Locked in the Gymnasium With a Yandere Beautiful Transfer Student, It Became a Big Problem, but We Overcame It With ‘We’re Married!’ – A Story That Sounds Like a Lie but Is Actually True


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A passionate, sweet, and sometimes yandere love story that begins with marriage.

–We are married!

It’s a secret between just the two of them.
Haruka and Haruto got married in their second year of high school.

In recent years, the law has changed and even high school students (16 years old) can now get married. So there was no problem.

It all started with an incident where they were locked in the gymnasium. When he was questioned by the principal, he immediately lied. The two decided to get married in order to overcome the danger of expulsion.

He begins his “newlywed life” with “Haruka Kozakura”, a beautiful yandere transfer student with a reason.

*Contains marriage elements
*Contains yandere elements

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