Strategy to Capture that Scum Gong


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As a true over-bearing president scum gong, when Xie He for the nth time rejected his admirer, he heard a sentence in his head: “Congratulations on achieving the “rejects 100 hosts” accomplishment; as an award you will soon bind to the “Scum Gong and Cheap Shou” system, entering other worlds to complete capture missions.

As a scum gong, Xie He expresses that it is very easy to hide one’s true colors, but…

“I Heard My Boyfriend’s Brother Secretly Loves Me,”

“Teacher Love Me One More Time,”

“Raising Youth Manual,”

“Your Majesty, This Servant Obeys,”

“The Tyrant Lord’s Substitute Lover,”

“Captive of the Empire,”

“Disciple’s Cultivation Furnace”…

Xie He: Wait a minute. These words sound really strange… and why is my role the ‘cheap shou’?

System: Fighting poison with poison. Using scum to overcome scum. I’ll be relying on you to abuse the scum gong! Remember to not OOC~

Xie He: Hehe.


Xie He: Hm? You say all the scum gong love me? Sorry, I only love myself.

Scum gong: ???

Associated Names
One entry per line
Công Lược Tra Công Kia
Related Series
The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide (Sequel)
The Perfect Destiny (13)
The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide (8)
Need to Propose to Seven Men What to Do! (5)
Seeking Good Temptation (4)
Even Until Death, the Scum Gong Thought I Was a White Lotus (4)
Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin (4)
Recommendation Lists
  1. C-bl novels
  2. Danmei I've read part 3
  3. Qt prose parades!
  4. To be read
  5. Completed Novels

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172 Reviews sorted by

Maxe DG
Maxe DG rated it
November 9, 2021
Status: Completed
If you loke reading angst and abuse this is really for you.I cried in every arc. If you have read a lot of quick transmigration novels this one is actually good and logical. MC is smart and blackened. The pain will go away if you finish throigh the ending. And if you're new to reading bl novels please don't read this first cause you might get a trauma. Overall I really like it but afraid to read it again, one of the best QT bl novels out there.ᕕ (ᐛ)... more>> <<less
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August 30, 2021
Status: Completed
I absolutely hate, hate, hate unnecessarily sad stories, which is why I was wary about this story at first. The tragedy tag and negative reviews made me very cautious about reading this novel. However, I was on a QT kick and rediscovered this story and decided to give it a try - I'm so glad I did!

The stories in this novel have lots of non-con/dub-con, but unlike other novels, it's very clear that the non-con elements are all an act. Not only is there the fact this is happening in... more>> a fictional novel and not reality, but the person really is only putting on an act. The translators are also very clear in explaining the distinction between this in fiction/entertainment vs in real life.

The scenarios in these arcs were so unique for a QT novel, I found myself really enjoying each story. My only worry while reading was that the story as a whole might be as tragic as the arcs, but I found the ending surprisingly thoughtful and philosophical. I love how the author wrapped up the loose ends and explained the main couple (there is only one gong throughout the whole story). I love the happy ending. And I love how strong both the shou and the gong are - their strengths are different and complimentary. I love how both are not resigned to the fates assigned to them and learn to defy fate in their own ways (one through brute force and one through strict control of their own emotions). The mutual trust that develops, and mutual respect for the other to make their own decisions, is really sweet to see.

After finishing the novel, I had to take a deep breath. There was so much angst to reevaluate, so many stories to digest, and so much to think about regarding what it means to love. <<less
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AneeChan rated it
August 29, 2021
Status: Completed
First up, don't listen to anybody who's commented on the story negatively BEFORE COMPLETING IT. The story that begins as a mindless, shallow galore of dog blood drama establishes itself as a deep, fleshed and intricately written monstrosity of a story by the last arc. The last arc is the PULSE. It's the liege and might of the entire story and anybody who hasn't read that had no right to judge the book based on the first few arcs.

That being said, although the real depth and substantially remarkable parts of... more>> the story emerge at the very end that is not to tell that the rest of the story is uninteresting. It's entertainment at its finest.

So here's why you should read it.

♤ IT WILL f*ck WITH YOUR EMOTIONS: The novel is catered to appeal to the emotional highs and lows of the readers. It is NOT a intricate read that will keep you engaged with the accuracy of every little happenstance/world building and isn't enriched with ostentatious political machinations or detective chess schemes. It wouldn't feed your articulate plot loving self. However it would feed your inner emotional pavlova to break out of its cage. Seriously, even if you don't shed tears you'd definitely be moved. Idk about the MC's eq, but the author has near perfect eq regarding the scope of her readers: She knows where to hit for the reader to feel.

