Strategy to Capture that Scum Gong


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As a true over-bearing president scum gong, when Xie He for the nth time rejected his admirer, he heard a sentence in his head: “Congratulations on achieving the “rejects 100 hosts” accomplishment; as an award you will soon bind to the “Scum Gong and Cheap Shou” system, entering other worlds to complete capture missions.

As a scum gong, Xie He expresses that it is very easy to hide one’s true colors, but…

“I Heard My Boyfriend’s Brother Secretly Loves Me,”

“Teacher Love Me One More Time,”

“Raising Youth Manual,”

“Your Majesty, This Servant Obeys,”

“The Tyrant Lord’s Substitute Lover,”

“Captive of the Empire,”

“Disciple’s Cultivation Furnace”…

Xie He: Wait a minute. These words sound really strange… and why is my role the ‘cheap shou’?

System: Fighting poison with poison. Using scum to overcome scum. I’ll be relying on you to abuse the scum gong! Remember to not OOC~

Xie He: Hehe.


Xie He: Hm? You say all the scum gong love me? Sorry, I only love myself.

Scum gong: ???

Associated Names
One entry per line
Công Lược Tra Công Kia
Related Series
The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide (Sequel)
The Perfect Destiny (13)
The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide (8)
Need to Propose to Seven Men What to Do! (5)
Seeking Good Temptation (4)
Even Until Death, the Scum Gong Thought I Was a White Lotus (4)
Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin (4)
Recommendation Lists
  1. C-bl novels
  2. Danmei I've read part 3
  3. Qt prose parades!
  4. To be read
  5. Completed Novels

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172 Reviews sorted by

Asphyxia778 rated it
August 28, 2021
Status: Completed
Oh I immensely enjoyed this novel.

I love QT so this is right up my alley.

First of all I really love our Xie He. He was originally a capture target but because he rejected 100 hosts the system made him a host out of exasperation. LOL

... more>> MC is a sly manipulative bastard and I love it. Like he doesn't even mind being the shou and compares the ML's performance in bed with himself. Xie He is a scum narcissist and he made me laugh out loud at his antics.

(But he's also has a soft side which finally reveals itself in the final arc)

Xie He is also a great actor and can snap into his role quite well. His personality is bad but I really really love him. Idk he just has that charisma.

Our system 444 is a cute innocent child and it's so funny to see it so flustered hahaha. 444 really is the sweetest pampered baby. The system's banter with MC is so cute and funny and is the best part of the story.

System 666 is also super hilarious and I love it's interactions with ML and system 444.


The scum ML's are really scum. There's a lot of dub-con and non-con and blackmail etc. Basically a lot of dogblood.

I personally like dogblood novels so I enjoyed it.

The final arc revealed that ML was actually a single person. I wont spoil much but everything makes sense in the final arc


I'd say don't get attached cause MC is forced to die and leave the world once the favoribility reaches 100 so most of the endings are tragic. MC also always goes out of his way to make the ending more tragic. MC and ML are both tenacious and I admire their perseverance though I love our President Xie more hahaha. Seriously though I really recommend this cause I rarely enjoy QT novels like this. I will definitely check out the author's other work. <<less
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Just.Erika.Will.Do. rated it
July 28, 2021
Status: only last vleft
My mind officially collapsed after reading this novela now every story seems lacking and I can't help myself from expecting angst and gong abuse before jumping into a new story (for any novel bl or not) which is saying something maybe I need help probably not I had these tendencies before now angst will never be the same for me I hope the author keeps writing many and new novels so I can get a good cry. This novel is not for those with a faint-heart and for those with... more>> sadomasochistic tendencies and love for angst this is a good novel for you.

Now those who say that this novel has a lot of r*pe coercion and all those red flags, yes it does but hear me out I was also swayed to drop this because of all things mentioned above but it's more than that, why I like this isn't because of r*pe play no I don't like it n never will for me the most satisfying thing is the retribution and the afterstory sometimes the tragic backstory of the characters or what our MC is going through made me cry a lot one of my most favorite scene was (not a big spoiler) :


the inner monologue when the abuse was soo bad that even the system received a warning that the MC received psychological damage


The little things that made no sense as mentioned by others I've managed to not think too much about it and as far as I remember it only happened in the first n second arc I won't deny the cons that most of the readers have written down already but I will say that read UpTo three arcs at least if ur not sure all warnings have already been posted whether in the tags or other readers comments so if u still started reading it then I think you'll like it I'm not good with words so I couldn't give more convincing reasons but give it a shot pls <<less
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petalfy rated it
June 30, 2021
Status: Completed
I loved this novel. Just as much as I loved the rest of this authors works. It's absolutely masterful, but I do have a few complaints.

