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As Shin Youngwoo had an unfortunate life and is now stuck carrying bricks on construction sites. He even had to do labor in the most popular VR game, Satisfy!

However, luck would soon enter his hopeless life. His character, ‘Grid’, would discover the Northern End Cave for a quest, and in that place, he would find ‘Pagma’s Rare Book’ and will become a legend…

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377 Reviews sorted by

Sjur Eido
Sjur Eido
April 25, 2021
Status: c1412
The novel is incredibly nationalistic and racist in some parts, the girls are only mentioned once in a blue moon and then they are overly sexualized or talked about like Grid’s sisters. The leveling seems realistic but also not realistic and everything is in the MC’s lap. The crafting system is god tier and those are the most enjoyable bits, but the fighting seems to place the survival of the named characters first and foremost. I still keep up with it because even as the novel is bad, that’s what... more>> makes it good. Without a real focus on falling down and getting back up, we get to peek at the systems and culture of the game, and the author’s nationalistic mindset. I rate it a 5 because it is fun to keep up with. <<less
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April 18, 2021
Status: c1420
Compared to other webnovels this is a somewhat decent, although kinda brainless fantasy.

It is true that the MC starts out a greedy a**hole, a rabid dog, but he develops over the chapters and by the middle of the novel he is a decent person.
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March 24, 2021
Status: c1370
Screw all of the people who couldn't get past the 250th chapter but could bear to watch or read a redo of a healer or even shield hero. The story is not as bad as people describe it to be especially for those who have not even dipped in the character development. It's rather shameless to judge something you have not given a proper shot.

The main character is rather bland but he is still better than most of the isekai and vrmmo protagonists after a certain point. The story is... more>> pretty interesting especially the way the author prioritizes the game rather than the small bits of romance here and there. Not the usual incel story readers are used to.

Balance-wise the protagonist as usual breaks stuff rather quickly. Gets a decent pair of b**bs as a girlfriend and finds himself in some pretty sad scenarios sometimes. It's worth the read. A real banger if you decide to read the whole thing just like one piece fans say :))

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mapletd rated it
March 19, 2021
Status: c220
This novel is unbearable. I read it because of all the good review. I beared through the beginning because they say the MC become a better person. But he is still the worst tr*sh ever at around chapter 220.

And the game system that everyone praised is bad, too.

... more>>

Dozens of thousands of different class. And MC can craft every items in the game as a blacksmith. Do you make bow at the black smith? Yes. How about glasswork? Blacksmith. How about the ROBE THAT THE POPE WEARS? Yes, made by a fking blacksmith.



You can forget about the balance in this game, too. MC makes all the best equipments in the game, only his items matter, others are tr*sh. And most power comes from items. So if you somehow rolled a blacksmith, get rekt. If you are a battle class, he will rekt you and your whole guild without any problem, too. Because he is a LeGeNdArY bLaCkSmiTh. And they make a competition event where you compete using those imbalanced characters, too? Great, right? Who doesn't want some bs OP characters to handle your ass?


Back to the MC, a poor person with debts.

As soon as he earned some money, he paid off the debt, then spent the rest to buy a luxury car to show off. Is that how you act just after you paid off the debt by working your ass off?

. He then live his life as a high class tr*sh. He starts acting like haft a million of dollars is nothing. And people who play the game would gladly paid hundred of thousand of USD for ONE item, too. Rich kids will use his family money, their parents are proud of that too, that they get some good items. The poorers? Buy it and get a debt. Cool story.

If my memory didn't trick me, there are something awesome in this novel, too.

The mafia like people, they play this game, too. Slapping in their money to build up their power in a game. Instead of doing their work in real life.

Because the game is awesome. <<less
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LemonGreenTea rated it
March 16, 2021
Status: c176
I started reading this novel after reading the manhwa, some characters were already quite annoying, especially the female ones. The female characters have, on my modest opinion, a bad characterization, everything is just built around, or should I say, FORCED into the protagonist to build a harem, I just hate that tag, especially when it’s written like this, that goes beyond the logic and common sense, no mature and confident woman would throw themselves to an man such as MC like that. That “saving the princess and marry” her troupe... more>> is as old as the mankind, it makes me facepam with the power of thousands suns.

I understand that I’m not in the target for this kind of novel, but seriously, do kiddos really think that women fall in love this easily? I’m I getting something wrong? I know the existence of fanatics, crazily obsessive people, but the premise of those female characters are clearly declaring that they re more that that.

I like the start, seeing him struggle a getting ripped off by selling his items at lower prices, but there are things that keep popping out and are like a punch in a eye. And the way the MC often behave are just inconsiderate towards the characters around him, although just NPCs, I’m not expecting him to be a saint, but at least, I’m expecting consequences.

