Lord of All Realms


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In ancient times, there existed giant spirits capable of supporting the heavens. With bodies as enormous as stars, they soared across the universe. Great clan leaders with mysterious blood running through their veins shattered the void and created new worlds. Ancient Qi Warriors crossed a river of stars to enlighten numerous mortal beings. For unknown reasons, an era silently came to an end, all realms were separated, ancient giant spirits disappeared one after another. Thousands of years later, young Nie Tian managed to travel back into ancient times with the help of a drop of blood…

Associated Names
One entry per line
King of Myriad Domains
Related Series
The Nine Cauldrons (4)
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Zhanxian (2)
Tales of Demons and Gods (2)
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86 Reviews sorted by

Cardman001 rated it
March 12, 2018
Status: c341
I think, at the moment, it's more of a 3.5/5, but I'm rounding up because I think the story has potential at this point (although I may change this in the future). The following are my thoughts on the story as far as it's translated right now.

The positives:

    • The world/universe is unique, and allows for further growth and expansion in the future.
    • The MC (Nie Tian) progresses through the power level system at a steady pace.
    • There are no huge time skips, and the story itself moves from one arc to the next using a good reason, even if all the loose ends aren't quite tied up yet from the previous arc.
    • Motives, supporting characters, and MC's backers are primed and ready to be expanded upon. However, if they aren't used in the plot well, then this will become a negative, as it introduces useless people and information just to add to the word count. This also includes all the love interests the MC currently has.
The negatives:

    • The MC is fairly generic: he starts out as a kid who is different, then realizes he has other qualities that make him strong, and later he becomes overpowered for his cultivation level on his road to become stronger. He wants to protect his family and friends, and he will do foolish things to accomplish his goals. This would all be fine, but the problem is that Nie Tian also has a very neutral personality. He has no defining personality quirks, he has no particular interests outside of loved ones and getting stronger, and he doesn't take anything to the extreme, leading to him not being memorable.
    • The power levels/systems are a bit janky; the power level progression is not too well-defined and neither are the other systems of cultivation, which are brought up but not expanded upon.

      There are also different Qi systems that are introduced, which relate to various races, but it hasn't been explained, only stated for future reference.

      This might be the author's attempt at keeping the readers at the same level of knowledge about cultivation as the MC himself (because he's out of the loop too), but it also allows "incredibly lucky and fateful situations" to happen without an explanation beforehand.
    • There are a lot of loose ends and unknowns that have yet to be explained, but this is a mild criticism, as the story is pretty short as of yet. So, I can only imagine that everything will be dealt with later.
Overall, I think the story has great potential for the future, as long as the author actually uses the characters he's made and the mysterious world he's created. The biggest criticism for the novel naturally follows from this: it needs more detail and explanation of powers, people, and the world itself.
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Vallan.Mandrake rated it
January 22, 2018
Status: c37
Very meh. The story is normal. No bad stuff (no absolute arrogance, entitlement, provoking,... only a little bit of that) - but the style is (imho) bland. MC is kind of average - only somewhat arrogant, somewhat clever, somewhat impulsive, somewhat restrained. No real defined character. The author's style is bare minimum. It's not engaging. Mystical ramblings about special powers etc remain unclear, without hidden message, or understanding, or profoundness, which makes reading those really boring/annoying. Combat is strange - MC just always (so far) happens to have some instinct... more>> (which suprises him) and everything works out fine. Lots of clan politics - but the boring, totally predictable kind. The "cheat" is boring, and as far as I can tell, just some Dragon bloodline/memories, but MC is struggeling with the mysteries and doesn't really know what's going on - and mysterious stuff is boring with this author's style.

Totally only meh. <<less
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vizzi01 rated it
January 19, 2017
Status: c151
Interesting read so far. MC isn't overly op, laying waste to everything around him like some certin other MC's I can think of. So there's a plus.