Lets talk about the MC first. He's supposedly cunning and super smart, and with the way he dominates these arcs, I do think that it's true. Except... you don't really see the thought process behind anything that happens. I think this is because of this little habit the author has, with is seen in her other QT as well. The author basically writes the... more>> POV so that the MC thinks like the character during the entire arc. This means that us as readers only get to see the MC act all sad and wronged, even though he knows exactly what he's doing and is able to predict what is going to happen. He puts himself in the mind of the characters while acting. It's cool to see the perspective, but it's also disappointing that we only ever get to see the MC's real thoughts in between arcs or when he's speaking with the system.

The ML... he's a bit confusing. Basically, he's the MC's first ex from his original world. I have to say, the main world plot is a bit confusing to me, mainly because of the multiple world and hosts thing. Overall, it doesn't occupy much of the story, only the resolution arc, so I'm okay with it.

Another thing I wasn't a fan of. All the arcs are so... r*pey. Like, I personally don't understand why r*pe is needed to make the plot progress? It's all quite unnecessary, but I suppose the author was trying to make the face-slapping as satisfying as possible.

Also, one little thing that has constantly been on my mind. The first arc, the MC did blood transfusion by feeding his blood to the ML?? Like, he made him drink his blood?? Literally not how it works, but I guess I've moved past it since it's just a story.

Angst, dog-blood drama, can't ask for anything more. This danmei has all of my favorite novel aspects and also has entertaining arc tropes. Plus, lots of emotion and shed tears have been s**ked out of me, I'll cry no matter now many times I reread this. Conclusively, it has my highest recommendation and I'll be back to divulge my singular arc reviews and thoughts once I have the time. <<less
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Floating cloud
Floating cloud rated it
May 12, 2021
Status: Completed

I love reading QT novels, though I have no problem with dogblood dramas, if it's dragged for too long, then I lose my interest. STCTSG is truly a masterpiece of its own. Even though some arcs are way longer than the others, you don't actually get bored of it.

Even if there's some plot holes at the beginning of the story, everything comes to a perfect closure. It leaves you satisfied, or at least it did for me.

... more>>

It's a HE. As the author has mentioned, it's 1v1 and filled with dogblood. I actually enjoyed all the gong abuse that my emotions were almost numb by the end of the final arc. You won't get to know the ML formally unless you reach the final arc. As much as the gongs of every arc were scummiest of all the scums I've read, and all the gong abuse our MC presents is so satisfying, when it's revealed from the MLs POV, you feel sad for him.


What can I say about the MC, he's no white lotus, he's a witty scum shou who is level-headed, knows the consequences of every moves he makes and knows how to exploit his target to reach his goals. Though he's not the nicest person, he has his own principles and bottom line. He's actually my favourite character. He has his own uniqueness, he's flawed, he has his own weakness but it doesn't make us not love him any less. Every arc I went with him, made me feel a little closer to his character, and I know I may sound biased but MC is a character that has been meticulously planned and cultivated by the author to bless him with the best ending he could ever have. His EQ is truly so high that it makes sense why ML is how he is and how perfectly matched they are as a couple.

ML is such a cutie pie. He's so loyal and hardworking. When I think of ML, I imagine sunshine and summer. Of course, he's not a very sunny character, rather he's dedicated and plays solo but the way he's presented in this novel, I can't think of a better fit. His lack of EQ, as I've mentioned is a perfect match for our MC. Other than that, he's a really strong character that hardly shows any weakness. He has only one weakness which is also his ultimate strength, his will to live which keeps him going.. and that is our one and only MC.


He has only ever loved Xie He, our MC. Everything he did, he only did it for his beloved. And though sometimes you may think its way out of proportion, Xie He for him is his obsession. His obsession that has always kept him going. His beloved, his obsession.. someone he's willing to protect even if it cost him to disappear forever.


