Return of the Swallow


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“If it’s a barbarian you want, then it’s a barbarian you’ll get!”

Reclaimed by her noble family after being swapped at birth, Qin Yining is bestowed a hellish family instead. Just as she turns her situation around and gains acceptance, her country is plunged into danger instead.

Shades of gray color the world. No side is completely good, and no side is completely evil. Refusing to be a trophy won by men, Qin Yining carves her own path instead. In this absolutely riveting and spellbinding tale, what does our MC do when an entire dynasty is at stake?

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Recommendation Lists
  1. switched at birth
  2. CN w/ Excellent Plot (BxG)
  3. Ancient china
  4. Switched at birth and/or secret young lady/master
  5. Cliches, Classics, Goats

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107 Reviews sorted by

ensitiiii rated it
August 14, 2021
Status: c95
I'm only at chapter 95 but what I've read so far has made me so emotional that I now write my first ever review on this site.

First off, I really liked the female lead. She's not angry at everything (even when a lot of the times she really has the right to be). She's logical and the way she wins everyone over feels real and not forced at all.

Now I read this and the first 70-ish chapters thinking its gonna be a slice of life, face slapping cutesy romance.

... more>>

NO. I am bawling my eyes out when I read what happened to the Sun family, so much so that I might actually stop reading for now because of how distressed I am. That family was the first ever family that I think really embodied the word "family" from these ancient china-based novels and the way their family was ruined just because of the useless coward of an emperor makes me wish that that emperor dies by torture, scared out of his mind and think of the day he ruined a lot of peoples lives because of his greasy self.


The male lead is just starting to really show up and I really like him so far and I'm excited how the romance will take place.

This novel has given me a new side of ancient china based novel because most of the ones I've read share a lot of tropes with others so sometimes I confuse them with each other. I hope I keep reading this masterpiece and hopefully finish it too.

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rizirizi rated it
July 15, 2020
Status: c122
Honestly, the reason why I rated this as 3 is because author floods the MC of problems, schemes and plot right after the other. Personally, I like to binge read novels but this... I can't. It just stressed and tires me to read over 10 chapters a day.

Well other than that, it's a good novel with a good plot just not enough to make me say 'I can't get enough of it' type of novel.
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SuongUyen rated it
November 27, 2019
Status: c102
I absolutely love this story.

I'm currently up to chapter 102 and really hope that the quality remains.

This story is a breathe of fresh air from the stories I've been reading. The main character is a real heroine, she's intelligent, cunning and loyal to a fault. Compared to other stories where we are told that the main character is intelligent and OP, this is portrayed through her actions and we come to that conclusion ourselves.

Ofcourse there are those pesky side characters that want to make us pull our hair out, but... more>> they are dealt with so beautifully that you can't help but cheer.

This story has ups and downs that make you tear up and cry. It really does pull on the emotional heart strings. It makes you feel for the characters and really sets the scene of the political turmoil and the people's hopelessness as they have to survive the reign of an incompetent ruler. It keeps you on your toes for sure!

And lastly I translation is absolutely beautiful. The translator has a great grasp of both languages and we can see that through the way she tells the story. <<less
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Landi rated it
July 21, 2019
Status: --
Looks nice.
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Idling01 rated it
March 3, 2019
Status: --
Okay on the first few chapters it was interesting. But after they got married problems arrive one after the other. Like non-stop, I am surprise she is alive after all that. That ex- emperor aka obsessed at the female lead is so shameless. Even after our female lead got married and have children he didn't stop being obsessed.
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MarkofWisdom rated it
June 4, 2018
Status: c20
I'm not usually a fan of drama (and especially tragedies which I notice is a tag here), but seeing this recommended by some people and translators I decided to give it a whirl and it's pretty good, most of the characters are complex and it's nice to see some characters that screwed up admit it and change for the better (and have it actually stick), and as someone commented on one of the chapters-the main character strikes a nice balance of being smart and forceful, as well as kind and... more>> caring. Hilariously it seems most readers were able to spot the ML a mile off as soon as his name showed up, half the comments were "this guy has got to be the ML", and later chapters seem to indicate it is

given how the prince has already acted in her life to help her a bit, but hasn't formally met/interacted with her yet



