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I heard that this year there aren’t enough dorm rooms for the girls at school, so a few of them have had to move into the boys’ dorms.

A group of testosterone-fueled guys suddenly become quiet.

They no longer hang their underwear and socks out to dry in the hallway, walk softly, and speak in hushed tones. Everyone is on edge, afraid of scaring off the new girls in their dorm.

One night, Bo Yan just finished showering and walked out of the communal bathroom. He carried a basin in his left hand and wore CK boxers that showed off his six-pack abs.

At the entrance to his dorm room, he saw a girl in a lace nightgown.

Jin Xi stared at his abs and nervously asked, “Excuse me, I’m from the dormitory across the hall. Could you help us set up the router?”

“Sure,” Bo Yan said, quietly moving the basin from his side to the front.

A carefree, silly story about a playboy and an energetic, lovely fairy.

I’ll conquer new territories for you and draw boundaries to keep you safe.

[This is a lighthearted and silly story, don’t take it too seriously.]
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6 Reviews sorted by

rinrin123 rated it
December 30, 2023
Status: c61
The story itself is fine and would be a 3.5-4 star read based on content alone -- but the "translation" makes my brain want to melt. The names all get mixed up -- the ML and MC's names sometimes get swapped for a side couple, the ML's name and the MC's brother's name gets swapped, the MC's name gets used for a villainous side character, and sometimes they even use the same name for two different people in the same sentence!

"After saying this, Jin Xi glanced at Jin Xi, trying... more>> to discern any displeasure on her face."

Reading this translation, the displeasure is all mine. <<less
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hanihoney03 rated it
August 5, 2023
Status: --
Loved the story it was fun and no unnecessary conflicts. Love the relationship between the brother and sisters. The story of the side characters are also good and pretty fleshed out.

But I have a love and hate relationship with the side stories.

... more>>

Love the dramatic story of Jin cheng and Chao zou. It was action packed lol.



why?! Why did the author include the FL having Alzheimer's in her later years it's so bittersweet. They also mentioned that the brother already died. Can I have my happy ending I know death and sickness is inevitable at old age but for God's sake this is fiction so atleast not include those

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cintai rated it
March 27, 2024
Status: c1
Love this author's works but the translation makes it unbearable.

Side character's names mixed up with main ones are a regular occurrence. Nicknames are a mess you don't know who is talking about who. Everything is a dumpster fire so you need 120% concentration to know what the story is about.

However considering translators updated everyday I guess I can understand to a certain degree but still feels like an MLT nightmare. I hope an editor can fix it or something. It seems like they don't care about the story at all,... more>> and are only spitting whatever chapters out to make money. Such a good story was made so rotten. Honestly I thought these characters were all cheating on each other with the way names were jumbled up.

Need a brain cleanse after reading this. <<less
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bluesonnet rated it
February 19, 2024
Status: Completed
I'm not really sure how to feel about this story. It kept me interested, although there was a part in the middle where it was a bit boring. After that, the story just developed quite fast. It's more of a slice of life romance, not too many misunderstandings or crazy plot lines. Even the side characters had a more exciting (but cliché) storyline. I guess my only complaint would be that the story didn't seem to know what to do with the older brother. For some reason, in his portrayal... more>> over the course of the story, he couldn't hold on to one personality and just kept breaking character, and it was confusing how much significance he had in the development of the relationship between the FL and ML.


That ending surprised me quite a bit, because it felt like the brother was given a lot of importance.


All in all, I still liked the novel and it's still a 5. <<less
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tenshineko rated it
December 12, 2023
Status: Completed
A generally peaceful, fluffy story. The girl is naive and sweet, the guy is a bit of a rogue, but dotes on her a lot. About halfway through there was a lot of problems with the names getting mixed up, but I’m not sure if that is a translation error or the original story.

I agree with the other reviewer that the end chapter was unnecessary. A bit of a downer to end on that note 😓
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MIMImystery rated it
November 10, 2023
Status: --
THIS IS SUCH A GEM!!! The only thing I regret is its too short I want moooore!! The store is fine although the translation got the names wrong or exchange lots of times but damn its a good story! No super duper pretty girl or mary sue or face slapping but damn as a story it self huhuhu I want more! Dont miss such a wonderful light fluffy (for me) story guys! No sharing of plots bc duh whats gonna be the point of reading? But I sure as heck... more>> gonna give it a 5 stars if 100 is available thatll be it hahaha bc I dnt want u missing such a wonderful story.

Anyways, ending got me sobbing tho. I have a soft heart, so what? <<less
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