Source Of Calamity


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In his previous life, Shen Zhen was in love with his childhood friend Qin Yue, and was willing to give up anything for him. But in the end, Qin Yue’s true love was someone else. He hated the other, but he was unable to do anything about it.

However, during a party, he somehow ended up in a one-night-stand with another.

After his death, Shen Zhen discovered that he was only a malicious antagonist character in a book – the protagonist being Qin Yue’s true love, the person who directly caused his death while putting on an innocent facade.

He had previously believed that being kicked out of the Qin Manor was because of his drunken mistake when in actuality the whole situation was part of Qin Yue’s true love’s scheme.

In this life, Shen Zhen returned to the day after his drunken mistake. With the opportunity of rebirth and starting over, he decided to keep far away from the main protagonist couple and instead hug the golden thigh of the head of the Qin family.

But what Shen Zhen did not expect was that he would became a source of calamity in the eyes of others.

Immaculately dressed in a fine three piece suit, looking very dapper and gentel, Qin Xing said while smiling: “Let everyone know, you are mine.”

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35 Reviews

Nov 19, 2022
Status: Completed
Several chapters in I realized that I read this years ago, somehow I remember nearly nothing, that's how generic it is.

Conveniences. That sums up the whole plot.
MC just happens to be liked by ML for no particular reason, MC just happens to suddenly get super scheming and bulldozes everyone around him, side-characters just happen to suddenly turn braindead and ruin themselves so MC can get what he wants.
It's "everyone but MC & friends are mentally handicapped toddlers" despite all of them having easily screwed him over in his last life, so you would assume that they either are quite clever or MC is a complete idiot, neither would change just because he's reborn... but it did change for plot-convenience's sake.

You can basically say that every character that isn't head over heels for MC in the first three paragraphs they are mentioned in is going to be cannon fodder and will be face-slapped into oblivion.
The story would have been totally fine without most of it, like co-workers who have no reason to treat MC like sh*t and apparently aren't intelligent enough to see that he has some kind of big baker even when it's totally obvious.
Does his uncle usually employ idiots? Not according to the very same story.
There's so much unnecessary drama just to make MC/ML look better, neither is there a lot of logic or consistency, the writer didn't care about any of it.

I managed to finish it, and my final conclusion is, that it's not worth the time.

The ending is rushed and invalidates basically the whole novel by suddenly bringing up a solution to dethrone the original protagonist... which ML seems to have known about for a long time.
He could have ended all the suffering and problems at the start, instead countless people had to lose/ruin their life because, for some reason, he just didn't do it.

It's pretty clear that the writer didn't think of this solution before writing the story, and it's obvious that she lost interest while writing and wrapped it up at lightning speed just to get rid of the novel.

Not recommended.
24 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 14, 2022
Status: c24
I feel like I'm going nuts trying to read this.

At first it doesn't seem bad but idk if it's MTL or what but like everything feels just a beat off pace. It's like every other chapter the author is referring to their notes for the story but unbeknownst to them someone has been tampering with the notes just slightly.

... more>>

MC says he doesn't know how old ML only that he's probably late 30s to 40s but like a few chapters later he says ML is 38

Also like ML's sister ran back to him to ask him to get revenge on her ex husband while she was pregnant with his nephew (who is 24). Which makes ML some big boss CEO 14 yo??


Look I'm not trying to be nitpicky but if you give enough information within the limited words of a novel, it's hard not to notice or go huh?? Especially since I am curious about ML's age since he's going to be much older.

This is like a small detail but other aspects of the novel feel similarly a bit off. I'll be honest I didn't even realise the MC was simultaneously reborn and also a "novel character" until several chapters in and even then I'm still not fully sure.

Characterization also suffers from the pacing but this and plot details might get patched later on. I just don't want to read till later on. Might edit this review if I read the translation but for now I'd say it's a subtly messy novel. <<less
12 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 15, 2023
Status: Completed
2.5 but rounded up because there were some elements I really liked, but mostly this novel is a hot mess.