I understand the mentality of putting lows and ups for the protagonist to keep the readers’ attention, but I think the author are putting the in the wrong way. <<less
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MagicReader rated it
January 9, 2021
Status: c1356
this novel is one of the best ones that I read the MC has a great progress we can see he develop in front of us, ever chapter he learn and don't do the same mistake more tham one time
(i don't speak English I did my best ;-;)
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Pierot rated it
November 4, 2020
Status: c119

So like the hateful and jealous personality and attitude that he developed for like 26 years of his life just disappeared in only month times? Eh. But ngl tho, I kinda like the first 100c cuz he feels so human, not some ultra gamer god with Light Yagami intelligence. Pretty relatable for me cuz I'm a s*upid and hateful gamer myself. That being said, I also don't dislike where this is currently going. I could only hope for more fun stuff as I read further. (As of c119, rating of 5 stars.)

BOIIII, this is spicy. The character development is nice and cool. Cool ass characters. MC be cool. Looking forward for more cool stuff. (As of c200, rating of 5 stars)

Uhhh.. Did the first 100 chapters really happened or is it just a dream? :0 (As of c300, rating of 5 stars)

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November 2, 2020
Status: c981
Really amazing, I agree with what people say about the first 100-150 chapters being a bit of a slog, but between C150 and C800 or so, we get a good cast of side-characters who are mostly either entertaining or multi-dimensional.

From C150-800s, it's easily 5/5, but then it ran into the same issue that LMS had where the side characters who were purported to be amazing and the best in the game slowly fade away as the scope increase to the country level and it becomes mostly either MC or fights... more>> of armies. Maybe this gets better in the next 400 or chapters, but at this point it feels like the great side-characters that were introduced over the last thousand chapters are either forgotten, name-dropped every few chapters to remind us that they exist, or included solely for harem/romance purposes (the harem/romance was less an issue in LMS). We no longer get to see their personality beyond the tropes already established or "MC is amazing." So at this point, I'd give the last 150 chapters I've read a 3/5 at best. <<less
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dablo rated it
October 30, 2020
Status: c1315
Nice harem and the story line, surrounded by beauty and strong female characters both NPCs and players
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Crimefridge rated it
October 17, 2020
Status: --

I am writing this preliminary review to let people know this novel is WAY BETTER than the review rating indicates. The first 1/5th of this novel is very bland, cliche, characters aren't very good.

But after that 1/5th? This novel becomes AMAZING AS HELL! I'm bumping this rating up because it is SO GOOD. Yes, the beginning is a slog, but the writer gets better with Every. Single. Chapter.
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einzberg rated it
October 5, 2020
Status: c1302
This is a really greta novel if you are looking for a developing MC.

He wasn't great from the beginning: be it personality, ability, or even background - he's truly a tr*sh. But maybe it's because his tenacity on doing his passion that drove him through all the life obstacles while developing himself. What interesting is this all happened in a VR game.

Many loopholes are still being there, so this novel isn't that perfect. But how the author describe the story (tho sometimes it was kinda repetitive) - and the translator... more>> who did a good job on translating all the words, it is a really enjoyable story to unfold. <<less
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July 25, 2020
Status: c424
Don't really understand the hype, the world's not engaging, the protagonist is not interesting (to the point where I'm more interested in the growth of certain game NPCs), and nothing feels like it's progressing even though there were technically in game and real world changes around the character.

Overgeared's biggest failing for me is simply that it's not interesting. I just don't care what happens to 99% of the cast and I gave it quite a few arcs to draw me in due to reviews that said don't just stop reading... more>> after the beginning. I think 400+ chapters of apathy and boredom means this is a dropped novel for me. <<less
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KayBiJay rated it
July 24, 2020
Status: c1259
I'm gonna start with what I like the most from this novel so far:
The characters. The setting is your "typical" VRMMORPG with a ton of freedom. This massive amount of freedom allows for all types of different personalities to gather, be it players or NPCs. This vast amount of characters allows for basically everyone to find their favorite, from "Narcissistic but Caring Magician/Uncle Figure" to "Selfless and Kind Saint/Younger Sister". Since even the NPCs are written as if they are real people, this allows for great interaction like player/player, player/NPC, or NPC/NPC.

Second would be the worldbuilding. A game this huge feels... extensive, immeasurable, almost endless. Yet, we learn a fair amount of how people live, how they interact, how this world runs. Fair enough, it can't be told in the same detail as few other novels, but the information is still more than most novels of this type, at least those that I've read.

