own pace. They don't rush the story along on some flimsy excuse of getting stronger or gotta be the best, they story and characters set their own pace and their own rules and actually work to get their rewards, nothing is handed to them on the premise of plot, all of it is derived by the characters own actions and personality. <<less
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rhianirory rated it
August 12, 2017
Status: v56
i love this story despite some very badly translated parts before RT took over. this isn't a story about a cool guy acting cool and beating down the competition, it's not like most online VRRPG stories I've read and its refreshingly free of the whole harem thing (women = loss of money in Weeds mind), though woman are attracted to their ideal of him. the main bad guy so far is a little 2d, he's a lot like every other greedy, power hungry character in every other ln out there,... more>> (so much so that I tend to skip his and his guilds chapters) but I'm not reading this for bard ray, I'm reading it for weed.

I'm a long time online ln reader so I've been pretty saturated with the usual arrogant face-smacking characters who are all about destroying entire clans because someone calls them tr*sh... or looks at them cross-eyed and adding woman after woman to their personal collection. Weed doesn't care about honor or glory, (you can't eat them and they're expensive to maintain) he only cares about making money to give his sister and grandmother a better life. he's a bit dense when it comes to things other than making money and gaming, and his misunderstanding and terror of SY never fails to amuse, though I do start to feel bad for the girl after a while (weed isn't always as dense as he acts).

i find characters like weed to be a refreshing change from the usual norm and he's the main reason I've stuck with the series this long. like a lot of people out there this was my first VRRPG series and so far it's remained at the top of the list despite my having read many, many others since then

though I admit his choice of Necro for his second class made me lose at least part of my enthusiasm for a while, though it wasn't a surprise given A-his past actions and B-the Korean obsession with that class. of course it has the usual weed quirks to it so its all good.

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graydragon12 rated it
August 11, 2017
Status: v46c8
I would give the first 20-30 or so volume a 5* and a 3.5-4* rating afterward. At first, the MC was the driving point of the novel. Weed personality carry the whole novel through out BUT that is also what hold the novel back. Weed had ZERO character development even until vol 40+.

... more>>

Weed and his family up victim of loan shark.


Weed family is very poor, so he become stingy to the max. That guy would jump into the sewer to dig up a $1 coin. It start out believable but as time pass, his personality become unbearable. He literally become millionaire with private TV show contract, streaming and even buying real estate. Yet he still care for the smallest digit in his bank account. He earn MILLIONS of Yen each time his show got broadcast but still complain about the 200 Yen more expensive salt he bought 2-3 years ago. The author might think it is a trademark for Weed but I got bored of it already.

He is quite distrusting of people because of his circumstance but even when his friends come with him, saves him and even die trying to revenge him, he still treat them like crap. Well Weed might think he is treating them good but from how I read it, he treat his friend SLIGHTLY better than a stranger asking you for direction. He call them friends while exploit them of everything from strength to money and even drag them into dangerous mission. One part is because his friends also want to go and help them and he cook to them as compensation but from what I see, it was never a fair trade since Weed always get 60-80% of the total profit. You can say that they only get those small cut because Weed did the majority of the work and is the one who found out about it but that doesn't make him less of an prick.

The romance is all over. The fact women interested in a person like Weed is absurd. Weed is an as*hole based on the way he treat other human and even his friends yet a shy, silence and World Class beauty is attracted to him. The way she developed feeling for Weed is understandable but I see zero reason why she still stay with him after 1 month. Any person with common sense would likely stay as far away from Weed as possible and yet Seoyoon see it as Weed being considerate, kind and other goodies. The only worthy that could be consider a romance was with Weed and Dale and that lasted for like 3-5 chapter and never to be heard from again. We get piece meal of information about what Dale is doing and other stuff but it is all just fluff and there was one time where his sister mentioned Dale being the best fit for Weed and that's everything about Dale. I have no idea why the Idol even like him. It just feel like the author slap it on and be like "Weed is even liked by an idol".


The idols "friends" betray Weed for some land and stuff happen later but it seem like that doesn't have any effect on Weed or his friends since they sometime even chat with each other after that.


Side characters got at least some development. While some people say this novel have no dedicated characters that exist as cannon fodder, they are right because beside the main cast which are around 20-50 mostly mentioned characters the rest ARE cannon fodder. They have nothing better to do than playing games, worshiping Weed, charging head first into battle and die while screaming "Grass Porridge". It was funny how it came to be the few first time but it got developed into something ridiculous as time pass. Weed got his own cult of millions of players that worshiped him and it make me wonder are normal people in this world that s*upid. Even retired general, military and intelligence personnel join and lead the Grass Porridge. Grass Porridge is just a lazy excuse for Weed to get his personal cannon fodder army.

Weed complain too much. He keep screaming how sh*t his class is despite the fact that because of his class that he got to where he is now.


