The Legendary Master’s Wife


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After an explosion, You XiaoMo finds that he is now a probationary disciple of the TianXin sect. However, he is one with dubious potential, so just when he starts to adapt to his new circumstances, he receives a piece of bad news. If he is unable to produce the required result after half a year to become an official disciple of the TianXin sect, he would be driven out of the sect.

While You XiaoMo is going all out to make medicines and earn money, he runs into Ling Xiao. To his horror, he later discovers that Ling Xiao is actually someone cloaked in human skin.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Chuanshuo Zhi Zhu De Furen
Truyền thuyết chi chủ đích phu nhân
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  2. Danmei: historical/xianxia/wuxia
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380 Reviews sorted by

calypsoxin rated it
July 15, 2021
Status: c497
Started it because of the high ratings, almost about to drop it now. 2.7 (rounded off to 3) because I've spent too much time and energy on this and honestly, it could've been a lot worse for a cultivation novel.

Certain parts in this novel annoyed me so much that I had to overlook the better aspects of it because the bad ones are always

there. Anyways here's me judging too much, in bullet point form.

    • The Romance. A lot of the reviews praise the amazing romance in this novel (but we all know majority of you are only here because it's BL and anything goes if you get to see two guys getting it on) which fooled me into thinking it would be, as the reviews said, good. Well it's really not, since I'm almost 500 chapters in and there's no actual, healthy, normal romance? You aren't told why or how they suddenly have feelings for each other (because there's no reason!) but we just have to roll with it because they're a thing now and hey, the ML spoils the h*ll out of the MC (but not to the point where he does everything for him, but he's also really controlling over his friendships and overall social life which is a big Yikes for me) so I guess that's the bar now? They constantly have this playful banter which consists of the MC being suddenly losing braincells around the ML (when he does perfectly fine in his everyday life) who pokes fun at his "low intelligence" but even if it were some level of cute before, it's painful overdone now. There's also an oddly large amount of pa-pa-pa scenes because the ML's libido is so high that it reaches the clouds, apparently?
    • Redundant Information. The author has a tendency to info-dump, especially in the first hundred chapters where we learn about the cultivation/pill system and whatnot; there are way too many pill/ingredient terms for things that only show up for a maximum of three times.
    • The OP-ness of the MC and ML. They don't really have any sort of character development, only power-ups because face-slapping arrogant young masters and old geezers is fun to read, I'm guessing?... Though we already know who'll win, because Main Character Halo and Incredibly Thick Plot Armour. The MC is practically perfect. Did I say MC? I mean his cheats and backing: the almighty dimension, omnipotent boyfriend, 100% success rate, and ability to pick up unbelievably rare beasts like pokemon.
I don't think this novel lives up to the hype, though it isn't all that bad at first (it gets tiring to read once you reach the mid point.)

If you want better BL novels, I recommend any work of MXTX's. "The Big Landlord" is pretty good too, but it isn't a cultivation novel

beggars can't be choosers though, it's hard to have high expectations for novels, especially BL or cultivation ones because everyone's so easily satisfied and (selectively) chooses to ignore the bad points.
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chenjiaan rated it
August 28, 2020
Status: --
Some novels get translated to English because they're good and deserved to be shared with the world. Some get translated because the writing quality is equivalent to a middle schooler's shitty fanfiction so it's easy to translate.

Unfortunately this book falls in the latter. Chock full of the worst tropes, recycled storylines, disposable side characters, absolutely brainless villains, and everyone existing only so the OP Power Couple can face slap them into next century.

Yes, this is a cheap stallion novel for girls. This is the kind of novel people write parodies... more>> of because it's just that bad. I don't know how many time people can reread the same exact storyline of attending a new school and killing the school bully and STILL be entertained, but this novel REALLY tested the limits. <<less
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Grandpapi rated it
July 19, 2020
Status: Completed
To be honest I was suprised and was just planning to read this because I had nothing to read I never guessed that I will be hooked. At first I was like "wtf 700 chapters!?" But fear not it was worth of my 2 weeks 11 pm to 6 am unhealthy reading

At first the protag was really annoying because hes too much of a coward a super timid but at 300 chapters or so watch him burn baby! I love plot at characters and also who wouldnt love the face... more>> slapping parts hahaha <<less
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LazyLizzy rated it
May 21, 2020
Status: Completed
It's gonna be long but please do read it for those who needs reviews to choose. I'm gonna be a bit rude so, excuse my French, ladies and gentlemen.

