Martial Peak


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The journey to the martial peak is a lonely, solitary and long one. In the face of adversity, you must survive and remain unyielding. Only then can you break through and continue on your journey to become the strongest. High Heaven Pavilion tests its disciples in the harshest ways to prepare them for this journey. One day the lowly sweeper Yang Kai managed to obtain a black book, setting him on the road to the peak of the martials world.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Wu Lian Dianfeng
Wǔ Liàn Diān Fēng
Related Series
Ancient Strengthening Technique (3)
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118 Reviews sorted by

February 29, 2020
Status: c1100
I can't lie the story is very generic at the start but it becomes something unique in the later chapters.

Even though it's classed as harem, by chapter 1100 the MC only has 2 real lovers, but there are a lot of love interests.

I do enjoy the main character but I understand he only becomes strong from the inheritance. Later on in the story he does come in to his own though and gains strength in other ways.

After reading a lot of the reviews I finally understand that nothing really bad... more>> happens to the MC. No loved one or close friends die, no major setbacks and no real reason the become strong. At most some people will be taken hostage or the go somewhere dangerous. But now I also understand why I enjoy this story so much, the story follows Yang Kai and only him as he goes through new experiences and places by himself.

I'm currently around chapter 1100 and I really enjoy how the story is progressing but I understand if you don't or stopped reading in general.

At this point in the story there isn't really an ending in sight. Just become the strongest ever and save his lovers I guess. <<less
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Zeeksi rated it
February 24, 2020
Status: c585
I've been reading this for awhile after getting annoyed at the harem in another novel and... yet again I find myself annoyed at a harem in a novel.

I've been enjoying reading this and so far it's fairly typical cultivation novel that you'd expect, MC has s*upidly good luck and things rarely don't go well for him. That's fine and he's still in the process of getting stronger so I doubt I've seen much in terms of the total story.

The conflicts feel alittle silly and the people that wrong MC do... more>> tend to get their 'comeuppance' quickly and deservingly.

I'll just say that the harem is annoying, I started reading because I wanted something with a decent harem, I simply don't want the well established likeable female characters to get left behind.

As of chapter 585, we have 1 confirmed member of the harem, 1 partial member and 1 non-participant member.

My issue with them is, none of these people have had as much character development as the other females that are part of everything going on in MCs life. They honestly feel like wooden cutouts of characters.


The first member which is Su Yan, we're barely introduced to her. She's the sister of someone MC screwed over as he was doing a really shitty plot to steal a woman which MC ended up not caring about.

She's introduced as an ice-beauty, I'm sure everyone knows what that means and.... that's the only development she gets. She and MC get a 'dual cultivation technique', spend sometime together and bam, they're a couple.

They've probably spoken maybe half a chapters worth of dialogue to each other. She's beautiful and an ice queen, thats all I really know about her and then MC is off on his solo adventure rest of the time.

Second girl, Xia Nan Cheng?, we know more about her as she did interact with MC quite a bit earlier in the story, but her background is always shrouded in mystery, we don't even know her looks at this point half way through the translated chapters.

I can accept her presence in the harem but her character changed for the worse after the two of them 'confirmed feelings' with one another, she became silent, shy and simply a source of pills.

The third one has barely been present in the story so far and will not be talked about.


When I think back to how MC has interacted with his harem, then with how he interacts with

Zi Mo, Leng Shan, Qiu Yi Meng, Luo Xiao Mao (?)

and the other women that interact with MC in a normal capacity, they're all developed 100x more because they're present in the story, challenge the MC and have justification to develop feelings for him.

His harem members lack this as he's often on his adventures by himself, so when I read some spoilers to find out who is actually in the harem by identifying the names I could recognise and saw most of them that I couldn't recognise, it honestly deflated my passion for reading this story further.

I honestly wanted Yi Meng to be a confirmed member as he needs someone like her but nope.