The girl that the MC was switched (Huining) with gets all the middle fingers at her, such a *****. Following that shrew, several other family members are utter snobs since the idiot Huining kept repeating that she was "being replaced" in order to cause more trouble.
*after reading more*
It's nice to see most of the characters being portrayed in a human way and not as cartoon characters, the mother is a childish brat but is at willing to consider things after her mother chews her out. Face/reputation plays a positive and negative role-the people in power are willing to let things slide and blow over to avoid reputation damage, but that also lets some people get in cheap shots at others without a chance to retaliate without being attacked on all sides. The paternal grandmother is a bit stuck up, but is willing to see the "granddaughter" she spent so much time with isn't the angel she thought when evidence comes up, though her continuing kindness is unappreciated by the dolt. Unfortunately the mother isn't so bright.

I'm at about chapter 20 so far, but there has been very little/no "filler" parts that could be removed without consequence. I hope it stays that way. I'm looking forward to Yining interacting with the ML and to see how that pans out in political relations <<less
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3Harsha rated it
June 4, 2018
Status: c97
This is an amazing story with awesome characters. The main character is a girl switched out at birth. Her experiences when she was outside made her extremely smart with a high emotional intelligence as well. I like that the MC fights for justice, but understands her limits and consequences to her actions. Also, the side characters aren’t just for the MC to show off her intelligence. In fact, she doesn’t always outwit them. Though there are some annoying characters like her adopted sister, grandmother, and mother, the rest of the... more>> characters in this story are interesting. The story makes sense historically as well, especially the gender roles that are assigned. This story is awesome and very intense, as you feel like you’re on a roller coaster the entire time. <<less
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Zuriyel rated it
June 4, 2018
Status: c97
Story: The story establishes its setting early on, introduces us to its array of characters before introducing us to the main character, which shows us that these side characters aren’t just there for show, but that they will actually have a level of importance. This is accentuated through lines of inner monologue from the various characters and their ability to change their opinions and learn. More importantly, the story is also willing to show us side characters, whose intellectual competence is on par, if not higher than that of our... more>> main character.

What’s also important to note, is that the author always introduces story elements a good while prior to using them, which is really good because that allows the reader to always understand the reasoning behind something, instead of introducing new elements out of the blue for no apparent reason. Something always leads to something.

The author is also good at making clear definitions of the various characters capabilities have them act based on them, which leads to the story itself being written by the characters and not the other way around. This is important, because otherwise characters may act out in a way that has not been established in order to reach a plot point. This is how Plot Induced s*upidity tends to occur, which thankfully hasn’t happened in the 90+ chapters that I’ve read. Some characters have repeatedly acted in a s*upid manner, but the reasons for such behavior had already been established prior to the enactment of them.

The author is willing to spend time on exploring the mistakes of the various characters, so it’s not like the main character is perfect and the others are not, or that the mistakes are insignificant and are glossed over. Instead, we get to see how the characters react to them, so the story isn’t just held up by the main character. I think that really adds to the longevity of the novel.

Main Character: The author quickly establishes the predicament that the main character, Qin Yining, finds herself in, as well as establish her capability, shows her willingness to improve. Moreover, what I find likeable about how she’s written is that the author has clearly defined Qin Yining’s skill set, and has her make do with that skill set to make her way around this brave new world that she suddenly finds herself in. She is also shown to make mistakes, get one-upped by others, but what I find refreshing is that the author lets her Qin Yining deal with the consequences of these matters and learn from them.