Still missing chapters though, which is annoying. 5 chapter gaps can leave you feeling like you've missed something important.
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berzeQ rated it
January 3, 2019
Status: c405
first I dont know if people will see this or not but if you are thinking of reading this please do reconsider. Idk why it was in "editor's choice" in wuxaworld but this is worst novel I have read, why? 1st of all MC is total braindead who goes around mol*sting girls. He got op blood that will teleport him to another ancient dimension (not the bullsh*t description says) from where he can learn technique.. But after chapter 50 even I forgot about this sh*t cause it wasnt mentioned... more>> once and I read to 405 chapter.
2nd: he acquires op techniques but cant defeat some rouge cultivator. In earlier chapter he kills greater heaven enmey (chosen ones from top sec in all realm) using that technique even when he was just lesser heaver but cant kill greater heaven (rouge cultivator in forsaken land) when he is in middle heaven. Doesnt use half the technique he knows.
3rd: romance literally sucks, we have 1 love interest who is forgotten for 100 chapter while MC is with another girl. Then both previous are forgotten while he is with another new ones.. Its like reading romance written by 12 yr old.

i cant put down all the flaws and I did give this a chance hoping it will get better as I had nothing to read but i'll rather wank off than to continue reading this. And wonder why I didnt talk about pros ? Well cause there's non, mostly I stick to find out how op his bloodline would be but with the sheer about of braindead plot I give up. <<less
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Aerogfl rated it
September 30, 2018
Status: c473
Update Chapter 522:

I thought I would be able to continue to read if I just tolerate the horrible romance and sad attempt on the romance comedy. Sadly MC also has been disappointing, turned into a wimp whenever dealing with women, whether allies, or enemies. Such that no matter what they do, MC will not be offended at all.


Been a while since I reviewed a novel, wow, what a joke of a novel, such a shame that the novel started interesting, and just plummeted to the ground.

Until chapter 300 ish, the story is still good and interesting. But after 350+ chapter, especially on that "forced" romance arc, I instantly lose interest on the novel. This easily can be seen from other reviews before chapter 300. Which is quite funny, it's like "you won't believe what happened after this photo was taken", or in this case "you won't believe what happened on the story after this review chapter"

As a fan of harem genre, seriously, stop using harem genre just because they are attracted to MC, that's not what harem meant, those are love interests. Long Live Summon, ATG, now those are harem novel.

I didn't put too much expectation on romance, but oh my god, how could you ruin such a good opportunity for romance and choose the worst love interests ever. I won't even consider her love interests, she is technically MC's enemy.

For example


1st girl: She's indifferent at first on the MC, however, throughout battle and hardship with MC together, she developed feelings for him and starting to care, and so does the MC

2nd girl: Enemy of the MC, tries to seduce and kill him, A s**tty, vicious, sly, and manipulative women. Once even threatened to kill MC friends and Family.

Who do you think the author will develop some romance with?

If you answer


2nd girl


You are CORRECT!!, what? You think the answer will be the other girl? What are you? S*upid?

There's no way the author could develop a better romance with the other girl, geez.


Anyway, if you have nothing else to read and if you can tolerate many flaws of the novel then you can read this novel.
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TianKrea rated it
August 19, 2018
Status: c539
This novel probably has the most s*upid MC ever. Because of his overly idiotic and rash decisions people die constantly. And after they die he won't even think about it. For example his martial uncle or something dies because he stops whole group to save two sisters that has nearly no connections with him. Author just randomly decided to make the older one his sworn sister... Also he thinks harassing a girl whenever he has an opportunity is a good idea. But it's not because they got mad and killed... more>> innocents. And this didn't happened just once. By the way he is still a 10 years old little sh*t when he first does it. Also cultivation in this novel is really slow. Until this chapter MC is constantly behind his enemies in cultivation and everyone underestimates him because of it. Just reading it again and again makes you feel bored. Whenever I start to think this novel can still be good he does something so s*upid that I start to question myself why am I even still reading this. The only things I like in this novel are:

1- Girls doesn't fall for MC out of nowhere. First affection builds then love sprouts and so on... (By the way MC is dense as sh*t and he doesn't notice harem members' affection towards him

so read it at your own risk.)

