Monarch of Evernight


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He rose from hardship, but was felled by betrayal. From then on, one man, one gun; treads the path between Evernight and Daybreak to become a legend. No matter what was destined to be his fate, he intends to become the ruler who dictates.

Follow Qianye as he traverse the wide, wild and bloody world of Daybreak and Evernight.

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166 Reviews sorted by

nep_nep rated it
February 4, 2019
Status: c500
If you just want to know if you should read this novel, just skip to the underlined text at the end.

Honestly speaking, I can more or less understand some of the criticism this novel gets because it starts off very slow (speaking of volume 1).

However I can absolutely not understand some of the reviews here. It seems to me like they skimmed through the first 2 or 3 chapters, looking for the next work to devour, only to be disappointed because this novel didn't start off with a bang and... more>> huge plot from the very first chapter.

That being said, on to my review:

When I first started this I felt this was really slow and I might give it a read and casually read the chapters when I had time. I was not very eager.

But stay with me here, stay with the novel. The development from the 2nd volume is huge. It gets really really good.

I can truthfully say that the farther we progress in the story, the more interesting it becomes. The world of this novel is steampunk-ish with fantasy elements and an interesting new take on the classic wuxia cultivation theme. As for the plot, it's dark and serious. There's a lot of warring factions and clans, as well as plots and schemes.

In this world, Strength is key.

Anyway, in my opinion this novel has come as far as having me waiting each day to read the next chapter! And that is as of ch200-ish IIRC (Don't get me wrong though, it's not like I didn't enjoy it before chapter 200, it just really picked up around v3-4).

I can recommend it to everyone who is looking for a read that is very intriguing, but also has action and wuxia elements. And most importantly: Anyone who isn't looking for a quick read, but someone who wants to stick with this novel and enjoy the whole ride. You will be rewarded for that, trust me.

Cheers and have fun reading (the novel) o/ <<less
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Haters gonna Hate
Haters gonna Hate rated it
February 4, 2019
Status: c500
It's my first time reviewing so be indulgent with me.

The story is good. The author knows how to play witht he deatils and cliffhangers to capture the reader's attention.

The translator is friendly, I love how he interact with the readers in the comment and answer pretty much always.

... more>> The translation is meticulous, aside some times he got some mistakes but what can I say? We're humans and doing mistake is human itself.

Overall its pleasent to read with an interesting story where there's no heavy use young masters and our MC bash them from the beginning. He's not shy in creating problems like some MCs (I'm eyeing you there Invincible). <<less
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TDissonance rated it
February 4, 2019
Status: c507
The setting is great - focus on western folklore, which is extremely rare in Chinese novels. Dark races power levels are based off of western nobility, which makes keeping track of them easier. There's the standard pattern of the main character having a unique trait that makes him a resource hog for increased power/talent, but my main problem with the novel is the main character's personality. He is much too attached to his "humanity". I can give the situation at the start of the novel a pass, but it doesn't... more>> go away.


His body is currently in a state that seems to be both vampire and human, but he avoids taking advantage of his vampire side even when it could benefit him. He can use blood to heal his wounds, but there have been many times where he decides not to, discounting situations where doing so would have exposed him as a pseudo-vampire. He can also use his vampire side's abilities to completely blend in to the enemy, but he doesn't. Instead, the most used ability from his vampire side is Bloodline Concealment, making him look like a human to anyone he meets. It is getting better recently though, so the development might just be slow.


Other than that though, story progression is interesting. Side characters have depth and allies aren't left behind by the main character's strength. It's shaping to possibly be a tragedy, but hopefully it will be done well with a sense of catharsis. The direction I'm hoping the story to go is the main character embracing both sides of himself, forming a third faction to suppress the two reigning powers. <<less
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HurrikanStorm rated it
February 4, 2019
Status: c500
Monarch of Evernight is a novel with excellent world building and character development, featuring intriguing politics, exciting combat scenes and hilarious character interactions between the Main Character and his friends.

