Sovereign of the Three Realms


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Jiang Chen, son of the Celestial Emperor, unexpectedly reincarnated into the body of a despised young noble, thus embarking on the path of the underdog trouncing all commoners. No one has the right to call himself a genius in front of Jiang Chen, as no one has a better understanding of the heavens than the son of the Heavenly Emperor. “Genius? He who adheres to me shall ascend. Those who oppose me can find solace in hell!”

Associated Names
One entry per line
Sanjie Duzun
Sole Venerable of the Three Realms
Tam Giới Độc Tôn
Related Series
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302 Reviews sorted by

Ervan yunawan
Ervan yunawan rated it
January 23, 2021
Status: --
This novel has a good storyline but the author is too hasty to finish it, lots of characters are wasted, and too few things about romance. For me MATRIAL WORLD, AGTD, WDKQ, ACGM still the best XUANHUAN novel!
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July 23, 2020
Status: c1564
ugh I struggled to get this far like others have said its def different but its so friggin scattered that its all made to look like dudes absolutely sure of himself but the rest of the world is garbage and is randomly against him. over, and over and over and over again. most enemies dont live long chapter wise and its just.... empty feeling. if youve absolutely got nothing better to do and can stand dicey half assed information and a barely described environment, then go ahead. if not dont... more>> bother with this. also idk wtf is going on but I selected 2 stars not 4. so the rating showed is a lie. <<less
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fangyuan rated it
June 8, 2020
Status: Completed
This novel has huge potential but author was incredibly sloppy with a lot of things. I would rate this novel 3.7/5.

Now, the good things about the novel:

  1. The universe is actually quite expansive and interesting (albeit poor utilization)
  2. Dedicated waifu

    Yan Qinhuang

  3. MC's auxiliary skills were sufficiently portrayed (pill dao, formation, etc.)
  4. Some arcs were really good
  5. The overarching plot hits a full circle, which is good
The bad:

  1. Author is incredibly sloppy with details which leads to the next point,
  2. Author conveniently forgets about a lot of things. A lot of forgotten promises that remain unresolved like

    promise to Man Qi and Lord of Golden Seal

    . Also, items, martial arts techniques and other stuffs that were hyped for a few chapters only to never make an appearance afterwards.
  3. The harem. It feels kinda forced and you will be surprised how

    MC gets 2 waifus in the last 4 chapters or so

  4. A lot of copy pasta and fillers to hit the chapter word count
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LordGrim102 rated it
May 26, 2020
Status: --
95% of the problem of the MC would be solved with the oath of heaven but they seldom use it. I was wondering why the sects accept disciples without taking oath of heaven to be loyal to the sect something along those lines, why they don't do that? The oath of heaven is a omnipotent form of contract but in this novel, it's a convenient bullcrap whenever MC wants to tirade.

If the author puts more effort in having more logic and common sense in this novel then I have no... more>> doubt that it will be fine masterpiece of a novel. But here we have a sh*tty broken logic, power play, b*llsh*t factory novel. <<less
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Ravingdingo rated it
January 28, 2020
Status: c1202
When I first started reading SOTR, I thought it was another web novel, it was eerily similar to it. As I continued it deviated by a larger margin.

- As with this other story, the protagonist was the son of a Celestial emperor whom was unable to cultivate

- Also became master of all areas before he was killed. THough in the other story he was mu*dered by his Wife.

- Both protagonist died so that the soul of the other can awaken except here he was whipped to death and the... more>> other because of his body constitution the vassal extracted it for their heir.

- In SOTR his father was weak even though a duke, in the other he wasn't but was captured and placed in a cell in a forbidden zone where the jailer was the spirit essence of a true dragon. His mother wasn't gone. Though her family forced her to take a pill that sealed her cultivation because she married outside the clan; They had the blood of a phoenix in their clan

- Though the stories deviate a lot, the underlining desires were the same. Such as Jiang Chen desire to find out what happen to his previous Father. Though you need a heavenly decree to move to higher plans here in the other there were gateways to greater realms. Except that the Sovereign realm was Sealed after his original Death.

I have read many stories on here... and enjoy most as they but wonder if this version of SOTR is an upgraded version of the one I read previously. Unfortunately, due to the fact I have read many series where most are still going I do not remember the name of that particular web-novel.

If you know the web novel I have mentioned I hope you can relay the title.

Maybe I'm crazy..... which means the fact that I am enjoying this story is superfluous.

Cheers <<less
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Nowody rated it
March 8, 2019
Status: c1300
The story was good till around chapter 1000, but after that it became dull and pointless. And so I dropped it. But the first 1000 chaps were fun and I recommend em. Just be prepared to be disappointed.