The systems that the hosts are bind to are also very charming. 444 who is bind to our MC is such a sweetheart. It's the only one who remains innocent and naive all throughout the novel. Even if Xie He is not the best host, a system can ask for, he has always kept 444 from breaking away from his innocence. He cared for it and gave it a big allowance to go shopping with his other system friends. 。◕‿◕。

666 which is the system for the ML is a very sharped tongue but a softie on the inside kind of system. It really cares about ML and dotes on 444 a lot. Though the system doesn't have a good impression of MC, it still does it's best to help it's host since it cares about the host.


the systems have a little screentime and realise the feelings they have for eachother. Even though they're nothing but data, they're still able to feel emotions (not like the humans) but they can still perceive since they're smart AIs. All they lack is a body like the humans.


Many may not agree with this novel since it has lots of triggering elements but if you can look past that, it isn't as bad as one might think.

The author's views on love is something I don't wholly agree with but it's thought provoking. When we're exposed to MCs inner thoughts and his views on love and his life, I felt so sorry for him. It makes you want to give everything you have to him and ease his pain.


it's not like he doesn't need love. It's the circumstances he's in, the fate he's unable to change at first, the helplessness he felt, the betrayal from the only person he opened up to, the annoying hosts that he came across, the tales and sacrifices of fake love he encountered.. it made his already hardened shell in which he protects himself more profound.


The ending was very satisfying for me and the extras gave light to some unanswered questions that was bugging me. This is one of the satisfying novel I've come across. All the tears were worth it. <<less
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Lea168 rated it
April 18, 2021
Status: Completed
4.5/5 rating.

Some arcs are really super great and addictive. Can't help but binge and cry buckets of tears even when I knew it was an act. The angst is still real!!! It broke my heart. (WARNING: read the tags and prepare for r*pe scenes, I didn't mind as MC is the real scum who enjoyed being violated and triggered it himself).

My fav are the arcs where ML was the crown prince of an advanced interstellar empire, then the one where MC was an award winning actor and then the... more>> final arc plus extras (real world). I understand that some readers think it gets repetitive, but in fact, that applies to most of the Quick Transmigration stories imo. The genre is quite repetitive. I recommend to skip some arcs and read the final one. Sometimes you can only appreciate and enjoy the cycle arcs if you understand the bigger picture.

If you make it till the final arc.... the author explains why both MC and ML were scums and why they are in this cycle. The explanation is much better than offered by some other QT stories, super satisfying. The real ML is totally the opposite, a total sweet heart and I feel so sorry for him. It is heart breaking what he did for MC. MC is not my fav character. He truly is a bit cold imo.

Anyway, give it a try! I always read QT stories as different short stories/arcs and often need a (short) break between arcs. If it gets boring/annoying and read the ending/explanation and decide afterwards if it's worth finishing all the arcs. <<less
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Drenlith rated it
February 11, 2021
Status: Completed
If you have any left over grudges for scummy MLs and wanna see them abused to the point of their souls scattering... THIS IS IT!!!
Huge impression right off the bat; to illustrate it in my way, I'd say MC is like Jabami Yumeko from Kakegurui, strutting down the path with sprinklers setting off dog blood (dramarama queue Monster X's song) with a twisted expression of glee.
MC is not a good person either by any means, the only tragic beings here are the system that gets scolded and shamed every time for being naïve and the poor passer-bys, secondary MLs, or minimal admirers of MC.
MC has a brilliant talent for blackening people into no redemption too, that's how extreme it gets :D
It does follow tropes, but has immensely immersive narrations, from both a "pitiful abused victim" to "observing relaxed laissez-faire psycho host".
A very calculated nice interlude for when the abuse gets too much, breaking you off from the immersion of absolute hurt.

Yes, it has r*pe, yes, it's full of domestic violence and emotional abuse. But it's not even the worst thing that will happen to MC. Author squeezed out all capable scum moves from their repertoire.

But in the end it's worth to see tr*sh suffer, unable to obtain what they wanted the most after they fall in love with MC, mwhahahahaha.
It's not romanticizing things you shouldn't romanticise, so the MLs come with a degree of self-awareness of their own scum conduct and have to suffer in all eternity with the consequences of their actions. A deadly cycle of BEs! Endings are also conclusive, showing miserable scenes of the scums.
Beside the set-in-stone past happenings and character backgrounds + characteristics and destined leads, everything is quite open for MC to explore, unrestricted to a plotline.