♤ AN INTERCONNECTED AND OVERARCHING PLOT DEVELOPMENT: Everyone describes the MC as ruthless, cold blooded and a boss type who's emotionally constipated buutt he definitely evolves throughout the course of the story and they're depicted through very tiny details that can go amiss without proper attention. For eg;

Every subtle change from the blackening value inclusion to the reason why MC at times evades 444's questions have a reason

. Even the very cheap, predictable, pattern-oriented romances of the earlier arcs sit at such a startling contrast to the final arcs romance that defies all Clichés and expectations.

Overall, it's a very fulfilling story and when you hit the very last line of the story you know that the everything as a whole is beautifully layered.

The endings didn't give closure (foreshadowing) and BEs existed with a reason (To alleviate the suspense of the the story because it's devoid of any other suspense factor). Basically even the bad endings are a clever plot device hehe

Minor issues I had with the story:

♤The story isn't free of plot holes and weren't researched at certain happenstances (Downright unbelievable bullsh*t happens but yh you gotta suck it up). When the explanation of the mechanisms behind the system happened things turned into massive info dumps and purple proses some which even after several paragraphs didn't make alot of sense. The author's inability to convey the complexity and numerous reasonings behind the machinations of the system and the resulting character conduct bled through.

♤The la, ba, ne of the translations: The translations did an amazing job with the translation and accuracy of things. The picture the author wanted to paint was vividly conveyed by their careful administration of every word. But really, why the la? Why ba? What's the point of it? Once you remove it.... the meaning of the sentence remains unaffected. So why???

Anyways those are my trivial concerns regarding this whole story. I binged it in 5 days and now honestly I feel nostalgic. Overall, highly recommended if you're to type to get your heart broken and mended to only get it broken again and again until finally it gets broken of softness and happiness (IT'S A HAPPY ENDING MFS)
These are words that kept me awake all night, words that I'm gonna cherish for a lifetime.


when Xie He heard those three words, his heart that had long since stopped beating began to throb.

NOTHING LESS THAN A 4.5 STARS ☆☆☆☆☆ <<less
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GaaraJunkie rated it
July 12, 2021
Status: c19
The author used a nasty trope of an old stereotype of gays in Asia. The old stereotype, and false understanding, is that being gay means that there is a solid Sad*st and Masoch*st relationship where the bottom is a closeted masoch*st that likes to be treated badly, and the sad*stic top likes to abuse - so bullying and r*pe is 'normal and alluring' for them... BD*M is a sexy kink and it is hot when it's between consenting adults.

The first world angst storyline dragged on so miserably that I skipped... more>> paragraphs- most of them are the dub-con and non-con paragraphs, really. This author's technique is not my cup of tea as it seems unnecessary, frustratingly repetitive, and a waste of time.

PS: The MC did not do a blood transfusion by giving blood, he just gave his blood as sustenance- and whatever you consume, your body absorbs hence the "his blood in your veins" phrase.

Dropped. <<less
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Zianthus rated it
March 19, 2021
Status: c41
Please read this before you read the novel!

I know I haven't read all the chapters yet (will soon), but I can't stop myself to write this review. Mostly because there are MANY people who COMPLAINT about the story being too much r*pe & blablabla...

FIRST OF ALL, please take a second look at ALL the tags in NU. Please. Read. It. All.

... more>> There are reasons why there are tags such as r*pe, sadistic characters, masochistic characters, s*xual abuse, Stockholm syndrome, yandere, male yandere.

There are wayyy too many of these tags. Which each of them written clearly on NU. So don't skip it or act like you don't know 'bout it then complaint or give a bad review for the novel. It give a big impact on such a good novel!

If you doesn't want to read story with those tags, simply don't read, don't give hateful comment without considering the tags. They are written there to remind you 'bout the story beforehand after all. <<less
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AlvoisSam rated it
December 16, 2020
Status: c75
This novel is a definite three stars (2.8) for me based on what I've seen and read in the last 75 chapters. I have not completed it and has no plans too, but I have enough experience with the story to rate it accurately.

