Perfect Superstar


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Lu Chen had a dream, an incredibly long dream.. The dream world was familiar yet at the same time unfamiliar. Singer, actor, freelance writer, he actually went through three sections of different lives in a dream world! When he woke up, Lu Chen thus embarked on a bright road of becoming a perfect superstar!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Wan Mei Da Ming Xing
Related Series
I’m Really a Superstar (7)
Superstars of Tomorrow (6)
Top Management (4)
I’m in Hollywood (4)
Crazy Detective (1)
The Greatest Showman (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. [BG] Entertainment, Showbiz, etc
  2. Novels i Have Read
  3. Beatiful romance (MC male)
  4. owners
  5. Glamorous world - entertainment industry/ movies/ ...

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45 Reviews sorted by

floatereyes rated it
January 31, 2022
Status: c638
This is the first Chinese light novel I read and I must say, it's good! I wouldn't say it's perfect, heck there's a lot of plot armor here but I could appreciate the delivery of the author. I like that it doesn't drag out problems. It's also a huge plus that it redirected me to some awesome Chinese songs.

What I like the most about this novel though is how the author declares his patriotism in a way that doesn't belittle other countries, or at least I don't feel that way... more>> (though there is a lack of accuracy in that scene with a Japanese actor). In many Korean manhwa, I noticed that authors tend to put down other countries just to make Korea look amazing. As a result, I always feel disgusted and almost don't want to have anything to do with Korea. In "Perfect Superstar", the author focuses more on explaining how foreign films and music affected the industries in China and how the change in time discourages many from pursuing their true passion. The author also doesn't hesitate to point out the problems and the corruption in Chinese show business.

The MC is likeable too and although he knows how to appreciate other women's beauty, he remains loyal to his girlfriend. This girlfriend is one of the few female leads that I really like.

That's all for now. I will continue reading. <<less
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leoff rated it
October 16, 2020
Status: c911
There below there is a comment for 2 stars, a person read 300 chapters and wrote very interesting examples of why he put them.
The first time I read this novel, I decided to stop at chapter 750, it was 2 years ago and I did it for the same reasons. But a week ago I decided to reread it and today, just a few minutes ago, I finished reading this work. And perhaps I will give 5 stars. After all, from the very beginning I decided to look at it from a different angle. If you suddenly came up with your own world in a dream, if it so happened that you yourself created such a world and it exists only in your memory. Is it shameful to use what you have received for its intended purpose? Somewhere in the middle of the work, answering one of a thousand questions, where did you get such a great idea, the main character says: "From my head". And you know what, he is not cunning and does not lie. All that he has came to him in a dream and except his head does not exist anywhere. So is it so scary that he takes advantage of it? And those people from the examples of the commentator, would they have acted differently?
If you think in this way, then the work reads easily and naturally. The characters are alive, almost all people are taken into account and do not disappear instantly and forever. Each song is unique and for me, as a Russian person, it was very pleasant to plunge into high-quality Chinese music, now I have a separate playlist on YouTube) I really liked this work and I will recommend it to my friends to read it.
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September 23, 2019
Status: --
I enjoyed reading this story a lot. I finished reading the novel using mtl. I might have fried my brains a little but it was totally worth it. I got hooked into reading this novel since I like reading showbiz oriented novels. I am still hoping that this novel will be fully translated in the future.


this novel is not harem. There are no face slapping or I your father moments which made reading this more enjoyable. The ending is a happy one, well for the ML and fl.

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Keisotsuna rated it
December 16, 2018
Status: Completed
It was a wonderful journey!! I really love celebrity stories, but its hard to find one that can actually satisfy me and encourage me to read till the last chapter. And this is one of them! I can't believe I read the MTL (which is surprisingly much better than all the other MTLs I've ever read combined) of 919 chapters! I have never been so patient with MTLs that long.

This is, as many other reviews stated, similar to IRAS (I'm Really A Superstar) in a way that the MC,

Lu Chen, uses classic songs, films, and novels from the real world (or in his case, the 'dream world') to his own world to rise to fame. But don't judge, the more you read the more you'll find it endearing and... more>> different from IRAS.

The differences?

