Rebirth on the Doors to the Civil Affairs Bureau


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“Then why don’t I marry you!” Yu Dong suddenly proposed.

“You…” Xia Feng thought he had misheard.

“You see, you’re looking for someone to marry to ease your mother’s heart, and I also want to get married. We’re right in front of the doors to the Civil Affairs Bureau, and with all our papers too!” Yu Dong exclaimed while holding up her red household book.

“And the most important thing is that we just broke up with our exes. This is fate, ah!”

Right up until they left the Civil Affairs Bureau again, holding a newly registered red book, Xia Feng remained dazed still wondering, how did he end up getting married?

Did he just pick up a wife at the doors to the Civil Affairs Bureau?

What Xia Feng doesn’t know is that Yu Dong traveled back in time from 10 years in the future.

Now, having a second chance in life and able to secure a good husband, Yu Dong will live her life at full throttle and without regrets.

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Recommendation Lists
  1. rewind
  2. Liked
  3. Sweet Fluffy Novels
  4. Fantasy Romance
  5. MOINE

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271 Reviews sorted by

elish rated it
April 19, 2019
Status: --
A really great read. I won't say much since I'm too tired after binge-reading it until the end.. It was kinda an open minding story about life and that's why I came to love this story. The romance part is rather fluffy and usual but still very sweet, no overrated overreacting misunderstanding drama (which I hate). Though the characters are quite unusual, The MC is straight-forward, kind-&-hard worker, and is suitable with the ML, a hard working doctor, a great husband, and a sensible partner, and I love them for... more>> that characteristic.

I particulary took time to read, digest, and think about the mistress part and the depressed man whom both are the listener of MC's radio talk. There are lot of words that I appreciate and think about especiallh from those two chapters. I love how the MC handled her listener and some problems around her. Though honestly, she has some thoughts that I could not support her with. Which I think is way too optimistic, simple-minded, and unreal, which is is normal since this was still in the end, a fictive story and not a deep psychology or philosophy book. And again, the MC herself aren't such a dark person, instead, she grew up in a closed-minded family but still a happy and supportive one, that's why it actually make sense how she thinks like that. Still, she's smart, undoubtly.

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timma rated it
April 17, 2019
Status: Completed
Solid romance. Not too unbelievable besides one or two parts, overall captivating. I recommend it.

Update: 2021-12-17
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123abdi rated it
April 16, 2019
Status: Completed
A super cute romance that's wholesome and basically drama-free.

Give it a go if you're looking for a non-cliche romance where a woman takes her happiness into her own hands after reincarnating.

Every character was interesting and complex in their own way and I felt invested in all 3 girls romances.
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Drake888 rated it
April 16, 2019
Status: c61
A fun romance with just the right amount of fluff. Enough for fuzzy feelings, but not so much that it interferes with actual story happening. Throw in some great epilogues for resolution of minor characters and you have an excellent love story.

To those worried about the reincarnation tag: rest assured, it is a minor plot device and has limited effect on the story. The MC has a few future insights but plot points are mostly moved by character progression and interaction.
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Rinny rated it
March 24, 2019
Status: c37
This story is so good and I can't help but smile and laugh as I read this! The MC is so unrestrained and you can't help but like her. The secondary characters also have their own personalities that you can't help but love!

The main thing is that the relationship between the two leads is the epitome of fluff!
1 Likes · Like Permalink | Report rated it
March 15, 2019
Status: Completed
Rebirth on the Doors to the Civil Affairs Bureau

This is a story of various people's second chances at life and love, especially Yu Dong, who's given a second chance at life, and Xia Feng, who's given another shot at love.

As soon as Yu Dong opens her eyes, her ex-fiance had already left her at doors of the Civil Affairs Bureau, with snot and tears running down her cheeks. Not far away from where Yu Dong was in a daze, Xia Feng, who's asked his long-time girlfriend to marry him, was left standing at the same building as the said girlfriend broke up with him, citing she wasn't ready to marry him and had to leave the country to further her studies (nothing wrong with that).

... more>> Upon seeing Xia Feng, Yu Dong recalls who the man would become in the future. Without hesitation, Yu Dong walks up to Xia Feng and asks him to marry her. The breakup must've really muddled the otherwise brilliant man as the next thing he knows he suddenly got himself a wife whom he just literally met.

