Return of The 8th Class Mage


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Humanity’s first 8th Class Mage.

Betrayed, he traveled back 30 years into the past.

The story follows Ian Page, archmage and the first man to break through the 6th class, then through the 7th and become the most powerful mage, an 8th class mage.

After a lifetime of war and killing, the continent was finally unified thanks to his efforts. Now, old, his wish is to live the rest of his life in peace and try to find salvation for all the blood he spilled. However, his old friend, maddened by paranoia, couldn’t tolerate someone so powerful, so he betrayed Ian and killed him.

In his last breath, he cast a time magic that allowed him to travel back to when he was a young boy. With all the knowledge he previously had, he decided to do things better so he could end with less regrets.

Associated Names
One entry per line
8 keullaeseu mabeobsaui hoegwi
8클래스 마법사의 회귀
Revolution of the 8th Class Mage
The Return of the 8th Class Magician
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. KR Male Protagonist No Harem
  2. Korean Novel
  3. Novel's I Have Read
  4. Fantasy NO romance
  5. Op Mc / simulation systems

Latest Release

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50 Reviews sorted by

New drago44dd rated it
May 15, 2024
Status: Completed
Read the novel after finishing the manhwa coz I wanted to know more. It wasn't worth it.

I suggest you read the manhwa rather than the novel. You may lose some details but believe me those details are not worth your time. It won't affect the story you read in any ways.

A 3.5 rating
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torac rated it
October 1, 2016
Status: c12
As of chapter 12 I already struggle to suspend my disbelief. I'm used to characters just being there for cheap plot points, I'm used to there being miraculously lucky coincidences around protagonists, but in this story these are clustered far too close together for comfort.

Right now we have already had:


A generic sexually harassing lowlife. Somehow this idiot decided to start loudly harassing the MC's mother right in front a couple of imperial knights and a noble mage, and just within seconds of the MC and his mother being pronounced nobles themselves. After barely getting away with his life, his next plan is, of course, to barge into their room (which is guarded by a knight) and r*pe the mother in front of the son. Makes total sense, right?

After that, the MC visits the local noble. Of course, just after he visits the noble is kidnapped by a once in a life-time, extremely unbelievably uncommon goblin horde. Also, he just happens to have that one specific item there that the MC really wants to have (and then gets as a reward). How Lucky!

And then in chapter 12, the MC decides to visit an alchemist. Of course, the moment he arrives, the alchemist's son is about to be kidnapped and the villagers (including the alchemist) are about to be killed. A good thing the MC visits that day, or everyone would be dead, right?


As a side note, the translation is full of spelling mistakes. Not something that would deter me on its own, but it certainly doesn't make me want to read the story more.
161 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
chosensman rated it
April 24, 2019
Status: --
Dropping it because of the Fairy Queen scene.

Main character is a c*nt. This is a wish fulfillment book, so the writer is the actual c*nt. The MC wins a fight with the help of the Fairy Queen. Once he wins, he finds a book that has a powerful technique. This technique gives him power of living things. As soon as he can, he turns the Fairy Queen into a s*ave who has to obey him. The Fairy Queen was obviously not willing and was being forced into it. I'm sure they will "Stockholm Syndrome" her into liking it soon. But, I'm out.

Imagine if YOU were the king of humans. You help some dwarf kill a monster. And the dwarf finds a book, which has some powerful technique. You wait for the dwarf to finish learning the technique. Once he does, he realizes he can COMMAND YOU to do anything, even kill yourself. The Dwarf immediately turns you into his s*ave. Orders you to transform into a cat. Orders you to dedicate your life to protect HIS mother. It's not like you have responsibilities of your own being the king of humans. The writer will make it so that YOU, the king of humans, will eventually become a loyal and willing s*ave to this Dwarf. This is the author that we're reading. This is the MC we're rooting for.

137 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Dusk rated it
September 15, 2016
Status: c60
Another KR novel, another second chance-turn back in time novel.

Pros :

- It's an average read.

... more>> - At times it will spark excitement.

- A decent read for anyone new to these genres.

Cons :

- The novel chose the generic route.

- There are some bad writing here and there, either it doesn't really flow fluidly or the author skipped the bothersome process, those kind of stuff.

- The prev team who does this, their editing, I don't recommend at all. Also, they don't have schedules.