The means of leaving the worlds are a bit ridiculous. Everyone, from translators to commenters to reviewers, have pointed it out so far that it's way too unrealistic and it's precisely so.
For example, first death could've been something along the lines like blocking a bullet for mission target and confess dying in his arms instead of mauling his own wrist that lead to blood loss. The death scenes are more or less old school soap-drama-esque on the levels of bleeding out of the mouth whether if you're hanged, poisoned or stabbed. It got much better after first couple of arcs though so it's bearable.

A spoiler for the finale:

In the end, it turns out it's all just (e) RP. You could consider the stories split yet aligned.

The system hosts are acting out a story, how much of it is all fake and how much of it is real?

Inconclusive, yet fascinating all the same. It's written so that you can both sympathize with the original characters or loathe them as well as get a whole new perspective with the real ML.
The finale gave the story a huge re-read value. The feelings of readers will be patched up in the end :D


Well, TL;DR: Everybody gets abused. Not undeservingly so, tickling the hearts whether you're a sad*st or masochist. MC abusing scum gongs till dropping dead, will anyone come and put a stop to him and set him straight for once or will he go down in history as the biggest scum abuser?! Who knows ;)
Amazing translations and if you're more into this type of cycle of abuse to vent, I recommend "Quick Transmigration System: Male God, Come Here" (non BL/Yaoi)
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Reyleisha rated it
February 8, 2021
Status: Completed
Rating: 4.5/5- I went in with zero expectations and was actually in for a pleasant, angsty surprise.

So I am new to the QT/ World-hopping genres and my first entrance into it was “The Perfect Destiny” which I didn’t really enjoy as much as I’d wanted to. That being said, I didn’t go into this book with much expectation and simply started it as a casual read to fill my tragedy and angst needs. (I am a masochist- I know)

I was in fact really happy with this novel. The first... more>> arc is what gets to a lot of readers and it’s actually one of the poorer plots in all 12 arcs. The remaining arcs are actually quite interesting and the angst is really well played out. I found myself tearing up for quite a few. If you can get through the first arc you may actually really enjoy this if you want pure dog blood tragedy because that’s the purpose of this book: To make you suffer.

It’s a read that you don’t have to do in one go (unlike me, I usually just gobble up novels in one go and this one was no different). You can pace yourself with this book and enjoy each arc for its own nuances. It’s easy for many repetitive plot points to resurface in QT novels but this story makes it quite bearable and I didn’t hate it all that much in the context of the arcs.

Some of the arcs were really dark and disturbing and the translators (Chrysanthemum Garden, who are indeed the true MVPs and my favorite group of translators) indicate these triggers throughout the book so you can skip through any really heavily themed ones.

The highlight is probably the last arc and how the story is tied together. The pairing is truly realistic and flawed and the HE makes all the pain you feel throughout the novel worth it. I liked the very human last arc and probably (in my personal opinion) the most painful. Even though it feels like you’re just reading short angsty stories throughout, the last arc really puts everything into perspective and answers a lot of the plot holes and questions.

The novel is definitely flawed, and you can see this in the first arc and where the author was going through writer’s block or exhaustion. But even with these flaws I really enjoyed this author’s work and look forward to her other works. It was a refreshing experience for me and I loved the systems, 666 and the baby 444. They were the gems in this story.

I think overall it’s a definite must read for tragedy lovers and it’s definitely a novel that’s allowed me to get more into the QT genre. <<less
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Jay0 rated it
February 7, 2021
Status: Completed
Ok y'all, I know this you abuse me, I abuse you drama may not be palatable to some people, but I LIVE FOR THIS SH*T. (ΦwΦ;)

My black little sadomasochistic heart revels in the dog-blood. You get to torture yourself with sadness at the mistreatment of the MC, and then gleefully enjoy some quality scum gong abuse as the ML regrets intensely. The angst isn't intolerably painful since the quips between the cunningly confident MC and his cute system return some humour into it. The author even gives you a... more>> fluffy buffer at the end so you don't leave feeling depressed.