So in terms of a cultivation novel, it's fine/good I have no qualms there. In terms of a harem novel, mehhh it's there but don't get attached to any female nor take note of their feelings else you'll be annoyed like me. <<less
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March 29, 2019
Status: c613
Haha I know why they say the novel sucks but I have to give a honest review after 613 chapters. The really like the story after reading it especially the

family arc battle and how the MC origin is actually powerful. The plot twist really hit me hard on that

arc. Overall pleasent experience.
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ieatp-ssy rated it
January 12, 2019
Status: c525
I originally rated this novel with 3 stars. I was wrong. It's worth 4 stars.

When you first read the story, it plays out more like a wuxia than xuanhuan. But it was interesting enough and was worth reading. It's not until chapter 500 or so, that you get more of an outlook of where the novel is heading.

I won't bother you with a synopsis. In fact, I can tell you that you'll enjoy the story more if you don't bother reading the synopsis online, or ones in any reviews here.... more>> But, I can tell you a few things.

First of all, the storylines weaves and turned in far less predictable directions than most other novels of the genre. Most xuanhuan stories works on the same formula, and by the 100th chapter, you pretty much know where it's going, and how it's going to go there. Not in this one.

Most of these start in a remote corner of a remote region in a remote small kingdom on a remote part of a remote continent, and with an MC who starts out disadvantaged, but then found the cheat widget, and then goes into the power-crawl, as he nears the centre of the cultivation geography.

In this novel, it's a little different. He's disadvantaged, and in a small sect, but he's not exactly a nobody. From the earliest chapters of the story, there are allusions to his backstory carrying a secret, and the story quickly fulfills on that promise. Can't tell you any more, as that would be a bad spoiler.

Our MC makes choices and moves that feel more organic than most CN novels, and the character itself feels more contemporary and more realistic than most other novels' MC's. He's not just strong, but is smart, and uses his brains equally. The story is written in a way that feels like he's making choices that are based on free will, rather than as plotline-based destiny.

Now, don't get me wrong. Some of the tropes of the xuanhuan genre is still there, they're just less stereotypical. Even the storage device used by the MC is different.

If you get to ch. 500, you'll realise that thus far, you're reading basically a wuxia novel, and only after this point does it opens up into xuanhuan. This is similar to War Sovereign, where the mortal arc of the story is longer and better-developed.

I fully understand, that when you read a story tagged with 'xuanhuan, ' you are expecting the same-o, same-o, with a predictably simple outline, and for those readers, this one will disappoint. If you're interested in seeing an author actually attempting to set himself apart from the fray, and makes the honest attempt to take the path less trodden, this might be for you.

Enjoy! <<less
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Random Ordinary Guy
Random Ordinary Guy rated it
April 11, 2022
Status: Completed
My first chinese novel so my review might be biased.

The flow of the story seems pretty natural and the world building also good. Lot of foreshadowing on early chapter of every new arcs. Plotwise it isn't as bad as other title in general, those face slapping and humiliation plot just for the sake of self-satisfaction is just pathetic. The downside is the author literally vomitted lot of words to his works. It's full of repeated and reminder situation worth of paragraphs. At least it's not a page full of MC... more>> being underestimated and humiliated.

Let me simplified the story


YK journey from weak to strong always revolves around this point :

  • Exploring the world and even the wider world. Going to small world (Independent small dimension or something like that) gaining some opportunities and fortune and become stronger.
  • Being a 'Scout' for his people so he can later bring them to higher world.
  • Always making a big storm in every place he visited and always ended up as a big character there.
  • He created a sect on every higher world he visited so he can bring his people there after settling everything.
  • Beauties! Yes, he is a man of great destiny so of course he will meet them one by one. Some will become his women where other just his friend (lol) and it's quite pitiful.
  • The annoying part is his women usually become an amplified plot device. E.g. Either getting in a danger, going to a higher world ahead of him and separated or almost getting cucked (Arranged marriage on dragon island arc). They don't appear often and most of them are only 'Strong' when they first meet YK while later their sole existent is only for the sake of sentimental element to the story. Sometimes I feel like they are a deadweight too *sigh*. I'm not a feminist nor am I a misogynist I don't care either of it. What I want is just a good balanced story for my little happiness.
  • Most of the end of the big arcs, before he set off to higher world, it always an arc where his current world getting invaded and he later become the hero of course.
  • Miracles bringer yeah literally after all his luck is heaven-defying.
Characters review time

YK our boy is a brave and opportunist man. He utterly despise being taken advantage on and always trying to gain things to it's limit. Sounds like a greedy bastard okay but his character isn't that bad. He is caring and generally polite guy to people who treat him nicely. He don't put on air and never forget with his old friendship. He is also kinda shameless guy which actually makes the story more interesting.

