One Useless Rebirth


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He Bai won the lottery, became rich, and reached the pinnacle of life. Then, he inadvertently took a picture of the Film Emperor Di Qiuhe being killed. And after reporting this case to the police, he was reborn in a midst of confusion.

He Bai: I don’t have any horrible relatives to abuse. Why was I reborn?

Di Qiuhe: But I do.

He Bai: I also haven’t been betrayed or harmed by anyone. Why was I reborn?

Di Qiuhe: But I have.

He Bai: I just want to have some money to live freely and eat well. I already achieved that goal, so why was I reborn?

Di Qiuhe: I have money, but don’t live freely or well.

He Bai angrily flips the table: So what’s the use of my rebirth! Just to make me suffer again?!

Di Qiuhe (Holding and Touching He Bai): Be my lover, you’re only responsible for eating “lollipops,” you won’t eat any bitterness.

He Bai: Leave!

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Một Lần Trọng Sinh Vô Tác Dụng
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169 Reviews sorted by

Mehmeh713 rated it
May 13, 2022
Status: Completed
Don’t love it don’t hate it. I think the romance was pretty dull and immature. Felt like both MC and ML regressed to age 10 whenever they were together. There are good aspects like both of them are fairly equal, they’re very fond of each other and they’re both fun capable characters to read about. But the way they bicker really was annoying.
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Ssonow rated it
May 12, 2022
Status: Completed
Just pay attention to completed reviews

Or at least the ones that gave a fair try not just dropped for nothing


... more>> I really want you to read this So I'll give a quick review for each of characters, plot, side characters, villains and then explain

CHARACTERS (FOR development, thought process, being interesting and lovely) :A BIG 10/10

The characters are absolutely lovely they are smart bot not 2D as like all the normal people they have different aspects to their personality and different behavior to different people yet their process and changes are according to logic.

MC : he is lovely he is a good guy not perfect but good.

WHAT I REALLY LIKE about the story is that he isn't hotheaded because of being reborn and being better than some kids half of his age if anything his age had thought him how to be humble he knows that he is good at somethings but also he's aware that it's partly because of experience and also knows there are things that he isn't good at them so he tries to be better

Also he has a good moral he isn't going to forgot about all his reborn knowledge but he use them when it's fair and he won't steal other people's opportunity

ML : he is ADORABLE. Growing up in a toxic environment, he is Smart know how to defend and counterattack schemes. But he is also a young man who hasn't seen nearly enough love in his life so when he finds someone he can trust he lets his guard down acting how he wanted, playful and spoiled sometimes but it is not bad at all because he knows how and when to be mature and also takes a good care of his partner when he should if anything I don't think he is childish but he acts childish sometimes which are totally different and it's not annoying because he knows when to behave.

STORY PLOT (FOR going according to logic, being interesting and having good ideas, lack of loop holes, not being boring or giving useless info,) : 9, 9/10

Honestly I'm not a fan of modern Chinese novel nor entertainment genre but it was soo good

The only problem might be that he doesn't find how he was reborn (not why, there is a good reason for that)

SIDE CHARACTERS (back storys, having a good reason for being there, not just vanishing because Author doesn't want them anymore, having a rational behavior and not just because there is a need for a bad/good guy.) :10/10

they are all great really one of the best side characters ever

I really hate when someone is just offensive because Author needs a angry mc/ML or someone likes mc/ML just because there is a need for a supporter and then when it's done they just vanish like they are some kind of decor instead of living humans

There is no such thing here. All the characters are well described but not overly long or boring like there is this character that is mc's second roommate he doesn't talk much nor has a lots of scenes but Author describes him so good that you can't help like/loving him.

Villains: not just being bad because there is need for bad guys, not just drop dead because mc/ML has first role halo:10/10

all in all this isn't some kind of masterpiece to remain in history but it's a good one

You will enjoy reading this feel the comedy, love, sympathy and in some minor parta pain of the story. And if you pay attention you might learn a thing or two. <<less
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JuneV rated it
December 25, 2021
Status: Completed
A beautiful love story!!

