Long Live Summons!


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The Soaring Dragon Continent is a world of summons, you can only become strong if you become a summoner! Yue Yang, an average high school boy, was suddenly kicked into this world. When he woke up, he was greeted with a lot of worried faces and found out that he had assumed another person’s identity. Turns out he’s the good-for-nothing third son of the Yue Family, who had just recently drowned himself because of a failed engagement. Unlike the third son of the Yue Family who was useless in summoning, Yue Yang succeeded in making a contract with a summoning grimoire on his first try, even when the other guy failed for the past fifteen years. Others would have a headache making contracts with beasts afterwards, but countless beasts tried to gain favour with Yue Yang instead, acting like a good kid before him.

Yue Yang the brat, however, didn’t feel grateful at all: “Scram, Mythical Beasts! Do you think you are cool like that? Go away from me now, I only like beautiful summons!”

Even when royal families approached him for his talents, the shameless brat replied, “I’m not interested in government stuff, I’m only interested in beauties!”

Associated Names
One entry per line
Triệu Hoán Vạn Tuế
Zhaohuan Wansui
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Novels I have read
  2. what webnovels have to offer, my favorites
  3. CN Harem
  4. A List of Decent Novels to Try
  5. Things I've Read pt 2

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156 Reviews sorted by

Termina rated it
September 1, 2019
Status: c186
It starts out all right, but then the power creep issue hits around ch100 and the story starts getting tired.

The biggest problem is at a certain point it's nothing but fights and we're not given any time to take in the world or relationships between characters. The fights get less and less interesting as time goes on, especially when he stops using his summons and it's just him beating up people.

Not quite sure if I'm going to drop this quite yet, given the crazy number of chapters here maybe this... more>> is just a slump and it gets better... <<less
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Zirrboy rated it
August 9, 2019
Status: c635
This is a regular cultivation novel. It's not a bad cultivation novel but it's not unique either. The premise of the path of both summons and martial arts tilts quickly in favor of the latter. If you like cultivation novels, this is an at least above average work but if you find the summoning aspect more interesting, then this story is going to go downhill for you as soon as he leaves the Tong Tian tower. The time spent in the development of the strength ranking of just about everything... more>> is wasted as it is not only ignored in desperate underdog fights but even allows the MC to ignore technically stronger opponents and leave them to his companions because they are too weak. And as soon as the more powerful characters for the heaven realm arc are introduced it does a complete 180 turn to a "lower level=stronger" mentality.

While both the protagonists and his enemies summons get quite a lot of attention in terms of their abilities, they account to next to nothing in fights and hold a similar role to his companions, especially after they gain sentience. There is no plotline that goes through the entire story, instead there are millions of separate mini arcs and story lines, which are created, buried and dug up in a fashion that makes me wonder how the author was able to keep tabs on almost everything they started. It does however happen that the author seems to write themselves into a dead end where quite obvious plot armor comes into play or that the power scaling (the thing like in videogames where the MC starts with beating up local goons and then progresses into areas where new and more powerful enemies and allies are introduced) happens too fast in an attempt to create an underdog atmosphere, resulting in storylines with extensive buildup being ended in a somewhat anticlimactic fashion.

The Black King of Hell is a long term enemy whos underlings and puppets are fighting material and he himself acts as a goal of growth for upward of 70 chapters, but after the introduction of a new enemy faction he is out of view and gets finally killed by side characters

Similar to that is my impression of the side character / companion cast. Characters are somewhat abruptly introduced only to be put on hold and reintroduced at a later point in the story with an entirely different Funktion and or personality as before. The heroines have a certain degree of individuality and varying types of relations with the protagonist, but all that quickly fades after they get closer, in some cases their relationship development is even entirely skipped, until you have 6 characters with a personality that can be shortened to:

    • loves him
    • supports him and wants go get stronger for his sake
    • but is actually irrelevant in the protagonists development
The handling of other female characters takes a similar turn for the worse. The author gives a in my opinion very logical reason for the lack of female cultivators in terms of numbers (women join their husbands family, thus investments in terms of cultivation are wasted) in the beginning but later on the statement "glad that she isn't a man" for strong female characters is used more and more often. While this story contains depictions of s*xual acts, their execution vastly differs. The first interc**rse with a character is written in an extremely flowery way while any actions following after that are short annotations with the focus lying on s*xual attractivity.

The protagonist himself is probably the only unchanging point in the story. He is some kind of jack of all traits genius, with the exception that while he may not always be the best in all categories, he is nonetheless depicted as extremely outstanding. He doesnt work hard for that but gets knowledge and enlightenments shoved up his *** every other corner, with his main flaw being his haughty attitude and arrogance. But even he is vastly different from the premise in the Description. While he stays true to the genre in terms of being overpowered in comparison to his peers at a given point in time, he is rarely to never approached for his power, nor does he effectively reject the only non humanoid female summon that approaches him in the beginning of the story despite it being extremely weak at that point (it essentially holds second place in terms of battle appearance trough out the story).

Not necessarily a bad read but definitely not the one advertised. <<less
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ipapotihus rated it
June 8, 2019
Status: c716
Not English. Still, awesome read. I came for the MC and the jokes, I stayed for the plots, which it's mostly fine and I enjoy the harem and their relationship.

Unlike most harem novel, this one scores. It take some times, but I would like to lives it's life.

The harem his big and it's true that when they are together they can blend together. Néanmoins, an arc is normally, the hero, one girl and one task. Often their is more than one girl, but most of the time it focus on... more>> one.