Sure, it's a valid argument to say that the arcs can be repetitive, with the same sort of general plot/flow of abuse (and MC's main character trait is acting pitiful). But I was never bored - the background settings were diverse enough that I still felt the novelty (but then again I could probably read 100 more arcs of this same sorta thing...).

There was no pre-ordained plot to follow like in some QT stories, and the MC actually utilises the system's abilities and props constantly and intelligently. He has psychopathic levels of EQ and crazy ability to analyse other characters. He is the king of scum gongs. <<less
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thebadgirl05 rated it
January 22, 2021
Status: --
Mother trucker. Seriously though? I dropped this on the first arc due to various reasons like:

  • The MC acts his role in a way that the character seems too gullible to the point of foolishness that grates on my nerves.
  • I hate the system---not the system but the task of capturing scum gongs itself. Dafudge? Blackening a perfectly good person who loves you in exchange for a damned scum gong who only thinks with his d*ck and have no regard for his brother who looks up to him is way too much.
  • Dunno about you guys but I don't see any romance there really. If this arc is already too much then I don't dare imagine the next ones.
But to the people who enjoy dog blood drama and scum gongs thinking with their... more>> lower halves, go on. <<less
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qpzmal rated it
January 1, 2021
Status: Completed
It's pretty straight forward. Be abused then abuse others. I get bored easily so I was debating dropping this, so I just skimmed through the arcs that didn't catch my interest. You don't miss anything if you skip a bunch of arcs. Just reading the chapter titles gives you the general idea. Feel free to read the first couple, or just the first arc, then skip to the end since it's basically the same story over and over again. And the ending: chef's kiss. Soo cute. The fluffiest thing ever. I cried. It was unexpectedly heartwarming after being bombarded with all the angst from the previous arcs. Even though this novel is pretty heavy and covers some uncomfortable topics, the ending makes it so worth it. There were actually some arcs that were cute and had happy endings in my opinion like

The Empire's Captive arc since the MC confessed at the end, that he would love him if they weren't fated enemies, and they died together voluntarily.


And what is up with this emoji 🙂. I can't look at it the same way. It just radiates passive aggressiveness to me.
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Ritsuka rated it
December 13, 2020
Status: Completed
OK so I'm just gonna tell you guys clearly this novel is definitely NOT for everyone. Anyone who can't handle heavy angst which includes r*pe, torture, drug abuse, betrayal, revenge and so on... DONT READ THIS. But before you guys judge, let me tell you our MC Xie He is just acting, he means for these things to happen to do his missions but since the author writes this from the perspective of roles the MC is in, so these things seem real and we suffer from this heart rending... more>> angst! So I repeat, If you can't handle that, don't read and don't badmouth this novel!

I'm gonna explain the reason why I gave this 5 stars now.I hope this can help you choose whether to pick up or not.

I totally hate tragedy but if its angst with an ultimate good ending i'll give it a try so I read this novel. YES! It has a GE.I thought it would be light on angst but like they say when it rains, it pours the angst was really freakin heavy! You won't be affected from the first arc but when you keep reading this onward you'll eventually start to feel your heart hurt and cry. Yes, cry!Even I who haven't cried watching feely anime, I cried for hours reading this. BUTTTT even though the angst was hurting me, Each freakin arc's story just freakin pulled me in! I was so invested in each story so much. Since the author wrote from the roles' perspectives, we could feel their expectations, despair, pain, regrets EVERYTHING! And it honestly charmed me, pulled me in and made me keep reading even if it hurt me!Starting from the MC roles pain and struggles, it went to gong abuse and then both MC roles and ML roles struggles together. It was a cycle that hurt me and made me feel bad for both MC and ML roles but I honestly wanted to see more and know how the story will play out, what will the characters do and what will eventually happen in each world!And thats not all! The premise of each world was fresh and different from other worlds!

I get it, I get it I sound like such a masochist. But you'll get it too if you read it!

My favourite Arc was The empire one and Patriarch's Cat arc. Honestly, they were really thrilling and kept me on the edge of my seat. Arc 3 and Reborn Brother arc was stuff of nightmares that both charmed me and traumatised me.

The MC even tho doesn't appear that much when playing roles. But it was his character's allure at the end of arc 1 that pulled me in to read it. He's the definition if strong, intelligent and handsome shou. You just gotta love him no matter how scum he is. He's kinda like the protagonist of propose to 7 men whom I love to death!