- There will be logical inconsistencies from time to time.

- Too much 'fateful' meetings and happenings, it's a lazy plot device.

Past Review :
R8C is plenty promising, the start of the novel is one of the run in the mill betrayal scene, but the execution of the plot is good enough to hook you in it. There is a degree of excitement when reading it, even if it's still on the early phase.

The character used to be an unparalleled magician that sheds lots of blood by his hand, after reincarnation though, he did not want to shed blood anymore. However, this doesn't mean that he would be against in killing, in fact he would resort to it should he meet with tr*shes. (60 chapters in I think the author totally forgot about this.)

The MC can be appealing to some and be contradictory towards another, because he is so cold and decisive that it might cause some people to be deterred by it. To me, it is actually in line with his actions he did in his previous life and since I am fine with his personality, I can enjoy this novel with no problem. However, if you are the type to not like such a cold MC, I am just warning you beforehand. (This plot has also not been used after 60 chps)

In conclusion, this is another second-chance novel that you can read if you have nothing better to do. Rated 5.2 <<less
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jackodawacko rated it
October 25, 2017
Status: c60
Ignore all the people complaining about the predictable plot (Check the date of their reviews), that all happens in the beginning as the story slowly but subtly changes direction to build a strong and solid foundation. Once it does (which happens sooner than you might think) the story becomes that much more interesting!!!

  • Yes the MC is OP - but it's a slow process and in order to compensate for this new life of his he begins to rely on his cunning intelligence enabling him to outwit his foes who can actually prove to be more a threat than you might think. Crushing an enemy with cheat-like abilities is fun, but to see him truly outmaneuver his foes is very enjoyable.
  • Yes the enemies can't really hurt the MC - but that doesn't necessarily mean he has no weaknesses. One in particular would be the people he has to protect (Namely his mom and two friends who aren't strong but have other unique skills like alchemy and such that greatly assist him). When enemies bring them into the equation the stakes get much higher and there's a real sense of trouble and tension in the air that only makes this story more entertaining. Plus, watching him scramble to choose between protecting his family and striving for revenge brings an internal struggle in him which makes for good character drama and progression.
  • Yes he is genius and has knowledge of the future - however as he continues to change things in his favor it's revealed later that the timeline is changing and that future information isn't as useful as it was when he first started enacting his schemes.
This novel embodies the notion of "more than meets the eye" (No, that was not a "Transformers" reference) and for those with a little patience, an overall fun and enjoyable story that is worthy of your... more>> time. I encourage all to read this story and push for more people to pick it up :) <<less
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keklel rated it
November 8, 2016
Status: c19
Alright, there are some problems with this story, as people have said:

1. Chance encounters. It's completely unexplained as to how he just chanced upon Ledio & Douglas being attacked by s*ave traders. And Douglas just happened to be the person who created the poison that killed him in his previous life. Seems to be too much of a coincidence. It would have been better if he just remembered it from his past life rather than having it just randomly happen.

2. Random unexplained spells that he just pulls out of his ass. We don't know what the MC can do because the author never bothered to explain his spells to us. So when he uses a completely new spell out of the blue like "entangle" or "sleep" that we never knew he could do, it feels like lazy writing.

3. Generic story and motivation. His entire motivation is to "not be used" like he was in his past life. Which is about as generic as it gets.

30 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
GabeZhul rated it
August 8, 2018
Status: c68
The premise sounds nice, but unfortunately the translation completely ruins whatever enjoyment one might find I this work. Sure, it is borderline readable when compared to, say, unedited machine TL garbage, but that's damning with faint praise if there ever was one.

EDIT: After a while the TL got better, but only for it to get bad again after 60 or so chapters, and after a while they become half-chapters that leave the reader confused unless one realizes the translator broke them up for extra clicks.

The TL aside, this is... more>> a fairly bog standard reincarnation-story. It's decent, but nothing to write home about, except maybe the amount of convenient developments being a little too high. <<less
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ProkaryoticFish rated it
May 27, 2018
Status: c22
I don't really understand why people rate this so highly, it's a story about a man who travels back to when he was a kid to prevent himself from going down a certain path. Nothing really new.

Then you get more cliches that don't really serve to make the story better (most of the time they make the story worse).