    • Lu Chen is a very loyal man and doesn't have ambiguous or intimate contacts and relationships with other women. He draws a clear line between friendship and romance. He remains loyal to his lover all throughout the story.
    • Lu Chen isn't as thick-skinned and shameless as Zhang Ye of IRAS (though I do like Zhang Ye's amusing character). He is kind, honest, and generous. He is mature and rational, yet upholds his own ideals and principles. He doesn't holds grudges because in business, he knows there is only eternal interests.
    • Rather than literary works, Lu Chen's career revolves on singing and films. He also became the pioneer of contemporary martial arts works in the country, reviving the declining state of martial arts films and novels.
    • Lu Chen tries his best to give credits to the three people in his dream world by spreading their name as his teachers, as his respect for them.

Edit: Since the novel is over 900 chapters, I guess it's inevitable that the plot becomes repetitive and bland. For readers who like thrilling plots that does zooom like a rollercoaster, they'll most likely get tired of this in the long run. Personally, I'm used to reading long CN that went like this, so I don't have much issues for as long as I enjoyed the series. <<less
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March 16, 2020
Status: c180
I really like this novel, unlike IRAS the MC isn't a racist. Also he knew that without FMX he wouldn't be where he is now, he stayed humble, but not timid. And I really like Lu Chen because he was gifted with the memories of FMX he still try his best to learn new skills with his own effort unlike the MC of IRAS, that would just wait for the system to give him different skills. Lu Chen also knows how to respect woman.
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auroraRMC rated it
May 24, 2019
Status: Completed
First new LN I've read in quite a while. Wasn't disappointed. This topic wasn't exactly original—while I was reading it I kept being reminded of another LN I've read this year, which has almost exactly the same premise and plot, and even many of the same songs. I do enjoy having all of these songs so that I can look them up and sometimes remember some old classic Chinese songs that I may have forgotten. I do like that the MC is pretty OP but still humble and down-to-earth, and... more>> he is devoted to his FL, who is also a very strong and powerful celebrity in her own right. He may have a lot a lot of admirers, but he does control himself pretty well, and we are always stuffed with a lot of dog food the entire way through. I enjoy the Weibo-esque commentary, as well as the good friendships he builds with people, along with his very old friends who he helps up. His OPness is always very satisfying, along with the face-slapping, which isn't too much. The only thing is that it does get really repetitive and the ending is immensely unsatisfying. Like there's so much more you can cover! You foreshadow about him getting on the Oscars podium but stop before he's even close to going to the US! She gets pregnant but you don't even show their marriage or their child! I feel like the author really was like alright this is going on too long, I'm just gonna chop it off right here. A shame bc I would have liked to see him progress more. <<less
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sachiika rated it
March 27, 2018
Status: c919
I've finished reading this. Its kinda similar to IRAS but there are major differences, first, I like the way that the MC isnt rude to the people who looks down on him, instead, he quietly waits for a proper time and let the result show they are all wrong. Second, he is loyal to his lover despite having so many temptations here and there. Third, he really made use of the knowledge he gained from another world to succeed but he never forgot the people who helped him and moreover,... more>> he helps the poor, the sick. He's tagline has always been "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility". Fourth reason, his fans are classy, like the MC, they are smart and they know when to strike back.

There are only a few things that can be improved about this novel would be, first, It left me with wanting more. It felt like, it can still go on, an epilogue or something that will explain what happens in the end to other supporting characters. (But hey, reading through the story, you'll have an idea what happened to them.) I kinda want to a time skip though after the last chapter.

I wanna see them get married! It ended with a proposal and known Chan Feier is pregnant. I wanna know if its a girl or a boy!

Second thing, It would be great if they could explain why of all people in the world, it's him who received the memories of the three people from another world.

Overall, it's a good web novel to read to pass the time when you're under stress, from work or from school, you can read this novel to change your mood. It's a lightweight story, though there are annoying characters but hey, it always ended up with something fun.

I know a lot of people will say that this is similar to IRAS, but that's only on the surface, but both MC are totally different. I like the MC of perfect superstar way more and the story is more believable. At first a lot of people looks down on him but after seeing the results of what he can do, he gained recognition which he deserves. But of course there are still some who insist that he's not that amazing, but they always ended up having to eat their words after seeing the result. This is what made this story believable. <<less
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Supremo rated it
February 5, 2018
Status: c26
This novel is like IRAS but for me this novel is more interesting because it revolves around the entertainment industry and I really like how the MC use his memories he got.
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potato413 rated it
November 5, 2021
Status: c132
Dropped, this is a blatant copy of I'm Really a Superstar that took out everything that made IRAS good.

IRAS was good because protagonist highlights the issues wrong with society. Gifting (bribery), nepotism, power abuse, and people needing to protest and fight for their rights.