So, I've already finished reading it a freaking long time ago and had read more than five times of the whole novel. I took a break from it for a while but now I'm back cuz I had bad encounter with a certain BE novel. The reason why I'm here, at 1 in the middle of the night, writing a review after... more>> so long is because of those comments I see sticking in my face, especially in one chapter in particular that got into a hot debate.

Let me make it simple for those who have not read it yet and are sandwiched with all of our review.

1. If you're the type that likes :

-Perfect male, Prince type, forever pamper you with praise and sweet words, depends on the ML to have his ass saved.

= This ain't your cup of tea. So, no need to dive in it and get frustrated, furious, etc and waste your time and miss gold.

2. If you're the type that likes:

-Freaking realistic characters, improvement in couple chara (you need to really read it to really see it and not just read it like the passing wind AND it needs to be read all chapters to the extra, read Polinsesi, Chococobo, heck, even Altair_Nair that only gave three stars reviews for more understanding of the development of the characters), not so perfect ML, not Prince-ly type, have background story, academic tutoring, adventure life and smut.
=Here's your cup of tea.

Did you get it?
These are the two choices I have for you, just to simplify all the reviews. As for me, I freaking love this novel and freaking adore my two babies, Xiao MoMo and Boss Ling.
One of the reason is that they aren't like other novels where the main character practically have no flaws but here? We've got ourselves, two main characters with flaws, just like a human. Because a human is never perfect.
Second is that, the gradual improvement in their relationship. Some people might not see it because they don't understand or skip reading through the hundreds of chapters and the improvement is slow and small but by the end of the chapter, you can already see the improvement. And this kind of slow moving improvement is more realistic because people are hard to change their ways.
Let me give this straight. In mortal short life, you can see the fast improvement because they know their life is short so they make the pace fast, rather than slow so that they could live life before they died. But for immortals who lived for thousands of years, a decade is like a month for them and there is just no way people could change that fast. Maybe for some but for most people? No.
But of course, one of the best is the character development. Xiao Momo, who was modern everyday type that doesn't see blood curling scene, except in movies. He gradually became stronger as he go on adventures with Boss Ling. If you don't see character development in a novel, that's weird in itself. After all the things that's happened, there must be some ddevelopment in a character. No matter in what way.

Third is that the background story, adventure, as well as the tutoring of alchemy. Some of you might find it boring but for those that likes this kind of story, it's interesting getting words of how alchemy was made. And for those that likes traveling the world and making a ruckus while at it, our MC and ML are a pro in it, so go on and dive in!

I've given you guys advice and reason. Wether you take it or not, it's your choice. Especially those that likes number 1. (^_^) It's best for your to not get into it when you don't like it and I'm pretty sure you won't ever like it cuz Prince-ly type and full of sweet words are not our Boss Ling. <<less
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TimeToEscape94 rated it
November 27, 2019
Status: Completed
Rating: 3.8

MC = You XiaoMo // ML = Ling Xiao

Okay so before reading Legendary Master's Wife, I read all the MXTX's novels + Sha po lang by Priest (so you can compare).

What I liked :

    • The world/realm they live in : there're differents ones -low to high- (not the heaven-human-ghost realms), differents characters and creatures (mages, practitioners, demon beasts) & all the cultivation related stuff is also great.
    • The "school-competition" arcs where the MC really works hard and by himself to "level up" & learn about the world where he transmigrated in. I also enjoyed the interactions between him and the others students (friendships and rivalry). It felt really satisfying to see him beat some ass. That's also why I liked the "weak-to-strong" tag in this novel.
    • We meet differents BL couples throughout the story (at least 2 more than the main pair). I like the fact that homosexuality is portrayed as something "random" in this world. Like, at some point the main couple flirts a lot in front of the other people and it's seems totally natural and cute.
    • Globally, the plot is very easy to understand (it's kinda linear? Not complicated wars or political stuff, plot-twists, etc.).
    • The subtle romance between the MC and the ML : what I mean is that they are into actions. For ex, the ML shows his love by protecting the MC during the fights (when he was still weak). Ofc, there's a lot of PDA, but you won't see them saying things like "omg ily, you're the only one, I would do everything for you" etc.
What I disliked :

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SockPuppet rated it
October 8, 2019
Status: Completed
I had so many problems with this novel. Soooo many. But I was still entertained enough to read the whole thing... So 3 stars.

