The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide


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I ended up transmigrating as a third-rate extra in a game I like, but worst of all this character has already fallen and been disowned.

I have no ambitions. I just want to graduate, but the world won’t let me.

Associated Names
One entry per line
How to Survive at the Academy
Surviving The Academy
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Related Series
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy (5)
The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me (4)
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I Became A Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy (3)
How To Live As An Academy Extra Villain (2)
Kneel to Me (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Best Harem Novels.
  2. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (KR On-Going)
  3. Peak Hidden Gems Part 3
  4. thesauce
  5. Books I want to read - Part II

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60 Reviews sorted by

iadzulf rated it
June 25, 2023
Status: c130
This trope of transmigrated into a game is on the rise for Korean novels, but not all of them stuck for me. At least, until this one.

When we have the overpowered main character or sus power system, this novel is not like that. Our main, Ed Rosetail, really took his time to become strong by learning everything that he can learn. We don't get someone who suddenly levels up, but we can look to a person trying his best to survive everyday life as an outcast.

I think other characters are... more>> also very well done too. We get to see the everyday life of literal magical students with fantastical power system who have the power to obliterate everything, but also we see they are students trying to navigate their academic life. Of course, each of them has their own past and problems, which I think is one of many aspects left untouched by many authors.

I don't like to spoil here, but, you'll feel some camaraderie by reading this novel. It really showed each person has their own way in seeing the world and not everyone may have the same sentiment. Because of that, there were some skirmishes here and there, the angst is very real, and you'll found yourself wishing someone need to rewind back time to correct everything.

Of course, for the plot, I am fascinated by the author's way of giving premonition. It keeps me waiting for another chapter and see what happen next.


Every character in this novel has a certain role in the original game.

For our main character, the sensational Ed Rosetail, I really develop a very liking towards him. As the story progressed, Ed, seemingly too attached to maintain the original storyline, became more lenient and even acknowledging that the story has changed (kinda after Act 2 completed). Thus, he tried so hard to do what he can do, because ultimately, he is the main source of the story steering away from the original plotline.


While I am drawn to the portrayal of our from-zero-to-hero Ed, what I really like about this novel is the world building and how the events are interrelated with each other. Some may argue that author is that tell-not-show, I believe that it is only in certain part.

The author tries to correlate the world as seen the game and as experienced in reality. Both of those are the same, yet also different. What makes it amazing is because you can get the feel how the story should flow, but you always get this anxiety-inducing moments where the story just suddenly halt and move in unpredictable way.

Just so for this topic, I do not mind the harem here because it is just as comedic as it is a certainty due to how the events happened. Sure, some of them may be a little bit overbearing but it shows how the author tried to make each characters, especially the main girls, not as two-dimensional.


Though I kinda resent why Ed didn't reciprocate their feelings because it will become much more exhilarating... I suppose :P


Anyway, with that being said, I think this novel is a very good read that, if stuck to you, you'll develop a liking towards our gorgeous blond boy living alone on the northern forest. <<less
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realShirai rated it
May 28, 2023
Status: c144
Current Ch: 144

As always, this is an interesting premise. What I enjoy about this novel, is one of the facts that most of the "negative" reviews mention. (Also, these negative reviews usually never read the chapters past 20, which shouldn't even warrant a review yet.)

(If you want to read the actual review, skip this part) TLDR: The MC is forced to interact with the story even though he doesn't want to, because himself wanting to survive is a variable in itself that will fundamentally change the story,... more>> even though he doesn't want it to. This makes the novel more realistic, as it is true that it would be impossible for him to try to survive without interacting with the story.

More thorough review:

Anyways the fact I am talking about is that the MC messes up the story-line. Quite early on the MC says that he doesn't want to interact with the story-line at all, so he always knows what is going to happen, as it is a huge advantage for him. However, as time passes, there is a huge variable, which is himself. It realistically makes sense, there is nothing he can do about the variable as he wants to survive, which is what makes the story interesting.

At first, he wants no interaction what-so-ever with anything that has to do with the story. When the MC realizes this is impossible, he changes his perspective. He realizes that he has to interact with the story to try to keep it on track, as much as possible. It won't be exactly the same, but close enough that he can somewhat guess the events that will happen.

Spoiler (Why he ends up getting even further tangled into the story-line) :


Eventually, he goes even further and completely derails the story-line himself, due to his own emotions and feelings of guilt. At this point in the novel he would surely feel like the people around him are real people, not just characters that are set to live or die, which is why he ends up making a choice based on this. For the first time in the novel he tries to change the story, even if it's just subtly, because he doesn't want someone to die.

Spoiler (The choice he makes which backs this up) :


In the story, Adele is destined to die. Ed doesn't go out of his way to save her, but gives her a warning that she is about to die. I see this as character development, he feels that the people around him shouldn't just die because they were destined to in the novel.