As for other character I can only say that most of them aren't a one dimensional character. They have their own uniqueness. Not some garbage arrogant young master whose his sole existent is just to be trampled upon by MC later to raise his hollow prestigious.

I enjoyed the story so that mean it's pretty good. Of course it's my personal opinion, you can try reading it. <<less
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Qwerty959 rated it
March 1, 2022
Status: v20c2774
I must just say I absolutely love the story so far. The MC is clevert and uses clever schemes and trickery as well as overwhelming strengt when he can. Knows his powers and limitations as well. He know when to step down and when to act, and masterfully exploit his enemies weakness in clever ways. As well as he is a likeable characther
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tsukihito rated it
February 9, 2022
Status: c1500
If you new in Martial arts or Xuanhuan genre, this is a good start! Start from being weak then got strong and stronger. Then after you read for a while, it become boring and repetitive. The higher realm just never end!

Conclusion, it's good at the start then it become worse and boring.
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Martial novel reader
Martial novel reader rated it
January 2, 2022
Status: c4400
Easy to read and entertainig.

The Novel slows down ftom time to time and the author inserts 10-100 filler chapers with absolutely no meaning for the story.

... more>>

C3500 or so the MC is in a secret realm and he is a sword has and spends 20 chapters to kill swords to be a more powerfull sword.


The whole harem is anoying and the author even vorgot about one of his wifes. (She is not mentioned anymore when the wifes are listed)

Still can't stop reading...

MonogatariScans on Youtube has a good Translation until c4400 (free) <<less
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Andre Pereira rated it
December 25, 2021
Status: c2644
Before reading until the last chapter I Read the manga until the 1300+ chapter.

The MC was somewhat protected by his plot armor at the beginning (what I watched on the manga) but he grows cunning in order to survive in the ever growing Martial Path. The MC is followed by a considerable amount of luck, but it's mostly due to his timely intervention on varied situations.

Some people complain how he gets his Cultivation so high in such a short amount of time, it's mainly due to his opportunities to go... more>> to a Higher realms, the teaching of his elders and friends, and in those Higher realms there are Younger guys with Higher Cultivation.

He doesn't easily forget characters, if they're not mentioned when he get the chance of seeing them is because either the autor didn't tell or the characters weren't that close to him.

Some guys complain yet again something like " THOUSAND chapter and only three breakthroughs" and I'm like " three breakthroughs doesn't mean he didn't get way stronger those breaks from breakthroughs is for the MC to build up his strengths, get new methods and stabilize his foundation, or simply didn't have the chance...

This is not to completely discard others opinions just to give this novel a chance and make your own judgements. Btw if u want to catch up Faster Read the manga if u like the tarde try to looks for the corresponding chapter when u catch the releases on manga.

Good read <<less
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HARECH rated it
April 23, 2021
Status: c283
Novel is good. I like cultivation novel very much but not those that only about cultivation but also slight romance and whatnot.

Anyway this novel shows different environments and how he cultivated quickly. This novel has too many plot armors.

... more>>

He can even learn any martial techniques by just using anything. And he progresses very quickly without much doing anything. He should intere*t more with girls so that will be fun but he doesn't do anything only cultivation. His intimite relationship with Su Yan is not very enjoyable because he mostly focus on cultivation.