This novel features:

    • Economics that would make any community bankrupt in a day. I'm willing to bet actual money that the author flunked math at least twice.
    • The MC looked like a girl and acted like a damsel in distress and the other girls treated him like a love rival and not a man.
    • Some VERY dubious consent.
    • Next to no decent female characters. In the whole 700+ chapters.
    • Not enough romance. And no, s*x does not equal romance.
    • Drastic overuse of the phrase "not too long, but also not too short".
    • SO MANY plot holes! All over the place!
    • No intelligent characters. But I guess an author is confined to the limits of their own intellect...
    • Characters just randomly changing a lot (example - at first the MC is described as someone who doesn't care about food, but then later randomly becomes a glutton with binge eating tendencies.)
But it was funny, I guess.
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lovelymezzo rated it
December 5, 2018
Status: c619
Okay so when I first started reading this a couple of months ago they had a little over 550 chapters translated. Since it was only my second novel of this type (first being mdzs) at first I wasn't too thrilled about this story, but as I kept reading it started to grow on me, to the point where I read all of the chapters that were out within the time span of a week. I am still anxiously waiting for updates everyday because the chapters always seem too short (I... more>> am seriously thinking of supporting the translators patreon to get additional chapters ahead of time, but money rn is too tight (T^T)

I will say that I love the later chapters power couple dynamic, its very entertaining to see how the protagonist's character has changed since he met and fell in love with the ML. I especially love Momo, despite his flaws, (few failures/setbacks in gaining experience etc.) I also love the side couples that pop up, because one of the couples have my favorite personality pairings (the quiet type and the gentle type). I honestly wish there was more fan content for this series, so much so that I am tempted to start throwing out art.


I love that if someone does right by the protagonist they low key don't have to worry about becoming cannon fodder. Where if you do wrong you end up like Jiang Liu RIP//

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October 29, 2018
Status: Completed
It's so hard to explain just how wonderful this novel is. It's one of my two most favorite BL novels (the other one is TGCF aka Heaven Official's Blessing). The Legendary Master's Wife is reeeaaaallyyyyy long but don't let that intimidate you. The story is very engaging and never boring. Yin Ya did such a good job with the arcs so even if the translation is not yet finished, you would still get a good grasp of You XiaoMo's and Ling Xiao's adventures.

It is an interesting adventure novel but it's... more>> also very much a yaoi book. The love story is a slow burn and very organic, there was no insta-love. Their gradual connection and affection was so perfect and the way they dealt with it is hilarious--I rolled over my bed laughing while reading some parts. Even after the confession and start of their relationship, the romance still retained its excitement and didn't get monotonous unlike other danmei novels. IMO, it got even more better as they grew as a couple. It's evident that they're both perfectly made for each other and it's a joy to read about them.

The characterization is also excellent. You XiaoMo and Ling Xiao are both memorable and the side characters are well fleshed out. The cultivation aspect was also very well done. It's complex and compelling.

It may seem like my review is over the top but it's only because the novel really is that good. I wish I could say more but I'm running out of compliments. Read it! <<less
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leva rated it
September 16, 2017
Status: c238
This is a cute and easy read. Compared to a lot other xianxia/xuanhuan novels, the romance is far smoother and natural, and the side characters are not just stepping stones/faceslapping targets.

You do need to have a relatively thick face to read this through the first ~200 chapters. Because the MC virtually can't oppose the ML and is pretending to be ordinary, low-talent disciple in front of everyone else, he comes across as kindhearted to the point of s*upidity and so soft he might as well be spineless. He gets better... more>> and better as they adventured, and although I cried myself s*upid when it ended, I loved the ending and the bond MC shared, not only with ML but with his contract beasts, his friends, his senior brothers... this novel is full of heartwarming and hilarious moments.

Another thing that I like from this novel is the very real feeling of being stranded in a foreign world with zero foreknowledge about it. From cultivation things like the level of violence to everyday life like financial condition, the MC basically has to learn everything about that world and cope with the differences compared to the modern world, and it's conveyed wonderfully without wall of texts filled with facts. <<less
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butterymoths rated it
January 9, 2017
Status: --
I'm giving this 3 stars. I adore the interaction between the leads. It's adorable but as some reviewers have pointed out, it is a very power unbalanced relationship. Even after years together (yes, I binge read the novel to the end), the MC is still jittery of Ling Xiao. In fact, they almost have a owner-pet relationship because Ling Xiao does what he wants and always gets his way.

