Spirit Hotel


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After being unemployed for a long time, Feisha Shi finally found a new job – the front desk manager at the oldest hotel in the universe.

This hotel has a fallen angel, vampire, werewolf, faerie, dwarf, titan, invisible person… just no humans.

This hotel serves customers who are fallen angels, vampires, werewolves, faeries, dwarves, titans, invisible people… still no humans.

This hotel’s name?

Noah’s Ark.

Associated Names
One entry per line
You Ling Jiu Dian
Related Series
Spirit Boss (Sequel)
The Founder of Diabolism (4)
New Times, New Hell (3)
The Unicorn Legion (2)
The Consequence of Judging Others by Appearance (2)
The Legendary Master’s Wife (1)
Unique Legend (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. wholesome
  2. Absolutely Feral
  3. tbr :)
  4. Protagonists who DGAF
  5. No comment... Part. 5

Latest Release

Date Group Release
05/24/18 Exiled Rebels Scanlations c48
05/17/18 Exiled Rebels Scanlations c47
04/26/18 Exiled Rebels Scanlations c46
03/31/18 Exiled Rebels Scanlations c45
03/20/18 Exiled Rebels Scanlations c44
02/28/18 Exiled Rebels Scanlations c43
01/31/18 Exiled Rebels Scanlations c42
01/14/18 Exiled Rebels Scanlations c41
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12/06/17 Exiled Rebels Scanlations c37
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11/15/17 Exiled Rebels Scanlations c34
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82 Reviews sorted by

YanZhan rated it
December 6, 2020
Status: Completed
Not really recommended...

If you are looking for a funny / comedic or semi-adventure story, maybe this is your cup of tea. BUT....

If you are looking for a romance, fluffy love story... you better not start reading this... maybe you'll be disappointed.

It can be said, the MC and ML really be together only in the LAST chapter. To be exact.... in the last part of last chapter.... can you imagine that??? And interaction between the both of them is very minimum. It took me a long time to finish *sigh*
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pinkumilkuu rated it
April 23, 2019
Status: Completed
First of all, thank you so much to the translator they did a really great job with the explanation of the puns and jokes of the characters. I MTLed 115-end coz I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED WITH SHAMAL AND JESSE ASAP.

anywayyyy, I'm rating this 4 out of 5.

The Good:

  • The MC's personality- he is very shameless and mischievous but also very likable. Every "scheme" he does is the highlight of the whole novel.

    I especially love Borja's arc where they all plotted to expel him out of the hotel

    He's basically a conman posing as a Front Desk Manager
  • MC's relationship with the rest of the employees of Noah's Ark. I like the MCs interactions with them especially with Gin, the vampire since that's the start of all the problems he encountered in his first few months at the hotel. It isn't shown explicitly but you'll see the gradual change in the MCs feelings towards his coworkers.
  • The extras - Ah yes, the extras where authors all cram the sweet moments lol; shouldve been longer tbh
  • The overall theme of the novel.
The Meh/Bad:

  • MC x ML - now don't get me wrong, I do ship them but their sweet moments/the process of them falling in love with each other is really disappointing. Most of them are just "hints" (slight flirting but no real progress) and you feel that they only have a crush on each other but not full on LOVE. I feel that MC got more chance to be Gin's partner than ML with all the plotting and sneaking lol.
  • Open-ended problems -

    Novem union vs Liberation Resistance is weird, they put it there for what?? I think it can be fully omitted and there'll be almost no change in the plot lol. Where's the closure on Almedande x Dea conflict? Why was that skipped? What happened to Asa? They won't look for him anymore and teach him how to create a Theater group? What about that demon who asked how was Metatron? What was their relationship? Etc etc

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Michelle-08 rated it
August 5, 2022
Status: Completed
There's so much potential, but it's not fully explored.

Lots of funny moments because of MC's shamelessness and his love for gossips. The other staffs contributed to the hilarity as well, I like their bantering and interaction.