It sometimes annoying and irritating but Overall though it is good in my opinion. You should try it. <<less
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regimeswitch rated it
March 6, 2021
Status: c1523
A little generic but not bad. Cheat item isn't too overbearing. MC is pretty likeable. Companions felt a little lacking but it could be they just didn't click with me. Romance isn't just a bunch of teasing without any conclusion, which is pretty refreshing. Great if you're looking for some xuanhuan comfort food. If I catch up with the translation I'll shelve it for a while but I doubt I'd finish half of it if all the raws were translated. Still ongoing, nearing 6k chapters (´⊙ω⊙`) !
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AllyPhantom rated it
January 21, 2021
Status: c1679
Martial Peak:

To most people, this seems like the normal Cultivation novel, and I'm sure many see it that way but there's more to it.

Give it a shot. Waifu's are adorable and hold their own against Yang Kai. They aren't merely side-characters but actually have a depth to them with their own nuances.

The plot is a little repetitive but does shake up every so often. Follows the linear format of most cultivation novels of constantly seeking to grow stronger. However, Yang Kai isn't s*upid and doesn't push for new realms quickly... more>> unless he really needs to as it could damage his base. <<less
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drago44dd rated it
April 16, 2024
Status: Completed
The first cultivation novel I read.

Excellent story, good cultivation system. Good romance which is well written. Good conclusion.

There is familial love which is quite rare among cultivation novels. The MC takes care of his parents till the end.

... more>> The only drawback about this novel is the author did his best to milk the readers with unnecessary fillers and stretching the chapters more than necessary. It's also quite hard to skip these fillers as there are some important elements in the middle of a few filler chapters.

Overall a good novel which I enjoyed reading very much. <<less
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LordofAll rated it
March 16, 2024
Status: c323
Let me start off by saying this is one of the worst books I've ever read.

The grammar and writing style are pretty good as far as translated novels. Sadly though that is just about the only good thing in this novel and the only reason I'm giving it two stars.

Now on to the negatives. This novel functions solely off of plot armor and teenage hormones. Now some of you may be thinking that all books have some plot armor and it's okay. Normally you'd be right. But in this case... more>> it's to an absolute extreme. If you read this you'll notice before half the fights it will say how it's an impossible fight and that he will almost definitely die. But EVERY time he wins the fight, somehow gets stronger during it, and miraculously finds something needed for his cultivation that he couldn't find.

Now on to the protagonist. I would be understating it if I said he's an idiot. There are many times he'll see an ambush, acknowledge the ambush, then shrug and walk into it for shits and giggles.

Outside of that this book has no defining features and follows almost every cultivation cliche with the exception of a cheat that has good potential but was ultimately wasted on a bad protagonist.

Overall I would say stay away from this book unless you want to shut of your brain and occupy huge amounts of time. <<less
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ImperialVoid rated it
October 27, 2022
Status: c3597
The only reason I give this novel a 5 is because this is what introduced me to every other novel of the type and the longest one I've been following, otherwise it's more of a 4 but a great novel to start with if you haven't read any CN novel before.
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MasterWizMan rated it
June 2, 2022
Status: c5617
Unique characters, not many arrogant pricks and atleast the FL are not the same rubbishes even if they are tr*sh they are different tr*shes love the little stories and for aquiring resources the ways to find are repetative but long unending novels does have these problems like the emperor tomb something and many other tombs it was my first novel so I didnt wanted to stop reading and went on mtl but it just made my english broken. It was great and all but I just skipped until he reached... more>> 9 rank and I dropped it just like my first love and I thought if I love something then just let it be like that freeze it up and store it in the back and not continue because I know that it was gonna be bollocks in the future anyway so just end it

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January 3, 2022
Status: c428
MC is not very intelligent and allows himself to be pushed around and stays in idiotic stubbornness but well... suddenly he has an extra artifact, he starts to grow rapidly in power hmm. MC is hardly a genius in the forest. He looks for trees, although he is in the forest, he goes out to gather herbs for 3 days without proper supplies. A real idiot. It looks like this is an IQ 10 children's story where the MC rushes like the wind in cultivation. Women are flying into his... more>> arms and of course he acts like a cross between a moron and a eunuch. If I were these women, I would castrate him. So another naive story. My score is 0/5. <<less
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