Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have Any More Children With You


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After being defeated and captured, the dragon-slaying hero Leon became a captive of the Silver Dragon Empress.

With a resolve for certain death, Leon unexpectedly turned the tables and successfully imp**gnated the empress on his verge of dying.

He thought that this would be enough to let the empress live with shame for the rest of her life and he also fulfilled his duty as a dragon slayer.

However, two years later, when Leon opened his eyes, he found a little dragon girl with a tail lying beside him…

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destinyuser rated it
January 26, 2024
Status: c217
First. Let me start with a disclaimer: I hate wuxia, xianxia, or whatever most Chinese novel cr*p. Yet I somewhat like this series.

Let me start with pointing out at least 7 cliche weaknesses of Chinese novels:

1. Setting is unnecessarily chinese.
2. MC is a psychopath.
3. Heroine is either a doormat with no personality or a super perfect mary sue with no imperfections whatsoever yet for some reason she only had her eyes on MC.
4. There is always a powerlevel increase with enemies keep coming to MC. With MC keeps killing them and their dogs and 7 generations above and below said enemy.
5. MC is an autist who only wants to become stronger which consists of secluding himself in Mt. Cultivation for some years for no logical reason whatsoever.
6. MC considers ancient chinese medicines with dubious effects, ingredients, and origins as his highest priority since they can help making MC stronger.
7. MC and heroine barely even interact yet the author keep insisting that they love each other so much and how much of a perfect couple they are.

And why this series managed to overcome 6 out of the 7 previously explained cliche:

1. Setting is western, MC and heroine are meant to be western characters. Thank God.
2. MC is NOT a psychopath. He is definitely NOT a mu*derhobo. That's it though. Like most chinese MCs, he doesn't really have a solid base of morality in him. Still better than most chinese MCs, thankfully. He is not a moralf*g either.
3. Heroine is a dork. She pretends to be tough (as is Internet Tough Guy kind of tough) and actually looks like that in the early chapters. Over time, as you read more, you will finally realize how much of a soft-hearted dork she is, which is kind of adorable. She is still beautiful, yet she is definitely not a perfect wife. Far from it. That makes her really interesting as a character. Maybe I'm biased from reading too much doormats and mary sues over the years.
4. There isn't. Powerlevel is barely mentioned. Thank God.
5. MC is already one of the strongest human alive by being a Dragon Slayer, and he is currently weakened. He does wish to be strong again, but surprisingly, it's not his first priority now. Raising his daughters properly is his first priority.
6. Unfortunately, these kind of medicines are still in the series, but thankfully they are not that prominent. They exist and they can be helpful, but that's it.
7. Well... I'm surprised there is no r*pe tag. The premise of the series is MC and heroine keeps trying to r*pe each other. And failing, since they only end up having totally consensual vanilla s*x off-screen. "I'm going to further humiliate you by r*ping you!" "No, I'm the one r*ping you!" "No U!!" There is even the expected "Kuh, kill me." segment.

And finally, a series where the MC actually raises his daughters properly with no Usagi Drop involved. And the wife is involved too. This is EXTREMELY rare, so rejoice!

Keep in mind though, there is a lot of s*x off-screen. They are off-screen... somewhat. But it's super obvious they are there, if this is a Japanese syosetu novel, it will be kicked to the nocturne section effective immediately.
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