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As Shin Youngwoo had an unfortunate life and is now stuck carrying bricks on construction sites. He even had to do labor in the most popular VR game, Satisfy!

However, luck would soon enter his hopeless life. His character, ‘Grid’, would discover the Northern End Cave for a quest, and in that place, he would find ‘Pagma’s Rare Book’ and will become a legend…

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May 4, 2020
Status: c193
I literally made an account just because to write a review to this story. I gave it a try hoping because some people say the protagonist will get character growth and be better. He get better alright. Better a**hole.

Protagonist makes a weapon as promised to one character (who helps him at the start of the game). That character plays 1 year to get the production method and 6months to get the materials for the weapon. And when the protagonist is making the weapon he almost not make the weapon because... more>> of jealousy that the character discover an unexplored area first when at this point of the story he has million of won and got strong and famous as the only one who has a legendary class. Piece of sh*t garbage character of protagonist.


Dont read it expecting the protagonist will get better. Just plain read it expecting nothing and you won't be disappointed. The protagonist is not like Weed like some claim. Weed is greedy because of how poor he is and he is taking care of his sister and grandmother alone since being a child but not to a point that he is sh*t to people he promised with. The protagonist of overgeared yeah he is poor but he graduated in a university and has parents. Author can't justify his sh*t personality and what growth? Growth to being more unreasonably shitty is what is happening. Please stop calling this a masterpiece since it is misleading <<less
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SlipCoin rated it
April 23, 2020
Status: --
I started reading this novel because I thought that what I was going to read was an MC that get a blacksmith legendary class and he would with his skill's make higher weapons-grade and with that progress in the game, I thought when I read the first chapter's that with increasing his dexterity, insight, strength, and resistance would allow the MC to make Unique weapons and then later when his skills were high enough make legendary weapons.

Now What happens in reality? This is all about "LUCK" everything in this novel... more>> about that and guess what our MC doesn't have none. He can have 2000 to 3000 in dex, ins, str, and res but he could sometimes because of his "bad luck" make a normal rated item.

And what makes it confusing is because of the class the only way is to make weapons is by hand and he needs the knowledge to make it in the blacksmith like in real life. But how that if he makes and item the same way one o those would get a normal rated and other an epic rated.

Because of "luck".

Not what I aspected from this novel and it only gets worse the author start's to rely on this too almost everything it's really annoying later on the novel.

The MC fail to upgrade a weapon -- bad luck

the MC has 99% at a skill and only 1% of failure -- and failed again bad luck

the MC gets get's actually a good luck stat.. Doesn't change anything you know why? Bad luck.

And it goes on if you read long enough you will see that the author uses this all the time._. <<less
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Lucien. rated it
March 31, 2020
Status: c265
The story itself is alright. From what I see there's only the character development and introduction of more and more characters. I expected unique world building and huge events that will happen in the game. Yet nothing interesting happened, it's all about the main character himself.

... more>>

God Grid, the National Event, the Butcher (?), etc. It's boring and everything that happened so far is quite unrealistic to me.


Overall, I enjoyed the story from the beginning up until below chapter 210. The Author did a job well done about Grid's development and it's nice to read a heart warming story every now and then. I may continue to read this and maybe change my review after so. <<less
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Picklebandos rated it
March 20, 2020
Status: c1191
well as a person who has read many books of many genres I can honestly say that this has been pretty good and I am looking forward to chapter 1192->

i find myself laughing at the 1-2 star reviews from where people stopped but I agree that it is understandable as the MC personality is pretty.... tr*sh for the first 50 chapters. He makes improvements but it is so slow that it is hard to notice, I myself find it hard to tell where the transition begins and where it ends.... more>> there are moments when it shows how he has become something close to a story hero, then it has the scenes of his greed showing (fyi his name, grid, is supposed to be greed but it was left that way after getting to far in the translation. duh its his personality). I actually enjoy his uniqueness, moments of him saving people with the intentions of just outright helping them, to times where he only does things out of the benefits but 99% of the npc's/players misunderstand him which only brings him benefits.

in a general conclusion this is the kind of story that takes commitment to read, you cant go in with any expectations, just read it and do your best to read as much as you can. if you want to quit, go ahead, but in my eyes you are just letting a good experience pass by. <<less
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March 4, 2020
Status: --
VR-novel could be so more and so much fun to read. There's so much exploitable idea but no, allways just random wuxia without originality

(blind people who could see, deaf who could hear, cripple who could walk

sick peaple who could live normaly, people who can't differenciate VR and real life. Etc...)

... more>> There's time when they're mentionned, but just one sentence without more development.

Overgeared 's like the others; with an MC whose selfiness is horrible, but true to human-nature, even more so in a game where you now no-one and no-one now you, you can be your trueself even if it's really bad. <<less
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rwang2911 rated it
January 9, 2020
Status: c1151
First 100 (maybe 200) chapters blow. MC is awful.