And after seeing so many 4 and 5 stars reviews, it makes me want to add a more negative opinion in order to balance it out. And no, I did not deduct stars because of the non-con or angst element. I knew what I was getting into,... more>> and I was prepared for it.

First, I'm gonna talk about the various pros this novel have. One of the them is the Main Character, Xie He (XE), who is a smart and intelligent badass. His personality is something I quite like, not extremely shy or super arrogant. He's the type of person that always have a plans and doesn't let anything go out of his grasp. Always calm and collective, if you want a good main character that isn't naive, innocent or just plain dumb, he's your man.

This also leads to one of the negative of the novel which is also the MC, Xie He. One of the reasons why I describe XE as a 'good' main character instead of 'great' is that he's just too much of a Mary Sue. Like I describe above, XE always plans ahead and is ten steps further than everybody. Which means that there is no tension in the story, and that the entire situation is always in the palm of his hand. I find it very unrealistic that even after 3 different world, his plans have not suffered a single major setback, and follows exactly what he predicted... Maybe some change would be nice.

Another pro of the story is the angst in every arc. You can just taste it, the sweet sweet suffering that the scumbag so totally deserve. It's always nice to have them suffer for what they've done. While it never brought me to tears, it's still brought out some emotion I never thought I would have for the characters.

This is the novel's main attraction because the story is told from the perspective of the character XE is acting as, so it feels as though the events is actually happening and the characters is suffering even though it was all XE scheme. For example, one of the character that XE is acting was being r*ped by the scumbag male lead. The story will be told in the perspective of the acted out character, who will probably feel resentment and hatred. And the writing is amazing, at least in the first arc. But in reality, Xie He is just there enjoying himself because he planned the whole thing beforehand. The story does this really really good in order to draw out emotion, and when I first started reading this, I thought it was really good. But then the author did the same thing over and over again....

This leads to one of the most glaring negative of this novel, the repetitiveness. Every one of the arcs I've read is the same. It goes like this: MC and ML meets. The MC acts all innocent and naive, and the ML bullies/sexually harass the MC. The MC continuously endured it until he gives up, and spark up drama/conflict between the side characters. Then, he always kills himself in the end, going away from the world right in front of the scumbag in order to maximize suffering. Every single one of the three arcs have been in that order with only tiny differences in between. The first arc was really good, the second arc was fine, the third arc makes it drags, and I'm currently on the fourth arc which made me dropped the novel. I can already predict what is going to happen to the characters and plot, and that's not a good thing. It's because the author is using the same template again and again, but I can't blame them for repeatedly using something that work the first time around. Too bad, if the author had changed a tiny bit in every arc stories, I would have given this a 4/5.

Another problem I had with the novel was the way MC uses to torture the scumbag. He always hurts himself in the process, which I find extremely distasteful. He then kill himself off in every arc as well. This is my own personal opinion, but I extremely dislike the way XE does this. Hurting oneself in order to hurt the enemy leave a bitter sensation in my heart. This is influenced from when I read "Don't Pick Up Boyfriends From The tr*sh Can, " which is an extremely good novel, and is much written than this one.

All in all, there were still some flaws I haven't mentioned like no character development, nearly 0 world building and all that, but they didn't hurt my interest in this novel as much as the cons I written about above. If you want some good angst, read this. If you want some non-con melodrama, read this. Otherwise, this novel isn't very good, sadly. <<less
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November 7, 2020
Status: --
It already 4 arc, if I found out that MC still treat ML so badly, always abuse him and leaving him behind to move on to the next world then, I would drop this novel. I already got tired with this heartless MC. I know he always being r*ped by ML yet he enjoyed the way ML treated him in bad way. After all he was masochist. So why the hell he always abuse ML so badly?
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SuouNono rated it
November 4, 2020
Status: c199

Slight spoilers ❗❗

Like another review has pointed out, I feel that the main leads in each arc need to get punished more. I think there were some MLs that had tragic ends themselves, though? (e.g. the drug arc. I am emotionally exausted for both the MC and ML) The other review also stated "They werent sorry for raping the MC, they were sorry that the MC died" or something like that. Which I think isnt true? From the style of the author's writing, she very directly wrote out the... more>> feelings of each character.

Another thing to point out is the "If they loved him, they wouldnt have r*ped him" thing. Which is true. But they didnt do it out of love. Remember, it was because of their hatred that was built off of misunderstandings, not because of love.

