Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex


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I fell in love. Her name was Shirasaka Yukino. I could only look at her from a distance. However one day I heard that she already had a boyfriend. Even if I love her, I can’t have her. The devil sent me an invitation. I can make her mine!

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Junai ✕ Ryoujoku Complex
Love ✕ R*pe Complex
純愛✕陵辱 コンプレックス
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139 Reviews sorted by

July 19, 2017
Status: c19
I could only get through 15 chapter before regretting it, I really couldn't go on due to how s*upid the MC is. Although I'm not expecting for a completely new personality but he should be able to grow and be slightly more mature after betrayal but still, he so blinded by love he no longer has ability to weigh the pros and cons of the situation.

Keep in mind this is a review on the first 15 chapter that I've read an it may of gotten​ better but its first impression... more>> on me is that it's just another 18+ novel that's rushed to get to the so called PLOT with s*upid a MC. <<less
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Phlegyas rated it
March 23, 2017
Status: c149
This novel is amazing. Every character has it's own story and are well made. The people reviewing it say it's slow paced, but that's wrong, because even if in 149 chapters hasn't past a week the characters have grow into something completely different.

I would give it 5 stars, but the antagonists and classmates are too s*upid and the MC's s*x drive and stamina are superhuman. It makes no sense, besides that the novel is an emotion roller coaster, it will make you laugh, feel sad, disgusted, happy, so you need... more>> to be a little emotionally numb to enjoy it. <<less
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Juvaz_Juvaz rated it
March 30, 2023
Status: c381
The plot of the story goes too fast in some parts and in others it drags into an infinite cicle of repeating plot points that is honestly too frustrating to continue reading.

... more>>

The only reason I've read up to this point was because of the thing going on between Yukino and the MC, however the conflict between these two characters sums up to the MC being braindead enough to think that every girl he r*pes will develop Stockholm syndrome after a few interactions and Yukino seeing the MC for who he really is. However, once Yukino is taken out of the picture this whole novel falls apart for me since the main reason I even started reading it was to read the interactions between the MC and her, not the MC being the center of a s*x cult with uninspired s*x scenes.


For me this novel's only redeeming quality was this dynamic duo, since if I craved a crime drama or repetitive s*x scenes I wouldn't be reading this novel. <<less
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Sebastian199 rated it
October 30, 2021
Status: c62
The plot is so damn good, so thrilling thrilling and I feel exciting when I read this.
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September 28, 2021
Status: --
Pretty cringe people, they are hmm.. But the best ero story I've ever read so far. Great surprising plots backed up by detailed reasons, great characters with personalities, reasonable smut scenes and I like the growth of the protagonist. He had reasons for his ret*rded personality (it taught me several things) but he soon became confident and yeah, even when he treated badly by others people. He was noticed by one of the most beautiful and dignified girls which is pretty damn fortunate.
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Diehart_Sama rated it
August 10, 2021
Status: c1117
For those who complain that the novel is repetitive, the author seems to do it intentionally so we don't forget what happened. (It has 1000 chapters after all) I sometimes forget what I write in my stories too so this author is really thoughtful.

Anyways, our protagonist Yoshida-kun is definitely one of the best harem mc's i've read so far. He has major development over the 1000 chapters i've read. Sure it might beslow paced and annoying at times but sometimes it's enjoyable to read and also funny.

At least this MC... more>> isn't so wimpy like most japanese manga's mc's that have modern day settings. Seriously, it's like guys from japan are so wimpy. Why would you make a novel with such a guy with no redeeming qualities?

Yoshida definitely isn't weak sauce later on. Although I would've prefered a more darker story where sometimes things don't go as the MC wanted it to.

He's like a bystander sometimes. That's all I hate about this. <<less
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holy ghost
holy ghost rated it
June 22, 2021
Status: --
1. First of all I think MC only love yukino no matter what but due to Yuzuki Minaho it turns in different direction just as said in 3 chapter

2. Yukino and her sister does not do any thing wrong but they were draged into their play

3. Yuzuki Minaho and yukino father has few common things I think no matter what

4.i think haren girls does not realy love MC, they are just following it just like a trend (like copying yours friend styles just with the flow) they will... more>> netori him in the back if they found some one

5. Yukino done noting wrong yet suffered I think harem girls should not be campare to her because the come to like MC through scams yet yukino is yukino

6. After they send yukino to her home I stoped just now and search context I saw them and conformed there will be less yukino so I stoped reading this I am sorry