Plot-wise, it is action-packed, funny and well-paced with plenty of annoying cannon fodders who met satisfying ends but it feels aimless. It was arc after arc after arc where the MC and Ling Xiao gets rid of the arc's villain simply out of convenience or because the villain was annoying then they get stronger and stronger - because well. Why not? Good things simply happen to them; the Mary sue halo in this novel is strong. Admittedly, towards the last arc, hints/loose ends from earlier chapters were finally being addressed (e.g. Lin Xiao's past) and they had a clear goal to get rid of the final boss, but it wasn't for any meaningful reason like saving the world or even taking revenge. It was because the final boss hate the two leads and would come looking for them anyway.

The MC is also somewhat of a wuss. Yes, he is relatable like having somewhat modern principles about not butchering people casually or running away when the enemy is obviously too strong but he is really pushing it. It gets annoyingly formulaic whenever he f*cks up, accidentally offends a cannon fodder or does something really silly, then basically waits around for Ling Xiao to save his ass. So not only is he a chicken, he is also dumb. The first time it happened, it's cute and entertaining but by the fifth time, you just want to smack him silly. Overtime, the MC does develop as a character and become more independent but IMO, he still relies on Ling Xiao mindlessly (one can argue that maybe he is suffering from stockholm syndrome).


But having said all that, it was a great read what with introducing interesting characters, hilarious interactions, drama and fast-pace action.
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January 16, 2024
Status: --
I will say this over and over again but, THIS NOVEL WAS THE MAIN REASON WHY MY STANDARDS AND VIEW IN LOVE. IS HIGH, this is just them, everything bout this book is beautiful, it's worth it, it's been years since I finish this but I'm still stuck, I still read this from the beginning to the end and never get tired of it, I love this book so much.
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Alymirra rated it
January 16, 2024
Status: Completed
Wow. It took me five attempts over six years to finally finish this novel and lo and behold: one week and 731 chapters later I finally have.

It's not often that I finish a series and immediately start missing the characters but Ling Xiao and MoMo have definitely left their imprint in my heart.

If you're like me, someone who started this series multiple times and gave up because it was too long, give it another go. I promise it's worth the time 🥰
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August 31, 2023
Status: c205
For the first ~100 chapters I was doing ok with the plot, hoping to see character and relationship development. Boy was I in for a disappointment.

... more>>

Even though ML states that he wants consensual s*x, ML clearly doesn't understand what this means. ML has all the grace and charm of a bulldozer. MC constantly expresses that he doesn't like MLs treatment (e.g. Mol*sting him, pressuring him, threatening him, bullying him, gaslighting him, extorting s*xual favors, etc), but the ML just keeps manipulating and assaulting MC more and more until he penetratively r*pes him in chapter 203. I was hoping to see at least some basic decency and intimacy, but I just kept getting more and more sick to my stomach. Human bodies can feel pleasure when they are forcibly stimulated, but that doesn't mean I want to read about a brutal, extorted r*pe where one person is in terrible pain and r*ped over and over while conscious or unconscious and call it "loving." It's not, it's full felony levels of domestic abuse.


I love romance, BL, and cultivation novels, but this one just fails miserably in all aspects. <<less
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tarichari rated it
March 7, 2023
Status: c367
I just couldn't continue reading this. I know there are people complaining that MC relied to much on ML, wasn't a "man", was basically like a "girl", which I personally find offensive since that's just rude and stereotypical, but this book does have issues.

One, there is literally not a single well-written female character. It's all either:
- beautiful woman who seduces others to get stronger or to get what they want
- manipulative girls who are pampered for being a "rare" female mage (because 'poor women', they just have a harder time being a warrior or mage.

You'll find this in the Tianxin sect arc. Actually, there was actually a girl, a decent human being with good strength, that (of course) was the MC's ex-ideal type, who had a crush on MC. There was a competition that all top mages participated in during the Daoxin academy competition arc. That's great and all, and the girl reached the top four in one of the rounds for mages, but the translation literally said just before she got out (even though she had an impressive record in that round),

"Time quietly passed to twenty-six minutes and forty seconds.

