The Old Knight of a Frontier District


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In the eastern frontier of the continent there was a house Telsia, and a knight who served them for many years.

Age had taken its toll on his body, and knowing that the last of his days grew ever nearer, he retired from his service to his lords, surrendered nearly all he owned, and set off on a journey – a solitary journey that he might taste all the curious foods and see all of the interesting sights that this world had to offer.

What he did not realize, however, was that this journey was but the beginning of a tale that would be told in the continent for many years to come.

Associated Names
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Henkyou no Roukishi
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3 Reviews sorted by

LuvMeSomeChicken rated it
September 12, 2021
Status: --
A story is like this is rare. The premise may sound less intriguing and boring to you, but I assure you, the story is far more than that. Each chapter I read left me with feelings of warmth and happiness. I cannot put my feelings into word. All I ask is that you read this story, and experience the same feelings I felt when I read this story. It is truly a work of art that deserves more attention.
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gautam1989 rated it
July 25, 2021
Status: v1c9
There are so many things that are pleasant and original about this series.

First, the MC is an old veteran and not some teenager or some salaryman from Japan that got Isekai'd. He also has an engaging past and a charming personality.

Second, the setting is a low magic one with no cheat abilities and realistic battles that are nevertheless engaging.

... more>> Third, the characters feel very real and organic even if they don't get much screentime.

Fourth, the worldbuilding is excellent and you can really feel a sense of wonder as we explore this world with Bard Loen. There's a lot that is similar to how we'd expect a medieval feudal land to be but also a lot that's otherworldly, like the various demihuman races and supernatural creatures and also more mundane things like the wildlife and the foods they eat.

This gives me a feeling similar to stories like 'The Faraway Paladin' although with a less grand scale. <<less
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Justpassingthrough rated it
October 8, 2023
Status: Completed
There are stories that you finish reading and then think "that's it" and move on. Then there are stories like this that you finish and you feel a slight pain in your heart because it's over. You want it to continue but at the same time you understand that it ended where it should have ended.

The old knight of a frontier district is well written plot-wise but it's the characters and world building that really draws you in. A sense of nostalgia permeates the novel, this isn't the story of... more>> a young man who's just beginning his journey but that of an old man at the end of his. The MC is an old, respected veteran and this isn't something that's just told but is shown in the way he thinks and acts throughout the story. It's a nice change from all the hot-blooded youths we see in most stories.

Do I recommend this novel? Yes, I most certainly do. This is a story that's truly worth savouring. <<less
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