Reincarnated Villainous Noble – The Story Changed When I Committed S**cide –


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Louis Valentine, the villainous noble. He has a certain purpose.

That purpose is to enter eternal slumber.

Louis has experienced countless reincarnations. The causes of death vary, but one thing remains constant – whenever he dies, he returns to a predetermined age.

Having lived through numerous lives of living and dying, Louis eventually adopted a new purpose: to live not for life itself, but for death.

In his previous life, he casually attempted su*cide.

Without much hope, as expected, Louis once again experiences the cycle of reincarnation.

“If su*cide won’t work either, then I’ll just do things I enjoy and die.”

Deciding to do only what he enjoys before dying, Louis finds that this new life is different from all his previous ones for some reason.

Even the personifications of death, including his fiancée, inexplicably pay attention to Louis.

“Isn’t this strange?”

This is the story of a boy who deviates from his previous narrative by committing su*cide, and the people who start to care about Louis, as he seeks to attain eternal death.

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Nando mo Shi ni Modorishita Akuyaku Kizoku ~Jisatsu Shitara Nanka Story ga Kawattanda ga
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  1. Yandere

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7 Reviews sorted by

Dante7555 rated it
August 14, 2023
Status: v1c12
I made chatgpt translate up to chapter 40 and while the start is very good and the general concept of the protagonist is interesting.

The story eventually drags on too long on unimportant aspects and the story seem to be going down the yandere/menhera harem route with a plot full of misunderstandings.

The author is too conservative with giving the readers information on the MC's past lives, which would be fine if the payoff was worth it but it never is. We literally find out one character betrayed him in 2 lives... more>> in a row while he was cowering for his life and the payoff is that she misunderstood his intentions and now has a yandere one-sided love for him. The MC could've easily nipped this at the bud but because of plot he just doesn't do anything.

Overall it just feels so half-assed, it never goes for the full effect. I think one of the major aspect that set me off is him making a group with an adventurer, you'd think that with all he's been through he would want to consolidate power with just himself but instead it seems like everything he does now also rely on the strength of his female friend who's conveniently in love with him wow.

Honestly, I don't know what I expected from this, I guess I just wanted something more than basic bit*h mellow drama. <<less
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dokutah rated it
December 16, 2023
Status: c100
Hmm... How should I say it... The whole story is like a worse version of Black souls, a H-game. We both have a MC controlled by a higher being, and both can't die. But while Black souls is a great game, this novel isn't. This MC here is too nihilistic, so much that dying repeatedly isn't enough to justify it. Though at least his actions are consistent with his belief and characters are likable enough to keep me from leaving.

Also, to people mentioning misunderstandings, I'm quite sure they just skimmed... more>> through the whole thing. There are next to no misunderstanding here.


MC wants to die. He hates no one, just don't really care about them, has a nihilistic outlook on life and wishes for a destination to his repeated cycles to the extent that he jumps into death's embrace every time. Those around him know that and is trying to find ways to prevent him from searching for death. He doesn't care about his fiance and she knows that. She just doesn't know he wants to die.


So yeah, while I would say the story isn't technically great or anything, it should be enough to kill time. The author updated the story daily, and it's short enough to not take too much of your time reading it. <<less
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Witnessfox22 rated it
August 30, 2023
Status: c17
I'll cut to the chase, should you read this story?


Whether you're looking for a standard resurrection/isekai type story or something that delves more into an MC who dies and resurrects countess times, you'll be disappointed either way.

The author fails to do anything important with the main hook of relieving the same life over and over again. The only notable results of this central point is an excuse for the MC to be OP and him being apathetic to the world. Unfortunately this apathetic characteristic is extremely inconsistent and exists only... more>> when its convenient for the plot.

If you're here just looking for a run of the mill 'MC knows the future' kind of story then you'll be disappointed by the poor writing skill. The narrative blazes ahead at a supersonic speed from one plot point to another bearly slowing down to off load some world building. It feels more like the author is posting their story outline than the actual chapters.

Either way, I would recommend you pass on this. <<less
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Wheeze rated it
December 18, 2023
Status: --
The first dozen chapters are interesting, but it went downhill afterwards, the harem members are annoying. If this novel doesn't have harem and yandere in it and MC remain alone and focus to his goals, it would be perfect (at least for me)
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RKADE 14 rated it
August 14, 2023
Status: c12
The writing makes it super clear that he's apathetic towards everything, it's put out a bit too much, it's nice to see that it's not "I hate everyone" to "I will save the world" within the short amount of time I've been reading, and doesn't look like it'll turn out that way for a bit but the apathy is overly put out too much, no clue how you're supposed to balance that though.

I love his battles though, they in a way remind me of [Inside an adult game as a... more>> former hero], this actually feels similar to that too (although the one I just mentioned is better).

I enjoy it, not much else I can say. <<less
1 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
December 18, 2023
Status: v1c10
It's only been 10 chapters, so I don't think I should even write a review yet, but the whole 10 chapters are full of cliches and feel like the author just copy-pasted stereotypical japanese isekai novel to this. Considering that this is a new novel, published in mid 2023, it's disappointing that there's nothing new in the story so far. Except MC always regressing everytime he died (which is not even new, just not commonly used) and the fact that MC is not reincarnated from earth, there's nothing even close... more>> to interesting in this novel. Author said that MC has regressed for many many times, but he's never been an adventurer before? BS. What did he do in all his previous lives? And why is he panicking when something new happens, when in his previous lives something new always happened every time he regressed. He's supposed to feel detached from his live as he even considering su*cide, so it'll feel more interesting and make more sense (IMHO) if MC take a more like wait-and-see stance towards everything that's happening around him, and then kill himself to restart if something goes wrong. Interesting premise but ruined by author. Author feels like just pumping chapters left and right without any real plot, that's what I think after seeing how, in syosetsu and kakuyomu, author published a chapter each in just a day or two. Will shelve this novel for now to my waiting list, and I will come back later when I feel like it. I won't rate it yet as I've read only 10 chapters so far. <<less
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EpsilonAlter rated it
October 24, 2023
Status: c45
Like the previous reviews had said, this story has a good hook, I'm all for the main character being reincarnated as the villainous male lead, misunderstood and get killed over and over again, but the problem with this novel is that it doesn't really pay off or go anywhere with this concept, the pay off of the whole gimmick is too lackluster for any form of catharsis
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