The world of the novel features a great combination of cultivation aspects with technology reminiscent of the early 1900 era, Airships, guns and structures similar to steam engines used for powering cities are commonly seen.

Antagonists are varied and rarely is the same archetype repeated multiple times, this in addition to the MC's abilities and weapons evolving considerably prevents a combat heavy... more>> story from feeling stale.

Most important side characters don't fade into irrelevance, and believably grow in power along with the MC. This applies to both allies and recurring enemies.

All these points and more are what make Monarch of Evernight my favorite cultivation novel hosted on Wuxiaworld <<less
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Arcani97 rated it
February 4, 2019
Status: v6c30
A very good novel, with many mysteries that are solving with time and an MC without arrogance, interesting and intelligent even though its style of fight is to use absolute force to kill. I see many complaining about certain actions of the MC, but without analyzing the context of the events, or by clearly not having read the motives or paid attention to the past of the same. This is a novel with very little or even no flaw in the plot, several interesting and well-developed characters and a MC... more>> who has coherent attitudes not only with his past but also with the situation in question.

With this I finish saying that I highly recommend this work of art, but I ask you to read paying attention to what is happening and what has happened, why if not, you will not understand or make sense in history. <<less
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KRivet rated it
February 4, 2019
Status: v6c30
The novel started off a little boring, and honestly slightly cliched. I didn't like the start with the graveyard or the training camp. But I've got to say the novel really picked up after Qianye got turned. He became a much more likeable person, and the cultivation system I love, especially the guns, which I have not seen done well before. Presently this is one of my favorite novels. Give it a try, the novel picks up in the second volume.
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Rystroyer rated it
February 4, 2019
Status: v6c30
This novel does start off rather slowly. While the MC isn't dripping with personality traits and character flaws that other novels do present, he does have his fundamental values that he sticks to. And although I have a hard time remembering the last time, if at all, he was psychologically shaken, his personality does develop.

As for the world, it is definitely something I haven't seen in other novels. The combination of guns and swords, as well as trucks and airships really shapes the environment into a unique existence. The majority... more>> of what I've read has been placed in a war zone, but it hasn't gotten dull. The MC always experiences something new wherever he goes, keeping you on your toes for what the story has to offer.

I hope people aren't so condescending towards this novel and I hope others enjoy it as much as I do. <<less
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Ragnarok37 rated it
February 4, 2019
Status: c500
This novel is an example of Chinese and steampunk done right. The characters are engaging and the plot develops at a relatively steady pace. The author does a good job of introducing enough major plot points that they maintain the overarching story, but also resolves them at a pace fitting for the story. The only large drawback, if you could call it that, is that the author tends to overexplain things extending the chapters and slightly slows down the progression of the main plot.
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Vanaril rated it
February 4, 2019
Status: c502
I've been reading MOE for some times now, and it's still one of my favorite novels.

The characters are very nicely done, the plot is good and thick, and finally the world set up is really good.
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uncreative rated it
February 4, 2019
Status: c500
Overall, MoE is a pretty solid read. It's not like most other Xuanhuan novels. The cultivation is admittedly not that unique but still interesting. I'm a bit disappointed that the MC ended up using a sword but for the most part, the choice of weapons is also interesting since you don't usually see guns in Xuanhuan novels. The whole Daybreak-Evernight conflict is once again, not that unique but the way the author writes about it and the grey areas makes up for it. My main issue with the novel is... more>> that the author can sometimes just overload the chapters with exposition and also sometimes pads out the chapters with descriptions like most Chinese authors.

Story: 4/5

Translation Quality: 5/5

Originality: 3/5

Enjoyability: 5/5

Overall: 5/5

For the most part, it's a novel I'd recommend reading at least the first volume of before forming an opinion. <<less
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RoyalDoctor rated it
February 4, 2019
Status: v6c30
Anyone who stops reading because of the first few chapters is just disillusioned by all the blind mu*der in other books. The first volume (100 chapters or so) is essentially a very long prologue which is pretty fun to read but its not amazingly interesting. After the prologue the series starts moving faster. The main character isn't the only person with a personality and the interactions between characters seem natural if not smooth. Its an amazing read and all authors can learn something from this book.