World-building starts, pretty enjoyable. Not-so distant future where the entire world is fanatically addicted to a MMO, to the point where there's even an "olympic games" style competition.

Lots of details about item stats (as typical of a korean game-rpg novel), but the effects are usually interesting.

If you end up liking the novel, there's a lot of filler, but also a lot of very HYPE moments.

Definitely worth a shot.
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Gymgym rated it
January 8, 2020
Status: c1150
The MC, Grid, is a character with inferiority complex at first. Slowly, he managed to overcome his inferiority complex and managed to become someone who works harder to overcome obstacles instead of lamenting. Other characters aren't forgotten and still appeared after hundreds of chapters. One more thing that I like from this is Grid isn't perfect, he still make mistakes and keep learning not to make the same mistakes anymore.

This novel has a bit unnecessary filler. Like how other characters keep saying Grid characters development, some chapters have unnecessary... more>> interaction of other characters. Other than that, it is good and the first 90 chapters aren't so bad. It's fun to read. <<less
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January 6, 2020
Status: c1149
My second-favorite novel I’m currently reading. The MC sucks at the beginning, but I still found him entertaining enough to keep following. His character growth is really notable, especially now that we’re at over 1000 chapters. Although some side characters completely drop off the face of the earth, the author does a good job forming a fairly large cadre of core, memorable characters that form ties with the MC, and a lot of things that were present throughout the novel continually get more and more fleshed out as the plot... more>> advances. I like the way that fight scenes advance as the MC develops both mentally and in the game, and I really love this novel. <<less
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osogabriel rated it
January 1, 2020
Status: c1146
(Mexican writing in English)

Is the first time that I write a review and is because there is a lot of bad reviews and I don't really get why, I almost read all the 3 first pages of all the popular novels and I have found a lot of 4.3 or 4.5 that are so bad and boring that even when I really tried to understand why it was so good, so my conclusion is if you like the main idea most likely even if is a 3.4 or... more>> less you will enjoy to read that novel.

Overgeared is one of my favorite novel because the protagonist grows in many ways and is very unpredictable. I love how much the bonds between family and friends grows with time, the way he learns and build his power is so satisfactory that I enjoy how even if the chapters are very short they are very well explained and the author never lose the flow. The comedy is very good. The sad parts and the intense parts are also very enjoyable. The first part is hard to read (for some people for me it was very good, yeah he doesn't start as good that have perfect personality and everything goes well but you know one of the most enjoyable things is how he grows and change to be a better person) so try to keep up the chapters are short read the first 50-60 and it will be very worth see how he will grow.

About the racism that you can see in almost all Asians novels, and well there will always be sparks between countries that are near most likely because the wars and what the government teach. I have live almost for a year in China and 3 months traveling around Korea so I can say that yes some of the way they show is overreacted but the same is that there's a lot of facts yeah not all Chinese and Japanese or Koreans are that way but there's a lot of things that us as westerners think that are racist but the thing is that is true, there's some Mexicans that sometimes appear in Korean novel and I don't feel stacked because they are bad guys so take that in account because a lot of reviews talk about that so try to just enjoy the novel. <<less
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Shirahama rated it
October 31, 2019
Status: c1118
i can just say, read it, you will not regret it.

and yes the first 100 chapter are a pain in the ass for MC behavior, but starting from chapter 100 our MC evolve in is mindset, personality, coscience, intelligent, hard working, etc every 200 chapter...

this is a story that speak about the change a person can perceive in a very immersive vr game!

I'm happy that I followed the suggestion of other member to resist until chapter 100! after that it was a great ride, no a superb ride, and I... more>> want it more!

p.s for all that rate low star after 30 chapter, come on, everybody said that it change after 100 chapter and again after 300 and you have the courage to downrate it, if you don't have patience to reach when novel get better, no when it get really great, just stay silent! <<less
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sleib rated it
October 22, 2019
Status: c230
This is not the same as LMS (I like LMS even more btw). MC is not extremely talented, cunning or sharp from the beginning. This story is about someone who at the beginning could truly be described as tr*sh, ugly both inside and outside. This is a story about how he changed slowly, bit by bit. How he matured and became an adult. he does not change by experiencing something traumatic and does not become a decent human being overnight, It is a slow process but that's the beauty of... more>> it.

Action scenes are pretty good and the story is interesting. I wish it had explored side characters more though and romance/harem as always needs work. That said considering everything it's still 5 stars for me... for now. <<less
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vyrhoci rated it
October 19, 2019
Status: c1110
Don't believe the bad reviews !

