Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi


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This is the story of a young s*ave gladiator in an underground arena. He doesn’t know about his past or how he got to where he is, only that his name is Aegir, and that he is strong.

One day he kills the boss and escapes the arena, joining a band of mercenaries as a new recruit. During one mission, they encounter the vampire, Lucy, who slaughters the band with her inhuman strength. After learning that Aegir only knows how to kill, Lucy lets him stay at her house, educating and taking care of him.

Two years pass, and on the day of Aegir’s departure, they both exchange a promise that if Aegir becomes a king and owns the land of Erg forest, he can come and take her as his woman. Making this his life goal, Aegir set out on a journey to become a hero, a king, and found his own kingdom.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Road of the Kingdom
Road to Kingdom
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Reading List
  2. Things I've Read pt 1
  4. Male Protagonist
  5. Yandere Harems/ Yanderes/ Harems that have a Yande...

Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/09/19 Light Novels Translations c387
12/07/19 Light Novels Translations c386
12/03/19 Light Novels Translations c385
11/29/19 Light Novels Translations c384
11/29/19 Light Novels Translations c383
11/26/19 Light Novels Translations c382
11/22/19 Light Novels Translations c381
11/20/19 Light Novels Translations c380
11/16/19 Light Novels Translations c379
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87 Reviews sorted by

miscjt rated it
January 10, 2020
Status: c390
It has its problems. I like kingdom-building and army/military management stories but this story veered away from what I thought it was. It's one thing to gloss over the parts that aren't interesting but at some point, you realize that to do so is to ignore the fact that which is unacceptable.

If I could change my rating I would.
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wantek rated it
December 1, 2019
Status: Completed
its a wonderful story about a s*ave/gladiator that finds a new goal for life after escaping the place and lose his v**ginity to a vampire.

there are comedy and serious moments, and *cought* s*x scene ofc. The MC reminds me of high school hack and slash MC (published novel, I think its not translated here) but sometimes I wonder if he will stab his wonderful stick as long as the opponent is a female (he did lose his 1st time to vampire, then ghost and mermaid too<=the one with fish head... more>> and body of a human XD) <<less
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minitiative rated it
November 25, 2019
Status: prologue (c1-2)
There is something to be appreciated about this series, particularly the MC Aegir. At the beginning of the story I expected Aegir to be Conan the Barbarian with a dash of Rance, but much to my surprise he actually ends up being a genuinely nice dude. He's a mountain of muscle whose johnson is compared to a horse's more than once, but he seems to really make it a point to care for not just his harem members, but the soldiers under him too.

Part of what impresses me about Aegir... more>> is that he really gets down to the brass tacks of manly representation. He's not some isekai'd kid, he doesn't have some kind of hypnosis cheat or any magic period, he's not skin and bones, he's not an ikemen. He's a hulking slab of muscle whose primary functions are to kill people or f*ck women at an elite level. He is also extremely self-aware of it. <<less
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raynstar7 rated it
November 22, 2019
Status: --

"Between the time when the oceans drank Atlantis, and the rise of the sons of Aryas, there was an age undreamed of. And unto this, Conan, destined to wear the jeweled crown of Aquilonia upon a troubled brow. It is I, his chronicler, who alone can tell thee of his saga. Let me tell you of the days of high adventure!"

Just by reading the first few chapters, you can already tell the inspiration behind this story. (Above)

... more>> "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!"

This best describes the tone of the story than its seemingly smut-ridden writing. All in all, the translation isn't bad. But has a bad habit of jumping between the point of view of Aegir, one of his harem girls or one of the many unfortunate cartoon mob characters without stating so. Leaving the readers wondering who said it until he/she has read finish the entire paragraph.

I have yet to lose interest in the developments and would very much like to report on my findings once reaching the end and sharing it with all of you.

So for the time being, my rating will be four out of five. It certainly is a departure from your typical Japanese Light Novel harem adventures or the Isekai fad which has yet to die down as of this moment. Or the immense fan service this novel is oriented around describing your protagonist's bedroom skills and its gradual improvement, which I'm amused but also kinda put off by. I hope that this novel as more in store for me to give it a full mark, I really do want to give it that credit.

I'm also unashamed to admit that what bought my interest was the cover artist, Hikage Eiji who is more recognized for his "art" in the Kuroinu Visual Novel series and Koihime Musou series as the flagship artist for Liquid and Baseson respectively.