7.i think writter should change the character of MC from the start because MC thinks love means not wants to violates*x and keep near him and says them not to have s*x with others yet he did the same if they object Yuzuki Minaho just makes sceams I think love means trust, carrying, accepting who they are not making them some thing they are not (just like yukino sister) harem girls I think not human beings any more they are turning into some thing like s*x robots who are programed with some errors to come to like MC (I use like then love that is what I think)

8. I wish yukino to not go through out this because she is just innocent and dumb and and think just for her not like hypocritic MC and other characters who blame others or make them self to attach to MC like her sister she face the world not like broken MC even she wanted to rise her child I think others are just says bear his child because of jealousy of yukino is going to bear except few

9. Yukino even can not wear her bride dress any more I fell pity towards her and does not wants to enter MC harem even through she was the first victim I think MC should just go and die

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maniav1 rated it
June 15, 2021
Status: c669
Honestly, this deseves a 4.1~4.4 ish out of 5 to me, buuuut I can't do it like that so a 5 stars it is (for now) xd.

I still don't have the words to describe the novel in a structured and consice way this.... experience so a abridged resume wold be...


... more>> I think this is one of the firsts ero/ecchi/i don't fking know where this is tha I read and I did it because many reviews and comments were talking about "came for the p*rn stay for the plot" and.... fair point.

This novel deserved the 5 star ratings as the 4, 3, 2 and even 1. This is not something everyone could enjoy and it has its flaws for me but I recommended to read it if you are okay with the tags this have becuase MY GOD don't take lightly ALL the tags this novel has.

Also, I can just maybe count few people describe as "evil" or "bad people", besides what they refers themselves as. I really like that. Also that the girls so far have personalities, traits, and issues (and not being empty shells, depending of the power of the MC... I mean you could SAY it's true in some degree xDDD)

In addition, ill say bad things to balanced this out: I understand that you want your novel to have variety, but the amount and the way to release the information of the topic/theme is a BIG nono for me as the

fighting scenes, especially the Hotel arc

. I appreciate the effort to do it nonetheless xd buuuut yeah.

PD: Chapter 60 everytime I read that chapter (4 times now) I cry like a whiny baby. I am sure it's not because is the saddest thing I read. Tbh is everything that clicks with the character really.

PD2: I will rewrite this as I read all the chapters available, just wanna leave my impresion for now <<less
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JalenLT rated it
March 5, 2021
Status: c1053
Reading this novel stresses you out. Everyone else treats the main character like he is a f**king idiot, including the main character himself. Two important characters in this novel give the main character lessons and tests in the form of very compromising situations. By themselves, it makes for good reading but the tests never stop. The two characters say that it is training for the future, however given the attitude of the main character, the moral of these lessons can just be told to him and it would reach... more>> the same effect. They treat the main character like a lab rat monitoring all his actions, how he moves, and who he talks to. The story tries to say that this is because they care about him but if they did they would not be going to such extremes.

I have read over 1000 chapters of this novel and I've only enjoyed about 300 of them. As the story goes on, situations which would have been over with in 3 chapters take 10-15. It is clear the author has started running out of ideas.

With all that said, this is a good smut novel with story elements.

If you are looking for something like this but in my opinion better go and read:

Morbid - It can be found on Scribble Hub. <<less
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March 4, 2021
Status: c1
I've seen this before and decided to give it a read. The first part is excruciating to go through so I decided to stop. Now I've picked it up again since I got nothing else left to do.

At first it would seem that novel will be a typical ero r*pe fantasy type of bullshit. I.e. MC r*pes dream girl then gets harem out of nowhere type of jazz. Then I read some more and the plot takes a different turn and becomes a revenge story type of thing. The MC... more>> is not some h**ny r*pe-y kind of guy. The author would later reveal that the MC has issues (still a weird justification for the r*pe alongside the revenge plot going on) also his harem members has issues. And something about helping each other blah blah blah and tackling the issues and trauma hand in hand. Along with copious amounts of s*x. For all the plot it has and characterization it does, boy I sure do have some problems.

My main gripe about this is the pacing. It's f*cking slow. It feels like the author is dragging out for the purpose of content. Ch. 1-500 takes place in less than a month. The dialogues are even repetitive in some way. It all just boils down to the girls showing some sort of insecurity and the MC being a weird dipshit. Almost nothing happens aside from s*x and MC acquiring new girl. Maybe some chapters to move the plot but in between that are dialogues that are way too bloated.