Honestly, I can't say how much I love this story. It's short and sweet and full of fluff.

Yu Dong, the reincarnated MC, had been through a lot of ups and downs, pre-rebirth, and has decided to make the most of her second chance in life. She could be a little childish at times, but she doesn't let allow herself to be petty (or too petty, except towards her ex-fiance who literally left her at their supposed wedding, so I can understand her vicious remarks against her ex whenever they encounter each other). Her knowledge and ethical views from the future had both helped and hurt her and those around her, but instead of wallowing and solving things on her own, she talks it out with her husband, Xia Feng.

Xia Feng is almost too pure of an ML, especially for somebody who's been in a relationship for years. He gets easily flustered when Yu Dong acts a little shamelessly, but he gives as good as he gets, which becomes a hilarious interaction between husband and wife. He has a believable character growth through trials he goes through by himself and with the people around him

his wife, his parents, his wife's family, his friends, his wife's friends, his colleagues, and his ex-girlfriend.

Why I read this:

    • With 61 chapters, it's short. So, there are no long, drawn out, unnecessary dramas and no repetitive schemings to break up the couple or destroy either the MC or ML's reputation as some novels tend to do.
    • There is character growth for both MC and ML, either through their own experiences or their interactions with each other and with the people around them.
    • The side characters are adequately fleshed out so they don't feel one-dimensional. Their dynamics with the MC and ML are also relatable.
    • The supposed villains, namely the exes, aren't really necessarily the "bad guys". Yes, there is a lot of snarkiness involved with the MC against her ex-fiance, but I think the MC deserves that bit of pettiness as the guy just literally dumped her after promising to marry her. As for ML's ex-girlfriend, her mentality can be a bit irritating but as much as I want to hate her, I've seen her type in some of the friends I know.

      They broke up but she can't seem to accept that Xia Feng has moved on and thinks that Xia Feng was merely acting out in the heat of the moment and probably was too responsible to even think of divorce now that he's married to somebody he just met versus her (the ex-girlfriend) whom he has known and has had a relationship with for years.

    • Cannon fodders are unavoidable evil, but thankfully, they are too few and not distracting to the story as a whole.
    • The MC's and ML's interactions with their families. I love the relationship that the ML has with his parents, especially his strong-willed mother. As for the MC's family, if you grew up in an old-fashioned environment, you can't help but nod your head with how much you sympathize with the MC.

      For the rest, don't hate her parents too much, especially her mother. The mother's logic may seem backward to a lot of the readers and can make the readers rage at the unfairness of the mother's words, but the mother grew up believing that once daughters leave the house, they're expected to get married, have a family right away, and just be a housemaker. This old-fashioned values can be a little deterrent but they pretty much shaped Yu Dong to how she was. The last part of the novel where Yu Dong's mother found out from Yu Dong's son that Yu Dong had lied about Xia Feng's real relationship with Yu Dong, meaning that they were really already married and living together at that time and not as Yu Dong had stated then which was they were about to be married during their visit to Yu Dong's hometown. Yu Dong's mother literally twisted Yu Dong's ears and Xia Feng had to return home quickly to calm the dragon mother-in-law.

    • There is a lot of diabetes-inducing sweetness between the MC and ML, but the interaction is actually an enjoyable read as it doesn't sound forced to the point of being awkward. You actually look forward to them interacting whether they're together in a scene or not.
    • Have I mentioned it's short? But it's amazing how such a short story can have so much heart in it. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll hate, you'll love. Well, you get the picture. Despite the awkward and unrealistic beginning, the story flows nicely and fluidly and each chapter ends in an almost episodic manner, but still very much a part of the whole story. So you don't feel like scrambling to find out next until the translator would be kind enough to release the next chapter.
What could have made it better:

    • The beginning. I can't even begin to tell you much the beginning made me cringe. I mean the whole "arranged marriage" or "marriage of convenience" trope is almost a prerequisite to every modern reincarnation story, but the one salvation was that it wasn't under horrifying duress. The MC and ML were just two people who had just been dumped by their significant others. Marrying a complete strange seems like a giant step to moving on, even for a rebound. However, the MC's future knowledge eased the awkwardness of that meeting somewhat, so that little "cheat" made the beginning of the story a little bearable. (I think?)
    • I don't know if this needs to be better but the strength of the MC's halo is pretty much indestructible. With her "cheat", she had helped a lot of people, but you know what they say about paradoxes being affected when certain events are changed. For every person she helped, what would happen to the other people who were affected by those certain events in the past? (So maybe it doesn't need to be improved?)
    • With how well the MC and ML get along, a lot of people would disagree with the need for improvement but I think the level of their maturity can be a little off-putting to some people. As Tony Stark has said, "I don't trust a man without a dark side." Yes, I'm thankful for how well they resolved an issue so there are no chapters that leave a reader hanging, but it does tend to make the story a little bland. The fluff does make up for it.
    • The side characters' endings will either make you like it or be disappointed with it.

      But Yu Dong's and Xia Feng's intelligent son is hilarious though.

    • There are no page breaks. Sudden changes in sceneries gave me more than a few whiplashes. I had to reread it a few times to make sure that it's not connected to the previous one. Then again, I'm using Google translate to read the untranslated chapters, so that might be why.
In conclusion, if you want a short but sweet novel, this is highly recommended. You won't regret it as you don't need to trawl through 1, 000+ chapters to enjoy a story. If it's too much fluff and not enough conflict, aka the infamous face-slapping and counterattacks, while this novel may not have those in spades, the MC and ML's snarkiness make up for sure. But if you're still unsatisfied, there are other novels for you to enjoy.

To the translator, thank you very much for sharing this story. I do hope you get somebody to help you edit it as some paragraphs tend to miss some words or punctuation marks are placed wrongly, but other than that, I appreciate your work a lot. <<less
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skill rated it
March 10, 2019
Status: c61
Good writing the translator is fantastic.

Strong character: The female character helps so many people the whole story was fantastic.
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February 24, 2019
Status: Completed
cute and sweet story, the fluff is everywhere after MC and ML confirm each other feeling. Story pace is fast and the both exes is reasonable, but like in other story. My favorite part is the side story, but too bad that one of MC friend not get her own side story, but I assume that she is happily married
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February 23, 2019
Status: Completed
Cute story.

MC is dumb but cute.

ML is sweet.

Baby is op.
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February 14, 2024
Status: c61
This is truly a gem it’s fluffy and nice it’s a shame it only has 61 chapters I went through them in a day. It’s such a sweet story my heart is full
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heartlessbambi rated it
January 25, 2024
Status: Completed
Recommended to read!!! A very light hearted read with full of fluff.

The FL has a straightforward strong personality which contradicts with her age because of her past life experiences. She is very decisive and knows what she really wants. The ML is very patient with people and appears to be very easy going but when it comes to serious relationships, he clearly knows where to draw the line, which was very satisfying. The supporting characters were good as well and all of them were given a happy ending.

All in all,... more>> give this book a try! <<less
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LuwaSeun rated it
December 29, 2023
Status: c61
A 5/5 romance story. The main characters are absolutely amazing and a very wonderful match. Most side characters were amazing too.

The way love was shown in this story was inspiring and bold. I wish each person happiness after reading this book.

A total recommend ❤️
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October 22, 2023
Status: Completed
I laughed, I cried, I loved. This novel isn't perfect, but it was the perfect novel for me at this time. I wish I hadn't read the last extra chapter,


, but everything else was fantastic. That being said, I understand where it came from, based on the author's notes in previous chapters about that character.
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fakeluff rated it
July 1, 2023
Status: Completed
How much you appreciate this novel depends on your age and romantic experiences... The author certainly has a knack for creating engaging scenarios and crafting nuanced characters.
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August 17, 2022
Status: Completed
This story is incredibly cute, although some parts may be unrealistic, I enjoyed reading through this novel a lot. Overall, the characters were well written, the plot was enjoyable, and is a good read. Would recommend. (^O^)
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puregarnet rated it
August 11, 2022
Status: Completed
4 Stars


The translation by Slow Day is very good! Smooth flow, little to zero errors, no wrong pronouns or weird sentences. The writing is such that it is not too detailed and is quite light. However, it uses simple and light sentences to pack a powerful emotional punch. This is an MTL-edited translation.

... more>> Plot

This is a slice-of-life romance so there weren't any high highs or low lows. The buildup of the romance was even and included all the typical happy romantic life events.