... more>>
His mother is almost r*ped by a soldier, who gets caught and it's implied that he could've been executed. So what does he do? He gets drunk and threatens to r*pe the mother in front of the kid... yeah you can already tell how well that went

He then meets a noble that he rescues and gets something he desperately needs.

Then an alchemists kid gets kidnapped... I think you get the idea of where I'm- ARE YOU KIDDING ME he meets the person who helped poison him!

Also, the story is borderline unreadable with non-existent grammar and spelling that makes me want to die. <<less
19 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
October 3, 2016
Status: c14
Contrary to the ratings. This is nothing amazing so far. It's been a pretty normal strongest guy goes back in time to be even stronger story.

I guess since it's a Korean story, people have much higher expectations than they do for that mass of Japanese cliche tr*sh (Me included). Well, there's nothing to dislike so far.
18 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Ananya rated it
February 27, 2017
Status: c45
Similar to 'I am the Monarch', differences being the MC also has an inherent talent and doesn't rely only on past life experiences. Also MC is pretty cold blooded as in he views people as tools, resources, etc well except his mother. MC was a pinnacle existence in his previous life but was betrayed by his BFF due to his BFF's own insecurity, so MC is out for blood in the redo version of his past life, also he sets out to make better decisions in this life.

It's an entertaining... more>> read, but you can't help being reminded of 'I am the Monarch'. <<less
11 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
UnknownSaint171 rated it
February 11, 2017
Status: c55
So far so good. Its like a better version of "Close Combat Mage" It's still to soon to judge since story is slow. I really hope for more chapters. He is no longer killing for others but shedding blood to protect himself and loved ones. I like it. I love how there's character development. Some light hearted humor too. I only wish it had Romance. Though it gives us hints there's really nothing confirm yet. I can only keep my hopes up. I fear there may be wasted potential.

I love how the MC switched sides. Instead of siding with Ragnar the one who killed him. He sides with the Crown Prince. Though he's a huge idiot and I didn't like him at first.. But he's very loyal at least! He has some skills but needs polishing. I hope he teaches his Mother magic and also the Princess. There's just a lot of good characters with good personalities. I can only hope the Author uses them wisely. Like the arrogant noble girl who became nicer. I want him to end up with Mage Girl Mary. She was destined to die and is incredibly gifted but she was so weak and timid. However she's cuter and like Vivian from Law of the Devil. I want her as main heroine or at least very close friend.


I just hope he turns the world upside down.
10 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Pixel Sheep
Pixel Sheep rated it
January 25, 2019
Status: --
2.5/5 at its best.

I have a soft-spot for LN that have either: a power up system, magic, ruthless protagonist, clever protagonist. This LN has all those elements which is why I give it a 2.5/5; probably too favourable in retrospect.

negative comments: little to no character development after the initial storyline where it gets through beginning hardships to become a strong mage. Afterwards it goes downhill, all the characters are one sided and predictable. Almost no tension in any fights as the protagonist becomes too op so the author has to... more>> rely on introducing new characters and new information that shows that the protagonist is at a disadvantage, the dbz effect. Narrative holds no interest except to know what spells or power-up pay-offs he recieved after rising in class as a mage.

Narratives that's primary drive in maintaining the interest of the reader through power-ups and new spells are a dime and a dozen on this LN websites. I can name a few off the top of my head that can do it better than R8CM. It relies on power up tropes and because of this, I can tell that this novel is probably going to be as ongoing as possible without end until all the cash dries up. Maybe the english translation wasn't done well or the korean can't be translated properly to english but I found this LN to be as Lite as they come for a LN. Almost little to no descriptions, robotic dialogue between characters centred on passing on information to advance story without ANY aura of a character conveyed through the dialogue with the exception of the fairy queen (and again this is me being bias for it).

Having said all this, this LN has a soft spot in my heart. I do like it because it hits all genres I like and the story was well written and captivating enough in the initial chapters. But I do find myself dropping this. <<less
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fangyuan rated it
April 18, 2021
Status: c85
A mediocre novel at best and it does not help that the translation quality dropped harder than a bass drop. As such, decided to drop the novel. The MC has a personality that is not really likable but I am not sure if this is author's ego seeping in or because the author purposefully crafted him this way as a result of a fatal betrayal. MC was supposedly wise but decided to show off when he was supposed to be low profile because of his 'ego' in magic. About the... more>> 'fairy queen scene' which a reviewer mentioned, it was not as bad as he depicted but it was a bit distasteful and the same thing would repeat. The good thing about the novel is that the power level of people in the universe is rather straightforward. <<less
8 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
SayMrrp rated it
July 12, 2017
Status: c57
It might come off as a bit flat and normal initially, but I like it quite a bit~!