I'm alright with s*x in my novels I like me some steamy r18 sh*t but this novel just takes the cake. It's not that it has s*x every chapter but it like treats s*x as some sort all cure medicine. Have depression? Go s*x. Back pain? Have s*x. Is probably dying? Go have s*x. The author just pulls out from his ass some weirdsh*t justification for the characters to have s*x. And my god the s*x scenes gets stale fast. Like really fast. Maybe a new girl will spice things up but it will feel like a copy of previous scenes. It also doesn't help it's case when the s*x is either a variant of some bizzare r*pe play or vanilla s*x. What's more annoying is when the s*x is interjected in between important plot event.

they literally have to fight an assassin and is definitely at the risk of dying. But instead of, you know, actually preparing, they just have s*x and then the plot proceeds.

not gonna lie, it gets annoying.

People say that the characters are good. They are complex and have their own motivations. I wholeheartedly agree with them, though I think they have too much character. The author would introduce some weird ass concept to flesh out the characters. The logic on these concepts are all around the place. I don't know if the author intends to make this as a dissection of psychology or an interpretation of the "underworld" but damn it gets weird at some places.

one notable example is the MC's 1st girl. The one he r*ped. At later chapters the author will make the effort to make the girl unlikeable. The proper harem members are also convincing the MC to abandon the girl. The girl really has no value and the MC is clearly sort of happy with the harem members but the author just pulls out excuses for the MC to not abandon her. The author dances around these logic and it gets annoying cause it feels like the author dragging out the inevitable and bulshitting his way for content.


They say that the MC will have some character development and will grow blah blah blah. I'm in motherf*cking chapter 500 and the MC is still the same person as in the chapters below 100. He then makes some sort of promise to himself and to the girls but it just end up being all air seeing as he's not making a conscious effort on upholding those promises. Maybe I don't know how to read or something. I really hope that it's my fault since I have high expectations for this novel. All that happened in so far is a dissection of the MC's psych, along with other characters. S*x. Girls being insecure. S*x. Plot. And more s*x. Maybe because the story is dragged out for so many chapters that nothing sort of relevant happens yet.

I hope that it picks up in later chapters. I've been skimming the novel and sometimes skipping chapters entirely. I don't care what happens, just please have something to happen. Heck, I'd even gobble it up if it becomes isekai.

I've been harping about the negative comment I have for this novel but I really need to let out frustrations before I drop this. It has some good moments but the frustrations just keep on piling up that I'm so close to hating it. Maybe I expected too much from what is basically a smut but damn I hope it really picks up. <<less
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l2aYz rated it
February 9, 2021
Status: c1470
It is one of the best Ero novels I've read well until you finished the 1st Act after that It's become dull. You will notice author really likes to drag the same plot over and over again. (eg. girls' insecurity, MC being naive).

Logic in the story some do make sense while some don't. also, the author really loves to put gibberish or random info in the story to make smart characters look smart. due to time gap release a ch. I'm certain the author forgot what he had written before... more>> like Ai-chan's mom, Mana's tattoo.

Still, I highly recommend the 1st act around (500 ch) after that It's just a-okay to read even s*x scenes become dull real fast (since they're nothing besides vanilla s*x and r*pe-play). The author doesn't like kinky s*x.

Those special power like "KI" and "Tsuki Yomi" mind reader and mind control are not really fit the story. It's made the author become lazy to think How MC can overcome the situation. just use your special power Yawn... <<less
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Jubaer rated it
July 9, 2020
Status: c219
Damn this is slow. So slow that I have to write this review and drop this now at chapter 219. The s*x scenes are great!

Like I mean I started reading the novel because everyone said how good of a plot it is and how dark it is.

I want to say that only having a good plot and be done with it is not the way. The execution is more important. Sure it has an interesting premise but how to describe it, ah yes, let's think of the premise as the... more>> center of a cake that is chocolate but it's surrounded by sand so how can you enjoy the said cake?

I have reached so far into the story because of the s*x scenes which was better than the plot. <<less
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Ruki rated it
May 26, 2020
Status: c108
I don't normally write reviews and just consume any stories then leave it after but this one is different. I felt like I have to do this. I put off on reading this when I first saw it being translated years ago, the story was still below 30 back then so I never bothered trying to read it. Only yesterday when I was browsing NU did I notice how many chapters it has now so I gave it a try and here I am.

I haven't slept much because I was... more>> too consumed by the story when I reached those chapters (31-33). I was honestly repulsed at the first 30 chapters but I endured to read that to reach those 3 chapters which most of the readers believed as the true turning point of this novel.

