Shoujo Grand Summoning


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A novel revolving around being transported to another world with an op system. The mc spends his day chasing skirts and doing missions to level up. A standard journey to the top with lots of girls from various animes and games with a twist of that gaming feel (hunting mobs, doing missions).

Associated Names
One entry per line
Maiden's Grand Summoning
Shào Nǚ Dà Zhào Huàn
Thiếu Nữ Đại Triệu Hoán
Related Series
Long Live Summons! (2)
Castle of Black Iron (1)
History’s Number 1 Founder (1)
In Different World with Naruto System (1)
Ultimate Assassin System (1)
The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. My Main Novels
  2. (Anime) Fanfiction
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/21/21 Isohungry Translations c1017
09/20/21 Isohungry Translations c1016
09/19/21 Isohungry Translations c1015
09/19/21 Isohungry Translations c1014
09/18/21 Isohungry Translations c1013
09/17/21 Isohungry Translations c1012
09/16/21 Isohungry Translations c1011
09/15/21 Isohungry Translations c1010
09/14/21 Isohungry Translations c1009
09/13/21 Isohungry Translations c1008
09/12/21 Isohungry Translations c1007
09/11/21 Isohungry Translations c1006
09/10/21 Isohungry Translations c1005
09/09/21 Isohungry Translations c1004
09/08/21 Isohungry Translations c1003
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41 Reviews sorted by

SoulSurvivor0x rated it
November 13, 2020
Status: c2000
I love this so much the MC is kind of s*upid but is also smart.... (more s*upid) 🤣🤣🤣. The MC should rely on the system more it is his to use. And the bloodline he chose was good but why not get more abilities. He has perfect memory, he should also get ability call THE END (Medaka box), it copy and enhance the ability by 120% more than the Owners, plus with perfect memory you will remember the whole thing..... that would be my choice😆😆😆. But still 5/5 love it
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readholic rated it
August 4, 2017
Status: Completed
It's good, the MC is kind of good guy and responsible person, but don't expect too much from his decision making ability (what do you expect from a home security guy) . The story flow quite seamlessly, the interactions between characters are lighthearted and funny. There are many interesting and funny dialog IMO like : ... more>>

"Ara, Tokisaki student" "Ara, Shokuhou student" when Tokisaki Kurumi and Shokuhou Misaki doing faceoff


Although there's few boring sub-arc like

22nd floor of Aincrad

if you want to read how interesting a Xuanhuan combined with Japanese otaku culture can be, then try this one! <<less
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nobelvampire1071 rated it
April 26, 2017
Status: c153
Ever wish for a Xianxia MC in a Japanese novel when those s*upid dense protagonist make you cringe every moment. Ever wish that Xianxia was not only about slaughter this and slaughter that. Well look no further. This is actually a very good blend between Xianxia and anime and the author has done a pretty well job with the characters. It is a light hearted novel which you will definitely enjoy while reading. As for the MC. He is living the dream of every otaku by being summoned in a... more>> different world, given cheat powers show off power in xianxia world while going to diffrent anime worlds and banging the 2D chicks. Try the novel out. Better than most novels. <<less
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lindermanbr rated it
December 9, 2022
Status: c111

The plot is a good one with full potential, the isekai trope isn't new but I like it, and with the possibility of going to known anime worlds I was really into the novel, until he decides to r*pe.

Not my cup of tea, dropped better novel than this one cause of that

... more>> Here in novel updates there is the r*pe tag but not where I found the novel, and to me mature genre should at least indicate if there is r*pe on the nivel.

Below is the specific of what happened in the novel.


The love interests develops feelings for the MC but instead of working on the relationship as soon as a problem arise he decided that is best to paralyse and r*pe the females instead of explaining the situation.

I was naive to think he used the paralysing powder to have a chance to talk to them since they are prone to violence but no, better "find the shortest route to the heart" forcibly

I didn't see the result nor I give a f*ck after what he did, even if they love him that move was despicable


Another minor point is that if you take all the translator notes you can make a standalone novel.

We have so much inline comments that is really distracting.

He even changes the original meaning of the sentence because, as he said, he can do that.

An example of that is when the tl changes the meaning of the phrase to a "less sexist" sentence.

