The Cry of the Phoenix Which Reached the Ninth Heaven


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Yao Mo Xin, the empress of Da Chu died in a cruel way a day after she gave birth at the hands of her husband the emperor, Ye Hong Yi, and her legitimate second sister, Yao Shu Ran. Ye Hong Yi got the throne because of the smartness of Yao Mo Xin, but he hated her because she made him feel like a useless person who needed a woman to become the emperor.

Her soul got in the body of her illegitimate third sister from the same mother Yao Mo Wan. Yao Mo Wan has the mentality of a child because the legitimate wife of her father fed poison to her mother while she was carrying Yao Mo Wan. Yao Mo Xin wants revenge for everything that happened to her, so she seduced the emperor and began her plan of taking everything away from him. She did that while pretending to still have the mentality of a child. She also wants to repay Ye Jun Qing back for everything he did for her while she was Yao Mo Xin. In the process of revenge, she met many people who will fall in love with her wit and intelligence.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Renascence (Drama)
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Recommendation Lists
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
05/26/19 Yumeabyss v2c68
05/24/19 Yumeabyss v2c67
05/23/19 Yumeabyss v2c66
05/22/19 Yumeabyss v2c65
05/19/19 Yumeabyss v2c64
05/17/19 Yumeabyss v2c63
05/16/19 Yumeabyss v2c62
05/14/19 Yumeabyss v2c61
05/12/19 Yumeabyss v2c60
05/11/19 Yumeabyss v2c59
05/09/19 Yumeabyss v2c58
05/08/19 Yumeabyss v2c57
05/03/19 Yumeabyss v2c56
05/02/19 Yumeabyss v2c55
05/01/19 Yumeabyss v2c54
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29 Reviews sorted by

Ming Lan
Ming Lan rated it
December 9, 2017
Status: c56
I like this novel very satisfying revenge that make you happy. I like MC, she smart talent and strong. I love how she deceived people with her naive personality and pretend to be foolish so she can revenge them. I enjoying reading this kind of novel.

very satisfying revenge and good novel that hooked you up.
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whosays25 rated it
October 24, 2017
Status: --
Whenever I read something like this, I can't help but think that schemes and plots in almost all Xuanhuan novels are not worth mentioning. XD

Okay.... So about the novel... there are times when I doubted and hated the many strange customs, treatment of women, and the many untranslated terms and honorifics in this kind of palace novels, but the marvelous plots and schemes are really eye-opening. It's true it's hard to catch up with the characters' bickering because they have their own language and most of the times, the narrative... more>> always implies that there are hidden daggers in between every word. You have to familiarize yourself to it before you can appreciate it. Lol. But of course, people who love reading polite but not so polite conversation will surely love this. Also, it's easy to relate to the characters, especially whenever the witty MCs are punishing their evil enemies. For some sort of reason, palace drama authors are very good in creating messed up characters that are very hateful and so when revenge/punishments are enacted, it's really easy to feel satisfaction.

For the rating, I gave this a rare four stars. I usually write reviews to novels worthy of five or one star so this is rare for me, and it's due to my slight bias against the female lead. I appreciate her wits and other positive traits but I somehow can't shake off the bad impression when I read what she did somewhere between chapter 20 - 30. Lol, but maybe her mind has been polluted with the thoughts of revenge so I can still sympathize. <<less
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WeirdPersonOnTheInternet rated it
June 23, 2021
Status: c35
This novel is quite good. The FL is clever and smart. The Ml... I'm not too sure since I haven't reached too far in the novel. Thought I thought the novel was quite good I decided to put it on hold. I felt kinda bored. I just didn't feel invested enough. 5/10
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Dhaturas rated it
April 6, 2019
Status: v2c40
The best part for me is whenever Mo Wan pretends to be dumb in front of Ye Hongyi. It's so satisfying. I don't know why. The concept of reincarnating into your little sister's dead body instead of rewinding time was a really nice refresher for these types of novels.
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Fourthaid rated it
January 30, 2019
Status: v2c13
Tl;dr: It's a great story, with fantastic characters that manages to craft a pleasing mixture of drama, comedy, scheming and intrigue.

I am currently binging a ton of novels in this particular sub-genre. And next to The Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir, this might be my favorite one that is a more serious take on the entire situation. And by serious I don't mean that there is no comedy, there is plenty of that which I will come back to later. What I mean is that the scheming as well as... more>> the characters feel a lot less like it's all-against-one (with the one being the female lead) with no reason except for "she's a di daughter whose Mother was disregarded!" or "she's a shu daughter who is disliked!".

All of that is not to say that this novel doesn't have its fair share of tropes that is prevalent in the sub-genre. However, I would argue that its use of those tropes feels a lot more wisely handled, as if the author had a bigger plan than to plop the female lead into an awful situation and then move on from trope to trope, kicking down cannon fodder after cannon fodder along the way.