Thing that makes me rate this a little low is that, the side couples has more interaction/scenes than the main couple. The ML looks like the side character instead because he appear so little, there's barely an interacton between him and the MC. There's "hints" along the way, but it's not enough really. ML and... more>> MC get together around chapter 100 already, so wonder how/where did the ML developed his feelings for the MC.

Overall, if you just want a light read, then this is for you. But f you're looking for more substance and character development, then go find something else. <<less
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rinshi rated it
March 5, 2020
Status: Completed
this was exactly what I was looking for lately. Something funny, lighthearted, but still cute. Of course, it had many flaws (and some reviewers elaborated on those), but I usually don't start reading a lighthearted comedy genre with deep expectations. Within its genre, it does exactly what it is supposed to. It is pure comedy with a romantic subplot, and I love it for this. (Although, of course, I would have liked to have a little bit more romance, but you can't have everything XD)

The main as well as... more>> the side characters are well fleshed out and distinctive. They all contribute in their own way to the humor of the story (I especially love the combination of Gin and Feisha).

This novel had me smirk most of the times and even made laugh out loud. Sure, sometimes the humor did not translate well, but, overall, the translators did an amazing job to get the meaning as close as possible, or explain it in case this endeavor does not succeed. I know this kind of humor is not for everyone, but I still strongly recommend you give it a try to see if it is your cup of tea.

Oh, and do please read the extras; they are gold. They're a return to the slice of life style from the beginning of the story which I liked so much. Without them the novel is only half as good imho. They wrap up the novel nicely and make up for the rather abrupt ending,

Thus, if you like a lighthearted SOL novel with a shameless MC, punny and s*upid humor, but not too much drama, go give this one a try! <<less
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25th bamm
25th bamm rated it
May 8, 2019
Status: c123
Overall I really enjoyed this novel. I would suggest it even for non-bl readers. This novel was hilarious and had fun characters. The romance came kind of late in the story or at least was a very slow burn. I enjoy that but others might not. I think the main couple is very cute together.

The MC becomes overridden with boredom due to the lack of entertainment. This causes him to turn to people as a source of entertainment, in turn, he becomes a gossip fiend. Due to his love for... more>> gossip, he gets into troublesome situations. In these situations, he meets new people, learns about new worlds and people, and becomes closer to his fellow co-workers and the ML.

Some complaints. I feel as if the story didn't fully explore some characters, worlds, and conflicts. Some characters weren't explored enough, like Leighton, Gin, Asa, and Antonio.

Their past was only mentioned in passing. The author never went into their worlds. Based on what was said, each one was powerful/important in their worlds. So why did the story never go into it? All of them were fun characters but some didn't have much depth. Asa and Antonio in particular. Asa's betrayal was a chance for major character development but it wasn't really used. Antonio is mostly in the background, we don't get to see different sides to him.


The translators did an amazing job translating this novel. The number of puns and jokes are great and the translators translated them all flawlessly.

This novel is super funny and such a fun read. I hope you have fun while reading it! <<less
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sakirol rated it
March 19, 2018
Status: c42
Spirit Hotel is all about the comedy. Join our MC in his shameless antics and shenanigans. Jokes primarily focus on how shameless our MC is and a variety of puns. If you can't enjoy the humor, this may not be entertaining for you. However, it's a blast if you enjoy the comedy.