2- Translator does a really good job. Translation is perfect and on top of it he shares with you legends/fun facts/ myths/history of Ancient China/Modern China in nearly every chapter. It's just unfortunate that he chose this novel for translation. So I am gonna drop this novel but I hope see this translator (Beerblade) in other works.

English isn't my native language so there can be some mistakes but I think you got what I mean. <<less
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July 20, 2018
Status: --
The title should be changed to Lord of All Plague because that's what the MC is, everywhere he goes he power up at the expense of other lives who have nothing to do with him.

... more>>

first he draw the power from the mountain which btw is the lifeblood of his clan and has numerous workers inside until it's empty and cause a large cave in that killed innocent people and later on he saved some bit*h that schemed to uncover his secret while running from a dangerous situation alongside his sect peoples and guess what, they got the attention of the enemies and the elders have to stay behind to protect only for the bit*h to later extort him and the group to get on the escape bird (what a b*tch). Later in the trial with other worlds, his sect elder sacrificed himself to stop a powerful dude to kill him and what he's doing while this is happening, HE'S POWERING UP without a care in the world. So despite the great premise and personality of the characters I hate this novel, the MC is a f*cking plague to others, all he do is making innocent people dead and making s*upid decisions.

So yeah, read this LORD OF ALL PLAGUE if you likes accidental manslaughter.

edit1: so I read up to latest chapter and realized that the author is a fcking idiot with sh*t for a brain, this is even worse than your standrad xianxia, at least those have MC that get the job done and have badass moment against their enemies, Our MC here is a fcking saint who forgives his enemies and worse yet strengthen them. The author thinks it's so smart to make the MC deals with antagonist 4 TIMES his level but failed to realize just how this setting makes the MC becoming sidelined when all the fight that matters get resolved by his super op uncle or helpers. It's just dumb how his enemies keep getting killed by some random op helper he got and he himself is just there to be a medic to his allies. The MC feels to never do anything great and more like an eternal junior whose problem keep getting solved by his seniors.

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MiaoMiao rated it
February 11, 2018
Status: c302
I absolutely love this story... imo as good a read as AWE/Renegade Immortal/ISSTH/Coiling Dragon yet with a fresh flavor. Having read a lot of the reviews I noticed some bad comments which are not based on facts. I recommend all to try it. It's nice not having the harem thing going which is a big plus lol... the spiritual techniques are more original than most. Beerblade is a great translator also!!! Not to be snide but those that take to heart a negative opinion must be surrounded by negativity... just... more>> read it and make your own decision! I'm just updating this because I really want the prize of the "seal"... apologies I'm just being honest lol. <<less
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July 23, 2017
Status: --
This is one of my favorite novels. I read it when Xianxiaworld was translating it. I didn't realize that the new novel wuxiaworld picked up was actually the same one since I hadn't gotten around to reading it yet. But one of the reviews that talked about how annoying it was that the MC's thing didn't seem that special made me realize this had to be the same one. This is an extremely good novel. Mysteries are abound and the side characters get so much love and character development. It's... more>> actually extremely interesting. As opposed to Great Demon King and Spirit Realm, I like this novel a lot more since it's written with the same depth and care as those two novels, except this time around the MC is a team player and doesn't necessarily feel the need to never forgive past grudges or slights. He actually has some emotional control and cares about the other people around him.

This is a fun story to read, and it's also quite interesting and well-written. I heard Xianxiaworld translated it poorly. But even then, it was really fun to read. I can't wait to see WW's better quality translation. 5/5 Top recommendation. I remember liking this as much as or more than ISSTH back in the day. It was about as good as AWE was when Xianxiaworld was translating it (that is to say extremely good). <<less
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ANovelAdmirer rated it
September 18, 2016
Status: c50
Pretty good and unique story and the author already wrote a popular novel so expecting it to be a good novel.