That was quite a rant, but necessary. In my opinion it's one of the strongest points in the story which makes it a bit more realistic. Another part I enjoy is the fact that the MC doesn't seem to be "the best" at anything, but finds out what he is talented at and works with that. He doesn't win a fight by just being the strongest or most talented, but by tactics and remembering the fighting patterns from the games. He uses a variety of the different mechanics (Magical engineering, Magic, Spirits, Knowledge etc.) all to his advantage to help him out.

This novel is almost a 5/5 for me, except there's a few cons that drag it down quite a bit... So here comes the cons of this novel.

The Harem. Personally I despise harems, which is rough in the Webnovel world. I hate it when the MC is going to end up with more than 1 romantic partner, but so be it. Most of the girls that interact with MC ends up getting interested in him, some more interestingly and realistically (Lucy / Yennekar), while some more randomly in dumb ways (Yennekar's friend who I don't even remember the name of / The Saint). It's kind of frustrating. #TeamYen, also Lortel is so annoying. Also the MC acts really dense, which is quite annoying, though I do believe it might be because of his past life before this world.

The story seems short? Apparently there's only 250 chapters in the main story, but I am only at chapter 144, which is still below act 10. If I remember correctly, the game had 40-50 acts so how its gonna close out the story in 106 more chapters will be interesting. I would like a longer story personally but I'll have to see how it ends off. <<less
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Ein Mezus
Ein Mezus rated it
March 15, 2023
Status: c16
If this is your first novel in this genre sure you maybe can say this want is so intresting & perfect blalalala

But for those already atleast familiar with this kind of genre honestly it's boring and how our MC himself looks like he don't prepare anything at all for a guy who want for the plot follow like what he already know and relationship between characters. Oh yeah he the guy who don't wanna be inside that plot yet he still happened to be chatting with those characters and even... more>> know that he not even prepare anything. Gosh what a fools and unreliable he is. He full of contradiction

Looks he say in early chapters how he wanna get scholarship cause welp nobody pay his tuition yet went there is joint operation where he is supposed to show his skill what did he do? Forfeit! Cause why he gonna fight the supposed original fMC. <<less
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Le-Ether rated it
November 12, 2022
Status: c173
I would say that people hate on the MC for having this hypocritical thinking of "Yes, I will not obstruct the story. Yet, he still does something to create a butterfly effect on it."

As I would say. It would be much better to say this type of thinking is just his mentality ... more>>

but he would later change it as his character development goes to drastic changes


Overall, the story is good. Characters are well-written and each heroine and other side characters have actualy depth to them. They aren't just one sided at most but have own backstory that builds up their characters.

The MC might be one of the actually weak characters interms of system novels as you can truly see the progressed he makes are little to none but it still is a massive change. <<less
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September 12, 2022
Status: c3
Dropping this. I'm not sure if the author is sloppy, not bright or both. To show how dire the MC's situation is,


the author goes into detail about how painful it is for the MC to use his clothing to build his shelter, bedding, etc. Then few paragraphs down MC uses a vine to tie his knife to a tree branch to make a spear/harpoon.

If the MC finds the vine at a later part of the story and lament wasting his clothing earlier, that could have been interesting, but nah.

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Only Idealism
Only Idealism rated it
August 9, 2022
Status: --
Let me give you 4 star. I like the way how MC build house and his daily life in forest. But I don't like early romance. Although the girl is the one who crush MC, I still don't like it because it's only 30+ chapter. It might be better if he's master mind behind the scenes. Of course it's only my opinion.
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sewagerottencheese rated it
March 7, 2024
Status: Completed
Agreeing with cakekid, the novel gets really good and starts to develop once you get in deep and we get some hints as to why our MC is the way he is, so to start with our mc:

He is very hard working, perceptive and rational and that gets emphasized throughout the novel because he's living by tooth and nail everyday. He has to ensure that he gets his daily necessities while also managing his school grades AND getting stronger both physical and his magic power.

Now his goal on trying to... more>> make progress the story without changes gets twisted hence the butterfly effect, at first it might come off as cliché (which it is) and annoying but what I think it becomes more as nothing ever goes the way you plan it and there we see how our MC improvises on it and still progress despite variables.

Now for his romantic interests, our MC isn't really that dense because he is aware of the girls that are interested in him (at least the ones that try to actively reach out to him) but he's too busy trying to survive, get stronger and save the world, however he does have his dense moments but at least it's understandable.

Now as for the harem I'll elaborate,

he really only ends up with 3 girls with 1 being platonic

and it's not the main focus so you don't have to be worried too much about this aspect.