If its about his personality, it gets better, like in 200 chapters or so... same with his abilitites and skills and "lack of talent"... And if you persevere and get to that point, you'll fall in love with the side characters as well... (I'm not going to remember, don't wanna cry again. T^T)
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October 10, 2019
Status: c1104
I binged the whole thing recently in the last two weeks. I saw the bad reviews and honestly just went with it. I’m so glad I kept going the development for the main character is amazing. I really enjoyed the whole thing. Yes the MC starts whimpy and cowardly but he progresses so much throughout the story. I honestly can wait to keep reading although I already caught up to chapter 1104
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September 12, 2019
Status: c1050
Now a lot of people have compared this to Legendary Moolight Sculptor, I have also read that one and I'll lay down my opinion between them (Weed vs Grid)

Who has better adventures? Weed no doubt

Which has better fights? That's hard to say but I'd give it to Weed since I don't think he shouts his skill names

... more>> Who has a better love relationship? Weed of course

Who has the better personality? Grid, absof*ckinglutely no doubt I'd bet my life on this statement. Now here's the thing when you start the story you soon realize that both of these guys are absolute garbage... BUT in weed's case you can even feel empathy and forgive some of his shitty behavior. In Grid's case... well he's just a POS because of his own fault and childlike mentality. But here's the thing, Grid actually grows into a good character it just takes him a while. It's mentioned that he's not smart and yeah he's pretty dumb but he grows and he learns to trust others. You see him open up his heart and that is always nice to see in a closed off character. His family also gives off a warm feeling that I enjoy.

Of course this novel isn't perfect but it took the only thing I had a major gripe on in LMS and made it better so I enjoy this one more because 50 volumes in and honestly I can't tell if Weed even considers his group as his friends...

A little minor spoiler is that 51 volumes in LMS and Weed still gets stomachaches, cries tears of blood and tries to bargain when he has to even spend 1 Gold. 1000 chapters into Overgeared and Grid will go to an expensive restaurant for his little sister and spend money (or that which has monetary value) on the people he cares about. Heck at one point it was mentioned that he made gear for his friends for free because he was no longer in need for money and because he really appreciated all they did for him. And at this point in the story I'd say Grid has made around 4 times the amount of money Weed has made, and that's a rough estimate.

Only other thing that has bothered my about this novel is that the author has to remind you every other chapter how Grid has grown and still learning. That and the over the top racism (yellow monkeys lol wtf) that you wouldn't expect in a world that has achieved perfect virtual reality.. <<less
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Paradoja rated it
September 10, 2019
Status: c1088
At first the novel was certainly rough, the first criticisms are really well done. But this is also the reason why you should not abandon it. From its beginning to the present, overgeared is undoubtedly a great work that deserves to be read. The development of the MC, as well as the secondary characters (including NPC) is one of the best that I could get to read. The protagonist undoubtedly fought a hard and long way in his personal change, this also led to affect those around him. The relationships... more>> that I create, and those that I lost really make you feel as if you were in their place. Overgeared takes you to really immerse yourself in your adventure. You can feel the trip to this point. It is absolutely advisable to read it. <<less
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September 6, 2019
Status: c667
its an okay book it feels like a guy who only writes goofy comedies read LMS and popped this out. Great for people who don't care about how accurate or well written it is (even by web novel standards its sub par with this). When comparing it to Legendary Moonlight Sculpture the only things its better at is release speed and making the MC an unbearable as*hole but not in the good sense where your supposed to dislike him but as if hes an obnoxious co-worker that you eavesdrop on... more>> because there bullsh*t is better than nothing. <<less
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Xileria rated it
August 4, 2019
Status: --
It started as something very painful to read and you could easily drop. They said unless you managed to pass around 100+ chapter you won't find it's beauty and I agree. Most reader would drop it if they can't pass beyond that barrier and they would never find this gem. At one point I thought that the protagonist is already beyond redemption but I am so wrong. This is one of the best novel when it comes to character development and every few chapters above the barrier, you could also... more>> feel the authors improvement.

In fact I would say that it improves to the point that in my opinion it's writing got better than TLMS. <<less
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Igdraziel rated it
August 3, 2019
Status: c818
Its just Korean this Korea that almost racist story that was really good till like ch400-500 but after that I really pitty the time I put into this novel to even read it this far... I would advise not to waste your time with this instead just read legendary moonlight sculptor or other novels.
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July 20, 2019
Status: c126

And I am writing this after just finishing chapter 126. How happy am I that I have so much left? considering all the hate I heard online EVERYWHERE about the start/early 60 or 90 chapters or whatever.... Bullshit. it was amazing from chapter 1 and keeps getting better and better when I think it can't possibly be more appealing/interesting and THRILLING page by page, chapter by chapter.

I can't say enough... more>> praise for Overgeared. this novel seems like it was written for me. <<less
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Kittybob rated it
July 20, 2019
Status: c1052
I will acknowledge that there are many problems with this novel, and some of those may turn people away, but the amount of enjoyment I got by reading this series is enough for me to give it 5 stars because it’s just a fun ride, and I’ll stand by that.
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