Qing Qiu was still a girl after all, the moment the clock hit forty-one seconds, she decided to give up. She had no better option to choose, since her face had gone ghastly pale and her knees had slightly bent down." - chapter 288


Also, in the beginning you'll hear a lot about how the female-male ratio is heavily skewed to males, because of women getting fewer opportunities. That doesn't mean their innate talent is bad? Yet if you have a strong woman, she's either a seductress, rude and just generally annoying antagonist

that genius teng? girl was irritating and despite her being so talented, her whole personality was being jealous and getting face-slapped.

- any strong woman also never really gets their talents highlighted, it's always overshadowed by MC or circumstances

there's a girl who's in an unrequited crush on the number one warrior dude in daoxin academy and basically is #10 on warrior rankings yet its implied that she's there since if a dude challenged her and won, he would be shamed for beating up a (pretty) woman.

Oh yeah, something to add. There's quite a few women in the book sprinkled here and there that basically have good looks, and coupled with the 'fact' that woman are a rarity in the world of the strong and powerful, are just generally pampered and simped upon by a bunch of guys while the girl's personality is just awful. I actually did somwhat (not like, but appreciate) this character called Fairy Fu Rong. She said something irritating, which was along the lines of 'you're a coward, I thought you were a man, be a man, etc.' which honestly ruined it all, but she's basically the leader of a female only sect that relies on f*cking (getting yang energy) from guys and cultivating it, and while many are scandalised and look down on her for that, she just accepts it and continues on with her seduction. However, going to the matter of seduction, it's still s*xual harassment if she advances onto a dude who doesn't want that, which she does to one of the elders of Daoxin, which did make me uncomfortable.

There is also a male sect equivalent that relies on the yin energy of women to cultivate, but I'd like to just note that only Fairy Fu Rong was obviously seductive and clearly a "loose woman" as our MC's dear master put it, while the male sect leader wears a mask and is muscly and basically doesn't really do anything but give a greeting speech at one point. And when the readers were being introduced to both sects via character dialogue between students of Daoxin academy, the women sect had paragraphs of scandalised reactions and rumours floating around on how each woman has at least slept with three (3) men while one person just casually mentioned the equivalent male sect before it was practically skimmed over and the conversation ended.

On yet another side note: A comeback you'll find the MC using when he's losing an argument against a woman or girl "we" don't like, you'll see him say something like
"Shifu, please calm down. We shouldn't waste our breath and energy on an old woman who's been ridden by many men. This will only make us seem uncultured. People who don't know any better may think us on good terms with her." - chapter 349
"...a gentleman doesn't fight petty women." - chapter 363. Full transparency though, the one he was saying this to was yet another horrible woman who called him ugly out of nowhere and can and did easily sacrifice her close elder martial brother and sister to die as her cover so she could escape safely. Yet, this was before the sacrifice and dude was just losing an argument so this is what he said. I just, again, sort of wish the comebacks didn't constantly bring gender into it. Being female or male shouldn't change any feelings or perspective on the situation.


There's other misogynistic and generally irritating stuff,

like MC not liking (read: showing "disdain" - chapter 320 at) one of his demon beasts, the bird of pride, holding an orchid while wearing a romantic little hairpin and being a "ladyboy" - chapter 320

but this is the general gist of the irritating and badly represented gender stuff.

Relationship-dynamic wise, there are also issues. I'm not going into consent issues since that's frankly a rather common thread in BL, so if u don't like that, u def want to skip the first 100-200 chapters...

But also, ML constantly constantly disrespects MC's intelligence even though MC literally transmigrated from a whole other world and had to completely pull a 180 on his worldview. At first, MC denies being dumb, s*upid, an idiot, etc., but you can see he starts to believe it and even internally agrees that he's dumb later on. It's honestly irritating that this becomes the whole dynamic, hubby-wife is whatever, but rudeintelligentstrongman (that's like super old and has lived in said world for a while) -constantlyputdownIQwiseandacceptingit (teenager to adult that has only been in world for a couple years) isn't okay.

