A Story Of Taking Home A Lonely Gal From My Class And Turning Her Into An Elegant Beauty


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He once helped a lonely gal from his class.

On a rainy evening, Akira Akamori, a high school student about to transfer to a new school, saw his blonde classmate, Aoi Sotome, drenched from the rain in a nearby park.

“… I don’t have a home anymore.”

Though Aoi was a complete stranger to him, he couldn’t leave a girl alone, so he took her home.

“Thanks for the help.”

“I-It’s fine…”

When Akira heard about Aoi’s complicated situation, he decided to help her and let her live with him until he transferred to a new school.

While confused by their first time living together, the two slowly came close to each other.

It is a love story of two people who repeatedly meet and part ways, like a broken record.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Class no Bocchi Gal wo Omochikaeri Shite Seisokei Bijin ni Shite Yatta Hanashi
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Novel
  2. Romcom
  3. Pure romance no harem
  4. Light Novels 2
  5. My List Romcom (Sugar that is not excessive)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
01/19/25 Yuki Kitsuneko v5c6
01/19/25 Yuki Kitsuneko v5c5
01/12/25 Yuki Kitsuneko v5c4
01/12/25 Yuki Kitsuneko v5c3
01/07/25 Yuki Kitsuneko v5c2
01/07/25 Yuki Kitsuneko v5c1
01/07/25 Yuki Kitsuneko v5 prologue
01/07/25 Yuki Kitsuneko v5 illustrations
12/22/24 Yuki Kitsuneko v4 afterword
12/22/24 Yuki Kitsuneko v4 epilogue
12/22/24 Yuki Kitsuneko v4c8
12/22/24 Yuki Kitsuneko v4c7
12/22/24 Yuki Kitsuneko v4c6
12/22/24 Yuki Kitsuneko v4c5
12/15/24 Yuki Kitsuneko v4c4
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3 Reviews sorted by

Kalor rated it
March 3, 2022
Status: v1c2 part2
TIL in Japan you can evict kid and seize it's property, and that's how MC got new toy.

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Could be improved later because this LN has 3 volumes, but I always baffled at how someones mental state is disregarded, I know it's wish-fulfillment genre, but can we keep things at least enjoyable? For someone like me who has a little too much empathy it's very uncomfortable to read when MC is g*ooming his new girlfriend.

It looks like combination of higehiro and su*cide girlfriend.



"There she was, my ideal black-haired, innocent-looking beauty." He dolled her to his liking. I don't know, maybe I'm reading too much but it's totally not wholesome, MC is g*ooming, poor, abandoned classmate into his perfect girlfriend. <<less
22 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
October 23, 2024
Status: v2c1
I often wonder what title other commenters are reading when I check out their reviews. Here, for example, I'm told this is a story about a young man g*ooming his perfect girlfriend out of a troubled classmate. The story I'm reading, however,

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is about an over-responsible young man burying his feelings for his first love so deeply that he refuses to acknowledge even the possibility of their existence and ignoring the entreaties of his friends, his family and even the girl herself to accept his own wants, instead choosing to point her toward a path where she can walk without him.

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FRASH_18 rated it
April 1, 2024
Status: --
As stated by someone else this is a classic wish fullfilment take ab*sed sad girl into your house and groom her to be your perfect gf. I am someone who also doesnt like this kind of g*ooming manipulation genre of taking advangtage of a weak girl. This has nothing to do with the plot tho lol, overall id give the plot a 3/5, normal mid, not bad and not good.
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