In my view if you want to do that, why not write your own novel since you are changing the original work to your tastes.

Oh and we get a fair bit of spoilers thanks to the tl <<less
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SilentWraith rated it
May 12, 2021
Status: --
I tried giving it a try, I really did despite the reviews. The MC is so infuriating that it made me want to cross dimensions just to harm him. The only good part is the anime worlds, but it's mess up
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Lolistalker rated it
December 3, 2020
Status: --
I really really envy the people that could like this novel

To put it simply, this is just a badly written power fantasy fanfiction. The premise is interesting but the execution is flawed to say the least.

First of all, I'm not judging anyone who likes this novel, I can understand why, most people who read a lot of fictional work would probably have experience of imagining living or recreating their favorite stories or wanting to meet their favorite characters, that's why there are so many fanfictions out there and this is... more>> a more extreme version of the average fanfiction.

I almost adore how juvenile the MC is or the novel in general I guess (almost being emphasized here), but he is just too ret*rded and cheesy on top of lacking self-awareness that I just can't stomach him no more.

I read doujinshi for breakfast so I personally am not bothered by r*pe, loli, etc but your mileage may vary (and tbh I highly recommend to just read doujinshi on nhentai if you want that kind of stimulation).

So basically if you happen to have the same taste as the Author and able to ignore the glaring flaw in the quality of the writing and plothole in exchange for the wish-fulfillment feel-good story then you will love this novel, but if you expect any quality at all then get ready to be disappointed. <<less
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fightready2 rated it
March 7, 2020
Status: c310
I think no further reading is necessary to write a review.

The story is a series of generic or even ripped off arcs strung together. The romance itself is forced. The fighting makes mistakes by comparing itself with better versions of themselves as though it should be proud of itself.

This brings me to the sad irony of the story. The initial arc (s) led me to believe the author was trying to create an interesting way of telling a systematic fan fiction with character development, friendship, and actual romance.
Then came the random harem girl dropped in and the protagonist starts to degrade at a speed visible to the naked eye. While the initial version still had his flaws, he was still a human being. The tr*sh-fire after became a character with no understanding of consequences and human decency.

If the translator wasn’t so good, I would’ve stopped by the point of R@%e. New readers, do not embark.
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olivefob rated it
September 9, 2018
Status: c223
A great harem series. The girls actually have personalities and character, unlike the other novels where the only thing that differentiates the different girls are the names.
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Renaxan rated it
June 8, 2018
Status: Completed
This novel managed to bait me read overnight, and also forced me to read MTL for several days in a row just because out of curiousity. I mean, its about guy who get into isekai, but his cheat also get him to another anime world. Sounds great and original right?

the MC is a guy who do anything to get what he is desire, steal heroine, waifus from another world to benefit him. Despite his damn opness and huge harem, the plot which forced him go arround to some anime world... more>> that MC goes, taking benefit from plot, even mess with the plot since he know what happen next. Altho most of them has combat+harem genre inside it. What he got into :


Hayate no gotoku, toaru majutsu index, SAO, strike the blood, date a live, fate spinoff (ilya), seikoku no dragonar even touhou world, etc if I miss


Thus.. I managed to read damn 2k chapter MTL in several days, leave my headache but its worth. The ending bit meh, but its fit for me. This novel isnt for people who strongly dislike op MC and huge harem, a lot cliche (he is guy who got into anime world who also full damn cliche so cant be helped). If you arent that people, you will like this novel. <<less
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sageinferni rated it
February 10, 2021
Status: c887 and ongoing
I liked this series. No harm in giving it a try, right? I can see why others would decide it is bad early on. Just in the first 100 chapters or so there are those things I really did not like. However, with novels like this, with short chapter and fast pacing, this that is less than it sounds like.

To clarify something from other reviews: The male lead does r*pe two of his girlfriends to move along his relationships with them. The circumstances and reasons do not make it less... more>> disgusting. One similar thing does happen later. However, those are both early in the story and nothing like those has happened again. Other than those bits, however, I really like this series. It has great translation (on Isohungry at least), a decently written plot, good pacing, and enough character depth for all the important characters (they aren't flat, but not the roundest personalities either). The ML can be insensitive, but he isn't unlikable. He can also be arrogant and narcissistic, but over half his harem is more powerful than him for most of the story and they also have strong enough personalities to properly humble him. I love it when they do that.