Also this is completely translated for those who are looking along with the side stories, I won't say who or where but just keep looking and you'll find it. <<less
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LifeIsReading rated it
February 28, 2024
Status: Completed
Literally the best academy transmigration novel out there. Just read it till the end and you will know why I am so biased. Well written characters and the story focuses more on character growth rather that just quickly moving the plot forward. The story stays true to its essence till the end, which is very hard to find in novels nowadays. My only regret is that the full translation is available only on Yonder.
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CreamPuffDelights rated it
February 21, 2024
Status: Completed
Hands down one of the best Korean novels to be read. However; there are several issues with this novel, none of which related to the content of the novel itself.

1. The novel is actually completely translated already, however you can only read it on Yonder or download a copy from somewhere else that's less... legal. *hinthint*.

2. The current translator for this novel, Yong's Library is a well known ripper, his works are pretty much even worse than straight up raws, somehow. Pronouns are completely wrong, names can and WILL change... more>> from chapter to chapter, so you won't have any idea what is happening, and sometimes you won't even know if the person is a new character or not.

3. I won't comment on the novel's plot and content as I'm pretty satisfied with it, which is a rarity I can tell you. <<less
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AMissingLinguist rated it
September 28, 2023
Status: c11
The premise is that the main character wants to graduate school, but he needs funds. He lost access to his family and became a disgrace. The misunderstandings start here.

The whole time I was reading, I couldn't get why I was so bored until chapter 11. The misunderstandings are all from the viewpoints of other characters. Fake Saint of the Year does the same thing, and I usually skipped those chapters, but this story does not allow me to skip the boring parts. Each chapter incorporates the thoughts of other characters... more>> into the plot, making the boringness central to the story.

I enjoy misunderstandings in stories, but this novel fails to interest me. <<less
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ErikHarrison rated it
April 30, 2022
Status: c14
So far this has followed every cliche but the "find items with knowledge" trope.

That said its competent and enjoyable so far. Harem is bland and living in the wild, while interesting, isn't different enough to feel fresh.

I think what would possibly set this series apart would be the use of lifestyle skills in combat. Also I cant find MTLs anywhere so someone help me please :, (
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February 20, 2024
Status: side storie 37
It was perfect, from the beggining to the end, that it made me a person non english speaker write a review.

The last side storie that I found translated was bealtifull I cried, I tend to dislike harem novels but this one made it in the right way and the love happened on good way without being forced and it's not the central factor of the novel, the MC is very enjoyable a hard worker and a survivor, the side characters are very good too, the plot was consistent from... more>> the beggining to the end that made me wonder how the writer managed to keep the consistence of a catching and entertaining story in 250 cp plus 37 sd stories.

I will keep an eye to new works of this autor, and hope that he writes new side stories and the get translated.

Just read it!!! <<less
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Asfyal rated it
February 11, 2024
Status: Completed
  • An amazing novel with a great harem story 10/10. The last 50 chapters form 200 to 250, elevated the novel greatly form 8/10 to 10/10.

    Everything was finished up neatly and no plot holes were left.

    As the story progressesd, we seen all main characters grow mentally and evolve. They feel "alive" and aren't just One dimensional characters like you see in another stories.

    The MC is level headed and feels like a real person, He isn't s*upid nor is he a genius that knows it all. He also isn't some edgelord nor your typical japanese MC. He is just a human

    Plus it's actually a TRUE harem story

    Would definitely keep an eye out for the author next work

    All in all read it trust me
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kenichiwuz rated it
December 30, 2023
Status: c15
I think it's weird that there is such vocabulary in these translations. It is pretty dumb imo to have all these vocabs like incense, vivacious and all the other bogus words. I will catch them all and add it to the list.

... more>>

Engendered, Enigmatic, Brusqueness, Procure, Destitution, Precipice, Consigned, effervescent, buoyant, nebulous, extricating, respite, judicious


Dudes a transmigrator and plays a game and his thinking process is like some writer wannabe trying to impress writing teachers.

Either it is the author or the translators wanting to beef it up and it is unnecessary.

One example of dumb translation.


"As a pragmatic realist, Lortel would undoubtedly question Princess Penia's decision."

Adding realist after pragmatic isn't needed.

I don't know if the raw version had such a way of explaining things but the translated version is too much.

I'm beginning to think these translators are using chatgpt to rehash the translations with better words and putting behind pay walls.


I'm still going to continue reading this as I will still comprehend these translated chapters as I am very incense about this and my buttocks are on fire from all the vivacious vocabs.