And his real world proved to us that even though he was a scum, he was a scum with a soft side. He had a proper reason for his action and behaviour and I'm truly glad that the author didn't give him the virg*n Mary identity by showcasing some really horrible past. He remained our president Xie till the end but he truly did love the ML


The ML is not even mentioned once in any arc except the final where we finally get know everything. Don't worry guys, its 1v1 and our ML is truly a nice guy. He's a vinegar Jar but he's definitely not like those twisted, cold hearted MLs. He's such a precious, loyal and honest guy.I won't reveal anymore but you give will love him too!

Since he fell in love, he went to such heights to save the one he loved and was so loyal, disregarding his own life! Even tho he knew MC was acting, he felt so pained and hurt himself so much in each arc!It was painful reading his experience. He truly loved the MC and MC was his obsession and the reason why he kept going!


The system is a baby! In these angsty arcs. His and the MC's chats were the only thing giving me solace!

The final Arc tho contained lil bit angst, the author really properly explained every single thing in detail and even made notes at the end of each chapter. Then we got our eventual fluff too. The ending is really great. It had me in happy tears!So enduring 12 arcs of angst was worth it all!

The extras give us the ML perspective which tells us how he felt too and the last extra is pure fluff that really cancelled out all the angst.

I really wanted to find and beat up the author. Like how the hell did she write this. Just what kind of inspiration or experiences she gotta have to write this. But still I gotta praise her writing, from the plot of each arc to the portrayal of the feelings of each character and the ending she did a MARVELLOUS job!She truly wrote a freakin unique novel! She mentioned it herself that she went against the stereotypes to write this kind of novel and i'd say her effort was worth it. Even tho we have so many QTs most of them feel the same at this point, except a few which truly the best ones and this one is included in them. It didn't go the typical do your mission, get the ML, fall in love in each arc plot but rather it focused on the angst its strong point and that made it unique.

If you guys plan on reading it and are a bit timid like me, take breaks while reading when you want, I myself think I should have read it as it was being translated chapter by chapter so I could lessen my suffering but I just had to be stubborn and wait for arcs to finish then binge read 2-3 at once! Don't do that if you're yowai like me lol!

For people, who can handle emotional stuff well, go read this gem! You won't find something like this elsewhere! <<less
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tkkaine rated it
July 24, 2020
Status: c129
Honestly, I don't know why some reviews state they've read like 100 chapters and still are offended by the r*pe. It literally starts ep1. Hey, scum gongs gotta do extra scummy things ok. If you've read anything by this author, you know a bit of what to expect. Personally, I have to say, I always have to take a little break between arcs/worlds cause sometimes the tragicness is a bit hard to take but man, I keep coming back. It's obsessive. And weirdly refreshing to read of the MC treating... more>> scum gongs like the scummy gongs they are.

Only thing I feel sad about is sometimes the 2nd ML are just good people who get the short end of the stick and we never find out what happens to them. Otherwise, these stories are a wild ride, and I'm loving it. I also wish a LITTLE that there was more of a hint of maybe an overarching storyline of the MC maybe finding someone to actually love. Who knows, maybe there is. <<less
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April 26, 2020
Status: c32
Oh boy the translations on this are amazing. Really nicely done.

Ok, I'm gonna be honest, this was not my cup of tea but I still recognize that this novel is really well translated/written, story premise is interesting, and our MC is a competent lad. Let me start with the good points:

  1. As I mentioned before, MC, who was a gong before transmigrating, is a competent dude who is cold, calculative and doesn't fall in love with his targets at all (granted I only read till chapter 32 but it's over 200 chapters long so I'm gonna say he keeps to that standard for a long ass time).
  2. If you're looking for a black bellied, possessive to the point of sometimes breaking MC (he doesn't actually break, he's "acting"), yandere ML.... you've come to the right place my friend, come sit down and take a gander at this wonderful treat. However, for those who hate r*pe, turn away, this is not for you and don't start reading this thinking "oh I'll just ignore it and then leave a crappy review pissing on about the r*pe part" like read the f*cking tags. If you can't stomach r*pe, don't go into a story thinking you can get around it. Also, the r*pe affects the overarching plot of each arc so it's not gonna happen once! It'll happen again and again and again and again because this is a black bellied, narcissistic yandere gong!
  3. It's really nicely written and the arcs aren't too short or too long, they are just right.
Again, it's nice, but now for me personally, this is the stuff I didn't like:

  1. I hated that the MC had to act out roles in different worlds. From the 1 and a half arcs I read, he was acting out very naive, soft, shous who were always manipulated by the black bellied gong. I don't like that. I want an MC who acts as themselves, because what happens is, when they are "acting" that means the ML isn't falling for the actual MC but the "act" the MC is putting on and that, that takes away from the overarching feelings in the arcs for me. Our MC is cold, competent and cunning, I'd rather see a 100 versions of him than see him act out a naive, and s*upid little white lotus shou.
  2. The plots for the first two arcs followed the typical yaoi manga route I've seen COUNTLESS times before. In both instances the gong is someone with wealth and power and the shou is the exact opposite. It's a boring plot maneuver which would've been more interesting with the shou could've acted as himself. Boring, boring, boring, if I wanted a typical plot i'd have gone and read Okane ga nai for the 117th time. What is the point of having a cunning and cold shou when he can't act as a cunning and cold shou? Ah I'm so disappointed.
Overall, I can acknowledge when something is... more>> great but isn't for me and this is one of those instances. If you can look past what I can't, then go for it, it's worth the read but just wasn't my thing. <<less
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whitespade rated it
February 25, 2020
Status: c64 part1
Read this if you like abuse!

The MC is abused thoroughly and r*ped basically every incarnation so if you like that kind of trauma you will like this. I cried every chapter due to our white lotus MC.

However, you will not be disgusted simply because MC actually engineered to be r*ped and nothing good ever happens for the rapists ML in the end. So MC and system will just pat their bu*t and off to another world after having their fun.

This is the BL version of Quick Transmigration System : male... more>> god come here. <<less
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linnauesss rated it
December 20, 2019
Status: --
I recommend this for some of yall who is an M, maybe some of yall masochist may cry from heartache or from the comedic tone of Xie He's point of view.

I like the ML's dark mind, habbit of drinking gallons of vinegar, and damn that little black room tho and the horse ride for kids that is definetely 20/10 for me

It focuses mainly on the relationship of my family's MC and ml.

but the translation is slow for me cause this damn book got mah soul hook so pls may the... more>> gods gave mercy on the translator and have her/him more free time to translate this

call me sad*st for ML but I mf love how mls be heartbroken when my familys MC leave them world like yall every damn time he leavin he breaks my heart and my familys mls heart sksksksksk. They needa learn they lesson coz every mf time mls be f*cking up MC like the ml!daddyxmc!notbiologicalbaby is so good imma be reading it every damn time

i rarely give 5/5 but yassssss this book stabbed me in my kidney, heart, soul and mind like imma be dying here if yall not update this sooner or later <<less
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mazeoflife28 rated it
July 1, 2019
Status: c62
I avoid tragedy tags like the plague because I'm a baby and I don't want to cry. But it's different when it comes to this novel because the MC is acting according to the world mission. Yeah the ML is acting too but there's that safe space knowing that the characters aren't REALLY broken in and everything is so hopeless and depressing.

Also, it made me realize I do like seeing the scum gong abused to death while the shou may appear fragile and emotionally jilted but is in fact, not... more>> affected.

Edit: This made me cry, still. And seeing other comments, I am so curious about MC's background and what makes him tick. <<less
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merinnan rated it
February 11, 2024
Status: Completed
Holy sh*t was this a wild ride. I LOVED it, but I do not recommend this novel if you have triggers, it is full of dogblood scenes and extremely scum characters doing horrible things. MC was a scum gong capture target for transmigrators to his world. After the 100th transmigrator fails to capture him, the main system decides to make him a transmigrator instead, and sends him off to capture extremely scummy gongs in other worlds. He does this by step-by-step leading them into carrying out their darkest schemes and... more>> desires on him while manipulating them into falling in love with him. Once their favourability reaches a certain point, he turns the tables on them by putting them through emotional abuse that makes them suffer extreme regret, before killing himself once he's captured them in order to make sure the lesson sticks. MC is thoroughly enjoying himself the entire time, and his poor little innocent system (whom he calls 'Baby') really doesn't know how to respond to this.