And people in comments start calling other commenters "sensitive" and "butt-hurt", probably having a higher tolerance for this kind of stuff. But really, there shouldn't be such a high tolerance for what is the lack of basic human decency and manners. And yeah, ML isn't human (not a spoiler since it's in description and tags), but the author never addresses this and continues the mental-demeaning dynamic as a humour device and to really highlight the dependancy the MC has on the ML. Because while MC gets some character development and becomes "independent" to some (not really though) extent, he literally can't do much without ML. So if you wanted power couple dynamics as well, yeah, MC is "powerful" in terms of potential, but I'm guessing that it will take much longer for that potential to be realised, and MC will be forever dependent on ML. Which is okay (fictionally, irl I'm of the belief that one should be able to support themselves individually even with a partner), but I wish their was more to the dynamic than dependance, bullying, and the occasional husband-doting-on-wife moments.

So, that's my two-cents on this, you should try this out yourself and see if you can tolerate the book. At the very least, the translations from both s3ri and exiledrebels are great, and this book can sort of make it clear where your tolerance lies in some irritating characterisation (like, I've had some serious love-hate moments with MC and ML because they have good points but bad points are ones I can't overlook on principle) and how important female characters are to you in a BL story.

Also, just something I found interesting, the user Kirksssss who has made a review just before me, basically has the same outlook as me and stopped at around the same time. So if you want a TL;DR, you can just check the below review.
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Novel Crazy
Novel Crazy rated it
February 26, 2022
Status: Completed
One of my favourites..I don't know how many times I have read this novel again and again.. It's very well written and plots and twists was very realistic and interesting.. This novel not only focus on MC but also on ML.. Even though there is many chapters we definitely won't be bored..I don't know what to say because I am very lazy to write reviews but I really fell in love with this novel..
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jubilee rated it
September 30, 2021
Status: c392
y'all, , its not good. I started reading this for the fun power fantasy vibes, but to my surprise I discovered that I do in fact have standards.

if I had to describe this novel using one sentence, I would say: "this is a story about acquisition". and it always feels rlly empty lol. more money!!! more lackeys!!! more ultra rare cultivation tools!!!

the side characters are the worst part of this novel. I mean, the main characters arent that great themselves (if you think they'll be given depth later in the... more>> novel, im deeply disappointed to inform you that they are not) but the side characters have absolutely no life to them. their narrative value is how useful they are to the MC, and that's it. I have special hatred for how all of the female villains are written, but I dont want to get into a rant about how deeply misogynistic this novel is


still can't believe the ml's big reveal was that he was an ultra special hybrid..... I cannot stress how shallow this novel is


the translation was very good though!!! <<less
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abodammen rated it
September 19, 2021
Status: Completed
Horrible. Writing. Of. Female. Characters. The misogyny, sl*t shaming, and etc. Is so uncalled for. Granted that this is supposed to be ancient times with fantasy settings, a woman isn't just defined with how they look. I only see a few female characters that were written as good and most of them were either s**tty, a damsel in distress, evil and one-minded. So disappointed with some of the readers who actually condone and justify the MC's comments especially the r*pe one. No matter if it is fantasy or not, r*pe... more>> is still not a joke and never will be. Why can't we be disappointed with the characters and the author ourselves, saying that it was 'only a work of fiction'? Can't we be mad? Disappointed? We can hate on hateful characters as much as we hate the MC's words, thought process and actions. They can't be given a pass just because they're the main characters, and you can't give the historical, ancient bullcrap as a reason why the commentaries were "realistic" or just okay to say.

On the side note, the main characters lost their chemistry pretty much in the middle til end. It has a potential to be a great story, but yeah. <<less
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ebryetas rated it
September 13, 2021
Status: Completed
Alright, so did I like this story? Yes

Would I read this story again? Maybe?

Would I recommend this story to someone else? Lmao nope

... more>> What I liked:

What I liked about this story for the most part was the world building and (most of) the characters. While I did enjoy You XiaoMo as a main character, he was kind of the stereotypical shoujo character (but with a dick). He was small, weak, effeminate, and heavily relied on Ling Xiao for everything. But for all that he was boring, he was also kind and strong willed in a "I'll never give up" kind of way. And by 700 chapters he was pretty endearing to me. I also loved his every single one of his contract beasts. They at least had very diverse personalities that made the story far more interesting.

The world building was pretty good as well. I wouldn't say it was the best compared to many other C novels, but with having over 700 chapters to describe it you get a pretty vivid and detailed idea of what the world is like and how it works. The pill system was very unique and extremely detailed. I'm talking the author is incredibly descriptive when it comes to the systems in this world. So much so that I 100% believe that lots of readers would find it off-putting and I could see someone easily dropping this story because of it.