I really got the feeling of watching your child grow up while reading this novel. There is such a character growth in Main couple.

The MC who was reborn for ML is dissatisfied for why he have to be reborn. On the other hand their fate intertwined. Their relationship grows step by step, it's not a typical slow romance cause we'll be feed with dog food all the way till the end. They grow from strangers to friends to brothers to best friends to lovers and forever. The... more>> family conflict is the major villain part while all other are pure fluff and love. I love that through out the story the leads never went out of character.

When I reached the end and turned to look back at the beginning of the story, I felt like I too come a long way along with those wonderful characters, how they met first and how they are after their 25th anniversary.

Just one word : BEAUTIFUL

GIVE IT A TRY!! If you like a story with light plot full of love, then you will enjoy this. <<less
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Mayuri801 rated it
December 19, 2021
Status: Completed
I just had to come here and say that this is amazing. There's fluffy, face slap, good friends, power couple, bad guys getting bad ends and good guys getting good ends. There's a lot of dog food and the only drama is the ML family. I like that MC isn't a lady bottom and the ML isn't an super stereotype seme.

The revenge was so satisfying, I was screaming everytime someone was punished, maybe I'm a super fan of face slap. The romance develops at a really good pace, with MC... more>> and ML going from acquaintances to friends to confession to lovers, and in the extras there are more informations about it, so don't skip them!

The focus is a romance full of dog food and family face slap, but there's a lot of bad family members, so the frequency of revenge is a little bit too much, or you can just skip and read only the fluffy too.

And MC's friends, they're so good friends, like, buddies for life. And some of the side couples could have more time screen, not in the main text (it would be a little bit much side character to talk about), but it would be good to have 2-3 extras about all of them. In terms of MC and ML ending it was perfect, there's nothing to complain about.

I'd make an review of 10 pages about everything I liked on this novel, but I want to make it shorter. It's only a bit of my love for this novel, I'm certain I'll read it at least 2 more times, it's a soul cleanser. <<less
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Azul_UwU_ rated it
October 27, 2021
Status: c230
Actually, I too, was influenced by the reader who dropped this at the 20th chapter, but what they stated wasn't all false either.

Like the other reviewers who rated this novel a bit low, I was very, very annoyed by the male lead in the beginning. Harassing the protagonist almost every chapter is not exactly a great way to start a relationship. And don't even get me started on his childish behaviour. Also, the Male leads family situation was not exactly very new? I guess? It was preeeetty easy to guess... more>> what would happen in the later parts of the story. And then you know, the face slapping followed and it was kinda disappointing to be honest.

Moving on the later chapters, one might feel something like, 'oh yes, this is nice, photography trivia, good', but then the same stuff drags till about 200 chapters, and I was frankly tired. And to tell you the truth, the translation quality was not good in the beginning, it was filled with grammatical errors and to the credit of the translator, it did improve a lot later, but...≡ (▔﹏▔) ≡

To sum it up, here's three main points which I did not like about this novel-

  • The male lead. (he does get better later, but I like to hold on to my grudges (〜 ̄▽ ̄) 〜)
  • And lastly, the plot. It was meh to be honest. The only redeeming factor was the photography bit.
In the end, I would neither advise you to read this novel, nor to completely avoid it either. If you like the synopsis even just a little bit, simply read it. Don't be affected by the negative reviews (I would know this as I tend to do this a lot). Make your own judgements. <<less
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October 14, 2021
Status: Completed
I really like this author! this is the 2nd of their novels I have read. They are really good at writing relationships and not so stereotypical MC and ML. I read raws from c9 onwards as I refuse to torture myself with MTL.

This pair of lovebirds is super teeth rotting fluffy sweet. I love their personalities and how the ML slowly evolves from a childish person to someone who strives to be better. The romance is just dumping sugar on the readers. It's even stated on the content page of... more>> the raws that this is a sweet story. and. it. delivers!

