Please Lay Your Eyes on Jasmine


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Jasmine had an accident with her one-sided love, Duke Aion. The straightforward man, who didn’t bat an eye to her before, who is consistently ignorant of her, for some reason, was now catching feelings…

“Didn’t you like me? Was that a lie?”

“Why would I lie about that?”

“I know. You’re not that kind of person.”

She was at that phase where she decided her damned love, but instead it turned for the worse.

A enchanting love story between a noble couple that is at each other’s throats but in harmony during the night.

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Recommendation Lists
  1. Romance fantasy
  2. rofan novels stuck in my tabs pt. 2
  3. BG-Sumt/Yandere
  4. Novel Complete
  5. throw the entire man away

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3 Reviews sorted by

Zureah rated it
May 2, 2022
Status: --
This kind of story is one of my favorite, where there will be an unrequited love but will still fall in love at the end, and I love this. The story is still in progress that's why I cant wait on how thier love would blossom and grow. The translation is great, thank you for your hardwork.
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faency rated it
June 1, 2024
Status: c46.2
Ah damn.. A roller coaster indeed.

FL liked ML for years, but after getting rejected by him, and finding out that he also had an unrequited love for someone else, she decided to move on.

... more>>

ML's rejection for her was because he doesn't want her to waste any more time on him, because as "someone who also has an unrequited love" he thought he understood her unrequited love towards him.


Well who knew that after one drunken night of passion (lol) that she initiated 'to move on' made him... Became... Addicted to her?


It was indeed a deliberate set up by the Crown Prince, whose initially thought was to make the two become more acquainted to each other because the union between the two of them is highly beneficial for him. Well, he only set it up for that, he himself certainly didnt expect that the two would ended up very physical.


But trouble and ✨misunderstanding✨ arises. He's very much addicted to her now and would do anything to make her his.


Which includes proposing to her, after he publicly rejected her marriage proposal literally a month before. Sadly, coinciding with the Crown Prince's plans who wanted their union, that's where the misunderstanding arises. She thought she's being used in this and wanted him to clear it up but, he just started liking her and can't confidently say he loves her yet but he indeed wants to marry her.


All the misunderstanding, but I'm glad that home girl was actually quite proactive in trying to communicate but home boy is a bit too honest and direct?

She's troubled with the lack of clarification in their relationship status, all she wanted to ask is, "what are we?" and he's still questioning if he loves her, but he certainly LIKES her, he said...



Bro you rejected her at first because u liked someone else but now your crush is marrying someone else and youre all sad and all but your cousin was like "hey if u marry her it will be beneficial for me" but uhhh "awkward cause I just rejected her" but your cousin wouldn't give up and was like, "its fine how about I'll bring you two and some other nobles so it wouldn't be obvious it's just you two, for some retreat and yall can get to know each other" and now after 'getting know her very well' you felt like... Hmm maybe marrying her probably won't be that bad but then she found out it was kinda a set up (although imo it's not really one because the crown prince cousin wasn't really forcing them lol, he legit just wanted them to know each other better) and now she's mad and asking "do you even love me to marry me" and bro was like..."uhhh I do like you tho and there's no one else suits u more than me"..... bro... he's not toxic of red flag but he's a bit too honest and bad with his words😔

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Evaniy rated it
January 19, 2024
Status: c32.2
So far so good. There are a lot of sweeeeet 🤭😏 moments. I really like straightforward female lead that is not dense and jumping to conclusions. Aldo her mentality towards love and herself😘 chef's kiss. If I am being honest, she is so charming, Richard should capture her and held captive😏😏😏🤭 Nonetheless, the story is sweet, characters are good, smut is sweet (but that's for me) and their approach to relationship is quite wonderful. The only MINUS -- Richard is soooo annoying sometimes (just marry already!!!)

That's for now, as... more>> chapters are still coming out <<less
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