Most of the time, it's like this:

ML: "I hurt him (mc) out of hatred and revenge, but now that I know that he's innocent, what have I been standing for? For what reason did I hurt the person I love like this?"

They did regret hurting (raping) the mc; genuinely too. But MC only ever makes them truly, genuinely sorry right before he decides to die.

There was this line in the novel as well:

"Because when one really cared about someone, one wouldn't be able to bear hurting them or betraying them... "

But yes, the author does seem like they have a r*pe fetish. I mean, from the author's skills of being able to write a sobbing eight o'clock drama, surely the r*pe wasnt necessary? Then again, the main leads in each world didnt exactly seem mentally sound when they were trying to exact revenge on MC.

Character wise, honestly, I think all the characters seem pretty bland, and I kinda hate them all. Except for bby 444.

So, if Im complaining about it this much, why do I still read it? Why give it such a high rating? Simple. The knives, duh. Each arc, especially the ones after arc 4 (?) when the missions get harder, get more and more emotionally exausting after I cry each time. Im not looking for good decisions, because this novel has none of it. And it totally couldve done the abuse without all the r*pe. However, I'm looking for that stabbing, heart-wrenching feeling of regret. And that's exactly why I wont complain because thats what I came here for. Too much like a dramatic telenovela? Who cares? That irrealism that would never happen in real life is what I came here for.

Of course, if you're uncomfortable with these types of themes, I reccomend you don't read this. <<less
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xMochii rated it
September 4, 2020
Status: c161
Made an account just to review this wonderful novel!!~

Dog blood. So much dog blood. Normally I don't like angst, but the author is just too good at abusing readers QvQ

Every arc is full of drama and angst and hidden plot lines! The author was extremely creative with how they put all the characters into line, as if MC knows exactly how to use everyone to the max! Every arc I'm surprised by how many different ways MC/the author can position the rest of the characters.

Even though I normally don't read... more>> angst, I can't help myself on this one.

The way the story normally goes is


ML messes up big time, MC acts as if his character is very traumatized, and then makes ML realize his mistakes, thus causing a sequence of hatred for the ML, pity for the MC, then slight happiness yet at the same time more pain for ML!


The author also doesn't forget to include the small interactions with MC as an actor with his system, thus making me want to laugh while crying QvQ

Since I'm always reminded that MC is only acting (and has really dark fetishes? which means that he actually enjoys this) I always feel like I'm drowning in tears, then not knowing whether to laugh or cry more...

The MC and the character he acts out are extremely different, so the stories seem more about the character and the target rather than the MC and the target, which help me from 1. hating ML too much and 2. focusing too much on the 'rape' parts...

Thus, this novel is full of angst and laughter! Absolute masterpiece! One of, if not the best novels I've ever read and will ever read!

One perfect example of the angst & laughter is


When MC is a dying elf, ML gives him his god life to help MC live longer. Tragic, truly tragic!

--Except MC doesn't hesitate to sell it to the scam system store!

Normally, I didn't think much about how MC could sell things to the scam store, but this part made me realize truly just how clever the author is! Not only did they seal off plot holes (If ML has a full love meter for MC, wouldn't he give MC his life?) and slightly awkward endings (Now that MC has ML's god life, is he supposed to just die from the system? or commit su*cide?), the author also made it humorous and used one of the smaller parts of the story to help end this arc wonderfully! Truly beautiful!


Would 100% recommend if you like reading infuriating and tragic yet hilarious novels! <<less
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Flying Jade
Flying Jade rated it
July 29, 2020
Status: --
Almost everything I want to say about this book has already been said by Vampire Maid.

If, like me, you prefer substance other than one-dimensional fluff in your stories... well, this might be mildly irksome. Let me just say at the end of each chapter I felt like performing a lobotomy on the writer just to see which freaky light bulb went off when writing this story.

Overall, I love the premise, just not the execution.

It's quite hard for me to be rude in reviews, this somehow ticked me off, even though I saw the tags and the translator even gave ample warning about the weird writing style.
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Xian-laoshi rated it
March 21, 2020
Status: c21
Ending: 5/5

Plot: 2.5/5

Translation: 5/5

I wrote a mean review before, but I take that back. I'm now three years into reading danmei, and although this is not the best QT out there, this is definitely one of the unforgettable ones. The endings are just up to the taste of masochistic readers. If you want a good cry, read it.

