Okami Wa Nemuranai


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One-eyed Wolf Lecan is a skilled adventurer who has conquered many dungeons all over the world. He had been going solo for a long time, but in the last three years, he’s had a partner. That partner jumps into the black hole together with Lecan, and both go their separate ways as they fall into another world. Dungeons and magical beasts also exist in that world. After learning the native language, Lecan goes on a journey. Meeting a good teacher, Lecan studies medicine making and magic under that teacher, and begins his dungeon explorations for real.

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Wolf Won't Sleep
Related Series
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Rebuild World (WN) (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. enjoyed my time
  2. My next 5 out of 5 !!!
  3. Good stuff
  4. Personal Fav 2 (Mostly) Japanese Web Novel
  5. J/K novel

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/19/21 Sousetsuka v51c7
10/17/21 Sousetsuka v51c6
10/15/21 Sousetsuka v51c5
10/14/21 Sousetsuka v51c4
10/13/21 Sousetsuka v51c3
10/12/21 Sousetsuka v51c2
10/11/21 Sousetsuka v51c1
10/09/21 Sousetsuka v50c14
10/08/21 Sousetsuka v50c13
10/07/21 Sousetsuka v50c12
10/06/21 Sousetsuka v50c11
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36 Reviews sorted by

Shade1327 rated it
September 26, 2019
Status: v12c3
A well written story about a peak level adventurer get s**ked from one fantasy world into another, each world with slightly different physic engines.

For a hulking slab of bloodlust meat, Lecan is an interesting and developing character who gets to enjoy a slightly slower life in this other world.

Would reccomend.
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Kelindi1144 rated it
August 19, 2021
Status: v36c14-15
Has a decent start but has now become so full of filler garbage you can skip entire chapters and barley miss anything. Its a shame what the author ended up doing to their own novel.
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Kedluben rated it
June 29, 2021
Status: v45c12
So far, so good. Well there are a few boring and informative chapters and there are also a few chapters, which aren't about Lecan, about the reason we read this. But this is still much better than most of the tr*sh novels on this site with 5 star rating, so I guess this novel deserves rating of 8 stars?
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AdmiralUnknown rated it
June 27, 2021
Status: v42c19
A real good story imo. But be warned, this isnt your typical shounen with quick powerups and loads of actions. This is more to a slow one. He doenst get strong in one day, but takes quite a bit of time. There is a part near the beginning where there is a lul in action scenes. It mostly consist in him learning new magic and how to make medicine. That plus a bit of princess maker. But it gets better after that. But still, dont come in expecting detailed action... more>> scenes. <<less
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ReaderOfCrap rated it
March 7, 2021
Status: --
If you like real dungeon adventure that is different from the typical isekai shit. Then this is for you. Not only that, the way how the story develops is good as well.
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July 19, 2020
Status: v1c1-2
pretty enjoyable story. The pace is slow and the MC is too peaceful. It bothers me when absolute scum are left alive by choice.
There are a number of implausible character choices, but it's better than most isekais in terms of realism about human nature.
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Mikodami rated it
March 9, 2024
Status: Completed
I liked 54 of the 56 volumes very much.

It's an interesting and exciting combination of world building and adventuring on one hand along with dungeon conquest and leveling-up on the other. Although the ML is OP from the start since he comes from a world where he is an accomplished dungeon diver already, he is not all-powerful and there are several people who are more powerful in one or more fields.

It is a harem story as far as there are several female characters who want to couple up with him.... more>>

He also ends up marrying two of said women.

But on the other hand it's not your run-of-the-mill harem story without sense or reason. He is in fact a very decent and serious guy who values friendship and his eventual marriage is one based on respect and true mutual feelings. No complaint here.

The only problems I have are volume 55 for a fighting spree overload and volume 56 for the extremely rushed wrap-up. While the volumes 1-55 cover around three or so years, the volume 56 compresses 5 or more years. Or even 18 if you count the last parts

where his children make the trip to his old world.


The story is still very devent and thus gets four stars from me. <<less
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June 17, 2023
Status: v6c13
So far, my impression is:

  1. A well-executed boring novel
  2. Made in Japan
I like to rate stories after reading more, so I won't rate it, but the first six volumes are around 5/10 for me, I guess. I may still return to read it one day (okay, fat chance).

On the one hand, as I said, the novel is executed well. The setting is exhaustive and the novel has more depth than most because it properly takes advantage of its slow pace to do things like describe the appearance of various characters (it also... more>> did a very good job using a POV chapter to describe MC instead of doing so directly, I liked it) and generally slowly introduce the world to the reader. It's really good in this aspect.

On the other hand, however, the story is also boring, especially in the long run. The characters aren't bad per se, but the author, who deliberately picked a slow pace to properly flesh out the novel, does a rather poor job in fleshing out the characters. He does do things unto that end, but the result of his efforts is mediocre. It doesn't feel like there's much agency or emotion behind various characters. I mean, it's like they just go through daily life without any overarching goal. They may not be written poorly, but they're not written in a way that would make the reader emotionally invested in them. Like, who cares about those guys.

Say, the protagonist was supposed to want to travel the world, but he's soon becomes stuck in a city and spends a lot of time there. Which would be fine, if not for the fact that the author explicitly introduced to us his goal of traveling the world. The contrast only introduced unnecessary incoherence as far as the reader is concerned, and just as someone else said in a review, it pretty much turned the novel into a slice of life instead of adventure genre. One thing that I like about the protagonist, though, is that


he's someone from isekai who got isekai'd, and not another Japanese person


The third thing is Made in Japan, as some guy in the comments remarked a dozen or so chapters in when the protagonist did something s*upid. I think it was overall three or four times in the six volumes that MC did something really s*upid because [insert Japanese ret*rded social conventions] or [insert Japanese ret*rded MC decision-making]. It was really cringe and at odds with the sort of character that the protagonist is supposed to be, especially since he's not Japanese at all. The author tried to salvage one or two of those moments, but it only came off as even more cringe because it was obvious that he wanted to show the reader that [that development wasn't actually ret*rded because it had good consequences].