Setting: The story takes place in a fictional setting, but it’s made to resemble Ancient China, where society adheres to the philosophy of Confucianism.
Based on my understanding of Chinese culture and history, this is quite accurately depicted, although some of it may seem outlandish to the general Western reader.
This is due to the lack of knowledge regarding Confucian etiquette. In the West, we put a lot emphasis on the individual, while in countries like China that are heavily influenced by Confucianism, they put the common good above the individual. Another point is filial piety. So, a parent is generally considered to be above reproach when arguing with his/her child, regardless of whether or not the child technically is right through the strength of the child’s arguments.

A criticism that has been weighed against this novel, has been the lack of competence exhibited by the emperor of the country that the protagonist finds herself in. For some it has been highly unrealistic aspect of a story that has otherwise been told in a realistic manner.
However, historically speaking, China has had its fair share of fatuous rulers. For instance, during the famous Three Kingdoms period (220-280 AD), Emperor Liu Shan ruled of the state of Shu. He was deemed to be so incapable that his infant name “Adou” was a slur against him. “Adou” is still used in China today to describe incapable people. And the reason that his state lasted as long as it did was due to the assistance from one of China’s most acknowledged brilliant men in history, Zhuge Liang.
In this way, Qin Yining’s father, can be compared to Zhuge Liang, and the emperor to Liu Shan.

Comparison to other webnovels: This webnovels succeeds, where most other Chinese webnovels fail. Generally, a lot of them writes a lot of filler content (presumably) to buy time for the author to come up with storyline content later on down the line.
This novel on the other hand, provides plenty of content for the reader to digest on a single chapter-by-chapter basis. This is most likely due to the heavy influence of Confucianism, where a lot of emphasis is put on what people say, don’t say, imply through their doublespeak as well as actions.
For those with lack of knowledge of Confucianism, this could be a bit hard to understand, but fortunately the author does explain the significance of these things, so that the reader really gets embroiled in the mindset of the character, whether it be the main character or side characters. Another thing to note is that for more than 90 chapters, the author has been able to maintain a consistent level in the story’s quality. It may sound like it should be a given, and I’d probably agree, but this webnovel format requires the author frequently churn out chapters.

Translation: Translator etvolare has shown a remarkable ability to convey the words of the novel in a concise and vivid manner. At first, I was taken aback when reading this novel, since other Chinese webnovels generally don’t try to be concise but fill up words instead. This has also demonstrated an extensive vocabulary and very proficient mastery of the English language and presumably the Chinese language as well, since etvolare has repeatedly shown her ability to convey the emotional nuances of the story flawlessly. While this may seem unnecessary praise, it has to be kept in mind that etvolare demonstrates her understanding of the Chinese language and that cultural mentality and makes it (more) accessible for us Western readers through her proficiency. It is also appreciated that etvolare explains the meaning of expressions, titles and so on through footnotes.

Conclusion: I really appreciate the realistic portrayal of the setting and its characters. In addition, I highly favor this style of storytelling that the author uses, which is having the characters write the story based on their personalities and skillsets, which may or may not always work in their favor as well as allowing them to learn from their experiences. It should also be noted that this is a very dialogue-heavy novel, which may turn some readers off, but for those who are into that kind of thing, RoS will provide you with a fantastic time in that regard.

Addendum: It is my personal belief that knowledge of Confucianism adds more depth to the story and its depiction of characters, since this novel is heavily influenced by it. As such, I do recommend, if possible, for a volare staff member to add an article on Confucianism, giving the Western reader a crash course. I think that a lack of knowledge, may result in complaints regarding the actions of certain characters throughout the story. Also, it may benefit the reader and volare in the future, if either should choose to read/translate a new novel where Confucianism is a major influence on the novel. However, I do recognize that it is unfair to expect translators to possess such knowledge. <<less
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EldraziLady rated it
June 4, 2018
Status: c50
I love this sadly I am starting it in the middle of finals season so I can't give it the attention it deserves.

