The Earth is Online


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Six months ago, tens of thousands of black phantom towers appeared all over the world, floating above the cities. Chemists, physicists, religious people… all of them could do nothing.

Six months later, people became used to the towers and no longer paid them attention.

One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of going through it. The next day, a sharp and clear child-like voice issued an announcement to all humans.

“Ding dong! November 15th, 2017. The earth is online.”

The black tower’s three iron-clad rules:

1. Everything is explained by the black tower.

2. 6 o’clock to 18 o’clock is the game time.

3. All players, please strive to attack the tower.

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Dìqiú shàngxiàn
Địa Cầu Online
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416 Reviews sorted by

Mary Dawny
Mary Dawny rated it
April 26, 2021
Status: Completed
As a fan of the mystery genre, I really find this fascinating. Especially because this is heavily plot-driven. Most of the time, you won't even see the romance aspect but every time it appears, it's amazing! But for me, the 'games' were the best, it made me analyze things together with the MC, albeit I don't understand it until the MC does.

Totally recommend this!!
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auroraRMC rated it
April 22, 2021
Status: Completed
Years after I added this novel to my to read list, I have finally actually read it. A novel written by Mo Chenhuan and translated by Rainbow Turtle, and with so many good reviews, it had to be good, right? And I'm here to say, it didn't disappoint. The MC and ML are both strong and have unique abilities, but they aren't as OP as I usually like. I love that Shanshan is a genius who has had to sacrifice her physical abilities, but the black tower still gives ways... more>> for them to pass and survive. This story was beautiful. I loved the extras, I loved the relationship between the main couple, even though it was extremely vague, I loved all the characters and how human they all felt. I think I would have liked to have more explanation about the black tower's existence, and at least slightly a bit more about the couple's romance. Romance is definitely not the main focus on this story. Read for the puzzles, for the tension, for becoming paranoid and having nightmares but still unwilling to put this story down. <<less
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crownprince rated it
April 19, 2021
Status: Completed
It deserves the high rating, definitely. Although it is very plot driven and adventure focused, I have never felt it was too lengthy and getting boring unlike some other novels.

Highly recommended for those who can appreciate the plots, developments and story. There wasn't much romance elements, no smut, so if you come in here focused on these then you will be disappointed. Treat the romance as a plus and bonus to the story instead of the other way round.
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Qiu Qiu Jiu Ball
Qiu Qiu Jiu Ball rated it
April 11, 2021
Status: Completed
It's a very action game natured novel but also oriented in what human's psychology will be like when they are thrown in to "the strongest is everything" world.

... more>>

MC and ML haven't met before and they are online friends but they are planning to meet (at least MC is considering it) when the alien thingie starting the game in the earth. MC and ML have a very unique abilities. Even I, once hope I can have the same abilities as MC but it's just imagination. I can't imagine me being myself facing that changed world sad.


MC and ML have very tacit understanding. MC is also very quick witted and very humane

He is willing to search for his best friends and helping someone else as long as he has the ability to and the one who is being helped doesn't stabbed him in the back.


There is this one character that I like very much but her story is the saddest of all.


Her name is Mu Huixue or "little" Deer (alias name or something). She appears in the middle until the end of the novel and the last three extra chapters.


It's a quite tiring read. So sometimes I need a quite long break before continuing to finish reading this novel. <<less
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xuevie rated it
April 6, 2021
Status: Completed
Gotta say the mystery and horror aspect to this novel is on point. It's super intriguing and very satisfying in a way; there's lots of action scenes and the black tower is actually a super interesting survival game... but the sad thing is that there's not enough romance between the MC and ML ahhhhhhhhh criessss... those few moments of their romantic interaction are super precious, fluffy and cuteeeeee... Anyways, the other characters in the novel are also super memorable ... more>>

RIP Mu Huixue for bringing back Bai Ruoyao and all those South Asian players who sacrificed themselves trying to kill the Queen of Hearts

Character development is great. All in all, it's actually a very satisfying novel (in terms of the non-romance aspect). Must read ah! <<less
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MarchEclipse rated it
April 6, 2021
Status: Completed
This is definitely the best novel I've ever read.

To make characters seem intelligent, most of the time, authors will reveal clues only when the character is there; in other words, the characters are only smart because the author says they are. We, as normal readers, wouldn't be able to figure it out.

The Earth is Online is different in the sense that the one thing that is constantly emphasised and one of the most useful clues in solving the games is that 'The game is fair.' The Black Tower clearly states... more>> the rules of the game right at the start, and from there, players can figure out how to clear the game. Tang Mo is depicted as an intelligent character because he used the game rules to clear the games, and not because clues appeared by chance, by luck, or out of nowhere. In fact, as long as you analyse the rules as well, you can also get an idea of how to clear it too. I'm not kidding, that happened to me once or twice.

One of the best things I like about this novel is that it has both strength and logic. Using logic to back up their strength, and using strength to solve their logic.