Oh, screw off with that turd Japanese logic. So many amazing tropes in Japanese media, and the author has to fed us with this crap. Anyway, given that the story has like 50-60 volumes, I expect that there's going to be more ret*rded developments.

Anyway, not a bad novel, but I think it will only bring you enjoyment if you like slow-paced novels, and don't mind that there isn't much to emotionally connect with in the characters. <<less
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hyahhaa rated it
June 3, 2023
Status: v56c13
I didn't finish this novel, the story got worse at the end. Gonna end this here so I would remember this story as a perfect one, else I'll just be frustated by it.

This novel started superb. Solid world-building, this made the readers wondering if the other-world is real, as there's no plot holes in the story either. The action is another plus, it's not boring and that took me this far. There's some POV chapters, and it added some diversity and it's not that bad. Author took realistic aproach even... more>> with the harem. Girls who like the MC is not suddenly become his harem, but they each have a story and journey with MC, unlike wish-fulfilment type of story which every girl enter MC's harem.


Only girls who's together with MC for a long time got to be his harem, while others who only got screen-time for a few volumes is not. I didn't finish this, although close to it, so I don't know how the story at the end.


Different from the usual beta MC, this MC is not, but well the MC is the usual dense protagonist.

I got no motivation to read the rest as the quality took a nose-dive, I feel like I should just stop reading it at volume 55. I regretted reading it that far. This novel before that is worth the read tho. <<less
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April 26, 2023
Status: v29c15
Kinda liked the novel tbh but could not stand the excessive fillers. MC is strong but not OP. He is also quite level-headed and smart, making correct decisions even in difficult times. The supporting casts are also balanced and given character development. Give it a read if you don't have other novels to read.
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expensivepeanuts rated it
April 7, 2023
Status: v42c19
It had a strong and promising start but collapses halfway. I really wanted this to be a unique isekai story but it falls prey to the common weaknesses of the genre. It felt like the novel got passed to a different author along the way and the writing direction took a sharp turn as a result.

One of the core and unshakable principle of the MC at the beginning is to be free and never be bound down but halfway the novel I think even the author forgot about it. Lecan's... more>> a really likeable MC, he's not perfect, a rough man and unattractive but it gave him a different kind of charm. Yes he did get character development but not in a good way. It's difficult to explain and articulate but that's how I felt as a reader. It's disappointing, I guess.

Maybe I'll finish this novel someday and I'll revise my review if it improves but for now I'm dropping it here. I'm not saying it's a bad novel (I'm giving it a 3.5*) but I guess the beginning got my expectations a little too high. Don't be like me and moderate your expectations I guess! If you do that you'll enjoy this novel. I still recommend it.

Also I really like how Lecan looks in the manga adaption. Sucks it got axed. <<less
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Thousand Vangs
Thousand Vangs rated it
May 10, 2022
Status: Completed
The novel could be better if the author to describe the details of the world more. About style of buildings, shapes of things, people's expression, decorations, well, add more details. The adventure isn't that much far and wide but some of the boss battles are very exciting. Quick, fast paced, lethal. I kinda hate it when the author putting leash on the MC, my expectation of the MC freely journeying the world is shattered after I read half the novel.
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SproutlingUnderARoof rated it
March 30, 2022
Status: --
The author has a bad habit of retelling stories the reader already knows. Literally some chapters are just the characters talking about what happens from the previous chapters, making the already slow AF burn even slower.

I enjoy the story, but it's a slog reading through chapters I already know about. Instead of writing something like "character retold what happened yesterday" the author will literally have a full two to three chapter conversation instead.
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Roleris rated it
March 11, 2022
Status: Completed
This was a very enjoyable read for me, mostly because it has a good mix of action and slice of life.

Also, the character development was superb in a lot of ways, one being that the characters don't become completely different people by the end like in some other novels.

The worldbuilding was also great, some history telling, some explaining of the worlds secrets and all that, and the best part is how it keeps it consistent, but also doesn't overexplain everything to leave a sense of mystery. The MC being not... more>> overly interested in a lot of things makes it feel all the more authentic, because most explanations are given by MC having a conversation with someone.

Only on rare few instances it felt like the author was explaining things to you, and not to the MC. The amazing writing and translation quality was the reason it felt so realistic.

If you really want to enjoy this, you have to remember that this is not just some shounen action isekai, this is a story about one particular persons journey through a part of his life. It does focus more on action because the person likes fighting, but it still shows all of his daily life, be it adventuring, going shopping, training and learning new skills, dealing with interpersonal relationships, and so on. If you only want action, this is not for you. <<less
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Luckster1999 rated it
September 8, 2021
Status: v49c6
This novel is great. The story are amusing, the character action are logical too. There's always a reason behind very action or events.

I recommend you to read the manga first. It will help you to make image of the character. The manga version are not much, only a view chapter of the novel.
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August 2, 2021
Status: v47c4
This superb web novel I would say. No prolonged politic crab, no suddenly heroin fall in love, strong mind MC (not swayed by cheap trick or tempted by thot) he straight to the point what he think right even at some point there are aristocrat dare to distrup MC he straight up ambuse his mansion alone like true CHAD. Realistic fighting I would say because MC always prepared thinking before moving and back out if enemy to strong. He know what his limit. Recomended read it 1 chapter everyday not... more>> recommend rushing in one sitting because it's fast paced WN and small chapter. Treat it like daily dose Of web novel. <<less
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