P.S it is slightly more... more>> darker but it doesn't go overboard with brutal descriptions.

Overall score

13th Monarch out of 10 Monarch. <<less
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Kronze rated it
December 16, 2018
Status: c260
It started like a general Chinese novel. It really took a while to gain traction. Some things do get confusing and some things I wish wouldn't progress the way they did, but that's just nitpicking on my part.

It's a good novel all in all. Munchkinry is a recurring theme but that's what makes it good too. It gets better. 10/10 for binging.
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zxc007 rated it
July 23, 2018
Status: v8c241

Super annoying MC. All brute but no brains. It seems that he can never get decisive enough to kill his enemies. So in some chapters, someone will want his life, almost killing him, the MC barely escaping. When he gets stronger and meets them in later chapters, they just talk and threaten each other and nothings happen. Very disappointing coming from the author of Sin City (with superb MC).

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Asf rated it
July 10, 2018
Status: v4c75
The story of this is rather okay so far..

But the MC is a bit too OP for his level.. The batle seems lack of tension because either its the MC one sidedly beating the enemy, or the MC runs around in a chasing scene till he gets a chance to kill.

The cultivation level is a joke because the MC can basically increase its level anytime he wants.

At one point, the story goes on a warfront.. But the author doesnt have a clue on how to wrote war novel and just... more>> make MC deals with everything himself despite its a war on the bettlefield.. No subordinates, no tactics no nothing..

But I guess the solo adventure part was rather fun.

It have a good premise, but I think it can be done better.. <<less
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paradigmfriday rated it
July 9, 2018
Status: v3c80
A striking and solid work, with nuanced characters, a fairly interesting world and a decent MC who struggles with being human (in more ways than one) in a world of monsters.

My only gripe with the story would be the fact that the story takes itself just a bit too seriously, with its grimdark tone, and the periods where you get a breather to enjoy yourself and let your guard down as a reader are far and few enough between, that after a while you just end up spending the whole... more>> time waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Feeling that every bit of comic relief or tension breaking is really just a set up for a gutblow.

Which I think might be sort-of what the author was going for. If you like prolonged periods dramatic tension and watching MCs struggle this is the story for you.

I honestly really like this story, but it did remind me of why I generally stick with fluffier stories where the MCs win more and get more chances to be happy. <<less
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May 16, 2018
Status: v4c30
As I read this novel I realize that it is somewhat interesting, the battle with vampire, werewolves and etc. Is what I love to read the most. When I first read this novel I had my first impression that this novel might be written by a pe*verted pe*o author who love to torture and torment little children such was the impact of volume 1.

Seriously it's weird that no one I mean no one reacts to volume 1, was the gore and brutality towards little kids not enough? Well volume 1... more>> is just 30 chapters a very short nonsense chapter that I advice you can skip reading and you won't lose any thing at all.


I never understood the purpose of volume 1 it's one of the biggest question for me in this novel. What was the purpose of hell camp? All I see is they are just killing kids left and right, they even have a lesson where the MC dissect one of the fallen kids who fail. The camp arc is really weird they have this coming of age ceremony where they drug the children and let the instructor have s*x with them (an or*y in short). After MC graduated it went poof like a smoke gone forever unmentioned.

What I remember in volume 1 Kids are force to train failure means death, They got F*ck up mentally and physically. And by the end of volume 1 MC was turned into none human and well make you think, what the f*ck just happen. The only one who was mention that is also present in the camp was mc's only friend and was also rank 1 who has an odd character plot. He was like a male version of plot armor


The real story start at volume 2 as I suggest just tr*sh volume 1 and start reading volume 2. It's a good novel although their are some repetitive parts but it can easily be ignored. So far it's just another drag with a never ending loop so I might as well drop this novel and re read this later.