My favourite one is Arc 4, father and son. I love it. *Looks at my piles of tissues*
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runqi rated it
March 19, 2020
Status: c74
To be blunt, this novel is absolute tr*sh. As long as you're pretty cool with that, you'll be good.

There's a lot of r*pe, there's a lot of garbage MLs, and there's a ton of implausible events. The whole thing is pretty much angst, dog blood, and revenge p*rn, but it's very very good at what it does and really piles on the angst and satisfaction. I cried a lot (especially 3rd/4th arc onwards) and I was pretty much glued to the screen. This book knows what it is (absolute garbage)... more>> and embraces it.

At the end of the day, I don't really have the mental capacity to read through complex, woven plots and character development, and this novel is just fast-paced serotonin into my noggin. I'm well aware of the flaws, especially the ton of s*xual assault. I will note that it isn't really romanticized; the ML/scum gong is never really considered as like as an actual viable romantic partner, but completely as a villain getting his comeuppance. As his crimes (assault, abuse, whatever) get higher and higher, the satisfaction when he's completely wrecked skyrockets. I don't think it's meant to be considered too realistically, and I kind of treat it as mindless garbage. <<less
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FanGirlNoha rated it
September 26, 2019
Status: c54
Edit: I've finished 3 arcs, spanning upto ch 54 and God, this has been the most contradictory journey in my life! This novel has abused my emotions with the heart wrenching tragedies but at the same, this has been the most cathartic and therapeutic novel (BL at least) that I've read. The only competition I can find in terms of the tragic deaths is probably Heroic Death System and even there, we at least saw proper romance. A warning though: this novel is probably not meant for everyone. You... more>> either love it or hate it. There's nothing in-between. My eyes! My kokoro! (ಥ﹏ಥ) I feel like my heart will bleed from the tragedy! Good thing the MC's just acting. If this truly happened in a story, I'd definitely die from crying too much for the MC! This novel is an absolute tear jerker but IT'S SO GOOD! ABSOLUTELY RECOMMENDED! O (≧▽≦) o

The MC can manipulate other's emotions really well. And this is the first time that I'm seeing an MC who was initially a gong (in his original world) but didn't hate being an uke or think it was feminine in any way. He might have his flaws but he's definitely an MC that I love! His personality makes me wonder how the ML will actually win him over! (>﹏<) He's definitely a super hard nut to crack.

Translator sama! Thank you so much for the awesome translation! There may be small mistakes but the overall translation quality is quite good! ^_^ I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did! Please give my thanks to the author as well. :D

Tl;dr: Read at the risk of being attacked by onion ninjas! (# ̄ω ̄) <<less
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July 25, 2019
Status: Completed
Very good! Very well done!

I love this protagonist because not only is he ruthless to the scum gong but he's also extremely ruthless to himself!

Honestly, even though I knew the scum gong was hateful, you can't deny the fact that it is tragedy. (Ending is HE don't worry)

... more>> And because of that, I teared up at certain arcs and when you get to the end of the story and find out the truth it just hurts more.

However, throughout the whole ordeal of the protagonist capturing the target and suffering in the process, this was the truth:

444: Master what would you like to play and eat today (^♡^)

Mc: Yes, Smile. jpg

444: Host what's wrong! Are you sad about the gong? Worried. jpg

MC after suffering from the scum gong's hands: *sighs* No s*x life and no food=boring


The story and world building is very well done and as the plot moves along you see the clues and hints about the ML. Plus, all the worlds were enjoyable and refreshing. For intance, although there was a mecha world, it wasn't the ABO/omega jazz. If I say anymore then that's a spoiler.


My favorite world was the "The Fallen Elf King" haiz, the MC narcissism really shows here and I love it!


Everything wraps up nicely in the end and you also get side stories in the ML's view.

But, the arcs did get repetitive: MC deals with scum gong, scum gong falls in love, MC dies. jpg

But overall enjoyable.

And did I say how much I like the protagonist? I relate to him so much which is largely the reason of my high rating. Like the MC, emotions are useless and unnecessary when you know that a high level ai is against you. Plus the MC is smart, deducing his situation when 444 was first installed. And when the MC is smart, you know he can find out the clues about the ML, even I did (that's how you know mtl is good).

And some people may dislike the MC when they get towards the end of the story but let me make 3 points.

The summary stated it.