Details are nice but drags on for way too long and with the extra vocabs, it makes me want to knock out. I literally fell asleep for a week giving these first 15 chapters a try. It's like trying to get an A+ from a writing teacher so you put unnecessary vocabs to sound educated. Idgaf if it's this high society. Dudes still a transmigrator that didn't get any memories or skills other than knowledge from the game. <<less
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December 28, 2023
Status: --
First this novel is complete but thx to a app copy rite on it translations drooped sadly,

And the novel it self is actually really good MC is a underdog and he truly is but he is truly trying his best to survive and think of ways to stay alive in a world wear he is not only a underdog but hist stats are limited and more or less all other character's grow stronger than him or are op from the start lol,

So if you like a underdog MC... more>> that actually uses his head to survive and polishes the few skills he actually haw to survive, as well as a bit slower pace not to slow but not fast ether and a bit of slice of life felling hear and there that make the novel fell warm as well as you notice the MC's struggle better 2 and if this speak to you then this novel might be for you but like said above thx to copy right from a app translation is stopped for now T.T but good points it just got it's own manga 2 chapters out =D <<less
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TrippTheWolfHi rated it
August 17, 2023
Status: --
The novel is a really slid read if you want a more causal and mid paced story, it's got moments of high stress, and decent character building, and over all it's a real nice read.

For the people complaining about the fact that Ed at first made plans to not change the story, only to later do so, perhaps failed to read that Ed himself fairly early on realized that his mere presence at the academy changes the plotline, and thus he has too, for his own survival, as well as... more>> others, interfere with the story.

Now for the reason I gave this 4 stars instead of five? The new translators.

I'm not sure where they got their idea of the English language from but they've written the whole story like a Shakespearean play using overly flowery language where it's really not needed. Like the first line in the story "It is high time for me the accept the harsh reality that lies before me, I am utterly defeated" is in a sense, proper english, but it way to overly complex for what the sentence is trying to say "It's about time I accept it, I'm totally screwed" and this annoying over complex way of speaking is continued throughout the whole of the series, and makes it a pain to read. <<less
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July 16, 2023
Status: --
It’s a fun read when it’s it’s not bogged down by side characters thoughts. You end up reading the same impressions multiple times- in that way it’s boring and tiresome. It’s not accurate to say the writing is bad or that the author is adding filler- it’s just that he’s over explaining everything either to a dumb audience or the type that needs to know and justify every detail. This is exhausting to read at times, because the pacing is very sluggish.

For example, a scene at a camp fire. Add... more>> misunderstanding. And then you have to read all the characters involved impressions and thoughts, and then again when a character is explaining themselves to a character not involved. On the low end that’s 3 times and on the high end it’s 8 times you have to read the same shit.

In addition you have to read the whole exposition of what characters think of each other every time a scene slightly adjusts their opinion of the other party. For example, getting good marks on an exam after being perceived as talentless. Atleast 6 times you will read “how did I miss judge”, “he’s hardworking” and it’s various variations.

This isn’t limited to the MC either, because as you know the romance interests increases and grows more troublesome.

The effect of all of this is that something that could be 3 chapters is instead 5. Long term that is 30 into 50. I’m not exaggerating. As more and more characters pour in, the characters have to realize that their initial impressions and assumptions are incorrect and have to spend time figuring out why. Every time. EVERY TIME.

If you can suffer reading the same thing atleast 3x then I recommend this for you. <<less
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araragiKun rated it
February 25, 2023
Status: c44
This basic plot is nothing unique. A boy is transmigrated to a character, a minor villain, inside a game. Now, his target is to be able to live decently in the future.

The point where it deviates from the norm is what makes it interesting. Although, I have not yet found anything drastically special about this story, the way all the pieces are written makes the story a good read.

  • Unlike other "transmigrated as a villain" stories, the MC doesn't intend to remain as a villain. The same is reflected as the opinions about him began to change.
  • Until now, the story follows logically. Unlike other stories, whatever deviation happens in the supposed arcs of the game happen because of the MC's unintended actions.
  • The cast is fairly unique and detailed with their own ambitions.
  • The romance/harem feels real to me.
  • The real treat are the misunderstandings that people have about his actions. On a similar note, other character's PoV are also very enjoyable.
  • One negative about this story is that the MC wants to remain outside story. Although, it is a more logical choice given the explanation MC gives for this choice, it still makes a less interesting read for us. However, as mentioned, MC's presence itself creates deviations in the storyline. To resolve this, MC has started to involve himself more, although, how much would it satisfy us readers is yet to be seen as I have only read till 44 chapter.
  • The other negative also comes from MC's unwillingness to involve himself in the story is that we are following the MC and not the game's main character. Although, MC does deviate the storyline, he isn't that disrupting. In other words, many of the games "small" events happen while we read MC building stuff here and there. This will be boring since action scenes are substituted by single lines that MC hears from other people.
  • The MC might appear to be a little cold sometimes. He lets events happen for the sake of it even if somebody he knows is going to die. Thus, the MC appears rather cold and distant. I hope he gets some character development and stops playing god in the future.
Frankly, I would have rated it 4 but I have only rated it 3 because it hasn't been translated fully yet. There are only less than 70 chapters translated. I will probably wait till a lot of chapters are translated before I... more>> resume reading this. <<less
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