Serious shout-out to the translator. This novel wouldn't be half as interesting without his/her efforts with the jokes.
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yellauraya rated it
July 9, 2022
Status: c1
★★★★☆ [4/5 stars]

If you finished this book and you didn't even laugh out loud at least once, I'm telling you, you're dead inside. I've even forgotten to count how many times my stomach literally hurt from laughing because there's too many of those hilarous moments. Feisha, oh, Feisha! He's the absolute gold in this novel. I so loved his sassiness, his wittiness (with the use of his nonstop mouth), his sarcastic retort and his usual nonsense. His big mouth is his advantage and and also his disadvantage. The nonsense that... more>> comes out of that mouth (and his quick wit) can get him out of difficult situations but more than anything, it also gets him in a lot of trouble! Isefel (his ML) also stated (from the last extra chapter) that he loved to kiss Feisha's lips the most out of his body parts because then he can shut his lover up. And can I mention that I always freaking loved their ship dynamic, one is long-winded and a chatterbox while the other one is reticent and indifferent. They have opposite personalities but they fit so well!

The development of his relationship with all the 'creatures' in Noah's Ark is so good, especially his hilarious banter with Gin. And their gossip moments are the best! They even started a gossip group among themselves. Feisha's natural talent for matchmaking is just also perfect! The humor of this novel is so abundant from start to the end but there's also a bit, just a little bit, of angst near the end. But because this novel was just made to be hilarious, after the angst was resolved, it came back to its usual humor that was even funnier.

If you really want a light, entertaining and hilarious read, you should really try this. Reading this novel is so enjoyable that I finished this in one sitting. I swear, even if this won't become your favorite, this will definitely not waste you time. <<less
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April 14, 2022
Status: Completed
MUST READ. HILARIOUS!!! I know most of the jokes got lost in translations but exiledrebels did an awesome job to keep thing relevant. MUST READ.
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Saphie rated it
February 15, 2022
Status: Completed
Its a hit or miss. But its a miss for me though.

Everything is very funny, the conversations, the writing. I laughed out loud a few times too but then, side characters became a bit too much and MC started looking like a pushover. ML is kinda eh though, his presence is very low. MC doesnt even look like the main character of his own novel lol.

Romance was meh too. If you're here for romance, I doubt you'll like it that much, but if you're here just for the good times... more>> and laughs, you'll like it. Idk about tje side characters though lol. <<less
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devils_dont_fly rated it
July 28, 2021
Status: --
Okay I just realised I hadn't written a review for this one which is such a shame cause I need to tell more people how awesome this novel is!!!!!

First of all, this is a really really funny novel. Like for real. I almost got a stomachache from laughing.

The best thing about this novel is the MC. He is absolutely hilarious and also really clever. He is one teeny tiny human in an establishment that is filled with fantastical creatures and at first it seems like he is the weakest, but... more>> guess who can solve problems most efficiently? Right it's our 'weak' MC. I absolutely love him. I am such a sucker for such MCs. He is really shrewd and smart.

ML is well, 'cold' type but but but he has a really good reason for why he is the way he is. I really liked him.

MC (straight boy initially) falls in love first and tries to woo the ML which is a nice change cause mostly it's ML falling in love first. Their interactions are so sweet I loved it.

One thing I don't like about the novel are that sometimes the side characters are kinda inconsiderate to the MC. Like I get it maybe for the humor but whew they are kinda mean friends (this is more in the first half of the novel).

Also I must praise the concept of the novel itself, it's really interesting. The execution of the plot is also brilliant.

So all in all, you should read it if you are looking for something funny and light. <<less
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March 29, 2021
Status: c1
My first review ever that I was forced to right its a gem don't read summary don't read title just read it you won't regret it super funny and romance in later half is quite fullfilling
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bunnydesuuu rated it
December 25, 2020
Status: Completed
Another great work from the author of Holy Institution. Similarly, good world-building, pretty interesting concept and a well-planned adventure of sorts. The relationship was pretty cute, but the main focus is definitely the MC. The MC was very well written 3D character, with both wit and shamelessness, pretty smart and also quite adaptable con-man that bluffs his way out of situations. I really like him, and he made me laugh out loud multiple times. It would have been even funnier if all the puns were read first-hand, but the translation... more>> did a pretty good job explaining them in the T/N, which I really appreciated. ML was a cool, aloof character for the most parts that later warmed up to the MC. The other side characters are pretty interesting too. I was pretty surprised by quite a few of them.