What I did like

  • MC recognizing the power imbalance and striving to be better
  • MC not jumping into the relationship, but isn't completely against it
  • How MC handles his revenge
  • The side characters
The author's inconsistencies were rampant and the author fumble on some important plot points.

MC-22, rebirthed cannon fodder from a novel.

Age inconsistent when he went to Qin family

... more>>

the author initially states that MC has been at the Qin's since he was an infant, then later says he came at 5, then towards the ends says his first year when he was 6, so not sure how old MC was when he went to the Qin family. Also he says how he won't smoke in this life because after the QY thing in his past life he got addicted to nicotine and he wants to keep this body clean, but then later he says he was smoking at 19


MC's emotions are all over the place

first MC is hellbent on his revenge and hates the Shen family QY, QL, and SSQ. He randomly is kind of on QL's side because of QL's mom and helps him get a job in the Qin family company. He does this to ruin QY as well, but was super random. I mean in the first life QL is the one that chases him out of the Qin's but MC helps him in this life.

He lets go of his revenge pretty early, SSQ can ruin his life on his own tyvm. I'm happy MC decides to focus elsewhere and grow as a character, but it isn't shown as growth, it just is. Author really struggles with transitions.


Shen family


His emotions for all the Shen family is supposedly complete hate to begin with, all 3 brothers, the dad and kind of mom.

His first meeting after rebirth he beats up the youngest brother, then later helps him out because it's randomly brought up that the younger bro helped MC in the past life, but still hates the other 2. Then the borther that is just a bit younger than him is broken and living in filth and MC helps him. The middle brother is hated from begining to end. So you think he likes his brothers some what... no in the end he tells the youngest that he has always hated them and wants nothing to do with them.

Then he tries to reconnect with the mom, who apparently is alive. Things are awkward but she tells him she regrets it and he tells her he understands that she didn't have an power to refuse. He says he will come to have cookies another day. Then at the end he completely cuts ties with the Shen family, says he hates them all and will never see them again... including the mom

The dad is weird too, he kicks his son's out of the house and doesn't care of they live or die, but when the middle brother gets into gambling debt he helps him solve it because it his son and he can't give up on him. It was kind of a brutal way, but still random


MC's emotions towards ML


first MC has respect only towards ML, then they become like father and son, but ML still flirts with him. MC finally gets it and ML says I love you chapter 57 (in an abrupt way too) they get together finally and then no bed activities until 77 then a couple chapters later with no indication anything is wrong MC rips his hand out of ML's and is back to questioning the relationship? It gets fixed a couple chapters later but it was so weird and out of place. There was no transitions and just random conflict.


ML's age when he took over


another reviewer said ML had to be 14 when he took over the company, then when I read further, it's mentioned ML took over the company at 15 and debuted in society at 16. So I was like okay math is a little off but still works. Then in the last part of the book the author says ML takes over at 16.

Let's just ignore the fact that a 14-16 year old could run a billion dollar company, but the author can't even get the age right.


ML-38, he is okay. Typical cold CEO type with perfect body, except the heavy sweat


he is rebirthed as well. Not sure if he knows it is a book, but he knows some force is pushing him and everything along.

Towards the end of the novel, he mentions that in his past life he did things he didn't want to, like letting MC leave, not being able to save MC, and going abroad. At first he thinks if QY and SSQ get married it will end the driving force, but with MC's changing things that doesn't happen. ML takes a bone from SSQ when he gets injured and after that SSQ's luck slowly leaves him and goes to the bone. This wasnt shown to us as the story happens though, just written as a 1 paragraph after thought, like oh yeah and this happened.

ML's reasoning for falling for MC is so random too. On MC's 18th bday MC treats ML like an idol of business and so ML falls for him?!


