Mai Kitsune Waifu


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Humanoid beast? Ahem…. Humanoid beast….

Because a female immortal sealed a mischievous and sly fox spirit into his right hand, ordinary senior high school student Liu Yi henceforth began his extraordinary journey as a immortal practitioner.

The fox spirit said:

“The prettiest girls in the class, the daughters of rich families, the evil female cult members, the beautiful women in the world of immortals? All these beauties are no longer a dream!

Come, become an immortal and even a diaosi could counterattack!

Come, become an immortal and kill all of the tall, rich and handsome!

Come, become an immortal and capture all the beauties!”

“Liu Yi, I said to capture all the beauties; not to capture me! Hey! Stop!”

Associated Names
One entry per line
My Fox Immortal Wife
My Fox Spirit Wife
Related Series
My Beautiful Teacher (Chinese Novel)
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My Beautiful Teacher (2)
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Maou no Hajimekata (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. May not be the best but not worst either
  2. Fox Novels
  3. CN with big harem

Latest Release

Date Group Release
01/13/19 Fuji Translation c571
01/12/19 Fuji Translation c570
01/11/19 Fuji Translation c569
01/10/19 Fuji Translation c568
01/09/19 Fuji Translation c567
01/08/19 Fuji Translation c566
01/07/19 Fuji Translation c565
01/06/19 Fuji Translation c564
01/05/19 Fuji Translation c563
01/04/19 Fuji Translation c562
01/03/19 Fuji Translation c561
01/02/19 Fuji Translation c560
01/01/19 Fuji Translation c559
12/31/18 Fuji Translation c558
12/30/18 Fuji Translation c557
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26 Reviews sorted by

November 11, 2017
Status: c112
The MC is unlikable, he is painfully dense. He treats those around him poorly and using grandpa saying to justify stuff he does. He can use a technique to learn information fast but is clueless about stuff that should be common knowledge. Everything is too easy ie new techniques, powers, people coming to his aid all just happens. He is a giant hypocrite!
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Saggi87 rated it
June 13, 2017
Status: --
I love this novel very much, it's is funny and action packed. Has great characters with great personality. The MC is annoying in the beginning but grows on you. I guarantee if you read the first 50 chapter you will absolutely be hooked
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gingingin1605 rated it
March 25, 2022
Status: --
in terms of romance, I like chinese stuff more than japanese because while most protagonists in jp stuff are either completely dense or creepily pe*vert. but when it comes to flirting and teasing they become like fag. in the chinese men are dominant and overbearing, which I like. in this novel mostly the women toy with the MC and he IGNORES THE TSUNDERE, this is something I cannot tolerate so I hate it, when a waifu is being tsundere either the man should tease her or appreciate the cuteness but... more>> pretending to misunderstand her is a no no.

except all this characters are crazy.

example- a government official is kidnapped with his daughter by a serial killer who kills teens. to save his daughter he offers to collect girls for him. when MC asks him why did he do so you would expect him to answer something like ' to save my daughter if I had to sacrifice a few strangers it would be worth it for me'

but what does he say

"In any case, you guys are worthless... all are tr*sh...I have made many contributions to this society...I'm the leader...I shouldn't have to die, but all of you tr*sh should... If your death... can be exchanged for my life... then, then you will not die in vain..." (btw he is not a leader, he is just a senior officer in some governmental sports office)

whenever our protagonist goes against someone they somehow become the most evil person in the world.

this is just a personal preference but I like it when the guy treats all harem members equally. in this novel, their are girls who the MC doesn't dump because of their beauty otherwise other than lust no other emotion is shown for them (ex- wang lele)

the story and side characters are so bad that I feel like I am reading mga at times <<less
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Ba_Ko rated it
March 6, 2021
Status: c550
It's a good novel at first, bur after it became pretty repetitive

Notice that the MC is a ret*rd in everything other than combat. At first ti was funny, but after 500+ chapters, it became very boring

Still, if you haven't read a lot of novel, you can go it's pretty good.
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Oshibo rated it
May 4, 2019
Status: c268
After reading 268 chapters I feel that I have read enough to give a fair review. So I feel that this novel is average based on pros and cons, it can be really good but really maddening. I also feel I should mention that any link to chapter 45 from the translator is essentially gone due to the way it is set up (I used DuckDuckGo found it mirrored on Wuxiaworld) and I'm pretty sure that it was chapter 30 where it links to a different novel by the same... more>> translator. I personally recommend reading it on a different site until you reach Ch.200 (or wherever Fuji Translations started) as the next page/chapter button doesn't work from the first two translator's sites.

So there are times where villains just disappear into thin air and are not mentioned again.

seriously after making one Young Master r*pe another Young Master neither is mentioned again though one young master's father still has a grudge against him brought up that is it.

In one particular case, an antagonist is jealous because he likes one girl with the MC even though at the time it is obvious that it is not a romantic relationship between her and the MC (at least yet)

Some of the girls are complete b*tches and while I get that there is a very good reason to keep the Murong girl around despite her being a tsundere on steroids.

Based on what some others have said and what I know he should just kill Ma Yixuan, she hates him for no reason and instead of saying something to him to get him to give up she has purposefully gotten his hopes up before knowing he liked her and at other times tried to have her boyfriend and his goons beat him badly because she is disgusted by him. At the point I'm at I have to say why hasn't she knowingly attacked the MC yet, she thinks he is strong but doesn't know he is a cultivator so she should try to attack him seeing as she is already on the same realm as him (technically until just recently she was higher). Though I have to say part of their relationships reminds me of the first part of Pure Love x Insult Complex where the older sister is Yukino (to an extreme), the younger sister is mana and the main character is Yoshinobu. By that I mean he is disillusioned by his first love and while he holds a fondness for her has gotten over her and the younger sister is actually salvageable and they were actually both mistreated by the older sister.


That all being said, the MCs growth is admirable. He goes from a naive and cowardly ret*rd to recognizing the harsh truths of the world and doing what it takes to take them head-on. His growth alone makes it worth reading honestly. The plot is solid, there are some valid underlying themes (one of my favorites being that sometimes the law just isn't enough as there are some who are above it regardless of what we are led to believe). If you can get past the negatives than this story is a good enough way to pass time.

He also essentially creates his own private army which is pretty boss

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andrewreadnovel rated it
February 7, 2018
Status: c55
Please forgive me for wrong grammar or sentence, English isn't my first language.

This story tells about a boy Liu Yi who is weak, a loser, s*upid, not rich, dense, and so on, pretty much a pathetic MC in the start kind of story. You can guess that one day he met with someone that will change his world forever. The story world has demon and so on so pretty much martial art, magic and stuff like that exist.

This is a story about MC from 0 to hero type of story.... more>> At first you might get sick by the s*upidity of MC, but I advise you to read until 40 or 50 before you decide to continue or drop.


  1. Writer actually able to write a funny story. MC dense or naivety nature sometimes are funny to read.
  2. MC has strong sense of justice, and he always refer to his grandfather teaching which is funny sometimes.
  3. MC has awesome grandfather [why not, ;) ]

  1. MC is the type of chosen people, pack with hidden talent, I feel like MC power up so fast. I suspect that he might be as strong as god in half of the story. He only need to learn for 1 night before he can beat down group of 10 people, fight with some kind of secret force guy and so on.
The thing is MC has

dark side or evil side most likely a split personality, depending on how the story goes he can become the strongest God in the world or the worst and most evil demon lord.

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