As far as the story goes, it doesn't focus on the MC as of yet, but I love it like this. It slowly builds up some surrounding characters and the story. I realize that the majority of people reading these online novels are young, impatient and want instant gratification hence the bad reviews, but if you enjoy character building, you will like this. It slowly builds up.
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omgitsaray rated it
May 24, 2019
Status: c878
MC with an unknown bloodline and eventually gains an inheritance that's possibly due to his bloodline. Said inheritance puts awe in some, fear in some, and killing intent in some.

Translation is great and you rarely get some spelling mistakes that spell check missed. The story is quite entertaining at times but some arcs are rather "meh." I took away 1 star rating because where I'm at, it's basically turned into Indiana Jones where MC just keeps exploring new realms one after another after another. Throw in a different dimension name... more>> with different support casts and you've got the new arc. Instead of wondering what would happen next, I find myself wondering when this cycle will end. <<less
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Andeetected rated it
March 6, 2018
Status: c263
The women in this novel are annoying, spoiled and overwhelmingly arrogant. It's simply unreal.

90% of the women so far are apparently beautiful than the next woman the MC meets. Each one more arrogant than the next.

The MC is so biased towards these women to the point where he becomes a wimp. He doesn't fight their insults and he doesn't reason with them either. He just simply let them degrade him. Maybe because he's attracted to them, but he doesn't make a move of course. Because hey, what's the point of... more>> all the 500 beautiful adjectives the author used to describe these women? Nothing.

The MC would even let go a beautiful woman who killed a lot of his comrades and even consented on torture and r*pe.

Yes. This is easily my top 5 worst novel. Avoid. <<less
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makenai89 rated it
September 23, 2016
Status: c61
Reviewed at c61, rated 4.

At first, I was a bit wary to take up this novel, because among other works by the same author, I liked one (Great Demon King) and hated one (God of Slaughter). It seemed like he doesn't follow one tried-and-true formula for his plots, and instead always finding new twists and turns and spices for his stories.

In the case of King of Myriad Domain, the twists and turns and spices up to c61 are very good. The MC has quite cool head despite his lack of... more>> knowledge, plus the people around him are more slick than annoying. The mystery behind his strength gain is even more intriguing. Therefore, now I'm keeping quite high expectation for it. I'll recommend this one if you are a fan of xianxia/xuanhuan or true weak-to-strong stories and won't be discouraged by MC "fortuitous encounters".

Though, considering the unpleasant twist on God of Slaughter, I don't discount the possibility that there'll probably be controversial development later on. <<less
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novelbrah rated it
September 10, 2016
Status: c113
The biggest problem with this novel is that the author repeats stuff so much. We know that authors get paid more the lengthier their chapters are, so this diminishes the quality. I have to skip a lot of regurgitated sentences. It's really such a shame because underneath the typical bloated Chinese novel, there's a really good story with decent characters and an interesting MC.
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Alucard885389 rated it
February 19, 2021
Status: Completed
Description is wrong, there is no traveling back in time.

The title should be "ret*rded lord of luck"

Most typical novels have overpowering MC or intellectual MC or strong willed MC... that keeps readers interesting. In this story MC is ret*rded with pure luck. MC survive purely because luck or other people save him. Nothing interesting about him or any interesting twist in the story. Most of the story will have others easily plotting against him and MC always escapes with luck. At final 20% of the story Author also becomes dull... more>> minded and ends story in a dull manner.

Give it a shot if have read all top novels, but don't expect much <<less
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Z_A rated it
October 19, 2019
Status: c531
This novel has one of THE worst MC's I've ever read about. A female plots against him and puts him in life threatening situations "it's okay, I forgive you" a male gives him a dirty look "I'll rip your heart out and eat it in front of your family". Such a boring repetitive plot loop. Forced my way through 500 chapters to give it a chance, but it's so vexing and cringey that I had no choice but to drop it.
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Random Leaf
Random Leaf rated it
June 6, 2019
Status: c903
Recommended because:

  • An enjoyable novel that keeps me coming back.
  • There are ups and downs, lore (world building) that actually makes sense.
  • This novels is for those that like mystery, straightforward progression and interesting concepts.
Not recommended to people who:

  • Don't like the 'general' xianxia novel progression as this novel has basically followed it with not many deviations (just a slightly more agreeable mc).
  • Don't like harems (still little sign of it even existing)
  • Have an aversion/possibly allergic reaction to reading
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Ziolux rated it
March 25, 2019
Status: c808
Lord of all realms.
Sticking true to its name, it is a novel of conquering, of reigning of exploration and of venturing into the unknown. Another aspect of it is vastly about growth, not even regarding the main character. Real time and simultaneous growth of a myriad of characters, groups, sects even entire realms, dimensions and domains. A very interesting and unique aspect that should be regarded, the universe really takes in the law of the butterfly effect and how the main character creates a ripple to create a continuing chain of changes to these realms that he comes in contact with.

But before all that comes our main character. A huge disclaimer, one should know, that many complain about this main character and this is because he has a ton load of flaws and tends to make numerous never-ending mistakes. But that is also the core focus of this story. He starts out as your average Joe, a normal guy---yet not so normal, since he is someone everyone looks down upon. Humiliated by his peers due to his lack of talent, he remains firm and steels himself to continue to be jolly, hardworking, and battle-loving. The last point (of his ardent love for battle) is due to the fact that even though he is slow and utterly weak in terms of cultivation, he has an extremely strong body since childhood, from when he was a toddler even. He seems to possess formidable flesh power, with strong bones, ligaments, tendons and muscles. So even though he is weak in cultivation, he still is a winner in all of his battles against his peers. Thus his love. It is the only way he can shine. Problem is, the further everyone cultivates, the greater gap between him and them, and he would thus not be able to keep up his streak. Therefore he later does indeed continue on his journey to cultivation. The story moves on, and this ordinary Joe, a child with the most simplest of minds, is burdened, with shocking experiences, events, and further on, even faced with grim reality. This average Joe, has to cope with all of that, learn about his origins, about his past (dead mother, and missing father) as well as live on the battlefield, face forces which threaten his homeland and those around him. Having to overcome them all, but also is altered by these dark realities. I repeat, he is just your ordinary country bumpkin, then suddenly a whole lot of expectations and responsibilities are thrown onto his shoulders (even experiences the darkness and cruelty of human nature, really does take a toll on him) ---thus he makes a lot of mistakes in all these things that he has no experience in. And that is what pushes him further into the plot. It is also a theme of the story, he is dumb, but he learns, adapts, and every fifty chapters or so, you really notice it when he makes wise choices or adopts a different behavior. Like it really hits you and makes you proud. It is quite a remarkable sight to see him grow into a fine and strong leader, one that slowly gains wisdom in time. This story in truth, is about growth, and mistakes and flaws of the main character will follow you through the entire time, one flaw or the either, but what else can you expect from an ordinary country bumpkin? It only makes his growth even more notable and noteworthy.

Another disclaimer would be that, in terms of romance, love and women. The main character seems to always meet them as enemies, face their overwhelming strength and forces, tease them, overcome it all then turn these baddie, gangster-like girls into lovely angels (exaggeration) who slowly develop feelings for him. Overtime. He somehow always unintentionally goes for these type of women (no in fact, he never plans to, he's not the love-chasing guy or see love at first sight type of guy, he first encounters them a hundred times and encounters a number of bizarre situations together for him to develop a bond with them and from thereon slowly realize his feelings of closeness to a certain someone and start developing thoughts that lead in that direction), thus causing this chain of events leading to this conversion of them becoming better girls. Quite interesting and unique, but you still see many of the selfish or annoying traits of the girls, something one might have to get used to. But makes sense, a person cannot just do a 180 turn and change who they initially were. Some of them indeed can be annoying in those situations, but again it only makes sense. (For example in scenarios, where benefits are mentioned, the girl will cozy up to the MC and try to ask him for some share for her clan [which is done out of sincerity since she puts her clan first always. Not wrong, but might feel annoying to many readers.]

A good thing about the girls (especially his first and main one) is that they are extremely smart, so they really do help him a lot in the situations where he does not have much experience or would not be able to come up with a good plan. You really do see a lot of good cases of the girl's schemes coming in handy.