The book aspect was not well explained. We are dropped into the story, which is fine, but never actually get a synopsis of the book. We do get bits and pieces through the novel, but not enough

we never find out how ML was kind to SSQ in the first life, and never get a full picture of the original story.


The timeline is all over the place. There was a couple times they talk about taking over the information company 5 years ago so I thought there was a time skip, but then the ML mentions doing something when ML is 25 which is a few years away. I think the story only takes place over the span of a year, but not sure.

I was just left with so many questions.

Why was MC given to ML's family in the first place? Is giving children normal in this world? Shen family was supposed to adopt SSQ who came from a declining family as well. So random to just have musical kids.

What exactly was the book about and how did original ML 3 and 4 not fall for SSQ's charms

Where was the mom for the first 80 chapters? I thought she was dead.

Why did the author write the Shen youngest to have such a hard life? He was such a cute idiot

Where did the rich 2nd gens MC meets at the first party go? The one was never mentioned again and the business partner was mentioned once.

How did MC run such a successful business? He never showed that he excelled at business, just had some future knowledge.

What about the nanny? He says the nanny is basically his mom, but then they get rid of her. But it's okay because now she is with her son and they still pay her....

SSQ and QY end


SSQ is very delusional, he doesn't ever think he is in the wrong, and believes everyone should love him, exactly how he is written.

He is an annoying, shameless character, so an okay villians. He ends up in basically a brothel disguised as a club selling himself. His luck ends up in the bone which ML makes into a necklace and gives to the shameless girl SSQ got fired from the cleaning department. She gets his luck and gets a rich, young family head as her husband.

QY poor QY. We find out that before the start of the original novel QY loved MC and was going to propose to him, had a ring and everything. The force of the novel makes QY blind to everything and SSQ his everything.

When he spends time away from SSQ he becomes clear headed, but will become immediately muddled when in contact with SSQ. It's not until SSQ loses all his halo and QY gets in a car accident for QY to break away from the force of the book.

QY ends up going abroad with his boytoy turned boyfriend to start over. He doesn't love the boyfriend yet, but is going to try to be with him. QY and the boyfriend deserve better


The extras are okay, mostly they are about the side couples original ML 2 and 3 and then orinal ML 4 and his secretary. Liked the closure for their stories.

I MTL'd most of it, easy to understand. Translator was great, gave explanations of uncle/uncle/uncle which helped, I'm just impatient.

All in all this story had so much potential, but the execution was horrible. Too many inconsistencies and not enough explanations and depth. <<less
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Oct 13, 2022
Status: Completed
Oohhh I love this book so much. Can't wait to finish it that I got MTL. I definitely will be back for translation again. MTL book kills my English. Yet there is limited BL story..😭

💕Firstly I wanna thank translator for sharing this book. If not I don't even know this exist.💕 Second thanks author for writing this book.

It a good story about revenge and love. I'm glad the revenge is not the manic type. I super love the quote " Love till end of time". The romance is there. The... more>> protectiveness is there. A little unlogic drama is there. But they both are such a great couple.😍

Sometimes I feel bad why they have to bully till corpse also cannot be buried, but second chance of rebirth is good. I'm glad SZ/CZ rebirth with good intention, not just concentrate on revenge plot.

The halo of being a protagonist is really mind boggling.🧐🤪 Shamelessness bar is super high for this one. I don't even understand his logic. But no matter how. Some will be sacrifice to be cannon Fodder. Does all canon Fodder get to choose to be that evil or s*upid? <<less
10 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 13, 2022
Status: --
The source of their calamity is mostly their broken logic. But it isn't bad just dramatic, very dramatic. The writing is fine and isn't hard to follow. Still I don't like this drama with illogical sense like having multiple mature solution to a problem but making it seems like there is only one thing possible way and it must be for revenge when I personally don't feel like the retribution he is seeking is worth of what's been done to him. It follows your typical face slapping MC and a... more>> black bellied very clean ML. It's modern but their world logic so ancient it's still living in caves. <<less
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Aug 09, 2023
Status: Completed
My gosh the drama in this lol

This isn't a perfect novel but was a heck of a ride, honestly. It's like watching a telenovela where you kinda know what's going to happen but also wanting to see it play out anyway lol

This was very entertaining for me. Ended up bingeing it in one go. The author really made the white lotus character maxed out in all the infuriating characteristics. Maxed out illogical thinking. Maxed out entitlement.