The author took special care at shaping the world they lived in and each of the character's personalities. Though most of us couldn't relate to each of them, they all felt like real people except for the absurdness how easily they can accept things as it is. Yes, he carefully explained the why and how but I still feel that's not enough since after that, next or a few chapters later more info will be dropped again that will confuse me if that was really the end of it.

There are more chapters I have to go through so I'll just leave it at this for now. Hopefully at the end my review will stay as is and not get tired to see through this to the end. <<less
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May 20, 2020
Status: c20
The novel depicts a typical ignorant, submissive and powerless jp d*ck head male protagonist, who should have met his tragic end. It is special compared to some jp novels with overpowered protagonists constantly making love with more and more harem members. That said, this novel wasn't my cup of tea personally due to its excessive and repulsive r*pe scenes, and the fact that I did not favor the character development. Read the spoiler to learn more.

... more>>

The male MC was a dumb, worthless and pe*verted coward who relied on Yuzuki "sensei" (a previous r*pe victim who wanted her pretty female students to be r*ped as well for her amusement) to achieve his "dream". Like a typical p*mp, he was attracted to the appearance of the female he "loved" (Shirasaka) but blind to other aspects. It would be quite accurate to say that he had an unusual yet intense desire of possession of Shirasaka in many ways. His lust towards her, his jealousy and desire of revenge towards her boyfriend (Endou), his pain due to being bullied and lack of attention in school, his pathetically low self esteem... these factors made him vulnerable in mentality and paved his way to become a r*pist and a mere tool of amusement for Yuzuki.

While the MC might not be able to outwit Yuzuki in the end, there were actually many opportunities in which he could have change his fate if he gave a deeper thought.

A decent man would have a second thought about having a relationship with a girl like Shirasaka who had such abnormal facade and bad eyes for people (Endou), but the mc's obsession apparently blinded him.

He was shown a list of Shirasaka's personal information by Yuzuki which included the fact that Shirasaka stopped playing her favorite sport and constantly suffered from sense of "guilt" (her unavoidable personal circumstances deterred her sports team from competing in a sports competition in the past). Endou, on the other hand, was currently playing his favorite sport and was going to join a competition. Quite a coincidence, wasn't it? Endou was doing something that Shirasaka couldn't in the past, in addition his mentality was stronger than hers. She was like a moth attracted to fire. Her admiration (or maybe envy) for him was no doubt one of the major reasons of his attraction. Nevertheless, she never overcame her own problems. Endo was an impulsive and single-minded young boy, and the MC knew that. Endo would continue to abuse the MC and would definitely attempt to get into Shirasaka's pants regardless of his promise.

Combining these elements, it would be easy for the MC to stage multiple NTR incidents without becoming a brute rapist himself. The MC should also have realized that he should utilize Yuzuki's great "assistance" (including the staged incident) and her resources instead of blindly following her script. However, the mc's action proved that he never used his head even at the most critical moments, and it was logically inevitable that a tragic end awaited him unless the writer was going to make more nonsense to let him live. I basically lost interest beyond this point.

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SeventhTale rated it
May 14, 2020
Status: c1242
My first impression of this novel is it's about an MC who received help from someone then idiotically use that opportunity to "do" girls and after doing it a lot, he became good at it that he became better in dealing girls that he turned into a baddass fuccboi. But it turns out that I was wrong.

This is about a "broken" characters being together to support each other and I honestly didn't expect that.

The first few chapters can be painful to read to some as our MC's state back then... more>> is like a mad dog holding himself. Same with the r*pe part actually, at that point I thought myself "Just why the hell are they doing these horrible things!?" Well the thing is this novel is very very slow because of a lot of things that happen in short span of time together with using analogy to explain things to MC.

If you drop it while reading only 2-digit of chapters then you missed the fun. The thing is the whole personality of the characters are not shown completely in the early chapters, the character development is big for people around the MC.

