Magic Apprentice


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Legends speak of an era where demons and gods once lived with one another. Different in nature and identical in strength, the two co-existed peacefully together. That is, until the right to govern humanity divided them. The Glorious Crusade; as it became to be known, caused space and time to be divided and the world separated into differing realms. Human civilization rebuilt itself after thousands of years, and without the gods or demons, they became the masters of their world. Yet the gods and demons remain. Time and time again, the two have constantly attempted to breach the human world and regain supremacy—

Elric, the son of a grocer, was born in such an era. Inept in the art of magic, Elric was somehow able to apprentice himself under the lecherous and rogue of a magus, Victor. Here lies the story of Elric, Belladonna, Jerry, and Kite. Together, the four embark on an adventure fraught with danger. Here, the Canon of Elric the Prophet will begin…

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craBebe rated it
February 13, 2021
Status: c15
This novel is repulsive. I've never seen a main character treated worse than this. Mainly because the abuse is coming from his "friends". Hes ridiculed and abused endlessly and just takes it. No sense of indignation, no feeling of being wronged, no willingness to fight back over his treatment.

I've read novels about MCs being actually tortured, endlessly, and that treatment was more bearable than what Elric is put through.

His masters treat him like garbage, his friends treat him like garbage, the people he saves treat him like garbage, he's punished... more>> brutally for his successes and just takes it.

I dont even know what the author intends us to feel. Are we supposed to find this funny? Everyone else seems to. He's been completely debased and literally no one stops to think "maybe we should let up? He is our comrade."

The crossdressing BS was the last straw for me. I can't believe his friends treat him the way they do. He should be treated like a hero for some of the things he's done and instead they literally marry him off to someone. AS A WOMAN. AND PEOPLE WHO SUPPOSEDLY CARE ABOUT HIM LAUGH ABOUT IT. Like its light punishment and a good hearted joke. He's little more than a s*ave and whipping boy for their pleasure.

I continued this long HOPING that eventually he might get some sort of revenge for his treatment. Some sort of retribution. And it never came.

Absolutely disgusting.

Zero stars should be an option.

This novel deserves negative stars. Worst novel I've ever read.

I can't believe Wuxiaworld actually publishes this garbage. <<less
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Mr. Disgruntle
Mr. Disgruntle rated it
January 22, 2021
Status: c5 part1
The main character has as much ambition and agency as a potted plant. This novel is clearly not a character-driven one, and the plot it's driven by is paper thin. These aren't necessarily things that make a novel bad. There are plenty of slice of life novels filled with characters who have no ambition, but readers are still entertained through humor or romance. There are plenty of stories with paper thin plots—xianxias—but those are also made entertaining through the use of face-slapping, comedy, a sense of catharsis that follows when... more>> a bullied character finally grows some balls and steps on the bullies face. However, this novel, Magic Apprentice, has a paper-thin plot and an MC with zero agency, but at the same time, it has none of the supporting features that slice of life novels and xianxias have.

The character is walked over, and his dignity is trampled, but does he do anything about it? He doesn't even get angry. He accepts his position as a doormat. There is no humor to lighten the mood either. You just read about how this character gets shat on over and over in as monotonous a manner as possible. Everything is told, not shown. The author clearly intends these experiences to be the basis of the MC's strength in the future, but it just doesn't work, not when after he goes through inhumane torture, he's suddenly afraid of some dogs a random-ass, suddenly introduced character sics on him. There's no face-slapping, as far as I can tell, there's not even an antagonist, which makes it worse because the one's who're shitting on the MC are supposed to be the good guys.

Maybe the story gets better during chapter 5, but I wouldn't know. The first 4 chapters are split into a totally of 25 parts, essentially 25 chapters of a normal webnovel. If they're around 2-3k words each, that's 50k-75k words of the main character being sh*t on. For reference, the first book of Harry Potter only had around 77k words. Imagine if you had to read about Harry's terrible life living under the stairs for the whole goddamn book before Hagrid showed up.

Overall: 1.5/5.
The only redeeming feature of this novel is the translation quality, and for that, the novel gets an extra 0.5 stars.

Dropped at chapter 5, and I have no intentions of picking it up again. <<less
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