... more>> Makes the face slapping quite fun.

Although I already had a feeling where the story was going as hints were slowly dropped throughout the story about what happened in MC's last life, and the ML, I honestly feel a bit conflicted still towards Qin Yue (the OG protagonist gong)


I get that QY and the rest made their choices which led to MC's death in the previous life, but like with the slow reveal that White Lotus is like a bug in their world and causing everyone else's IQ to drop to the negatives, It's almost kind of saying that QY really wasn't in his right mind.

Which kind of muddies things for me. I honestly gasped and put my hands over my mouth in the later parts when QY finally comes to his senses and he remembers he's always always loved MC before white lotus came in. QY bought a f*cking engagement ring, which implied he already was in that deep for MC. But was just affected by White Lotus' halo.

An argument can be made that he wasn't strong enough to fight off the halo's powers, unlike the ML, but dayum it's still pretty depressing to think about.

I don't blame the MC for choosing the ML, but I feel bad for MC in the previous life who could have had his unrequited love returned by QY. Still, there's hope for QY. They're all pretty young haha except the ML lol


The extras were one of the rare extras that really made me love this even more. I'm not usually a fan of secondary pairings, so I wasn't expecting to the love the ones shown in the extras as much as I did. I completed reading this with a happy sigh and a smile. One of the best feelings to end a book on. <<less
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Jan 27, 2023
Status: Completed
5* just for enjoyment, I agree with the other reviews though so if you're looking for something less biased maybe heed the other cautions?

Overall, I liked the story because it's actually about corporate environment. As an ex-corporate worker it was refreshing to see a story that doesn't just have one arc related to workplace drama and then drop, but consistently gives business and corporate drama. It made me feel like the author is a working person and not just a person who doesn't really know what goes on in a... more>> business. It's nice? Weird to see, but ultimately a little fresh.

Not only that, but this novel made me pause at some part and go into wistful reflection mode. some of the relationships and backgrounds of these characters are too real. As in sometimes you got to stop and just think about human relations, educational systems and financial loans/money options for a while.

It's a taste full of.. adulthood... a taste of the vicissitudes of life. I read this and it felt good to me, biased, but it's because I can relate to some parts of this novel and felt that it's quite relatable. It's definitely not for everyone, and I agree if I'd looked into this without my personal biased the glaringly obvious plotholes would've bothered me alot more. So! Take that as you will.

I don't.. really care about their romance. But it didn't really annoy me? lol to be honest there weren't alot, so I had no time to be annoyed. It does feel a little off sometimes but I didn't think about it too deeply. I think... give it a try. I wish the ML (at the beginning) would've been a little scheming and colder, but he thawed out pretty fast. This is just a personal and subjective opinion lol

Overall, I think this novel is worth a try. It's interesting? I haven't seen a familial structure like this before in a novel so it's a good idea to try it out. Only if you can stomach whatever's going on of course? I think, if it's not too annoying, it's good to read the entire thing, but if you can't -- please don't force yourself!! I think if you don't like it, it will only get worse from where you drop it lol


also it didn't really sink into me how weird SSQ - QY are as people until I read the extras. Spoilers ahead but learning that in the last life, SSQ was locked in a bas**ent and eventually ate QY's body due to starvation -- so cannibalistic. That's his dead lover's body who was left out accidentally. It shocked me and also made me realize how cold-blooded he (SSQ) truly is.

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Sep 11, 2023
Status: --
Hmm... I don't know what to rate because although it's not that great, but it's not that bad either.

