Surprise! The Supposed Talent Show Was Actually–?!


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Wu Jin, as a trainee from a certain entertainment company, had a peerless, stunning face. He was qualified to debut as a lead performer even if he just sat there and did nothing.

After signing up for a certain talent show, the shining path to stardom beckoned to him––

Wu Jin: Hold on, why is this show different from what we agreed on? Wasn’t it supposed to be about jumping around, dancing, and singing songs? Why do you have to send me out into the wilderness…

Program Producer: You’re a once-in-a-century high appearance value competitor! We’re relying on you to save the program’s ratings!

Wu Jin: … I seem to be on the wrong show. Wait a minute, this isn’t an idol show, it’s a fighting survival reality show ahhh!!

Ten months later, the little cutie who had been thrown into the show––

Turned into a human weapon.

Powering up through various instances, slight entertainment circle elements.

Extremely overpowered gong x little cutie who grows to become an overpowered shou.

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Sốc! Sao Bảo Là Show Tài Năng Cơ Mà
The surprising talent show
สู้จนเลือดหยดสุดท้าย เป้าหมายฉันต้องได้เด
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145 Reviews sorted by

December 31, 2020
Status: c1
i mean it's pretty obvious but this novel is really REALLY long. Idk what frame of mind other ppl are usually in when they read novels but for me it's a mix between alert and at full comprehension and half asleep eyes skimming over words. If you lean more towards skimming this novel may not be the most suited for you. It's not impossible to finish it (obviously) but some of the arcs that are like 70% backstory/explanation are pretty hard to read when you're not all there.

i liked the... more>> character backstories the most lol just because they added the most to the story (i think). Like we learned the most about the MC, ML, and all other characters involved as opposed to the other battle arcs, where the MCs incredible tendencies as a walking calculator, encyclopedia, and bunny-like tendencies sway the heart of the super macho ML that is a human weapon that only doki doki's for the MC.

the battle arcs themselves are really cool. Like you can tell a lot of thought has been put into each one and just reading those when you're alert makes for an interesting and gripping novel. The characters themselves are flat though, and it shows when the side characters do things that just highlight how incredible the main characters are.

the fluff in the novel is outstanding because of the length it took to achieve it. When all you're eating is salty things, a candy tastes sweeter than if you were eating candy to begin with, right? I have no qualms against it and it just made their interactions even cuter because the wait was longer.

i liked the soft and fluffy MC that grows stronger but was pretty dang smart from the start, and I liked how the author changed the definition of what 'soul mates' meant in this world. It was a refreshing and nice read, albeit I might have missed a couple important chapters bc I was reading before I went to bed. <<less
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Couch Potato Lady
Couch Potato Lady rated it
December 29, 2020
Status: Completed
Warning: super sweet candy, can make readers addicted.

Seriously, this story throw dog food everywhere. Both MC and ML are super likeable and well matched with each other. Even though MC wasn't OP at first and he would get hurt ML never stopped MC from trying and I LOVE THAT. Supporting SO for the win!!

The side character developement are also good. They were not just some ornament to make MC and ML look good but also important characters that help build the story nicely. 10 out of 10 will reread again.
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Kittie rated it
June 18, 2020
Status: --
I don't know why others give bad reviews. I say that this novel is good. The suvival show theme novel with suspended and thrilling adventured.

MC start of with small, weak and helpless little rabbit, he only good at singing, dancing and being cute and fluffly. Maybe high IQ... not to the point that glance once you sloved it all. He gather the information and clue little by little.

He only become strong with the help from ML. With a little unexpected childhood past that related to ML (I'm not sure... more>> since I didn't complete reading the novel nether mtl it, I want to wait for the tranlation group. The author used difficult terms and words. If you mtl you wouldn't understand anything.)

The love interest are little bit slow until the middle part of the novel, neverless the interaction between MC and ML are adorable and 3 sons of different species. <<less
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Aura1412 rated it
April 21, 2020
Status: c91
I love it!!! The romance is paced really well and is well developed in my opinion. I can't wait until our Little Witch figures out that the Big Boss loves him toooooo!!!!!
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ScaredyKat rated it
April 4, 2020
Status: c71
A well-written novel and equally well-translated, this action/romance/transmigration story is one of my favourites. It only gets better as it progresses, and the relationship between the MC and ML is gradual but extremely satisfying. There is an element of showbiz, and the idol-turned-survival-show-contestant MC is diligent and cute in his struggle to survive. Golden thigh? Yes, because the ML is OP as hell, but also no, because the MC doesn’t believe in taking what’s not his, and ML respects that, which is the cutest part of their relationship. This is... more>> definitely a novel I could recommend if you’re looking for a wholesome and screamworthy plotline. <<less
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