This is just super bland and dry.
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Evette rated it
September 1, 2021
Status: Completed
The story was an enjoyable read but when it ended I felt as though it wasn't that fulfilling. The romance and relationship with the leads was nice and quite cute. But it sometimes felt like I was forcing myself to read and finish but that might just be because I was reading MLT to just finish it. Though I wouldn't say you would have to read such an amazing story about this if you have some time on you hand you might as well read it.
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Lazy Dude
Lazy Dude rated it
June 1, 2021
Status: c58

    • not so godly deus ex machina
    • no harem in sight... so far
    • okay mc

    • too very similar with I'M REALLY A SUPERSTAR, I mean c'mon it already has SUPERSTAR on its title... if that's not copying, emulating and riding on I'm really a superstar novel's coattail I dunno what is
    • too unbelievable premise of the plot armor...i mean just out right say that he lived THREE LIVES.... but DREAMING three lives???... my disbelief can only be suspend so much... no one can remember a dream down to the letter unless you have eidetic and photographic memory---which the author forgot to give the mc---what a dolt
    • the convos, the comments of the fans, the build up of the events to oversize and overemphasize how large his pen*s is and let the whole world know? familiar? yep... its just like I'm really a superstar novel to the bone....
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theeeargonauts rated it
January 17, 2021
Status: Completed
This was such a good read tbh. It's a good break from the usual fantasy, shounen types of stories I've been reading and I appreciate that. The story is basically just how MC rises to fame and how he creates his reputation as a multitalented star.

Other than the plagiarism, there isn't really much I have to negatively comment on. Maybe just that I don't really like romance too much so that was something I didn't vibe with.

Overall, it was a good read. Just chill and fun. I tbh want more... more>> but well its is what it is so.. <<less
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Milkywaylunar rated it
November 7, 2020
Status: c134
The story is good. But after following the links for several songs, I'm in a little doubt about the author sense of music. In Spring is really really good song tho. The same with you who sat next to me. A few other song, not my cup of liking. Don't know about next next songs. Not that far in the story yet. But it's all about personal taste. So I won't blame author
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eryafii rated it
September 25, 2020
Status: c122
The first few chapters are alright but it gets predictable as time goes by.

First thing that I don't like about this story: It's not that realistic at some parts.

First of all, lets say that 3 lifetimes' worth of experiences combined into his body. But even though he dreamt of it, I don't think that those skills will be integrated into his body right after he dreamt of it. It's not like I can be a world class singer if I dreamt that I am somehow Adele and I sang her... more>> songs. But letsrjust say that he experienced it all and he woke up having the skills. It's not entirely unacceptable. It's just a bit of turn off for me.

But this is what really put me off: MC is a serial plagiarizer.

Lu Chen plagiarized works of others without feeling guilty, even though it's a dream world. He literally claims every single time that he wrote those songs before he sings it. I got sick of it.

I wouldn't have minded if he plagiarized at first because their family has huge debt. The guy's really in need of money. I can take that. But boy, I can't see him trying to use the "skills that he learned from the dreams" because somehow he remembered every single not of famous songs in the other world. It's not like dreaming of those lives will make you automatically have a database of the good stuff from there. Unless that there's a plot twist that he actually contracted some Dream Database System.

Next point, about composers. Correct me if I'm wrong, but composers are often characterized by their style. But there's no critics until chapter 122 who tried to analyze similar characteristics of his songs. Considering that he's a newcomer who composed "revolutionary" songs and being the "father of campus folk songs", I would've wanted to see people attempt to analyze hus works and the elements in it that made his songs successful.

But I really appreciate how the dark side of the industry was shown here. I'm not sure if the bigwigs are as petty as the characters in this novel but it's nice.

But, but, but. His fans from the beginning are too hardcore. I don't think there are a lot of people who like to donate money just like that. His success is too... perfect. I have no words.


The title really fits the novel because even though I'm only at about 1/9 of the story, I can see the pattern. I guess Lu Chen is gonna be some 'perfect' superstar who can sing, compose, act and write scripts.

This is better than most cliche showbiz novels. But of course, there are a lot of novels better tha this one. <<less
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Rosver rated it
January 24, 2019
Status: --
It is good.

There are a lot of things to admire about this story. Many of the characters are interesting. The protagonist is a good person. The songs and other works are utilized in a respectful manner. There is just a lot of good things to say about this story.

But, it does have its faults. The faults aren't big, but they do come off as annoying. One is its repetitive writing. I know this is standard for Chinese webnovels to be wordy and repetitive to increase word count or something, but... more>> that doesn't change that this is not a good practice. It means many of what you read are not necessary and has no point in the story.