If you are very particular about details and plotholes (like me), when you squint a bit you will find some.

Such as, there is a chapter where QY's mother thinking to herself that she will never let someone like SSQ to hinder her son's position as the heir. I thought wow she is very fierce, I was anticipating what kind of drama she would add to the table, will she scheme against SSQ?... more>> I wait, and there is nothing. Just barking and no follow up, what the heck.

Actually there is more, but I'm too lazy to write hehe. But I'm sure you will notice them as you read.

I really like Little Handsome Boy, even though he only appear 2 chapters at most. Very cute. <<less
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Aug 20, 2023
Status: Completed
It was a decent story. It was more or less what you would expect from reading the synopsis.

An OP ML ☑️

An almost OP MC due to ML ☑️

Lots of face slapping ☑️

s*upid villains ☑️

I really liked the side couples. (Mostly cause I like couples where I can't who is gong or shou so they don't have limited dynamics)

Now for the complaints

I wished Qin Yue had gotten extra chapters.

... more>>

I started to feel bad for in the second half cause it was obvious he wasn't in love with Su Shiqing out of his own will. Even after it felt like he was back to normal one word from SSq would make crazy again. Unlike the MC, he had no knowledge why he was behaving like that. It took him a near death experience and a new lover to let go of SSq.


I know the MC also went through bad things in his previous life but Qin Yue's character development was visible more than his.

I was frustrated with him in the beginning. My frustration became pity and then it ended becoming understanding towards him.

Also I wished su Shiqing had also gotten some character development. He just kinda felt one dimensional. <<less
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Aug 12, 2023
Status: Completed
While it does have elements of a good story, it's not actually a very dog-blood face slapping novel.

A lot of the Bad Ends to the people who harmed MC happen without too much interference by MC.

The MC and the white lotus also have a lot of confrontations, which don't really lead anywhere. It was a little ridiculous actually, we know how shameless and illogical the white lotus is, yet the same confrontations are repeated with barely anything substantial happening. The worst thing is despite the MC hating the white... more>> lotus, the ML does the final revenge and it's like the MC doesn't know or care which feels like a let-down with all the emotional investment as a reader.

The MC wanting to stand by himself and be financially independent is an extremely important plot point, but the last 30 or so chapters completely forget this. The MC going against the OG!ML was the most fun thing and it ended very anticlimactically. After that we don't get to see MC's company and how high it reached, we don't see the MC and ML attending events as equals (which was very important to both), it just becomes a footnote instead of something the MC had been aiming for since the beginning.

I don't dislike the ML but I think not revealing his past life or his part in *spoiler* was a missed opportunity. It would've raised the stakes, lead to some character growth and an actual plot.

The MC was interesting and mainly why I kept reading. His determination, his emotional upheavals, his courage, were all interesting, which is why I think it's a pity he just has a love brain in the extras and in the last 10 chapters. I wish we had a proper monologue from him to wrap up the story because we were with him since the beginning, not the ML.

All in all, an average reincarnation novel. It has some interesting parts for sure, some good characters and the good ripples in the new timeline for the Shen, Qin, and Su families were actually very good. If the ending was better, it would've been a 4 or 5 star novel. Not the worst, but there are also definitely better ones. <<less
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Aug 06, 2023
Status: c93
I can't hold myself back to write a bit about what I feel when I read this novel. Gonna write more after I finished.

So it's actually enjoyable, I love the MC, ML, and the plot is great, it's just.. The villains istg is really pissed me off, like I squeezed all of my patience just to bring myself read their conversations, even the sentence that I chanted to myself "they're a fictional characters, I shouldn't get angry towards them" is sometimes not working.
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Aug 06, 2023
Status: Completed
I don't know why this story has such bad ratings - I thought it was quite good and pretty well thought out. The extras are perfect and help tie together some (honestly wonderful) side couples and answer some questions about the rebirth. I also thought it was great how the author explained why the antagonist MC lost his ability to attract followers.