MC is badass which I liked, controls beast hordes which is very unique. The villains are great here too and it's very satisfying when they die. The only problems in this novel are fillers and s*upid romantic plots.

The romance in this novel is s*upid. MC is fed aphrodisiac by some ni*ga and he... more>> f*cks a good female friend, who runs away to train after that and doesn't appear for a long while. And after that she somehow becomes the adopted granddaughter of some powerful ni*ga and has apparently given birth to MC's child. But the author doesn't let MC meet with the FL after this child bullsh*t in the next fking 400 chaps even though they live like next door. This is no romance, this is bullshit. There were other potential love interests but why did you have to make this so s*upidly cliche?!

There are hundreds of chapters filled with s*upid pointless fillers that only exist to show how awesome MC is so that the crowd can suck his dick. These fillers are annoying especially after chapter 1000.

Translation is excellent. <<less
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January 19, 2019
Status: --
This is supposedly a good LADIES NOVEL, if you like those black belly miss isekai assassin/spy, general daughter & godly doctor, then this is for you! the con is... the author seems biased to female MC and made this series MC into male instead (=.=). another con is... it's started with little and many more little scuffle against backwater local clan, local minor kingdom, and local minor sect, the scale escalated just like that, s*upid repetitive things to build up our MC skill and cultivation foundation.

It's keep going on and... more>> on until our MC got to veluriyam capital arc, this is where the story start to shine, every three steps there is arrogant young master, arrogant clan master, arrogant faction leader, arrogant demon spy, arrogant emperor, even arrogant godking seeking for a face slap. MC keep on collecting treasures, bullsh*t OP companion like rats (and many more rats), dragon, phoenix, waifus, even those heavyweight buff knight handsome cultivator seeking to serve MC left and right. crisis after crisis is thrown to MC, like those shameless people claiming his treasures, claiming his pill recipe, claiming his OP battle pets, claiming his waifus, and many more despicable and shameless trick to smear our MC names, only to receive FACE SLAP later!

Truly a good series... if only the MC is female (>.<) <<less
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lazybee rated it
December 1, 2018
Status: c1363
Excellent story. The main problem with the story is that it is 90% complete nonsense. This 90% includes people underestimating JC, people mocking JC, JC showing his true powers, JC aweing people, people wishing they were JC. If the story cut down a bit on fan girl treatment of JC, this would've been a marvelous story.
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PepeW rated it
June 6, 2018
Status: c1029
SOTR is overall solid in all aspects. The story, progression, world building, and characters can't be heavily critized when put into the context of other most read novels in its genre.

The author uses many of the classic "clichés" that we all love and love to hate (I'm talking about you, Young Masters). However, the antagonists in SOTR are not all arrogant buffoons with IQs less than 80, to which we are used to in this genre. The author has actually put thought behind the motives and actions of Jiang Cheng's... more>> enemies. In other words, the characters are more sophisticated than the standard 2D cardboard cut-outs in the genre.

Most of the elements in this novel are solid and I can, with good conscience, recommend it to others. Some of the pros and cons worth highlighting:

+Quality of translation and editing while keeping a decent speed of almost 2 chapters a day.

+Antagonists with brains.

+Friends and love interests have their own character instead of the garden-variety "ice cold beauty" and white space.

-Incessant praise of the MC by narrator

-Nothing that really makes me, as a reader, impatiently wait for new chapters. Many worse novels have more of excitement and cliffhangers. The "it" factor is somewhat missing.

Overall, I give SOTR a 4/5 because it just is a solid story with excellent translation and editing. Can recommend. <<less
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honglath rated it
April 7, 2018
Status: c909
Good start and then it started going downhill until it crashed into the ground.

At chapter 907, some cannon fodder pill dude is introduced and seemingly has a grudge against MC, jealousy or somesuch.

At chapter 908, they make a bet in front of a big crowd regarding some pill dao shenanigans, one of which is so amazing, it can be called a masterful mastery of the pill dao.

At chapter 909, MC's amazing masterful mastery is exhibited for all to worship and adore, but the readers don't actually get to see that... more>> mastery, we're just told about it. Then, the cannon fodder pill duded is outraged and demands to see the amazing masterful mastery for himself and of course is awed by its magnificence. We never find out what that masterful mastery is.

The stuff above isn't a spoiler per say, it's just a repeatable occurrence whenever the MC reaches a new area. He starts as a nobody, loathed and disdained, then he does something 'amazing' and garners the envy and jealousy of everyone there. Soon after that some random shmuck challenges him with some bet and proceeds to lose utterly in a public forum, raising MCs fame in an almost religious fashion. However, these 'miracles' the MC does are rarely properly described, less so the higher you go in the author's 'dao' stuff.