Also, this is an entertainment story not about acting but photography. There are still acting bits as the ML is an actor. Those bits only take up maybe 2% of the novel. The photography is a huge focus in the story and it isn't OP at all! While he does has talent, it's his 10 years of experience and hard work that help him to move to other area of photography that are not his expertise. While he does become proficient, he does not instantly become top of his field (except in landscape photography as that was his bread and butter). By the end of novel (not including the extras), MC is more of a great all rounder.

There is a RL photographer, who I admire deeply, who took photos for big international magazines in their early/mid 20s. So I knew it is 100% possible for what MC experienced to be possible (albeit his progression and earning are quite exaggerated, haha the wedding photography salary... -.-) As someone (read: untalented) who used to dabble in photography, this novel is just fabulous to read. The face slapping is just icing on top of a diabetic inducing cake. <<less
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Hellios rated it
September 12, 2021
Status: Completed
I’m in a loss of words after this ending. Oh my. So much emotion and I need to stop crying to summarize my thought and write this review. In short, I totally recommend you this novel and this author! Author! I love you! Thank you for such a nice works.

Like in other novels of this author here we have a quite an uncommon and not cliche, as for me, relationships and ML especially. Really, each time ML and MC going thought such a character grows. You can see so much... more>> change and grows that it’s just awesome. Characters shows their other sides. The whole novel seems quite real. Not sure how to explain my thoughts normally) And here we even have some mystery. I love this plot.

The plot have a dog food, face slapping, revenge, comedy and a lot of photographer things. I love the photography, so it was quite enjoyable in this aspect. Not so much of drama, which is good for me. Not much of fluff, which I also like. Even though it is quite long I was not bored when reading it.

Really like this story. I’m hoping to read more stories from this author. It is really gold and author is talented. Recommend you to try it for yourself. <<less
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PeachesUntamed rated it
July 22, 2021
Status: --
I've jus read the 1st chapter. The reason I came back here is because:

1. The translator put a link at the end of the chapter

2. I'd read the reviews prior and I honestly don't understand why so many reviews are negative. You can't expect a 20 y/o guy who hasn't likely received any sort of loving to behave like a 35 y/o.

Maybe I'll edit this to add something after completing the novel or maybe I won't. However, so far so good
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July 20, 2021
Status: c1
You want fluff? This is it. You want crazy family telenovela style drama? This is it. You want classic cannon fodder Slapping? This is it. You want HE? This is it. You want happiness? This is it
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KeraShr rated it
June 17, 2021
Status: Completed
Bestestest Novel!!!

Absolutely Fabulous, Fantastic, Fantastically Fabulous!!!

One of the Best Novel I read. In rebirth novels, generally, MC travels back in time to fulfill his wish or get his revenge, etc. But here for the first time ever, I read MC travelling back in time just to save ML. Not because he felt pity or was in love with ML, NOOO...

... more>>

It was a coincidence that MC recovered a solid evidence of ML's Killer in the 1st life. MC had also drank a drugged juice which was originally to be given to ML. Which is why after ML died, MC died after a few days.

When MC woke up, he had reincarnated in his college days with all his memories. He even meet ML and tries his best to warn him. MC is a naturally cute and caring person which is why ML fells for him.


There is no love at first sight. And it was so sweet yet hilarious how they became a Couple 😍🥰

Highly recommended to all BL RomCom fans!! This Novel won't disappoint you. 🔥🔥 <<less
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Saphie rated it
March 8, 2021
Status: Completed
It's actually pretty good and I'm sure it would be even nicer if the translation retained its style- it gives the impression of reading it in MTL. I also did not get what they were saying in some places and the names which were only surnames, bothered me. Like; "Di is a henpecked husband, He likes photography."

MC's attitude is like his real age (30+) sometimes but more of only a 20 years old most of the time. Not that there's anything wrong with it, but it did make my hopes... more>> up of reading a poised MC, still though, this MC is perfectly fine on his own.