Themes/What Story Tried to Achieve

This is such a nice, fluffy romantic story. The romance isn't the typical cn novel type but it has some substance, was unexpectedly sweet and encouraging and I liked it which is pretty rare for me in lightnovels. It was just light enough without being shallow. The whole atmosphere of the story is like a healing/wholesome story with good friends who will fight battles with you, work that helps other people and a sweet love story. It definitely executed what it planned nicely. Also, I love how when the MC finally caught feelings for the ML, her personality is still the same even though it was her turn to be shy. It was believable. The previous ancient China slice of life romance I read just before this, this cool and unconcerned MC suddenly turned into this alien blushing maiden whenever there was a scene with the ML, it wasn't believable. So this is good!


Pacing, I feel has no issues. It wasn't rushed or slow enough that it was noticeable to me.


I liked all the main characters and the side characters! The main couple were likeable and I loved that the girl was cheerful, confident and bold without being over the top tomboy and yet was still very mature, as expected of a rebirth 30 year old woman. I love that she is genuinely kind. And the ML is so unexpectedly cute for being a tall gentleman haha. He is basically a typical shoujo maiden hahaha The side characters were all nicely written and didn't feel like typical cardboard cutouts/npcs lol. The MC's girlfriends are especially nice. I adore the female friendships in this; they are so rare!

Overall Comments

To be honest, I don't have anything new to add that the other reviews haven't already mentioned. This story is short (finished in half a day!) but fluffy and sweet without being shallow. It will hit you unexpectedly in the feels randomly that I cried lolol I like it!

My Created Lists (I include my rating and review in the list itself XD)

  • All Novels I've Read Sorted By Rating - Where I ranked every single novel I read on novelupdates.
  • Heartwarming or Feel Good or Wholesome Stories I Liked - As stated haha
0 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
July 25, 2022
Status: Completed
Cute and sweet story. Its fun to read. Makes me smiles a lot while reading :)

Their relationship started as a bit of impulse but well, I love the FL characters who is cheerful, honest and being super understanding and is the one starting to active chasing this shy guy ML. Love the relationships and how the story is unfolding. Recommended!
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sprihau rated it
July 3, 2022
Status: Completed
It's a good story with some of the more grounded characters. The leads are not all powerful and are not illogically over bearing. I like their interactions with other supporting characters like the friends and the parents. It feels like the female lead is doing and trying to get everything she did not in the last life. It's true that female lead has a solid lead cover as in everything she does is liked by her husband but even with that, the female lead does try to understand her husband's... more>> responsibility. I like how the female lead's family is handled, they are not evil people just people with narrow views yet they unintentionally hurt their own daughter. I appreciate that the novel doesn't try to correct them or take revenge on them because in real life you just learn to live your life around those people.


If I have to say one thing that was badly written was An An's character. The writer might have wanted to write her as an ambitious / greedy character but when you think about it, An An's decision does make sense in some ways. Becoming a doctor is not easy specially not if you want to have a specialization or want to go into research because you have to give up a lot of personal life. When the male lead explains how she left despite him proposing 3 times and how she never included him in her plans you do feel bad but if you think about it, the husband and his friend probably also went through the same amount of training / research period. I wish the writer could have written the character in more detail.

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ashaadni rated it
June 2, 2022
Status: Completed
I like this story. Its calm. A little sweet and it made me cry and contemplate my life. It describes loneliness so well that it made my eyes tears up when I read it.

Many people review it said its fluffy. I dont quite agree though. Its not that sweet. Its slow romance until 70% of the story. Kinda like a classic love after marriage.

Before they really love each other, they choose to be loyal. They make efforts to love each other.

What makes it ideal is this story provides the kind... more>> of love story that u wish u have when u get married. A loyal but handsome, have a great job, handsome, genius, rich husband😂😅 <<less
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Shino Miya
Shino Miya rated it
May 29, 2022
Status: Completed
You must read this!

You'll find yourself already crying happiness in each arc, for fluffiness, for romace, for family, for bestfriends.

You would learn the difference between those who really care about you and those who thought of you as a mere trophy.

About the significance of those arounds you, the warm of the world and how to shooed scum man.

Don't forget about some tips about life.

Yeah, definitely a must read!
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