Continuing on, one must know that the main character's cultivation is very slow, only because he has no element specialization like most genius talents, but also because, he is a one of a kind cultivator, no one like him in the entire universe (so far). So he has to put a hundred times the effort, funnily he still surpasses all of his peers and grows fast. (That is in the beginning, later on, many of them keep pace with him as like I said before, a lot of growth development from all sides, even entire realms and domains.) Despite all that, it may seem slow paced. Remember the title of the novel, its a story of his journey to being a leader, and growth of who he is as a person and his identity is really the greatest growth you will see. Cultivation follows along with it. Not to say his cultivation is not interesting, along with having one of the best masters, he really learns a lot and the details of his cultivation are indeed far from ordinary, one of a kind and befitting a main character, more special than anyone else.

Finally, as a leader, and as a being who would reach the top of the universe. He has to face situations where his slow-pace cultivation will not allow him to crush his enemies unopposed, so the readers would have to be prepared for an MC which does not just rely on his cultivation to beat enemies, as they are whole realms above him. He constantly gather trump cards, which help him fight back. (Still his cultivation progressions do allow him access to higher trump cards, so cultivation no matter what, is significant) One will realize that he has a lot more responsibility then one initially thinks, in fact, you could say he is in a race against time (will be further clarified during the story). So he has to build his forces as fast as possible in this race, and get ahold of as many trump cards as possible. In short, he has to amass a fighting force, far beyond an army, entire galaxies of forces. So it is not unusual for him to fight those above his realm through trump cards or teammates/comrades/subordinates who vastly outstrip him but vow loyalty to him. So be prepared for realm skipping in fights, He will take on those way stronger than him, in one way or another. You could say his cultivation is just a base for him to use those trump cards. Unless you see him fight his peers, or if his trump cards are down, etc. He'll challenge the heavens if he has to, foolish but the reality. I say this because some would not appreciate this and would rather wish he would work on his own cultivation and fight those near his realm.

Honestly, if one keeps these points in mind, it is an amazing novel. Takes patience though, as I said, he makes alot of mistakes, for long term avid reader, who are patient and can stick through a story, this would be a gem, and quite worthwhile. I definitely enjoy it, it gives me a feeling unlike any other, despite the seemingly-outward flaws. It is a superb novel, though perhaps only for a certain audience who can enjoy this gem despite having complaints that may arise (to have complaints is normal, nothing is perfect, but some would enjoy it more than others), but nonetheless amazing. Give it a try, see if it suits your taste, if you can hang in there and observe the myriad changes. Who knows, you may really enjoy it? ^^
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October 16, 2018
Status: c610
Story telling

  • Standard third person perspective
  • Somehow, I don't really see any emotion from the character even if it has been narrated whether he/she is mad or smiling. Just imagined it like a person's voice in radio (no face or expression) who tell a story with Siri or Google Voice
  • Similar to above, Lack of nuance, or ambiance although the story involves many realms. Every character seems to be able to adapt in every realm.
  • The story telling also reminds me of RMJI

A protagonist whose background still uncovered, attract girls but without deeper... more>> relationships (protagonist narrated to have reactions to woman body, but still feel that it has no impact to the protagonist after another scene or later story~this is one of my reason to the lack of emotion mentioned above). Protagonist also always have best judgement in character or in every problems he encountered so far. <<less
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GenericWhiteGuy rated it
August 14, 2018
Status: c124
The translation of this novel is fine. However there are a few aspects just so unbearable that I had to drop

... more>>

For example one of the first main enemies that appear in the story is a young girl whos goal is to kill all over the main character allies. After killing two characters that were once his allie because they wanted to kill him he gets attacked by the main enemy defeats her instantly and then spares her life because she got tits. In which causes her to be enraged and leads to the death of some of his friends. Which he doesnt give a sh*t about. I bet in 50 or so chapter a she becomes a harem member. Oh and he ruins the lives of thousands of allies just to power up and has no regret or remorse and up to this point has faced no consequences. The plot holes are real.

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