A strong female lead who doesn't need no man gives this novel most of my love without even trying.

The beginning does follow a very dry and overused variation of the swapped at birth trope that seems to be popping up more and more as of late. BUT she actually manages to handle the situation deftly. She has intelligence and more importantly common sense so she actually does a... more>> lot better than most leads in just about anything I have anything as of late Chinese or otherwise.

I have so far enjoyed watching her find her place in her family as an individual and as a noble in a war torn nation. <<less
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Izayaa rated it
June 4, 2018
Status: c20
The first few chapters were incredibly off-putting for me, as I'm not really a fan of huge info drops with names that look like one another with a lot of political intricacies and characters that are supposed to be smart but don't notice something incredibly obvious (the family in this case).

The story itself is about Qin Yining, a girl who was stolen as a baby from her actual parents and had to live on her own for a big part of her life. She's found by her father and goes... more>> back to her family home only to find out that almost no one save her father likes her, and most people see her as an eyesore. I usually don't like stories that are just about political intrigue but the story quickly got me more interested as we see more of Qin Yining's personality and how she solves her problems in her own way. Which is using her intelligence and the confidence she got from her tough life to deal with it all.

In the beginning it seemed like all the family members were irredeemably s*upid and biased but you quickly get a sliver of hope for things to turn out alright. All in all a surprisingly interesting novel completely outside of my usual comfort zone. It managed to keep me up untill 2 am when I started reading even though I nearly fell asleep on my keyboard. Be sure to give it a try and don't give up too soon. <<less
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Riddhi rated it
June 3, 2018
Status: c65
Return of the Swallow is an brilliant novel

It, unfortunately, suffers fron a terrible first chapter... probably the reason why many would drop it immediately... but that is the only moment where the author flopped

ROS has characters that are deep... each word spoken here has several contours and the sheer genius of the author reflects in spelling these out without dragging

... more>> The author is economical with words... and the story moves fast

The excellence of how politics of the inner house is handled reminds me of the famous TV series Jewel of the Palace (more reason to love ROS)

The MC is intriguing... and has a depth of personality... as well as resourceful... she is likeable... and the setting realistic

I have reached ch 65 now... it is a shoujo styled novel... and at least till ch 65 there was none of the usual battles or cultivation of chinese light novels... yet this very difference in setting in addition to clever writing makes it all the more refreshing and engaging to read. <<less
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June 3, 2018
Status: c2
So, I read only two chapters and gave up on this novels. It simply wasn't my piece.

MC is a girl from a family of high status, who was switched at birth and only comes back very late. (Like 16-17 years? Dont remeber. That's where the story starts.)
Some of the family is overjoyed by her return and some of the family wants to protect the impostor. This causes some discord in family.

There is no indication of superpowers and it seemed that novel was simply going to dive into intricate scheming, plotting, backstabbing and politics.

So, if you enjoy reading political schemes, go ahead, I'm sure it's very good in that regard. Otherwise, novel doesn't look promising.

Well, etvolare's giveaway is to blame for that :) That Razer Death mouse is too enticing.
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Framedin rated it
June 3, 2018
Status: c22
As someone who rarely likes drama, this hooked me hard.

Even though it seems slow sometimes like wuxia novels, it captures your attention without being tiring.

The description of characters, their personalities, their motivation. They feel so human. And unlike other novels, there isn't a clear distinction between evil or good, just humans being humans.

I can't wait to read up to the last release chapter and have the anticipation I read when reading novels, but in a different way now because of how the plot develops
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GeassAye rated it
June 3, 2018
Status: c80
The character development is one of the best I've seen. Although there are very cliche points in the story, what novel doesn't have them. This isnt your average story where MC trains to become op, but the story is still pretty decent as well. The author did a good job in not wasting too many words on "pointless" descriptions. There's a good balance of positive input in the MCs life. ROS really gets the balance right. Not all families are sh*t families, the MC isn't the only hero/heroine in the... more>> world, the good guys aren't just the super naive ones, etc etc <<less
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TheGodCarry rated it
June 1, 2018
Status: c93
This is a fairly new novel with just under a 100 chapters currently.