What I dislike:

The whole story was largely predictable, there was rarely a time when either of the characters went up against foes they couldn't swiftly defeat (when I say ML is OP I really really mean HE IS OP). Rarely do they come across an actual challenge, and rarely is any even suspenseful enough for me to be on the edge of my seat, even with 700+ chapters in the story.

I also heavily dislike Ling Xiao. I do find him interesting, but besides the problems with him being so incredibly overpowered, he's also the basic pushy, pe*verted, possessive, gong you see in many MM stories, but on steroids. I honestly cannot think of a single TRUE consensual s*x scene between him and YXM. I'd say most of their encounters are dubcon at best (and that's not a good thing either). You XiaoMo is practically never in the mood for s*x, but always either acquiesces simply because LX can't stop pushing for it, or is forced by LX anyway. It's pretty disgusting. And even with 700+ chapters and numerous s*x scenes, this issue literally never gets better? ??????? The h*mophobia by the author. This is just (sadly) the usual stuff you see in MM media. Weaker effeminate bottom, with a strong, manly top. It's so fetishy that I always feel a little icky when I read stories like this. I'm just so LGBT story-deprived that I just sometimes read them anyway (this was also my second C-novel so forgive me. First was MDZS and I just decided to read the next EXR translation I found). Please note that gay men can be switches, that a more effeminate male can be a top, that a shorter man can be top. That male couples can both be masculine OR feminine. Sorry, this just pisses me off and I see it way too often. I read every switch story I find just to cleanse my soul.

The portrayal of women. I cannot for the life of me recall a single well-written, well-rounded, powerful, possibly kind, female character in this entire story. They are all (for the most part) cannon fodder. And all are usually b*tchy, mean, antagonistic for no clear reasons, mindless, and/or weak. MC especially puts women down in his internal dialogue a bit too often for anyone's tastes.


Decent writing, decent story (at times), a few decent characters, and a bit of decent world building.

But also many cliche and predictable plot points, toxic portrayal of women and gay MM relationships (sexism and h*mophobia). A very uncomplicated story with a weirdly complicated (and convoluted) pill creation-process (I feel the author put too much attention to detail in the wrong areas of the story). Dub-con at every turn, way too long of a novel for the story it tells, but at least it's an easy read?

Idk. I did enjoy it but I absolutely don't recommend it to anyone else. It really wasn't that good.

HOWEVER, THANK YOU TO EXILED REBEL SCANS. They did an amazing job translating the entire thing (and again, this novel is over 700 chapters. EXR walked so we could run.) <<less
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amruta rated it
December 24, 2019
Status: Completed
The plot is all over the place. So many loose ends.......

All the jokes about the MC's IQ got old really fast. Does the ML love the MC? Yes, no doubt. Does it mean its OK that ML constantly jokes about the MC's intellect? No, its not. Also, doesn't it say something about the ML if he loved an "idiot" ? huh.

The plot is similar to many Josei genre novels out there. You know the ones with 10000+ chapters.....

But still a decent read. Don't expect too much logic or consistency and... more>> you'll be fine. <<less
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laptop1130 rated it
August 11, 2019
Status: Completed
As this was one of my first BL novels that I started getting into, I want to say that it left quite an impression on me. The couple is so cute and I love how ML and MC trust each other so much. The plot was pretty good and although MC may seem weak at the beginning of the novel, he definitely improves and gets better. I saw some other reviews that claimed that he was super weak and just relies on the ML but the MC does become stronger... more>> and stands as the ML's equal as the story progresses. Although I do admit that there are moments in the story where MC just loses his IQ when he talks to the ML. T_T

Those moments frustrated me sometimes because he isn't actually that dumb when you see him scheming against the villains and figuring out their plans. I also want to give kudos to the translation team from ExiledRebelsScans because they did an amazing job of keeping the story high quality and releasing their daily chapters! I remember waiting everyday at a specific time to see if they updated lol and they didn't disappoint. Now that it ended, it leaves me a bit sad but I'm glad I got to complete the story. The extras were also really cute and it was fun learning about some of the MC's family. It was a wonderful read and I would definitely reread it again someday! <<less
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