I knew from early author notes that the scum gong capture targets of each world were actually the same person, who was the ML, and that it was endgame MC x ML HE. But as we went through world after world of the ML being the scummiest of scum and the horrendous sh*t he did to the MC in each world (especially the penultimate world, holy sh*t was that a dark one), I was beginning to really wonder just how the hell the author was going to pull off a HE when there was no way someone capable of that kind of sh*t deserved redemption and a HE in any way at all. Then we got to the last world, where almost everything I thought I knew about what was going on got completely upended. I loved it, and the promised HE was both fitting and satisfying. <<less
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RanMitake rated it
August 28, 2023
Status: Completed
Honestly this is one of my favorite. I've read this novel two years ago and have reread it multiple time already. This novel is like a dish that people either really like and enjoy or dislike and hate.

Before jumping into it I suggest you carefully READ THE TAGS. READ THE TAGS. READ THE TAGS. Important things must be said three times. It has a LOT of trigger warnings and dark themes. Those being r*pe, non-con/dub-con, drugs, manipulation, abuse, su*cide, torture, and more. Its going to be testing your moral bottom... more>> line, so if you feel uncomfortable with those mentioned don't read this then complain about it when it was clearly stated in the tags and the translator has put multiple warnings already.

On the other hand this novel has lots of my guilty pleasures: Tons of angst, the MC committing self-sacrificing or suicidal acts, the ML only realizing they want the mc's genuine love after they broke him. The author used this charade of 'ML hurting the MC and regretting it in the end plot' in all the arcs so some may find this dogblood and redundant but I honestly enjoyed it like this.

Basically if you want to see scum gongs get the bloody retribution to their scummy actions, experience that satisfying angst and don't mind the trigger warnings you will enjoy this. But if you came here for a decent plot building and morally align story, this novel isn't for you. <<less
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Alittlekitty rated it
August 14, 2023
Status: Completed
*sigh*. How do I say this? The ending throughly disappointed me. The angst was good, the psyche play was good and the characters was but the romance is sh*t. Don't get me wrong, that author obviously did a good thing when placing in mind the characters behavioural attitudes but please the romance was not good at all.

I get we're trying to see Xie he as a ruthless power shou and sh*t but the gong was too damned suppressed. If the author thought I would be resigned to allow such an... more>> unfair relationship bcs the gong was an a-hole in the world's then she failed. There was so much time explaining the reasons for ML action and indeed I did forgive him because honestly everything truly wasn't in his control and he tried his best.

Am not making him a good person but such an obviously unfair relationship, as a person who went through those worlds with them I feel unresigned. MC doesn't treat ML like an equal and a relationship like that sucks, a relationship should be equal no matter what. Am ready to endure anything else but such an unequal relationship I could never accept.

I mean, MC looks like if he finds someone better one day he'd easily drop ML without remorse. No matter how author tries to sugarcoat the relationship, it's obvious MC has an upper hand and ML is more like some loyal dog than a partner to him.

Honestly, am so disappointed rn I feel like my days of reading was wasted, I don't really care abt the angst as long as I got a good ending but this ending is just shit. Their relationship is too goddamn baised, a relationship that isn't equal can never be good, it's just plain toxic for both. At this rate I think I'd have rather prefered a bad ending.

But looking at the good side, the novel WAS really good. No brain dead characters and the angst was delivered in the most spicy way ever. I enjoyed the heck out of it and the systems are cute too plus author really tried with the lore of the story and overall it was a well written novel.

But the ending ruined it all, I don't think I can bring myself to like such an unequal relationship no matter what. A true relationship shouldn't have such vast difference in authorities, equality is needed and author turned the main cp into something ridiculous with that mistake.

I'm so sad and disappointed. Peace out 😥😞😔. <<less
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Work.kanika rated it
June 30, 2023
Status: --
I have rated it Two as my personal preference of Romance & Little fluff is not met. I am dropping this novel in middle of Arc1 as I don't feel relaxed reading it you can say I don't like abuse of innocent passerby in Arc 1, and coz momentum is not build so I can drop in middle.

P.S: Atleast read Arc 1, before deciding to drop or skip, as author narration or story concept is good, its just the individuals taste might differ.
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