For example, in Pinocchio's Honest Card Game, Tang Mo figured out why the Queen's privilege existed by using his logic in relation to Fu Wenduo's strength, and then worked with Fu Wenduo to use the game rules against Pinocchio and strength to fight him together.


The games, props and abilities are all interesting. The props and abilities that seem odd and useless end up somehow becoming super useful. Seriously, it's like some super heavy, hidden foreshadowing that appears at the start and revealed at the end.

Like using the name changer ability to defeat Cinderella or the Mario Hat giving out junk that are actually hidden treasures


I also particularly liked that the world the bosses came from aren't stagnant. They also live their own lives, rather than having an assigned role to their characters, and this affects the game as well.


The turkey dying led to her cousin appearing and created a game too, and there was that interesting relationship between Grandmother Wolf, Mother Wolf and Mosaic making game plots somewhat interlinked. Also how it started with Mosaic and ended with Mosiac!!! Holy wow??!?!!?


The romance is... mild, but very satisfying? I really have no idea how to describe it. I'd definitely prefer if there were more romance scenes, but at the same time, it's also understandable that there isn't time for that, considering that they're fighting with their lives on the line. They don't have time to cultivate feelings, but I like how their feelings go beyond surface attraction, having that 'tacit understanding' and unwavering trust in each other. Though if you just wanna eat dog food, I suppose you can focus a little more on the author's little theatre at the end of each chapter. Their interactions are so cute!!


I definitely also enjoyed Tang Mo trying to 'speed up' the process of temporarily getting Fu Wenduo's ability hehehe


Honestly, there was this strange period of avoidance I had before reading the novel. I could tell based on the reviews that this would be great, but somehow at the same time, I didn't want to read it. I'm really glad I ended up reading this cuz I have never so strongly wanted to give a rating of more than 5 stars. It's one of those novels where you can get excited from rereading it again. <<less
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shuulys rated it
March 2, 2021
Status: c5
The whole entire plot is amazing and well done. There are very few plot holes and things that don't make sense.

Thus i'll give the story a 5/5

However, the romance is the slower type so even though the novel is 240+ chapters, the romance part is maybe only 1/5 of it?? But the interaction between the MC and ML is very cute so i'll look past that.

... more>> So the romance part is a 4/5

Character-wise... everyone has their own interesting and unique side. Even the MC and ML aren't what they first seemed to be. There is also character development throughout the whole novel so it's never boring.

Overall is a 100/5 because it's really worth reading and yall should not be deterred by the unfavourable comments and critiques because it's really really goodddddd!!! ;) <<less
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Rukz123 rated it
February 27, 2021
Status: Completed
First of all plot is amazing. All instances are freaking awesome. Don't even mention about the props and awards from clearing instances. Remember one thing if you're looki g for fluff and dog food this is not your cup of tea. The thing MC and ML have here so unique and kinda implicit. They just know what other think and feel just by looking at their eyes. Well it's not like you can be lovey dovey when you have to focus on surviving almost all the time. This is a... more>> gem. Don't miss it. <<less
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piroshilove rated it
February 24, 2021
Status: Completed
This is a seriously the best novel I have ever read. I can't even began to describe how much I love this novel. I've prob re-read at least 10 times at this point and am still not tired of it. The writing and translation quality is absolutely amazing. I can literally feel the fear and anxiety from the characters themselves while reading and the setting is just seriously the best! It's so creative and well thought out! I really don't think I'll be able to view some of those black... more>> tower monsters in the same light again, especially Mario and Santa Claus.


    • well thought out setting and very creative. I really do love some of the black tower monsters, especially the circus leader. The villains of the story-the system-is really just so detailed. They're well known fairy tail charas, but at the same time, the author adds so much little details to them that it really brings them to life and make you see them in a diff light. It's unbelievable how detailed this setting is. I can't compliment it enough.
    • lots of action and survival, also has adventure aspect
    • actually keeps you on your toes throughout the story. It engages the audience/readers, rather then just tells the story to us.
    • the main charas are not necessarily OP, as in they're strong but not strong the extent that everything becomes easy (looking at you card game)
    • romance is subtle, but also very much there at the end. - even the sub chara/minor chara are well thought out
    • Spoiler

      lots of charas do end up dying and while I do like the charas that did die, I also liked that it wasn't a perfectly happy ending and that they weren't brought back to life. The ending was realistic and slightly bittersweet and it's nice to finally read a novel that doesn't have a perfect ending.


    • wish their was more romance but it can't be helped. I'd rather their be an amazing plot then more romance
Rating: 5/5

Overall, seriously the best survival/action type novel I've read. A lot better than card game. I read this first and then card game hoping it'd be the same, but card game just lacked the emotion this novel has. I highly recommended this novel to anyone looking for a good plot and some seriously good action. Also, does anyone know of another novel that is as great as this one? <<less
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Gaesushi rated it
February 18, 2021
Status: Completed
The humorous notes and dialogues got me. The book that he has is so funny. I actually look forward to seeing more of it's funny notes and restrictions without noticing it.

The story is clearly worth it. It may be slow burn and the romance is not that shown too much but when they act together, their intentions and interaction with each other is worth squealing for.