ML is childish, totally not what you'd expect for a film emperor. I actually thought that he was also reborn because of the summary but turns out it's not? I waited for quite some time to see what chapter he would expose himself (also because he took the initiative to throw his family away when in the first life he did not.) Anyway, I'm seeing a lot of concerns and drops over ML's action in the first half? It gets better I swear and that kind of behavior didn't get to see the light in the next chapters.

I quite like how the couple goes through every tribulation that comes their way and I love how everyone is just so supportive!! The novel also puts importance on MC's photography and that's nice.

The overall novel is nice, my only main concern is the translation.

4/5! <<less
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thebadgirl05 rated it
February 17, 2021
Status: --
I got bored with this and dropped it around chapter 80.

One, ML's inability to even distinguish what reactions there are when liking someone just bothered me.

Two, the story started off nicely but went downhill.

Three, I found myself skipping a lot which is to say I got bored with the story and the plot wasn't that anchoring enough.
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Oalin rated it
February 2, 2021
Status: c50
Well, I tell others from my preference this one is a good, no quite excellent, and unique bl novel.

First MC and ML didn't fell in love at first sight like other bl novels instead the interaction between the two is so cute and wholesome that it feels like quite a natural scene.

... more>>

Their first interaction was like MC just unconsciously took picture of ML

“Next time don’t take a picture in such an obvious position, someone will end up beating you up.” Di Qiuhe put his backpack on, stopped a cab, got on, and left.

After He Bai was sprayed a face of car exhaust, he looked at the camera in his arms, and realized too late, “Hey! What are you trying to say! I’m NOT puparazzi!

and at that time MC actually wanted to take picture of a girl playing with a pup.


Actually, I laughed so much in all chapters. Whenever MC and ML interacted it was just comedy. Well ML started to feel somewhat obsessed with MC later on but the start was natural.

There is this character I feel quite a sympathy with too. ML is too childish for him to handle.


Di Qiuhe: Xiuwen, my younger brother is cute.

Jiang Xiuwen:..... What makes you think that Di Xiasong, a hypocritical man is cute? Are you controlled by witchcraft?

Di Qiuhe: What is the qualification for Di Xiasong to be my younger brother? Does he have dimples on his face? Is he as cute as a puppy, as considerate as a puppy? Can he roll his eyes like a puppy?

Jiang Xiuwen: Who is a puppy? Wait a minute, why I feel this name is familiar..... you are not talking about that male fan of yours, are you? Is that White and Whiter that you tricked with using your second account?

Di Qiuhe: Yes, he is not only my fan, but also my junior at college, who can be called as younger brother. As his upperclassman, I shall protect him well.

Jiang Xiuwen: I have helped you to register at the hospital, the reservation for an expert, expert in psychiatry department. Do remember to go there on time, do not waste my money.

Di Qiuhe: You are jealous.

Jiang Xiuwen:..... I beg you, please take your medicine.


XD the guy is quite worried for his own mental health!!

Especially the ML doesn't just simply jump to assumption like 'Does this attraction means I love him?' This MC and ML pair are quite Normal and we can imagine and enjoy it easily. MC's life and ML's life also described in a unique way. ML first takes MC as a brother and arbitrary teases him. He lives up to his childish personality.

Because of his childish decisions he talks to MC as a girl too but uses the poor pitiful guy as a scapegoat I laughed so hard when MC came to see this 'Miss Jiang Xiuwen. XD oh my god I laughed like hell


Jiang Xiuwen rocked the coffee cup gently and asked in a good mood, “See what? Don’t ham and haw. As a front-desk receptionist, you must be able to put thoughts into clear speech. Come on, don’t be afraid. Speak it loud.”

The girl darted a careful glance at him and made up her mind to cry out in a high voice, “He said... He said he had a few things to talk with Miss Jiang Xiuwen!”


The coffee Jiang Xiuwen had drunk spurted from his mouth.

and another case about ML's friend was when MC sent fruits to him which he received from ML.