If this isn't enough to convince you to take up this story, then you are right not to take it up 'cause it may not be the type of story you like. <<less
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sheepmeup rated it
December 11, 2018
Status: c22 part1
"This series contains EXPLICIT s*xual scenes" is an information located on top of every chapter. That's probably the most hardcore sentence in the whole novel. If you're hoping for fapping material 'cause this novel is 18+ rated, you should look for another story. Same goes for gore-scenes. Should we call it soft-gore? Dunno... but the storie's interesting. You got a really fast story development, very few info dumping chapters, short action scenes and much shorter love scenes. The girls are falling for the MC just for the reason that the... more>> story can go on. But that's ok. This is to read about an MC with enough luck to meet the right people on the right time just to play his incredible luck (e.g. MC always meets the girls shortly before they get r*ped, just to save them all in time that they can fall for him).
No need to hope for something deep, but if you wanna read something for fun and just to pass some time, than this novel's a good one (until chap 22 - dunno if it will stay on this level). <<less
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ollerus rated it
July 27, 2017
Status: c323
After reading long time I am gonna say one simple thing oukoku really diffirent from other novels always give you feeling that make you go crazy and happy MC is strong and posses no weakness (well there one but lets talk about that later) always do something amazing so you wanna read more and more he always get best achivement and money woman etc but there thing that make this novel sometimes unbeareable

... more>>

I tell this novel really good well thats a truth but MC is sometimes make things really annoying if you ask so what that even mean well I am gonna tell you that answer is womans well he strong and op but not because cheats etc he lived in survival he become man like guts so he gonna get anything he want with power etc but womans yeah womans gonna waste that in this novel womans is annoying and greedy b*tches some womans good but %90 worthless MC gain like 150.000 gold and MC wife want a new house so wasting that gold and MC go broke and need money so he gonna get loan well thats funny because this not end later some annoying woman whatever you wanna call that woman coming and boom she like fooling MC with few woman getting what she want then later boom she become some big character oh that triple kill woman you are amazing well I wanna say this but nope she just character come nowhere there no good story for that woman she just queen of some s*upid small kingdom with some runaway general believe me that general nothing he just s*upid coward bla bla bla and that thing make me stop reading this novel I am not gonna lie everything good until chapter 200 everything so interesting but this character ruin it for me so for me this novel really good but after 200 start repeat story and boring well I understand you know MC need indepented from any kingdom so he gonna crate own kingdom and got certain immortal vampire


but still interesting novel and good but if you dont want see some netori and classic netorare dont read it MC not super smarth but he still ok but he power op so he always make story interesting if you like this kind genre just go read it dont listen other people so have a fun. <<less
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PimpToad rated it
April 8, 2024
Status: c300
Ultimately a simple story about a man, his comically large dick, and f*cking his way into becoming king? I mean maybe the story will eventually reach that point, but I don't even know if I can keep reading that long. I wanted to see how the story went after reading the manga and boy does the manga tone things down to a more tolerable level.

There's raunchy and there's RAUNCHY. Probably a good 1/4 of the story is dedicated strictly to erotica, and there's very little variety other than MC sticks... more>> his horse c*ck into WOMAN and WOMAN succumbs to the dick. There's some foreplay and some kinks thrown in here and there, but largely one dimensional in terms of erotica just like the rest of the cast.

So the cast, if you can call it that, mostly revolve around the MC. If they're female, all they are really good for is a hole to f*ck and add to the collection. Think of Pokemon's gotta catch 'em all but replace "catch" with "f*ck" and that pretty much defines the majority of the female cast. Some of the ladies appear to break the mold and have agency of their own, but ultimately still part of the MC's orbit and a hole to be f*cked.

The males have it worse as they are either there to prop up how uber awesome the MC is as a man with his horse c*ck, or are there to do the jobs the MC is incapable of doing while also being used as a prop to display how they are ultimately inferior to the MC as a man. There is so far no man better than the MC. Oh sure a few came close, but the self-inse- MC is #1!

But honestly did anyone really expect anything different given the MC looks like a bootleg copy of a certain eroge protagonist? Though manga did make me expect something different, but as previously stated it toned down a lot of the excesses of the novel. Maybe the novel stuck the landing, but 300 chapters in and I'm not optimistic enough to think the author has the writing chops to pull that off.

It is completely translated so it has that going for it. Just go in expecting the le*ds and not much else and you probably won't be disappointed. <<less
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