Throughout the world hopping, the MC agreed with the scum gong' s choices

Towards the end of the story, actions speaks louder that words.

Anyways that's my review. This is a must read when you have nothing else to read. Mtl is, like I hinted previously, extremely understandable if you cant wait for the translations, I know I couldn't



P.s. the ML is so lovable ugh I want a boyfriend like him: good in bed, st̶u̶p̶i̶d̶ silly, and possessive puppy but mean to others (^♡^) <<less
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mrews rated it
June 17, 2019
Status: Completed
Do you like dog blood dramas? Do you like crying your heart out? Most importantly, do you like watching how scum gong (s) suffer? Then this is the novel for you!

As is common in fast wear, the arcs here consist several world each with a distinct characters. To be honest, the MC is simply a bastard that enjoys making people suffer; but the story is written in two differing perspective, one from the MC perspective as he plots to gain affection from the ML and the point of view of... more>> the 'characters' in a particular world. So there's enough angst to go around and enough brevity from the MC and the system (and also to remind you that this is a quick wear novel).

Each arcs can honestly stand as its own story, some are more memorable than others. There's also a lot of noncon/dubcon, some in*est and a lot of suffering for the ML.

All in all, an okay read. 4/5 stars <<less
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June 29, 2022
Status: c111
I don't want to read anymore, haha it got too boring for my taste. Like I wanted to try this type of drama and psychological welfare but it's not for me.

Plus points for Xie He being a new type of main character I hadn't seen before in QTs. He's outspoken, really true to his lustful desires, dedicated to uhhh making him and his targets suffer gravely both mental and physical, M, and like probably really shameless in his internal thoughts while conversing with the system. He's very cunning and can... more>> exploit the heck out of the system to get most benefit he could ever manage.

What made me give up? It's not the gorey deets, I knew what I signed up for it's just that the characters of those people he portrayed was not really that different from one another. Either soft and enduring or fierce and enduring. My expectation was quite high but I guess it's too difficult to make them not like that since this is some sort of whitewashing or capture targets. Or... it's the story settings? <<less
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iamblair rated it
April 13, 2022
Status: Completed
I personally think that this is quite good when you're looking for a QT+Angst novel. I was very interested when reading the first 7 arcs but I slowly got tired of the cycle. I left this hanging for some time before I continued reading this again and it kind of lost it's shine to me. Maybe, numerous arcs QT was just not for me. However, I have to say that I enjoyed reading the last arc, the one about Xie He's real world. I love every moments with 666 and... more>> 444 in it. I think that of all the 200+ chapters, the last extra was the best. The ending was very satisfying. <<less
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Zeizenhaha rated it
February 19, 2022
Status: Completed
addictive novel recommend read fr. Love the arcs and characters, angst is overwhelming asf and I live for it, xie he's character is so smart it doesn't really make sense anymore and although he knows how to handle different situations his knowledge baffles me smm the author didn't even explain how he managed so know all that universal stuff without proper reason and only because hes smart like wtf???, system is cute not annoying probs my fave character along with all the good side ml's

overall, +1 for the arcs, +1... more>> for characters, +2 for the angst <<less
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NovelenthusiastIDK rated it
January 15, 2022
Status: c69
ANGST ANGST ANGST In the beginning It wasn't so bad, but It just kept getting worse, every ending of the arc is hearth wrenching. I can't keep reading this, maybe I'll come back in the future and see If It gets better, but for now I'm out. Also I really don't like how even though MC transmigrates into bodies It's like he's not even there, instead there are written down thoughts original character would have, what's even the point of MC being there.
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jinconium rated it
September 14, 2021
Status: Completed
I was really hesitant to read this novel at first because of the themes and warnings it Clearly Stated before you start reading it. However, curiosity overtook me and hoo boy, no regrets over here!

... more>>

At first I thought that it was purely a really dark novel, with all the warning tags, and initially thought that the happy ending tag was a lie. It wasn't. It is a fictional story, I know, but I feel touched that despite through the sh*t MC did in the entire story, he really does love ML. No, it isn't in the 'I'm testing your love for me' way. I think it was very human of him to hurt someone for hurting him by leaving.

And ML loves him back, albeit he's terrible at showing it.


If you can read through a lot of messed-up, horrible, Terrible stuff happening within the novel, the fluff that the author gives out at the last segment will definitely be cathartic.

Goodness. What a ride. 5 out of 5. <<less
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