“No, nothing. I notice that the fruits are very fresh, so I want to buy some for my family, too. It seems you have a good friend. Even in border province he still remembers to send you fruits. I’m a bit jealous.” He laughed, but deep in his heart, he had chopped Di Qiuhe into meat sauce. Di never gave him a call, but he had time to send fruits to He Bai. And he made such a mess for him to clean up? WTF. He should stop making shitty friends going forward.


pitiful!! too much!! Chapter 29 almost killed the guy!! Our MC is really too innocent~

With the case of friends, we got another one Lao San. That one incident in his home swimming pool killed me


MC unknowingly threw his phone in the pool which was the last thing his parents left him, ML jumped inside Lao San's home so security people came to catch ML for intruding. The ML jumped in the water to save MC's phone. But later remembered he couldn't swim and MC jumped to save him while Lao San jumped to help him save his phone. The Chef saw his master jumping into the pool where the intruder jumped and jumped to save him.

The security that arrived: “... ”


Oh Gosh, this novel from start was too much!!

The story is really progressing beautifully. Do read such a unique novel (I read 50 chapters without sleep and now taking a break) <<less
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Tazberry rated it
January 14, 2021
Status: Completed
Loved it, at first I thought ML was going to be a big a-hole but omg, he's the "puppy" in the relationship, a huge softie underneath that mask he put up to protect himself. I really enjoyed watching the MC and ML develop a relationship, they're so adorable together. There are definitely dark moments but the overall story is very lighthearted and full of fluff and romance. I would say the story is pretty predictable but that doesn't make it any less enjoyable. Definitely more of a story to read... more>> for the characters than the plot though.

One downside is that I think the novel really could have used an editor, major spelling and grammar mistakes throughout the entire novel, so be warned, but it isn't to the point where you don't know what's going on. <<less
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Drenlith rated it
January 6, 2021
Status: Completed
It's either you love it or hate it novel, I suppose.

I'm on the love it side, the ML isn't off-putting to me with his conduct but rather brings out more of a strong individual personality with his quirks. So does the MC.

The family drama is super dramatic but generally angst free. The slow burn for me makes more sense as people don't fall in love that quickly especially when it involves two people who are not aware of their s*xual orientation and topped off that they rarely saw each other,... more>> it all sorts itself out that way.

One critical thing I'd like to point out or rather, vent about is that unlike straight CEO couples, this couple do things for each other constantly. Either small or big but they always have each other on their minds and it's not always a FL being showered with wealth. Obviously this couple becomes wealthy as well but it's not overly done and flaunted around as much as in those shoujo/jouseis.

It definitely feels sincere and cute and it was never tiresome to see more PDA of the two.


I love how author kept involving the alternative reality and tying it together with their current life, as well as give a HE for the alternative world's couple.


And a small disclaimer about the translator that's got nothing to do with the review itself;

it might irk you how often the translator swapped the ML and MC's names around by accident. It was really confusing at the beginning. So don't worry, it's not you, it's a consistent mistake that the translator is making. <<less
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bunnydesuuu rated it
November 24, 2020
Status: Completed
Dog-blood drama and a cute couple. The synopsis is quite misleading because ML never knew anything about the past, only the MC was rebirthed. The relationship is very sweet (no black-belly etc) and it was cute how they grew to like each other. The family drama was quite... dramatic but still ok for me. It was also nice to see that not everything was smooth-sailing for MC and how he too had to learn new things about his profession even though he was already an expert in his previous life.

Not... more>> sure if it's the translation or the original, but the english phrasing etc was quite awkward in the second half, and names occasionally got mixed up. Otherwise, a decent casual read. <<less
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Amsir rated it
November 24, 2020
Status: Completed
Definitely a good read and reread.

Here MC questions his rebirth as he was living a good life. He uses his rebirth in a good way as in trying to improve himself and explores himself in other fields of photography.

Their relationship progresses slowly and steadily in a step wise manner.