It's interesting. It's definitely different from what I'm used to.

As someone who's used to reading more wuxia and xianxa, I wasn't particularly ready nor expecting to read something with romance and realistic settings. It definitely caught me off guard as I hadn't read the synopsis beforehand but only trusted etvo being the translator. However she never warned me about the terrible mother of the MC! Be warned that she'll get you heated with your blood boiling at her... more>> idiocy throughout the entire novel.

That isn't to say that the surprise wasn't good though! I was caught in a trap on the fire couple chapters. The story consists of a young girl who was kidnapped at infancy, being forced to grow up in the wild while having minimal contact with the human society. Her true identity is revealed in the beginning to be of someone of importance. As she is found and begins her new life as the head daughter in an older setting of the human world, she faces difficulties unlike ones she's ever seen.

There is definitely plot armor and things that don't quite make sense in the novel. Such as the way this girl is able to think and use her head as well as her adept skills in reading people so well. To me it didn't make sense that someone who grew away from others is able to have such strong social skills. Nonetheless it's a desirable trait and one that gives room for forgiveness as her personality as a character in the novel is truly alluring. You end up rooting for her as she behaves in ways different to what's considered normal within the story. As she fights with her sisters within the household, she stands her ground. While facing people of importance in the outside world, she understands. When facing even her own parents, and grandparents, she's able to act in ways to please them without going overboard.

You read and learn to adore this character who can seem like just a child at times, while seeming like a wise sage at others. It's been an enjoyable walk reading the novel so far and at least for now, I have plans on continuing to do so. <<less
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AcediaOW rated it
May 26, 2018
Status: c85
Details are always something that I appreciate in books, and this book does not lack much details although there usually is more details at the beginning of the book. Overall, the first 100 chapters gives me pretty good vibes. I would definitely recommend it to people who enjoys books with more meaning to them.
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Sweettia1 rated it
May 26, 2018
Status: c89
I am really enjoying reading this novel. Qin Yining uses her intelligence to find solutions out of the difficulties she faces. She is mature yet not arrogant and is different from the other traditional Chinese novel female leads who may act hysterical or too arrogant. Great translation work!
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Teutates rated it
May 26, 2018
Status: c89
Return of the Swallow is a interesting take on the female sub genre.

The author takes it the story to a more historical route and less with the powerful cheat tropes.

It gives a interesting look on a character that has a good mind to counter bullies.

But its still possible things to happen to her that makes her feel powerless and let her feel despair without much she can done against it. For example the emperor, in other stories if the emperor was against the MC or a failure. The (OP) MC... more>> would just get rid of them. But in this story this simply wouldn't be possible.

And for this story it works excellent you get pulled into the story and want to protect the main character what is happening against her.

in the start it might feel to the reader that there is a very slow build up, but the author uses that to set the tone and now with the latest few chapters we are being taken for a wild river ride that I have no clue how our MC will escape from.

If you like smart main characters and would like a captivating story this might be a story for you. <<less
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Skoll028 rated it
May 25, 2018
Status: c10
Wow. Just. Wow.

This story has a lot of detail, and definitely had a lot of effort put into it from the get-go. Thank goodness the translation team is an experienced one, or this story would be a train-wreck! All in all, great translators, good storyline and plot, lots of wit an cunning.


Other than that, this story has nothing wrong with it.
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Kuroshiro rated it
May 25, 2018
Status: c87
I have to admit that I wasn't too up for the book when I started reading, but after a few chapters was quite engrossed in it. Most of the characters are nicely fleshed out, though I feel that the MC gets by too easily sometimes?

Either way, no transmigration, no coming back in time, just pure wit. I like it.
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