Now, things that I dislike. This was a tough one. Without giving too much away from the story, I personally disliked some of the direction it took with its NPCs. Regardless of how well they are written, I feel like it could be a bit more about the other players than the NPCs.

Last but not least, the main character, Shin Youngwoo. He is both something that I like and dislike about this novel, purely because of his personality. At the start, he is the worst type of person. Driven by greed, envy, and hate, he disrespects people left and right and only cares for himself. His bad personality is what turns a lot of people away from this novel, which is what I dislike a lot. However, this also gives him the room to grow and mature by leaps and bounds throughout the story, almost a complete opposite to how he is at the start.

If you decide to read this novel, please bear with it for the couple chapters and remind yourself that it does actually get better.
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TottalNooB rated it
June 30, 2020
Status: c1246
Not going to write some elaborate thing...

It's a good novel, a lot of people say the early chapters are bad but I enjoyed them, that said the story develops a lot later on and it does get more interesting seeing the main character grow and being able to match the other ppl around him and eventually surpassing them.

The main character is likeable and funny, early on people thing he is amazing when he just got lucky and that reminded me of the humour in overlord when the main character has... more>> no idea what he is doing but everyone assumes he is a genius.

The world develops a lot and is always growing, lot's of characters appear in multiple chapters and sometimes it's just the MC exploring the world.

Well it's a very popular novel, and the fans are dedicated if you want info you can always check the fandom wiki. <<less
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DeeJack rated it
May 30, 2020
Status: c1210
The best novel I have ever read. There is everything I like in this novel.

It has a tag "Harem" but thankfully the harem scenes are ALMOST inexistent.

The growth of the MC is incredible, from a dumbass to a smart and cold-blooded king.
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May 26, 2020
Status: c1200
It is a very good novel.
Look at my progress and listen to my words instead of people who read barely past under 100 chapter and rated it below 2 stars.
MC kind of a sh*t human being (understatement tbh) and really annoying in beginning but gradually changed as his companion and good environtment slowly turn him for the better man and a good life.
Wow a character develepment, that's rare (/s)
I think author kind of gone overboard with Grid sh*t personality in the beginning (and I do not doubt it is his plan all along) but seeing him change felt really good so I feel the sense of journey with him if you get what I'm saying.

And what's more even better was MC rivalry with other character (Kraugel) is portrayed so good. Their rivalry is not an annoying thing like to the point of hatred and want to kill each other-rivalry. It is more like they knew each other well and respect other strength so next time we meet I will defeat you and striving to become better. Basically a healty-friendly athletic rivalry like Yugi-Kaiba or those 3 Gods of tennis right now and 2 Gods of football now.

Also special thanks to Wuxiaworld for translating this awesome LN :)
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May 24, 2020
Status: c186
The beginning of Overgeared is great because of its negativity. The hero is pathetic in every sense of the word, and the author makes no attempt to deny or excuse it. But at the same time he shows potential to be better, and that eagerness to watch him grow and mature keeps the plot going. Unfortunately, around chapter 120 it slowly morphs into a more conventional power fantasy, but the first 100 chapters are well worth it.
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May 21, 2020
Status: --
Preface: Ive read up to chapter 1174

Overgeared is the first novel I read, which is to say I didn't have a concept of quality back then. This novel is at best subpar and the people who review are often only a hundred chapters in and don't really know about the book and the fact that it only gets worse. Ill start off with the good and then go onto the bad.

Good: This novel is bad which makes it hard to find good points ill try anyway. It's like junk food... more>> this novel is delicious while consuming it but then you realize how bad it is after you eat it but still keep eating. Its a great novel for newbies though because its very fast paced and its exciting for someone who doesn't know about the good sh*t that can happen in webnovels but its truly horrific afterwards. So if you're a beginner I highly recommend you read this book and then after you catch up read something else and never touch this again.

Bad: This novel is excessively foul. Harems, cliches, arrogant and idiotic MC, Everyone treating his sh*t like some artefact that if you gaze at you will gain supreme enlightenment. Ill start with the harem, first of all, why are the two most beautiful women in the world playing video games? Its really s*upid and is just a way for the author to insert a celestial beauty into k-novel about videogames. Also these two women fall in love with him for no reason, I'm not talking about liking someone I'm talking about heartshaking-give up on everything in your life love. For example, the celestial Korean beauty after being one of the top players in the world and having a top-notch class at this point in the novel, gives it all up saying that "if I go down this path ill have to go against him" and then magically gets a legendary class as a reward for staying loyal to the MC when realistically she should have been killed for betraying the dark church. Also the other Celestial beauty this one Brazilian also falls in love with him instantly after him doing literally nothing for the guild that he just joined and interacting with this woman on less than 5 occosiaons with the book even stating that many men had to come to her before offering money jewelry and their hearts but she rejected them all.