The MC feels pretty average (in a good way) and the rest of the characters are decent.

Ah, the MC is quite OP though. RIP.

The funny/quirky moments are nice. I enjoy the moments where the MC flattens his enemies in various ways.
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Dream Seeker rated it
December 9, 2016
Status: c34
Has a magical flavor spiced with redemption and butterflies... do you get what I mean? Well then read and find out! But, seriously, it's had a solid story, good characters, with stable and interesting background. I recommend this to fans of traditional western world fantasy.
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lco012 rated it
November 8, 2016
Status: c19
Story so far is good even though it does have the cliche elements but other than that the story is well paced and has its plots and twist would recommend to read. Translation is good no complaints cause I can understand the story flow even if their are small mistakes they get edited fast anyways hope you all enjoy this ln like I do.
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NRL.LS rated it
November 18, 2021
Status: Completed
Good story, strong MC character... even though there are many explanations that are lacking but still good... and first I read novels like this, different from Chinese cultivation novels or other Korean novels...

And for S2 novels I don't know, no translation...
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Master10K rated it
August 11, 2020
Status: Completed
Of all the "2nd Chance for Revenge" WNs I've read, this seems to be the one that makes the most narrative sense. Instead of just randomly going back in time because of... "reasons". Ian uses an untested, self-made spell, to do the job. So one can forgive his arrogant personality for achieving such a feat; annoying as it may be.

So next job is to gradually become OP again, deal with power-hungry nobles and that's about it. Finding out the answers to a few ongoing mysteries is the only thing that... more>> kept me going beyond the halfway point. Especially with all the "bastard" translators hindering my progress. <<less
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Rich rated it
May 12, 2020
Status: c185
The only thing I ask of a novel is that it is not boring and the protagonist is not mediocre. I like the story there are some parts where I get lost or do not understand what the author means but it is all the fault of the translator who did not know how to express it well. This is an example of a very good novel that is being translated into a bad website.
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phreakinsane rated it
February 12, 2020
Status: 67
I can't be sure about the original authors work but I believe they are at least partially responsible for the childish writing style. It's very difficult to understand exactly what is being said or explained at times.

I am all for revenge stories, especially ones where the MC prevents bad things from happening to good people, and MC's family and friends.

... more>>

This MC kills a guy for sexually harassing and plotting to r*pe his mother. The POS deserved it. This part made me happy.


However, I'm 30 something chapters in and I see a lot of edgy disrespectful interactions with MC from several people and the MC, though powerful, isn't reacting to it in a way that I find satisfying. He's either ignoring it or something breaks the tension in the atmosphere and he just goes on his merry way like nothing happened.


He's allegedly worried about his mother since an uninvited noble is in his house with her, a guard of said noble draws his blade and stops MC in his own house from seeing his mom or the guest... yea, if it was me, I'd kill the guard right there, no further questions asked.

I'm ready to drop just from this one scene. The MC is allegedly really a mommas boy, but just lets that slide.

The edgy feeling the author is creating is just getting worse with scenes like this.


I read another 30 something chapters, putting great effort into trying to ignore the needlessly edgy random encounters, poor translation, and terrible grammar.

But as another reviewer mentioned, the fairy bit was a big mistake for the author. I kept reading trying to see if like another scene, it wasn't as bad as author made it sound, but the MC is total tr*sh. He's also a total hypocrite, claiming to fight against evil but abusing power and committing evil deeds himself.

That's the last bit I could stomach. Atleast admit you're evil tr*sh.

The chapters are also broken up and patreon locked from some sources, but NU links seemed to offer complete chapters before I dropped this. <<less
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natsume142 rated it
January 7, 2017
Status: c36
I will say this novel is somewhat still early to judge. It has the same premise like 'I am the Monarch' with the turn back in time and become OP. However there is still no backlashes from his time travelling like the IATM yet. I think it's an awesome novel. The MC probably behave little bit too mature for an 8 years old, kinda weird how his mom didn't notice his changing behavior. Nevertheless, still a good read
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