Unsurprisingly, some members of his harem do object to him getting new girls, but that gets addressed and resolved in a good fashion. Also unsurprisingly, when he reveals he has a harem to new girls, those girls don't always take it wonderfully. However, it tends to be the ML they take that out on; friction between the girls rarely occurs. <<less
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LolMania rated it
December 12, 2020
Status: c22
Well this novel is soo flawed that it made me come on NU to relogin my account after racking my brain for remembering the password, now I will start-

First the start, I like the starting of him and her meeting then the bada*s move of him cutting that knights ass, but when he enters his first world the flaw starts....

... more>>

First thing he do seeing hina is yelling KACHOU SAMMMAAAA and God I am so cringed out here, then he gets full marks using cheat well I like that, then another cringe thing when she she asks him where he lives he says he has no home and make him his butler, I don't know if this was to make the plot go easy or some other reason but I still felt cringe, the dogeza (like lying on ground and something like begging action) is one of the most unnecessary action of Japanese novels that he added here for just a simple reason, AND one more flaw when he defeated the 30 lvl youkai he s*upidly produced the crystal in front of that exorcist lady right in front of two normal girls that don't have any relation with it, only after some conversation did he remembered that this isn't the action he should do, this is too fast paced and shows how author made the MC s*upid just so that the hina (normal girl) can go to the route of loving with him, the most Cringiest thing I encountered until now that when the girl gives the MC a dark smile (a truly s*upid term) and he cowers behind, I was like what the hell? He can defeat those monsters just few weeks ago and now he fears her?although he was acting or not, one thing I know from translation that he feared her (?) Seriously bro,

I don't know which unfortunate audience likes this but I don't.


I seriously can't last on chapter 22!!! And I don't think I can continue reading this novel, if only this was one of the first novels that I read then I would not have find it cringe but something fun, cause I didn't know that this "stuff" Are cringe at that time 😅😅 <<less
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silas62 rated it
March 24, 2019
Status: c2000
Because of the description I thought this is a adult novel, but I was positively surprised. As a Harem-Novel fan (mostly modern day chinese novels) I have to say that this novel is pretty good. The plot is pretty light-hearted (far better than the usual fiancee villain, forced marriage blad bla bla) and for anime fans really entertaining (how the MC is always op in the anime worlds and even befriends the original MC's). His main life is in a wuxia kind of world or fantasy world (reincarnated) with battle... more>> qui and he then travels to the anime worlds to get stronger ;)

All in all a good novel for anime fans who search for a light-hearted Harem novel with comedy, no extra drama and a badass protagonist <<less
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ALonePenguin rated it
August 26, 2022
Status: c1316
There are a lot of bad reviews for this novel, but I genuinely enjoyed reading it to the point where I already reread it a few times.

I recommend you don't start reading this with the mindset that this novel is a masterpiece with a great plot that is comparable to the previous CN novels you have read before. This novel is basically a giant R-18 fan-fiction of a bunch of different anime combined revolving around the MC. I found this novel when I was looking for an easygoing R-18 novel... more>> and it did not disappoint me. There is little drama in the novel and it does not reach the point where it makes you angry at the character so it is easy to enjoy reading.

There are many plot holes with the different anime worlds and the love interests fall in love unreasonably quickly, but that also prevents the novel from being frustratingly long and boring. The only reason why I can't give the novel 5 stars is because of the MC. He is not a dense person and he makes advances on the love interests which in my opinion makes hime way better than many other MCs. However his morales are somewhat annoying.


He is okay with r*ping teenagers but all of a sudden becomes unwilling make advances on some of the oldest people in his group because they have innocent minds.


All in all, it is an entertaining novel to read if you want to relax from reading novels with a lot of drama and suspense. <<less
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Verethragn4 rated it
June 15, 2021
Status: c1698
The novel itself is interesting, how the world and the system present us, the only bad thing is the MC, I like anime but one begins to take it for an idiot when he yells Loliii! Upon seeing a kidnapped loli.