Gotta admit though, the focus on this story (similar to Holy Institution too, I guess it's just the author's style) is mostly on the adventure of the MC in this new world as well as the different events that happened, and less so on the relationship itself, although there definitely was development bit by bit (slow romance). I did tear up a little at the angst for the relationship at some point, so it's a win in my book.

It's not quite something I'll reread again, simply because it's not a totally new supernatural plot, the focus is more on the interesting things that happen than the relationship, and since I've already read it once it loses that element of surprise. However, I definitely recommend others to give it a try, especially if you like supernatural elements and humorous stories!

And no, it is NOT a MDZS rip-off. In the first place, this was written WAY before MDZS. And besides the part where there are supernatural involve and some undead characters, there is no necromancy, no cultivation, MC is way wittier and funnier (nothing against wei wuxian, they're just different types of characters), and ML is just barely similar just because he too is pretty quiet. If you like mo dao, you might like this too, but this is in NO WAY a rip-off... <<less
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EternalMoonlight rated it
November 20, 2020
Status: Completed

MC is very realistic with his gossipy nature, he's got a sassy mouth, a smart mind, curious personality, and funny character. By the way, he's human.

Gah, I'm speechless. Overall, this novel is really deserves it's high rating and positive reviews.

You won't get bored reading this and this will bring you to tears and stomachache because of laughter.

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fawx rated it
August 15, 2020
Status: Completed
Really funny story with slow romance and super fluffy extras. Loved every bit. I usually skim through parts where the romance is slow but I surprisingly thoroughly read the whole thing here. I am so glad I picked up this story.

Although I really do wish the author could've written more. It had so so so much potential. It's not that it feels incomplete but there's a bunch of things that were left unanswered and so many things that could be explored more.

The side characters were all really well written. I... more>> can't believe I actually enjoyed all of their stories (usually I don't like focusing on other couples for too long XD). It was really fun!! <<less
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August 2, 2020
Status: c121
What can I say?

It's a light read, it's good if you want to waste some time and have a very good laugh every chapter but... yeah, there isn't much going on for it -which is why is only 3 stars.

Feisha is a shameless MC, his antics with the rest of the crew are funny and messy and most of the time it makes situation worse... but that's the comedy part of it and really, I laughed a lot.

As for the main ship... yeah, no, so much potential wasted. The first... more>> 40 chapters or so they barely interact, since Feisha is more involved in other people's love lives. Then it just... happens?

For someone that fell from Heaven because of the sin of Coldness, you'd expect Isefel to take a little bit more to warm up to a Feisha that annoyed him for 40 chapters. But I guess Feisha is the chosen one?


I really enjoyed the side ships more.

The author got Shamal/Jesse so right. Their story is so well done in the extra that I was impressed and then depressed because it worked better than the main one.


My advice?
Read this story in between two more stories that have more plot and substance. It's a perfect way to cleanse your palate from one book to the other. <<less
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clxndestinely rated it
July 31, 2020
Status: Completed
A decent Mo Dao Zu Shi ripoff but with modern fantasy instead of cultivation.

Basically, we have a sassy and not-exactly-charitable human guy and an excessively indifferent but hot fallen angel (speaking of, the romance doesn't flow well. It was expected but sudden, you know?). They're cute, but there isn't much to say about them, since their romance only existed at the last two dozen or so chapters.

Side characters have a serious case of negative IQ and EQ, but they're 3D when the author wants them to be. Also, the arcs... more>> weren't meaningful at all but consisted of joining gay couples (the two hetero couples weren't even given side glances) with the help of MC's momentary, well, manipulation. Might as well mention now that MC barely ever contributed to these (he was mainly spectating due to his gossipy soul and the unrealistic romances) but was still declared as some master matchmaker. His matchmaking, in reality, is mediocre at best. Plus, the way he helped resolve romantic conflicts was rather toxic: some needed a slap in the face but got pointless encouragement, whilst some needed encouragement but got a slap in the face. Somehow, they worked out (the author needs some emotional response lessons, man).