Unlike the previous rebirth book I read, the MC has a relatively consistent and consistently evolving personality. He's also not a useless parasite who relies on his beauty /... more>> white lotus behavior to survive. He is truly determined to try and move past his previous life, including learning to let go of grievances with people who learn to let him be. He doesn't help them, but he also doesn't kick them down unless they ask for it. I think that's the best part of this story. All the characters actions are very logical, and I found myself immersed into the world the author created, and rooting for the characters to find some happiness.

While there are some persistent villains, it's actually a low number in the end considering all the people who wronged the MC originally. He ends up extinguishing his anger towards most of them, and the only true villains are the people who are greedy but try to mask their greediness as virtue. I think one of the morals of this story is that everyone is greedy and can get jealous and can be selfish, but the saving virtue is when they own up to it. The antagonist accuses others of his own faults and always assumes anything that's bad is because of others. He sees someone with better circumstances and assumes he is owed the same, but is unwilling to put in any effort towards getting there other than crying at the injustice.

I think this story is also a lesson in appreciating and grabbing onto love if it happens to appear. No one has to love someone forever, and no one has to reciprocate a person's love. So if mutual like, which can evolve into love, isn't grasped and nurtured when it appears, then it can disappears.

Finally, I also like the idea that people should focus on living their best life. No need to aim for revenge or descend into mindless arguments with others who are unwilling to bend. Find people who care and focus on them. Find people willing to change and nurture them. Forget the rest. <<less
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Jan 26, 2024
Status: c101
if you're reading it for romance... then it is not it. There are moments when there is romance but it still feels like the story consists more of the revenge and other random events (some literally out of nowhere) all the time. The presence of ML is so less like he is there but only for sometimes (although they are not bad chapters) they are still lacking. Some plotholes are weird... It is just mentioned that the author is putting it out there for the readers to figure it out... more>> in their imagination and not be bothered by it. It is unclear when the ML started liking the MC, if not that then, like the ML remembers the past life but it is all in the background. Maybe some people like it that way but I truly find it exhausting to read it and not have the author ever mention it ever again. Like, I understand characters and affections are complicated but... it's just so tiring to be made aware of information as a reader and realize it has LITERALLY no significance on the storytelling. If I am being honest, the story feels dragged in most places, at one part it is MC's journey to business success but then we dont see it, if we do it feels empty, on the other hand, it's just characters popping in and out. The only 2 things I did like were the ML (his character setting was cool) and the Boss/secretary couple. Thats it. <<less
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Jan 18, 2024
Status: Completed
Honestly, It felt like a 3 to me, but compared with the other 3-star novels on NU it's not THAT bad.

The synopsis is my jam kinda story, but it seems like the author released a draft instead of the finished story. Many plot holes could have been avoided is the author simply read the previous chapters (sigh)
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Dec 29, 2023
Status: c111
I liked it. Not a once it a lifetime masterpiece or anything but definitely not as bad as others made it out to be. The pacing is a bit lacking in some aspects but overall easy enough to read.

Oddly enough although I did feel bad for the MC and ML in their previous lives

... more>>

Considering they could only go along with the books plot and in the ML case, having awareness without control of his own actions.

I felt really bad for the scum gong in the current timeline. After his near death experience when he basically breaks away from the world consciousness and can think clearly again, he can finally recall the past with the MC and remember his original feelings. A little heartbreaking.


The original protagonist is really not meant to cause and sweet feelings to readers (and if you do, you are a saint I admire you).

Anyway, pretty straightforward story, MC and ML are basically OP halfway through the story and any trouble is resolved within 3 or so chapters. Easy read and nothing that will keep you on the edge of your seat but you want some face slapping and some fluff this is for you!