... more>>

But what one hates about the MC is that he is a rapist, the good thing is that if you skip those chapters they do not affect the plot at al, Of course you must ignore that waifus fall in love with him despite being r*ped.


To be a fanfic it is very good, just ignore the r*pe and idiotic moments of the MC.

I would have liked it much more if there were chapters that focused on the relationships between the waifus, how they share their tastes, dreams and way of life.

I found it interesting, now I ask you if you know a novel similar to this one? Of course I hope the MC does not think with his head down, but do you know any? <<less
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SchwarzVoid rated it
March 23, 2018
Status: Completed
Ok I have read the entire thing, machine translated of course, and I have to say that this and the other novel by this author Holistic Fantasy are by far the best novels I have read, so far and I have read a lot of similar anime inspired novels. Yeah sure they are not high end quality because it was not made with the brightest MC of the bunch but I have to say that they were enjoyable to read, at least for my poor taste I guess. There is... more>> a massive Harem from which I have forgotten many of the girls, but I cannot deny that I greatly envy the MC for having such a damn envious system, I mean he can literally summon any anime girl he wishes, like WTF go explode raijuu (I'm super jelly). Anyway there are some potholes, but at least there is no blatant s*upid racism like Unlimited Anime Works that till this day left me dumbfounded and a bad taste because it came completely from left field and made no sense whatsoever with the story, at least this one is more mellow. My biggest grief with this story as well as Holistic is the ending. Oh that goddam ending pissed me of because it was rushed. Goddam would it kill the author to extend the ending by 3-4 more chapters and make it more satisfying or an afterstory that to bring some closure to the story, it doesn' have to be long it just has to be enough is that TOO MUCH TO ASK. Anyway read the story and make a judgement for yourself, I personally liked it but it may not be your cup of tea. Cheers! <<less
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August 4, 2019
Status: c77
I usually get bored of things easily, but this had me way too bored too fast. I'll come back to it but I can't struggle on at this point.
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July 2, 2018
Status: c352

Anyone else feel like the part in Railgun's world goes on waaaay to poop loooong. I really like this story, but damn like half the translated chapters are here. Didn't care for either anime either if you're like me, skip to around 295. If you're not like me well... just go die in a fire.

This is the first review I've written on this site. I have read a lot of Japanese, Chinese, and Korean LN an WN. This story follows a lot of the typical tropes. Transmigrated main character with a strange incredible power. The thing that surprised me the most was that this is a Chinese novel. The style and story really seem like a typical Japanese WN, not to mention the summons (shoujos) are all from Japanese animes. That being said, I actually really like this story. While the idea of a transmigrator with a strange power is typical, the power itself is quite unique, as well as the idea of jumping into different anime worlds to complete quests.

If you noticed the R-18 tag, I must say it is deserved, however the s*x itself is kinda silly. It's more along the lines of what a 13 yr old boy would imagine s*x to be than actual s*x.

The first s*x scene, when he does it with two girls, is pretty funny. He manages to pleasure two of his fantasy girls repeatedly. Really? He's an otaku, 20 yr. old virg*n. In real life he would probably ruin his pants and cry. I actually found that one scene to be the least believable part of the story.
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April 22, 2018
Status: --
Its more like a JP novel. MC is very childish. I mean while going on an extremely dangerous mission in which every monster is higher than his he actually let her gf to follow him. Whatsmore he spends all his summoning points to summon lv 68 loli (yes right its a loli who have never even killed a chicken) and more he have to spend points to protect her and while all fighting is done by him. Onl
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Nyahmanya rated it
March 2, 2018
Status: --
I like the premise and the style of the story (combination of Japanese anime with Cultivation System). Ending kinda rushed but I guess you can't get everything at their best anyway.


The story itself is kinda long but the time the MC has grown from lvl 1 to god level is like less than a year?

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Sujihiko rated it
May 7, 2019
Status: c200
This has an interesting plot. Travelling to anime worlds? Like, a genius idea!

The first thought that smashed my head was this: "NANI?!"

I've read up to 200 chapters, it was an interesting read, I dare say.

Still, the main character's personality, aim and such is quite a bit of a turn-off.

But, I can't just judge this immediately. I'll see where this'll go and if its interesting, then good. If not, then into the tr*sh it is.
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