The overall plot... was dumb (and also more of an arc). Like, I get the Metatron thing, but the truth about the rebels was basically unrelated to the MC. The masterminds were characters that MC had never met. Typical. Also, the part itself existed to strengthen MC and ML's romance (absence makes the heart grow fonder).

There's also the seducing thing at the start (the chapter called dubious consent, haha). Aphrodisiacs are not the method to make a fallen angel love you, mate. I mean, it makes sense, since MC is Chinese (though I disliked the rather-westernised flipping of his name) and, as a Chinese, I know full well how convoluted the ideas of consent are in there. Still, it was both a twisted and pointless part. Let's not mention the lolicon thing. Please do not try having s*x with someone old but with a child's body. Please.

There isn't, like, anything else in this story. Except for the unclarity of Metatron, I have no other complaints. Maybe I wanted to see more of MC's grumpy-when-awoken scenes, but that's about it. ExiledRebels, like always, hasn't disappointed with their translations, and the jokes were funny at times.

Overall: a mediocre read. Would not reread, but also wouldn't unread/forget. <<less
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Melange rated it
July 13, 2020
Status: Completed
This novel is comedy gold. I definitely laughed out loud and was told to shut up a few times.

MC is so verbose and sassy that everyone who meets him is defeated by his arguments. At the same time, he's an unrelenting conman and master at bluffing. On the other hand, ML's personality is a bit lacking and underdeveloped, although it's expanded on in the extras.

Unfortunately there's not much plot, as it comes secondary to the characters' personal relationships. That being said, the world building is pretty sparse.

Nevertheless if you're looking... more>> for a funny romcom, this is a decent novel. <<less
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Dalagang-Sora rated it
April 23, 2020
Status: c71
Exiled Rebels have done a wonderful job translating, and their anecdotes to explain the puns made by the author are absolutely brilliant.

Spirit Hotel itself has a pretty interesting premise. Feisha Shi (the MC) is a shameless and sly sassmaster. His verbal comebacks are absolutely delightful, and later on his victims learn how to dish out as good as they get.

One criticism I have would be that the novel wasn't exactly everything that I had hoped for. If, like me, you're expecting an MC who shows off his competence in handling... more>> prickly hotel guests of various (non-human) species, then I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. The MC is competent... But it's of the conman variety. So while the story is set in a hotel, you won't really get much substance in terms of how hotels work in real life.

Another disappointment I have is how the author handled the potential "found family" trope. There was great build-up and I looked forward to learning how the various relationships between the hotel workers would develop. But the interactions that followed were so... Antagonistic that, personally, a lot of the time I had trouble believing the characters actually liked one another. Or maybe it's just me and my own personal experience with friendships that make it hard to believe.

Anyways, if you're looking for a light-hearted novel that doesn't require too much thinking, and a sassy MC, then Spirit Hotel is still pretty good. <<less
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KaPi rated it
March 25, 2020
Status: Completed
Our MC is shameless. Like WWX (from MDZS) shameless, but 10 times worse.

That's all I can say.

To put it briefly, it's about a human MC who was hunting for jobs and just so happened to chance upon a VERY SUSPICIOUS one. It's actually being a hotel manager for this place named "Noah's Arc", where supernatural beings like angels, werewolves, vampires, and other species stay. Our MC just tries his best not to die, yet not acting like some frightened puppy in a den of hungry wolves. He can still manage... more>> to be shameless even on the brink of death.

Y'know what, imma just use one word to describe the whole novel: Shameless <<less
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esmesnow rated it
February 26, 2020
Status: Completed
To be honest, I loved this story. I would definitely most likely read it again. It was funny but also had that charm to keep you interested
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