Unless you think the story don't have enough foreshadowing, his class is the same as the first Emperor that united the continent so yeah good luck finding out who would be the first to become Emperor of the whole continent


Just constant b*tching "My class suck, wish I had a better class and then go full 180 few chapter later with sh*t like if it weren't for my job, I would have never finished this quest or I love my class yada yada".

All in all, the novel is a solid 5/5 for the first few dozen volume and enter a steady decline afterward. I do hope the author pick up something is off and proceed to address them cause I lost all interest as of vol 46 and is trying my hardest to digging through the rest. I could reread the novel the beginning but not sure if I can continue reading cause as I said, unless you no qualm with no MC development, questionable romance, a stingy millionaire that still treat his friend like crap even after all they been through then it could still be a good read. Plus the battle scene are still good so that is a plus. <<less
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IsekaiJake rated it
July 31, 2017
Status: v15c11
The novel starts like any other cliche: MC is poor, tragic past, has family to take care of, sick grandmother with health expenses, etc.

Then we have the MC with the best character in another game, sells the account to get money for the family and fetches an outstanding price and MC can be happily ever after... BUT guess what? Loan sharks come (who could have seen that one coming, right?) Not only do they come, but turns out the debt his death father left (again, who saw that one coming?)... more>> was the exact amount he got from selling his account. Seriously, it amazes me the accuracy of the price.

Now MC goes into Royal Road, a VR game, and decides to make the best character to sell his account again and send his sister to college.

Now that I've given the background, let's start with the actual reviews.


  • MC is hardworker
  • MC is very good at athletic activities and Martial Arts
  • Smart and cunning enough to get good quests and convince people
  • Great player, doesn't take shortcuts or cheats to advance
  • Makes the most out of his profession

    Legendary Moonlight Sculptor (big spoiler here)

  • MC tries his best for his sister all the time
  • Very good at solving quests
  • Very good MAIN story

  • MC is a whiner, he's whining all the time about his profession even when it's really useful (Ex. I hate sculpting, worst job ever (raises all stats by 4 and other stats individually), it's useless for money (makes 1000 gold in a day), useless for combat (sculpting skills affect combat directly), can't do anything alone! (

    Gives life to sculptures

  • Cheapskate, values money over all, you can't see MC having fun. 95% of the things he does is about money and doesn't really care about the game.
  • MC is over evaluated by other people. Ex. MC kicks a rock. Everyone else: "As expected of Weed, he must be up to something", "Such a genius, he must have discovered something". Weed: "I was sure there was a copper in there. Tsk"
  • So many useless side stories. You don't enjoy the main story much since it's interrupted all the time.
  • Has trust issues and too prejudicial towards other people.
  • Dense MC (Again, cliche)
  • Treats everyone else like sh*t if there's no personal investment. Too much ego.
  • Always thinking about money (different from point 2), he tries to get everything for himself even if it means screwing his friends.
  • His friends share all the quest information with him, but he only does it when he needs them. Yet again, they glorify him.
  • Has no dream, only plays to sell stuff from the game.
  • Very repetitive novel, only adds new skills or new places but the plot is always the same.
  • Women fell for him just because MC plot armor.
I give the MC 2/5 starts

Main story 4/5

Support character 3/5 (They are very plain but you don't dislike them) <<less
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Juanen rated it
July 9, 2016
Status: v40c2
I was reading it to see how could it end. But the history doesn't improve. Weed is OP, I don't understand how his friends can continue to go with him (his personality only grows worse). So after a lot of time reading it, I say by to my favourite sculptor.
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rdawv rated it
February 29, 2016
Status: --
Review as of Vol. 31.

Alongside “Ark”, LMS is considered the definitive Korean VRMMO novel. The MCs from both stories share many similarities: in debt, poor, hardworking, persistent, socially awkward to the point of avoiding people, miserly and greedy.

Those who are expecting the drama and characterization of Sword Art Online will be disappointed here. Arguably, LMS (2007) and Ark (2008) popularized the use of statistic windows in this genre, influencing derivative works like Zhan Long (2013). LMS even has a cameo mention in the published Russian VRMMO novel series, “Play To... more>> Live (aka Alterworld) ”.

LMS is a story about the MC and mainly about the MC. Everything else that happens either relates to him indirectly or bring about a plot device that will involve him directly in the future. You are basically going to read about someone playing a game, achieving impossible feats that no other players can hope to emulate. Everything that happens offline are very generic encounters that only serve to enhance the MC’s traits, eg negotiating for a more lucrative contract.

The writing is very dry and to-the-point. It does has its moments but most of the time, imagine watching videos of people playing Minecraft, spending hours and hours looking at the players build their houses and landscapes.

There is a large cast of supporting characters (including love interests whom the MC have no clue about), each with their gaming personality but a very large majority of the novel focuses on the MC and their role is merely to serve as reaction foils to his gaming deeds and dastardly actions.

Is this any good? It is not something you’d recommend for new readers of LitRPG. The series is huge and unwieldy, and as of 2016; yet to be completed. <<less
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