Where it truly shines, in my opinion, is in the interactions between the female lead who has (naturally) turned quite cold towards the world from her and her son's cruel end, and the male lead who loved her deeply and dearly and her departure from this world has lead him to give up on continuing life and is simply an empty husk at the start of the story. The female lead, only desiring revenge before she passes on from her new chance at life, doesn't want him to keep hold of her memory as she feels undeserving of his passionate love. And thus she tries, in her own way, to make him realize her own flaws and why he was far, far too good for her. It's heartbreaking, yet at the same time also funny, to see her try to push him away from "her" sister while at the same time when he isn't looking doing everything in her power to protect him from the man who ended her life, the Emperor.

Another huge contributing factor for my enjoyment of this novel is that, we only really have two MAJOR villains (arguably three with her Father, though he is far, far, faaaar away from the awfulness that is the Emperor and her half-sister) unlike a lot of other similar novels. A large portion of the story is focused on Mowan/xin slowly but surely disrupting the Emperor's trust in people. She mainly achieves this through the use of the other Consorts and Noble Consorts and their family connections. More often than not, these consorts would be typical cannon fodder. However, in a lot of ways they too are pitiable.


At least, two of the first that we've met (Yu Funing, who deeply loves the Male Lead and is fine with him achieving happiness without her. And Xie Siyin who also loves someone other than the Emperor, and whom the Emperor has been scheming against for seven years. I'd also argue that Huan Caier isn't terrible, sure she is a schemer at heart, but not to the vile levels I'm used to from other works, and it was nice to see at least one parent that cared for their child in this story! :]) Are not villains. Sure they have their bad parts, for instance Siyin tries to mu*der Mowan/xin because she figures the Emperor mu*dered her beloved, so she will retaliate in kind. However it is something she concocts shortly after her beloved, as far as she knows, has been mu*dered in front of her eyes, not exactly the best of times to lay the worst of plans. Siyin quickly realizes the error of her ways, thankfully. And Mowan/xin doesn't end up killing or scheming against them in all honesty, sure she definitely uses them for her own gain, but at the same time she saves them from their eventual fate. Hell, she even considers pushing the male lead towards Yu Funing, thinking she might be able to give the male lead what she can not, pure, honest love.


My only regret is that the story is not close to being completely translated. But on the other than, that also means there's a lot more story to consume and enjoy! <<less
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seawaterwitch rated it
April 7, 2018
Status: v1c66
Interesting. The female lead look like Empress Daji. As if we saw it from Daji point of view.

She destroyed her own Kingdom from the inside. She built it for her King and it was so perfect that no one or nothing can destroy it from outside. Until the King betray her and butcher her and her soul occupied her youngest s*upid sister but soooo pretty face and sexy body.

Revenge is best served cold. Her anger made her doing everything she can to destroy her husband even if she must sleep... more>> with her enemy/her own husband/her King. She know his weaknesses and used it against him. THIS IS REVENGE STORY. ABOUT HATRED.

HOW LOW CAN YOU GO? (To fulfil your revenge).

Two thumbs up. B (^_^) d <<less
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rosesakura95 rated it
August 16, 2019
Status: v3c4
Love everything in this novel! Especially the interactions between the MC and her love interest YJ.
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whosays25 rated it
October 24, 2017
Status: --
Whenever I read something like this, I can't help but think that schemes and plots in almost all Xuanhuan novels are not worth mentioning. XD

Okay.... So about the novel... there are times when I doubted and hated the many strange customs, treatment of women, and the many untranslated terms and honorifics in this kind of palace novels, but the marvelous plots and schemes are really eye-opening. It's true it's hard to catch up with the characters' bickering because they have their own language and most of the times, the narrative... more>> always implies that there are hidden daggers in between every word. You have to familiarize yourself to it before you can appreciate it. Lol. But of course, people who love reading polite but not so polite conversation will surely love this. Also, it's easy to relate to the characters, especially whenever the witty MCs are punishing their evil enemies. For some sort of reason, palace drama authors are very good in creating messed up characters that are very hateful and so when revenge/punishments are enacted, it's really easy to feel satisfaction.

For the rating, I gave this a rare four stars. I usually write reviews to novels worthy of five or one star so this is rare for me, and it's due to my slight bias against the female lead. I appreciate her wits and other positive traits but I somehow can't shake off the bad impression when I read what she did somewhere between chapter 20 - 30. Lol, but maybe her mind has been polluted with the thoughts of revenge so I can still sympathize. <<less
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Lukia21 rated it
July 3, 2017
Status: c3
I tried to get into the book but its unrealistic for what the book theme is. She reincarnates but she really is useless as her previous like was to look pretty and attract a husband which is the empires. Reincarnates in a sister who's disabled and can suddenly fix it all for vengeance with no experience. She pretty much a pretty but useless paper weight.
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