Now lets talk about grid. At the start of the novel hes an a**hole, arrogant, lazy and irresponsible but he finds a magic book and now hes a legendary blacksmith who conquers the world. As I'm sure you've heard in many other reviews he just doesnt give a f*ck, this man gets a legendary class and yet still complains profusely about his bad luck because he cant forge a legendary weapon when even the best blacksmiths in the world have only forged 3 epic items while hes made dozens. He also doesnt do anything to help the guild because while he makes them legendary items he prices them at millions of gold coins and doesnt even give them a discount, hell even just appriasing weapons he takes away tens of thousands of gold coins, this kind of scamming is funny and entertaining when its the enemies who get scammed but when its his allies its just annoying. Also no one can ever be better than him at anything, someone gets a better class than him he has to get a new one thats even better and still complain, this dude has better control skills than him I guess ill just work hard for one year and be better than this dude who's grinded for years and is a genius even though its stated that I'm not talented at the game. The author is also a massive NEET because one of the causes of his success is he gets these awesome NPC's because he treats npc's like humans which is s*upid and delusional and doesnt mean that they will like him becaus ehe is still a massive anus.

All in all this book is garbage. Read it if you want soemthing to anger you or if your a newbie read then drop it but even you could just read coiling dragon which is a wayyyy better newbie book anyway <<less
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vasiliassy rated it
May 11, 2020
Status: c1000
Ahaha well in first I read the manhwa so Grid armor is already make me loves the manhwa, but when I read novel I confused why the novel is like this? And fortunately I read some comment that said, keep reading till some point! And I keed reading because its not too boring and yes! The growth character is very fun and impresive! I can read till ch 1000 is already amazing because...

Most korea novel that have very long chapter makes me bored to read it because main character keep... more>> all of the situation SECRET... and the MISUNDERTSAND keep rolling makes me wonder if this is still funny enough to be read? f*ck your secret, its already boring you keep it in same situation over and over again. Sigh.

But this novel didnt keep the your mainstream secret too long and Grid makes many friends and fans and (sugar daddies lol) and didnt keep secret from them. And the misunderstand didnt happend much till all the plot rumble... like oh thats fortunatelly it was misunderstand so you can run away from the hidden danger. ? <<less
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May 8, 2020
Status: c1215
This novel is a fun read. I personally liked this because I find personality traits in the MC I can resonate with like his terrible luck and his innate mediocrity. This is one of the few stories that handles growth very well, both character and power growth. It's like drinking fine wine, growth occurs slowly, just enough that the reader can enjoy every last bit of the experience.

Even when the MC becomes king

, the MC still has his work cut out for him, with enemies still posing great threat to him. For example, a character introduced in chapter 107 would appear at chapter 356 as an antagonist, and side-plots introduced early on would have great relevance in the later chapters. Despite having grown so much, even after 1000+ chapters, the MC is still growing and aiming for greater heights, it's quite amazing how the author managed to keep my interest for this long. The most epic part of this novel has to be t

the epic verses that he writes. It's awesome to imagine that in the midst of the fight to the death, the sounds of swords and explosions tunes out into the background intermittently and you hear a narrator reciting Grid's past, present and future actions with a strong and firm voice.


This novel uses a lot of cliches, like the MC somehow turning the tables and breaking people's predictions. This happens a lot. It becomes so obvious once you see people predicting their win, detailing their plan etc., but it's enjoyable nonetheless to see how MC overcomes his situation

I can't really understand the blind loyalty his followers have for him, especially the players. Grid never paid really gave any treasures back to his followers, even though they would better suit him, and took it for himself. He is, true to his name, greedy. Dialogues between 'chuuni'-like statements which causes literally everyone in a 50m radius to to cringe involuntarily, which I find quite unrealistic, because it occurs whether they understand the nuances behind the 'chuuni' words or not.

Internet comments and media headlines are often sprinkled in the stories, these serve no purpose to the story other than repeating the fact that MC is going to lose, which is why I just skip them to save time. Grid's rivalry with Kraugel is borderline obsessive. Everytime Grid sees something amazing or unimpressive, he compares it with Kraugel like: 'Kraugel could do that better', or 'Even Kraugel can't beat the monster'. Eventually it calms down though, thankfully


This story is overall a great time-waster, in a good way of course. The fact that it has over 1000 chapters alone makes it worth reading. Here are some terminology that the translator often uses:

"grab one's ankles" - means 'holding someone back'

'fradudulent' or 'scam' - means unfair
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