There is also the lack of actual challenges for the protagonist. The author do try to present something as a challenge but it barely do anything to the protagonist. Most seems to resolve themselves without the protagonist's involvement or effort.

And considering the lack of challenges, the story rather slow pace is unwanted. The lack of challenges means there is a lack of tension. Having the story unfold slowly does makes it boring.

And while I said that the protagonist is a good person... really good, in fact. He is too good to a fault. He is just, so perfect. No flaws whatsoever. Though, I do give this story some slack for having such a character as the protagonist. This story kinda present itself as a feel good novel. It is something you read to relax. It doesn't want to give you too much tension and a protagonist like this fits the rather well. The problem isn't exactly that the protagonist is too perfect, the problem is more like the story doesn't make the protagonist interesting. Like, the enjoyment you'll get from this story is the circumstances that surrounds the protagonist and not much from the protagonist itself.

Overall, a good story. Not great, but good enough especially as a feel good story. <<less
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Noahjeno rated it
June 9, 2018
Status: c400
The story is very good. Both ML and FL characters are likable. Author wrote the book in a good pace. We get to know lot of local knowledge. Only thing preventing me from rating 5 is lack of strong challenges. MC faces some difficulties which are solved pretty quickly. He pretty much have solutions for every thing. MC as a singer/song writer is more pronounced than as actor or writer so far. Author has done some serious work for this novel and it worked very well
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An Anxious Idiot
An Anxious Idiot rated it
May 14, 2018
Status: c31
I wish the translated version of this novel is already finished or released. Compared to IRAS (or for any KR, CN, and JP novels I've read so far), I'm certainly enjoying this story more. But my judgement may be invalid considering I'm new to these types of things. The number of Web Novels I've read can be simply be counted by one's hand. Regardless, I highly recommend this novel, especially if you're tired of reading all those stories with ridiculously OP MCs, never ending and unnecessary conflicts, and a for-some-reason-you-are-unable-to-kill-them-no-matter-what-you-do... more>> antagonist. <<less
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August 29, 2023
Status: c564
The story started out interesting, and I was into it for the first 200-300 chapters.

But I’m now at chapter 564 and ready to drop it, because some things just really irked me.

As a frequent reader of Chinese web novels, you might know how “patriotic” some Chinese writers get. This novel is set in an alternate China where Hong Kong & Taiwan have been a part of China for a long time. There are many long paragraphs on how Hong King’s entertainment heyday has passed with no new creativity yet a... more>> sense of snobbish superiority HK people have, how Korea’s singers are all the same copy paste plastic style, how American movies are hogging the market - basically many criticisms of the current state of entertainment in Asia in the real world has been transposed here. Yet, the MC is lauded as the beacon of creativity because he wrote/ acted/ filmed the plagiarized works of Autumn in my Heart, Full House & My love from the stars - all Korean dramas. And he also plagiarizes HK novels and movies. I’m not sure if the author understands what irony means, when they blast other countries and then plagiarize works from said country to show off that China is rich & full of creativity now. I just can’t wrap my head around it.

This alternate world also has the 3 special regions (HK, Taiwan & Macau) allowing polygamy, though not China, because China is more modern & has more women’s rights. Okaaaaayyyyy.

After 500 chapters it starts to feel tiring, since our MC can do no wrong & no one can even cause him to frown. Also, the constant China is on the rise & other Asian places are down now theory is starting to feel like l’m being force fed propaganda. <<less
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AvellineAmaryllis rated it
November 20, 2021
Status: c561
I’m ok with ML character, a perfect sweet and mature guy for his age. But the Female Lead, I have had a major problem with. She older than him and should know better to separate the matter with love life and work. It’s clearly stated that she debuted decades early than him. This Lady know that her popularity has stagnated, know that the ML have a feeling for her and taking advantage of the fact, she requested songs to make an album while knowing how expensive the song is. 1... more>> song cost almost 300k. She stated it a favor from him. The drama he wrote, she just barge in his room, read his confidential work and demanded that he should let her play the heroine, not only 1 drama, but 3 until this chapter. This woman major in singing, amateur actress, even in the novel, it stated her acting ability is so so. Yet, she got the role using back door. <<less
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xianxia_reader rated it
September 13, 2021
Status: Completed
It is fine as a popcorn novel but the place it falters is the amount of fillers spent on fan reaction (just like those side character reactions in xianxia novels) and the amount of time spent on ML's "big plan" is never seen in the novel. It just ends abruptly.
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