... more>>

Specially their first meeting, I was fan girling their stares at each other. This is how silent people flirt with each other. *Stares*


About the logic and critical thinking, since I get most of it then I won't complain about anything.

My only complain is that there are couple of questions that the author didn't provide any answers. It's like "you guess~" that Bai always say.

And I was wondering what will the earth will be after the tower disappear. They didn't said anything, they just let it pass. It's lacking.

But since I like it anyway. I give it five points. <<less
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brexic rated it
February 11, 2021
Status: Completed
Just wanna give a review for this story. This is reaaaallly reallyyyyy reaaallyyyy good.

Plot - 10/10

Setting - 10/10

Main Characters - 10/10❤

Side characters/villains - 10/10

This is really very good. It's rare for me to enjoy every bit of details of the story. You can actually feel their struggles and can picture out every scenes depicted.

Thanking author-sama for such a wonderful novel. Thanking translator-san for bringing the quality of the story.

I also enjoyed the comments made by the fellow readers😆
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Vaundy rated it
January 19, 2021
Status: Completed
this story is really amazing, I have no words for this. It was just too amazing even though I wished there is more extra chaps but it was enough. The ending was a very happy one so it made me really happy
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chuc rated it
December 18, 2020
Status: c245
some parts are confusing due to the translation
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Vanlatte rated it
December 17, 2020
Status: Completed
Wow. That total rating said it all.
Definitely definitely definitely goes to my re-read list.

It is an apocalypse novel, but much much better from the zombie one, in term of originality. The general plotline that usually is the hightlight of apocalypse novel is only a side thing in this book. For example, food. As for brutality, it is hard to compare. I tend to feel zombie novels are more brutal (killing people just for their crystal core. It is extremely selfish because without doing that, you can still live). It is only in my opinion 'tho (because in the beginning of this novel, about billions people disappear (there's no brutality, but for someone who is sensitive about death, that's a very high casuality). Then, the surviving people become more and more selfish when playing the instances (I do feel their horror. And it's different from snatching crystal core because they won't live if they are not doing that (at least in their mind that's the case because the black tower's clues are puzzling and has clues inside clue))).

The instances are really really interesting!! Love them so much! Most of them is from fairytale and traditional games. I can't say much about the instances, you need to experience them yourself ;)

Next, BAI RUOYAO. Who is he? Hmmm. I guess he is... someone really interesting? I really love and really hate this guy. Never have I ever found a character that annoyed me so much 'till I chanted "Just kill him already, MC!" but at the same time when he is not there I really missed him. He is not a good nor a bad person. He is a psychopath. So how can I like him? Well, I don't really know, but, I know I am not the only one who likes him.


I cried when he died. I couldn't even believe that he was dead and still hope it's just a mistake many chapters after.


Now, the minus. The final (7th) floor is too short! Why did Grecia's moment was just like that? And I am still not really familiar with Queen of Heart yet! And Peterpan! How come you came out suddenly and also disappear suddenly?!

All in all, despite those minus (which in my opinion is still okay), this novel is absolutely wonderful! The instances were abundant and the way to complete them racked my brain. Plus, I am really surprised with my own choice of fav character in this novel. It is a nice surprise and one that I didn't expect at all! (I really hate and despised him at first, truly! I didn't have an ounce of pity for him and even wished him dead).

Last, I really want to say this:
[!! Game Instance Spoiler !!]

I think Bai Ruoyao has the time of his life when he acted as Snow White xD

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Rida rated it
December 15, 2020
Status: c240
I read everything but the extras and I have so many questions left?! And to me, the earlier games felt more enjoyable as there was more suspense; later on it seemed like they were resolved too easily.
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November 27, 2020
Status: c245
I love reading survival novels, which tend to be BL oddly enough. I also love to read reviews... and am sometimes disappointed by them. For this particular novel, TRUST THE FIVE STAR REVIEWS! I am constantly being disappointed by other highly rated works when I compare them to this novel.
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November 27, 2020
Status: Completed
I actually almost dropped this initially as it took a little while to ramp up for me, but I ended up enjoying it a lot in the end, especially once the MC actually met the ML. It's definitely a plot-first, romance much lower priority book, but the main pairing has definite moments of teasing cuteness and dog food sprinkled throughout as they work together more. I also really enjoyed a lot of the other cast as well as the MC builds up a network of allies/frenemies.
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November 4, 2020
Status: Completed
If I could give more stars to this novel; I'd make sure the star maker keep pouring them all on this masterpiece. (*˘︶˘*).。*♡
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puririnpa rated it
August 8, 2020
Status: Completed
From the summary, you should've know that this story is more focusing to the plot. So enjoy the plot.

Of course the main cp is *chef kiss.

But really, the plot is more than *chef kiss.
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HumanBeing rated it
July 4, 2020
Status: Completed
Even though it is considered Yaoi & BL, there wasn't really any physical romance scenes besides holding hands. They started as friends and majority of the story was focused on the games, world-building, and interactions between people.
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