Non-Fiction Drama


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Jeong Hyunsol (lead), who had dreamed of becoming an actor since childhood, was promised a three-year time frame by his conservative parents to pursue his dream. After a series of challenging and lonely attempts, he gets cast as the lead in a drama on an OTT platform. His co-star is Yoon Suyoung (secondary lead), an actor who once made a name for himself as a talented newbie by grabbing a rookie award.

Hyunsol, believing this to be his last chance, grits his teeth and immerses himself in the role. However, whether it’s because it’s a BL drama or because of his personalitySuyoung seems somewhat irritable and distant.

“Do you not like my acting?”

“It’s not that… I know you can do better.”

From the friction at their first shoot, the two start immersing themselves in the work as if competing against each other.

“Have you ever dated a co-star?”

“Why do you ask?”

“You look like the type, you know? Like you’ve made many girls cry.”

But perhaps they’re too engrossed? Their hearts keep skipping a beat.

“Do you cry a lot?”


“Men can avoid crying too.”

Is this just over-immersion, or is it romantic feelings?

Are we in a drama or is this non-fiction?

Associated Names
One entry per line
논픽션 드라마
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Recommendation Lists
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  2. Actor/ idol/ art/ manager/ writer/ reader/ singer

Latest Release

Date Group Release
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11/06/23 Lovosity Translations c3
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