PS: The Lui x Zhang couple is absolutely hilarious I wish they had more interactions! <<less
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Oct 08, 2023
Status: Completed
Love it! The beginning chapters were a little but confusing as it jumps straight into it, but as your progress, the story picks up at a nice pace. I loved the side characters (except that b***, you know who I’m talking about). I also love the extras, Zhang and Liu was my fav omggg my heart!!!!
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Sep 26, 2023
Status: Completed
FINISHED (total chapters are 101 - there’s 10 extra chapters but I wasn’t interested anymore)

-also the translations are A+

Not gonna lie, the whole novel and just simply every thing was written very well, to the point I have nothing really to complain about.

... more>> The characters that we got to know later on I the story altho short but doesn’t feel like anything is amiss at all, they were very well described

I like the MC, very level-headed but also not forgiving. I like his personality, totally reasonable.

The character her Su Shiqing (I never remember names but you can see how much of an impression he made on me) - I really,.... he could be the number most annoying novel characters I’ve encountered, for sure.

His dialogs,... u can just,... Ufff

Like he’s the type of person that makes you wanna run the other way.

And certainly the ppl MLs is the novel did lol.

The ML- omg. He was powerful from the beginning.

But I HAD SO MUCH DOUBT, I literally thought he was in 40s or older with the way the novel kept hinting at his age and with the MC being brought up by him,.... I thought this was a case of pe*ophilia.

Luckily it wasn’t dude was legit in his 30s. They were only +-10 years for

Each other.

The ML was incredibly OP from the beginning but never domineering or just anything bad at all.

I could say this was one of the most healthiest relationships I've seen in a novel. They are both just,... very normal. Not like animals in heat, but just a normal ver loving relationship.

I can only say good things bout this novel. A very good pleasant read. <<less
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Aug 28, 2023
Status: Completed
If you asked me what's a novel that perfectly represents CN novels' face-slapping trope? I would say this one.

It's the epitome of the face-slapping trope, with all the usual characteristics: only the main couple's characterisation is well-developed, the rest of the characters are paper thin, second life's main motive starts off as revenge and then develops into wishing for a happy, carefree life, the main character's status is leveled up throughout, and the tender feelings of the MLs are revealed to stretch back to the previous life and are much... more>> deeper than expected.

Standard procedure I'd say. If this story were the usual trope-y novel without other qualities I'd have given it 3 out of 5 stars, but I gave 4 because of the consistency of the characterisation. There's a trend in CN novels, which I dislike, that pivots on surprising the readers by changing the main character's personality completely from a certain point onwards. Zero organic character development, just bam, completely different character from a certain point onwards. Nothing of the sort here, and I was fine with it. MC is a very level-headed disillusioned man who doesn't believe in the usual spiel anymore. Interpersonal relationships, friendship, forgiveness, hope, familial piety, familial bonds, Shen Zhen is over all that sht, and I respect the author for being consistent. And I mean consistent not entirely positively, because there's zero character development. If you going in hoping for that, it's a no go. If you just want face slapping, this is the novel for you. <<less
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Aug 23, 2023
Status: Completed
4.0 is sure.. It's classic BL ML and MC rebirth with world setting as villain, actually I really like the way author solved MC ML problem not for every side character tho, it may get 4.1 or 4.2 if author consistent to play the detail information that they already made in previous chapter
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Aug 08, 2023
Status: c111
for me, 4.5 stars out of 5

Some loops here and there but over all it’s an A-OK for me. Big Villain here is actually the “Void” stated by ML which for me can be interpreted as the OGbook or World rules in some quick transmig terms. If you read carefully (dunno if some is in the extras) ML knows some stuff is up with the world (like the bone and pillar shizz, you’ll get it ehe😚). Im just not satisfied that MC and ML did not share enough info I... more>> guess🥱

But villain SSQ did not really deserve to be locked up by the Zheng person. I tot some r*pe sh*t would happen (thank God none) which would really lower my view for this book. His series of unfortunate events thoo... dasurv?

LOVE ML&MC THO. I also like the side couples extra especially LH and ZZ 😍 I need more of them and their banters ples😌🫶. <<less
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