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PustardPie rated it
May 15, 2018
Status: --
The main character has no agency and just drifts along to the author's whims. He'll also frequently go from "ruthless killer who's even more ruthless to himself" to "think of the people" at the drop of the hat. As if that's not bad enough you have to deal with a severe drop in translation quality once legion takes over. Protip: if you think "fishes" is the plural form of "fish" then you shouldn't be translating into English.
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marsmyth rated it
April 25, 2018
Status: v4c5
This is really a worthy read.

The world is unique and solid. The characters are quite unique, the side characters are memorable, not cut and paste. The novel also could combine melee and firearms very well, putting some restriction on firearms (origin bullets) which reduce the advantages of it.

Interesting story overall, really worth read.
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MESovereign rated it
July 25, 2022
Status: c976
This novel, when compared to many Wuxia, is decently refreshing. It has a good dark atmosphere and a pretty compelling story. At times it struggles with typical wuxia stereotypes such a dense and seemingly irrational MC. The main anticipation is when the MC will turn into a vampire, but the story tiptoes around that for ages. So much so that you will find yourself skimming over the boring "Encounters new creatures in a new open dimension world" overused plots to just try to get ahead.

The story also tends to forget... more>> about some villains for a while, until the author remembers them around 300 chapters later and makes them show back up to remind everyone, only to have them disappear again for 300 more chapters.

Another annoying aspect is the MCs inability to change and develope his personality. Even when hes becoming a creature of the night, he still sees himself as human for almost 900 chapters and sees the nonhuman races in a near racist light, despite being one of them. He eventually comes to despise the empire that drives him out, but still ends up associating with them regardless.

And next are the plot contrivances. The MC constantly discovers new powers right in the moment he needs them and the author just chalks it up to "another innate ability of his blood", or a location never mentioned before that would be exactly what the character needs to get out of his impossible situation. And this doesnt happen just a few times, at this point around nearly ch 1000 we almost have an encyclopedia of new abilities the author keeps shoehorning in.

And one major beef is the fact the MC tends to spare people He Shouldnt Spare, while killing others just because theyre a creature of the night. He has no problems killing a 4 year old vampire toddler, but cant bring himself to kill the girl who is the biggest pain in his bu*t since chapter 1. He tries a few times, granted. But later just lets her live despite her being one of the biggest potential threats to him and his friends.

Now some positives: the characters are at least well developed. Even around ch 900 I still found myself recalling memorable characters the author was bringing back. The characters are also very diverse in personality. Youre not just running into reshades of the same people, they all have quirks, virtues and shortcomings. It is refreshing to have a diverse cast. Another good point is that the author puts alot of love into the fantasy races. He brings in very unique characters and builds genuine social structures very unique to the wuxia genre.

All in all a solid 3/5 <<less
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July 2, 2022
Status: --
I'm just writing a review because that 'Akaeye' dude used this review format to attack others' reviews, what gives? If you feel threatened that a novel you liked being exposed to its ugliness, then why don't you show the true beauty within it? Can't? Yet somehow managed to write a review about two people's review, 'someone' early on, when is clearly the most upvoted review of the novel; scheming, wow.

I ready city of sin before, there was a blatant, obvious NTR on it and that tag just keeps on getting... more>> removed; the girl ntr'ed was someone already getting it along with the MC of that novel and she suddenly sold her body after seeing a big bag of coins and being mol*sted tenderly as she talked with a complete stranger of higher status and as he l**ked her lips. It's the same author and, well, what else but feel like you're reading the same kind of writing from just reading through reviews? I've already went through this once before, IET, and as I tried to read each of his novels while ignoring their copy pasted similarity between each other and their 'everything perfect' or 'everything needs to be perfect' modus operandi.

For such an author that writes NTR and it can get smoothed away into 'tragedy' and 'just r*pe' because; I rather just give it a good luck as an author who treats their 'disposable' characters which are getting quite warmy with the MC in such disrespectful way, is also someone who can do just the same for even their own MC. <<less
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