All in all, it gets poorer the deeper you go. <<less
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Leafron rated it
January 28, 2018
Status: --
Sovereign of the Three Realms? More like Sovereign of the One and a half Realm. Way too repetitive and has too much fillers in each chapter. It's more like the author is trying to boost the word count in his novel to get more chapters. Main character doesn't make full use of his "reincarnator" status and knowledge. The most important thing is that story progression is really slow with all that filler. Best to accumulate chapters before diving into the novel.
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Oberon06 rated it
December 12, 2017
Status: c190
This is one of those stories in which the world only exist to let you know how great the MC is, he has never truly struggle from the button, I can't relate to this MC. Adding to the fact that he continuously crosses path with petty, arrogant and low intelligent young master's every other scenario gets boring.
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Doxkid rated it
October 19, 2017
Status: c670
This story is, at best, a guilty pleasure where you get to enjoy someone rofl-stomping everyone he comes across that makes the foolish decision of not immediately sucking him off. To be honest, there is nothing wrong with it being an indulgence.

It's a good story if you dont go into each chapter expecting more than that, which is not dissimilar to knowing the MC of Dragonball or Bleach or Naruto or One-Piece or any other series is NOT going to die or be meaningfully crippled because that would end the... more>> series and ending a series like that is wasteful.

JC is going to win. Simple as that. Either he knows the true-elder-super counter attack, one of his many minions will be useful, his dozens up super techniques will win, or someone of a higher level will show up and buy him time for one of the other things to happen. The story arc will always end like that. He could play rock paper scissors and an elder god would change the rules so he will win. It's almost parodying itself.

Just enjoy the ride and laugh at the strange moon-speak colliquialisms that got translated literally.

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Ginko rated it
October 8, 2017
Status: --
3.6 (Real score)

An interesting story you should check out regardless the rating.

- Confident protagonist with unique skills to boot
- Fantastic story-world

- His level of knowledge seems to waver the further in the plot you go.
- Repetitive plot points - Character levels up in his respective area, just for the author to reveal there is a domain where everyone is stronger by just one step higher, allowing the MC to progress without being trampled on. Rinse and repeat. Side characters are left behind as a result as well.
- Being flogged to death for a fart is kind of s*upid, why the author started with this is beyond me
- Everyone wants to kill each other for the slightest offense - to the point it's ridiculous. 'You made me look bad once so now I want to kill you!' Seems to be a reoccurring theme in this genre
- Poor / repetitive writing - I swear this author is just trying to reach a page count later in the story. In total you could remove over a dozen chapters with little affect to the plot/MC.

I didn't list all the good points, but you should definitely check out the first 50 chapters and decide if it's for you. I'm still reading it because I enjoy wonder where things will go next.
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Davr rated it
January 4, 2017
Status: c773
Came back to the novel and read past the chapter I initially dropped the novel on. Probably one of the greatest decisions I have made in my life. I binge read almost 300 chapters in 2 days and don't regret any of it. The plot has escalated to the point that I was on the edge of my seat for almost every chapter.

The main character's focus is not on the dao of women like other xianxia/wuxia, instead, he focuses on his martial path while showing off some of the knowledge... more>> from his past life in the form of pills. Unlike other reincarnation stories, the main character in this one doesn't really have any experience on the martial path, so it's interesting to see the things he learns from his new life and how he uses the knowledge from his past life to gain some advantages. <<less
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Zerotaku rated it
May 15, 2016
Status: c133
Not too much to say other than I really love this series! How many stories start of with the MC being reincarnated after having been killed for farting at a ritual? Sounds silly yes, but the story does get more serious but in a good way.
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Hayate rated it
May 1, 2016
Status: --
This novel is one of my favorite xianxia novel that i've read. I like the pacings, the story, the plot. The politics in this one shows how deep the story is, as there are tons of other villain characters who had some depth in them, not just as someone the MC will trample. The MC can be seen as a bit arrogant, but not overbearing as he got the ability to back his character. All in all I would actually rate this novel 4.5 if I can since that battle... more>> at ch100 is a bit too dragged on for me. Some flaws are there, but all in all a great read for me. <<less
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April 17, 2016
Status: --
damn it chapter 3 and I was already in love with this guy xD. The MC is witty as hell. Since he was a cripple for million years his ability to scheme is on a whole different level
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Szatan0 rated it
March 26, 2016
Status: --
This novel is slow paced. MC don’t fight much. But MC isn’t d*ck and hipocrite like MCs in other topping xianxias. Plot is solid here and satisfying to track. I really enjoyed reading SoTR. For me it’s worth at least 4/5 stars rating.
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Aceliy rated it
March 21, 2016
Status: --
Really nice xianxia. Although story contains schematic threads, I like the way that MC reigns over all those pathetic schemers. For now I've read only 72ch, but hope that level does not drope.
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