A Child Who Looks Like Me


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A man who has lost his memory before the proposal, Jung Jihun.

A woman who believes her heart was broken by the man, Lee Jung-Oh.

The two reunite for the first time in 7 years.

Jihun does not remember Jung-Oh, but is instinctively attracted to her.

Little does he know,

She has a beautiful child that resembles each half of them

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날 닮은 아이
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  1. Modern day | Dias modernos - p2

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2 Reviews

Jul 23, 2024
Status: c28 manhwa
If you're a grown woman who has a loving, equal relationship after a series of bad ones, this story might not be for you.

Even more if you've worked at a company with amazing life-work-balance.

FL deserves much better. ML is the typical 3rd generation chaebol or so, who was born with a golden spoon and completely under his rich family's control. Now he might be a victim of his family's ab*se, but it still doesn't justify his actions to the FL.

Examples I've found so far:

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* If I knew and dated someone for 8 months and he didn't bother to introduce me to his friends or family, I'd dump his ass like yesterday. In reality, dudes acting like this probably means you're the side chick. I don't care if he's a prince or in a witness protection program and needs to hide his identity. If he can't make new friends when he's studying abroad and introduce them to me, something is wrong with him.

* He doesn't remember FL but somehow he's very possessive of her. This puts FL in a difficult position because he's literally the, what, CEO? Or whatever position that was basically guaranteed for him if he'd just give the bare minimum?

* The toxic work culture of East Asia might've contributed to it. Ch 26-27, life should come BEFORE work and not vice versa. Companies are just gonna work you to death, and the only ones who'd remember your working late is your family, especially a little girl expecting her mother to be home early for her birthday party.

* There was also a sabotage so it wasn't even FL's fault. She just happened to work at a toxic company with toxic coworkers plus a toxic mofo of an ex as the big boss.

* ML basically complained that she didn't respond to his texts ON THE WEEKEND and how can FL has chores if she doesn't even look at her phone? His privilege reeks; even if I had time on weekends, I don't talk to my boss. Whatever it is can wait until Monday. And if I had chores? Sometimes I even forget to breathe. Replying to boss' messages falls way beyond the pit of hell. Sorry boss, not everyone was born into a rich family with servants. I don't owe you my time nor energy beyond my working hours.


It's probably how they build the story up, but I'm dropping the series cos I don't want to see ML be happy. Think Remarried Empress but it ends with Rashta being happy with Soviesch after all they'd done.

I think ML should really stay as FL's past mistake. She was so young, she didn't know better. But now she deserves much, much better. <<less
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May 28, 2024
Status: c7.1
I like this story It seems to go on and on. But there's more to it than that. I would like to see the development of the two protagonists' feelings. I'm curious to know how he will handle himself after the hero finds out. But I know he must love you very much.
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