His rebirth is to guide ML away from his death

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November 5, 2020
Status: c15
The MC is likeable and not a delicate flower or clumsy idiot but the ML is a petty easily offended privigiled as*hole that stalks and bullies the MC for his own amus**ent, his only good point is that he is not a iceberg. I keep getting angry almost every time they interact so this novel its not for me, but it may be for you. The ML is an as*hole in more "real life" way than in the cn novels, at least so far there is not kidnapping or s*xual... more>> harrasment, he does petty sh*t like stealing the mc´s student id (which to be fair he did took since he suspected of him being a plant by his shitty stepfamily but then he did not return for petty reasons), milk tea straight out his hand (a food stealer its not to be borne!), scamming lunch with with a fake uwu its my birthday and I am alone (when in fact it was the MC birthday), a very expensive camara that the MC cant afford to replace that its the propiety of a professor that he can afford even less to offend all because it brings him joy to see/picture the MC aggrieved face, ughhhhhhhh, pigtail pulling its not cute even when its kids doing it and it just triggers my rage button when a adult does it. Some may say but he returned the camara in nice giftwrap and with a expensive cake, I say well what about the hours of distress/rage the MC suffered? Emotional damage counts!!! They where barely acquaintance at that point, the MC had no guarantee that the as*hole did not had bad intentions, this sh*t its only funny if its close friends doing it. <<less
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Staringatastar rated it
October 26, 2020
Status: Completed
I loved this story - it was paced perfectly and I felt we really got to see the relationship slowly develop from the first accidental photo. I thought both characters were really well thought out and had realistic personalities.

I like how strong both the characters were, and the minor drama towards the end. The time travel never gets fully explained, which I thought was a bit unfortunate (I love reading how the author justifies these fantastical elements), but I loved the nice closure in the end when He Bai travels... more>> back to the original time line.

Ultimately, this story is a fun, relaxing way to spend a day or two. <<less
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Axvii rated it
May 10, 2020
Status: Completed
Pretty good.

In my opinion, one useless rebirth was good but not bad either, it was in between the likes and dislikes from my point of perspective and I know for the fact that me putting a review is quite useless.


... more>> See what I did there ?

Value and opportunity. For me, I think this novel talks about not just the love between two characters but also that how they learn to value the people that's around them and appreciate the opportunities they are given.

If you read the story carefully, you will see that the MC at the start was pretty detached to people around him just by how he only photographs scenery but doesn't try to photograph people.

Another example of how detached he can be is this small little detail:


he mentions in the novel about the time his friend became a father and cried outside the room, he laughed and pointed out how he brought his camera but didn't photographed that moment, and he doesn't realize that up until he gets another chance at life and starts to value the people that are in his life


It's a really small detail that can be missed but I'm not saying that this novel is pretty deep, its really light hearted and the drama can't be considered as angsty.


his professor also pointed out that the reason why he always got a failing mark was because his photographs didn't have any soul. He is that detached


When he is now being given the opportunity to start all over again he didn't appreciate it due to the fact he was already satisfied with what he experienced and doesnt want to go through all of it all over again, but yeah you didnt save your file there bro and now you have to play through college life all over again. Ahem anyways...

The ML is also the same, onnthe outside he looks like an approchable person but on the inside he doesn't really care about the people around and only wants to control and manipulate them and even has trust issues sometimes. The only exception was his friend who saw right him. And the mc


some of you might point that MC got manipulated but no he didn't he just let it slide because he doesn't really see as a problem for him. Even though MC is detached he has a pretty strong mentality. Its in the novel that he doesnt get manipulated when ML starts acting how pitiful he is now he doesnt have a home and stuff, then MC slaps him while pretending to say oh theres a bug sorry not sorry. If he really gets manipulated I would be uncomfortable and won't be reading this story and won't even write a review about it.


In the end, Mc's rebirth gave them an opportunity to start again and learn to value the people around them.


you can also see at the end how the both care and treat each other as an equal.



So in my honest opinion one useless rebirth isn't really a useless story It has meaning that only a few people end up appreciating, and only a few people end up liking. <<less
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