Others says that the MC's only redeeming quality is being honest to a fault, and also maybe a huge stamina in s*x, so how come the characters like that guy with almost empty personality? Well, most characters (like former prostitues) here are broken so they don't need a person who can accompany them or who can give them interesting experience, what they need is someone who can accept them and someone they knew they can trust. The MC, because of his life with his family are used to living like an air, he will listen attentively to the other characters, he's afraid that they will hate him so he does his best in all things like s*x.
Enough of things about their relationship and personality. This one is a very good novel where "sex" is not only it's selling point. The character is still developing even after finishing the main arc which is over 500 chapters.
After that is the sequel series the characters are still broken and still having a development. And the sequel arc is damn good. Since the MC is being occupied in taking care of his family, and s*x became duty rather than a moment of pleasure, they need someone whom can MC have s*x without taking care of everything, a woman whom he will not afraid to hate him. So yeah, things like hypnosis (using qi), getting some sexfriend in their school, and dominating the 3 big noble family of Japan are involved here, so who wouldn't want to read this? Also the Yukino in this arc is damn the best.
I can't give this a 5 because of the way the author used analogy as an example to explain things that makes the conversations always derail a bit, that the writing became longer.

UPDATE: As of now it's hard to read this. The plot just became repetitive. It's to the point that it's annoying now. Especially how the girls became smart and spout trivias or their life experience and lessons, after he conquered them. It's still worth reading, only if you ignore those dialogue though. And I will still recommend this since the previous chapters are just good. <<less
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grkmori rated it
May 12, 2020
Status: c300
There are already good reviews around. So just gonna highlight some points:

    • Adult content: 5/5 rating. As already said: there is no repetition, each and every s*x scene has its own uniqueness.
    • Characters: 4/5 rating. As already said: the harem characters are all well developed each with its own uniqueness. Only the MC is dull, he is more like a s*x s*ave for his harem.
    • Story: 3/5 rating. The development overall would be 4/5, not that it gives big expectations for what would happen next, nor gives hard feels for the story itself. But what's the problem on this? It turns out that author creates some long ULTRA cringe worthy conversations, that are so hard to read due to its cringeness. They just hug each other and say "I love you" like 50 times per chapter for 3 chapters in a row. It is really hard to read those conversations! Also it takes 10-50 chapters to complete an ark, that would could be easily reduced to 2-5 chapters (I know the importance of dialogues and stuff for character development), but it is hard to read 50 chapters of cringe to conclude 6 hours (of a day) of a plot.
Compared to other Adult content novels, it is praiseworthy to have an actual good plot for more than 1400 chapters, but I dont agree that the plot is really that good of a reading (and all its cringe). Its an average plot compared to other novels, but compared to adult novels I could say it one of the best out there.
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August 19, 2019
Status: c674
To be honest its an amazing wn, with dark theme and story revolves around a criminal organization.

Its fun to read and teaches a lot of concepts one wouldn't understand easily.

If you ask me if it has a negative part or not then I personally believe that it has too much s*x scenes that it gets boring to read in s*x related scenes, other than that I would seriously recommend this web novel.
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Littlegaint rated it
June 1, 2019
Status: c205
Well this is one of the best wn having bat s*x scens along with great plot

But I don't like the story where all the work of MC is complete by members surounding him. Well I do get it that he's trying his best but he should have his own individuality. His character is developing as the story continues and the plot is also getting very interesting to read

I never got bored while reading this one unlike others (road to the kingdom) where it covers only MC f*cking his harem

Well... more>> it also got some ingesting research material hehehe (evil laughter)

Looking forward to where our Hero's development is going to


almost forgot about most annoying and interesting character Yukino Shirasaka. I don't know why the author is keeping her in the Story but I'm really looking forward to to wats going to happen to her (want to see her f*cked my our MC it'll the kingdom cum)

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VvvV1225 rated it
March 26, 2019
Status: c450
At first it was an adult novel with a deep story, (tough a classic story, borderline cliché, but the troubles each characters has mad it unique).

However the thing start getting horrible when the author included Loli in the MC's harem, especially with "r*pe play" being recurrent, it's mean it's time to stop.
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EmpyreanQing rated it
February 4, 2019
Status: c647
well maybe on the first part of the story you gonna get annoyed by how Naive MC personality that even he never understand every single thing (Since MC is Introvert), how MC being treated like a s*x doll to fulfill his woman desire even MC alr being told that he can do anything with them but in the end he the one being played, and how MC try to settle something with his Naive though.

MC already Being reprimand by woman around her that his not alone anymore but everytime... more>> in some situation MC alrways act like outsider think that is he deserve this or not and sometimes MC think that the current situation in his life just a dream that make him didnt take the situation little seriously.

MC said many times about to bring happines and protect his woman that make this as his ambition but in the end MC always Hesitated to do something cause his weak will and no matter how many times his woman siad they loved him MC always think that if some good man try to take his woman then he just gonna let it go as long that man is a good man.

but along the progress of the story developed the MC starting getting more mature, calm, and resolve every problem of his woman. <<less
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