They move has his harem from time to time and when it happens, the girls will fight as one group.

If you stay long enough, you will find the s*x scene and once it's start, it's stay. Don't want to spoil so I won't say more I will the s*x scene.

Been reading it for years and now that someone else as pick it up, Im restarting my read. <<less
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Xadro rated it
March 23, 2019
Status: c253
The things that happen in the story are fun to read but it completely lacks world building and even character building, we basically know nothing about the MC's girls background or even why half of them like him.

It's also really eye-rolling that the MC sometimes pulls treasures out of his ass that were somehow obtained in background or just never mentioned.
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M0ox_ rated it
January 12, 2019
Status: c716
Where to start... Well, the story starts very good and fun, always with some annoying parts, but the good mood makes you want to continue.

Now the review: My note up to the first 150 chapters would be 3/5. After that the work becomes more interesting until the 500 chapters, when it stays 5/5 and sometimes 4/5.

But now it starts to get boring, the quality seems to fall, all her "pets" become women who will automatically compose her great walking harem.

Another point is precisely what should be the focus of this... more>> work: The creatures and the book.... this is so f*cking confusing!

One thing I must emphasize in this story is the constant presence of the women present in their harem, in many novels they are usually forgotten, but here they have a good importance in history.

> From here down will have a small spoiler, but nothing relevant:

-After going to the kingdom of heaven, the story seems to turn into a lot of annoying little adventures that do not make the storyline evolve, becoming masssier, and consequently worsening the story.

In short, my note as far as I stopped because the translation pause, is 3/5.

english is not my principal language xD <<less
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Drake888 rated it
September 5, 2018
Status: c556
This novel has too many flaws for me to even list. I still enjoy and recommend it though. The main draw here is the character interactions and the battles, so this novel is full of great moments and exciting chapters. Honestly, I still go back and re-read some of the older chapters to enjoy the MC's best show-off moments.

The MC is an amusing scoundrel and the battles are usually funny or exciting. There are plenty of plot holes and dropped story lines (I still sometimes wonder who pushed him in... more>> the river) but the story structure doesn't ever suffer. Even when a chapter skips over an event weirdly or some important detail changes wildly, things quickly get back on track thanks to the author's world-building and story structure. Fortunately, such incidents are only noticeable on rare occasions. I'm sure I could find several minor details that have been changed mid-story if I went over everything with a fine-toothed comb, but I only actually had 'wtf?' moments about 4 times over the course of 500 chapters. The early chapters are exactly what I'm looking for in a 'character hides his strength' story: lots of secrecy followed by a big face-slapping reveal. If any of that sounds like it is your cup of tea, give this story a shot.

I think the prologue captures the author's flaws pretty perfectly. He needed something to explain part of his story but didn't have any good ideas, so he wrote a weird chapter that sets things up but leaves unanswered questions and quickly rushed on to the interesting part of the story. The other weird chapters are way less impactful though and I've honestly forgotten all about them. I only recall reading a chapter that made me feel like the author was struggling to write something and ran out of time. <<less
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June 24, 2018
Status: --
Trust me this novel is so good. One of the best novel i've ever read. I already read maybe thousand of novels and this one is good as novel like coiling dragon, isst, btth, I'm superstar, desolate era, reincarnation, slime, the new gate, tang san I cant remember the title and many more. Better reqd first than rely on this shitty comments. Sometimes I also neglect come good novels because I read first the comments thats the reason I hate reading comments in novelupdates. It is better to read the... more>> comments in other sites. <<less
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June 12, 2018
Status: --
It's almost like the author would implode and evaporate into nothingness if he doesn't remind you that the body the MC reincarnated into is garbage. It's like we got it the first 15 times you said the shit. Literally every other line is talking about how cringey the real body is, it's annoying asf.
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infamouszombie rated it
February 25, 2018
Status: c606
If I could give a partial score, I'd probably drop this down a tenth or two. As of the time of this review, the rating of the novel (3.9) is pretty much accurate. The cultivation, dialogue, fight scenes and side characters can be confusing and convoluted as often as it is clear and orderly. The translators do a good job for the most part, with one or two chapters here and there being a total mess, but otherwise they stay consistent through and through. The best part of the novel,... more>> and really the biggest reason why you should read it, is the humor. LLS rarely takes itself seriously, and the antics of Yue Yang, Hui Tai Lang and company will leave you in stitches. The characterization is pretty shallow, but humor doesn't demand depth and development. While some jokes go down like a lead balloon, others will have you laughing out loud at 3am during your binge reads. The chapters are long, the updates are regular, and thus LLS is a good change of pace from more serious fare, such as MW, KoG, WifeIsBeautifulCEO, WDQK, etc. <<less
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freedom1x rated it
February 16, 2018
Status: c562
Harem is harem. Although I do not like it. Fun to watch MC grow.

Not much to it, OP MC, Chick magnet. Sexy time included.

Funny unexpected plots and most of the time not serious at all.
Very refreshing and kind of heart warming with how MC values relationship.
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NoviceReader rated it
February 3, 2018
Status: v4c260
The novel overall is ok. I like the OP main character and the harem. The story is good and sometimes thrilling. The summons is cool overal and the battle process is detailed. I give it 4 stars because after ch260 the translation is worst. I hope the translation could have been better in the future so I can continue to read this novel. One of my favorite novel. Btw can anyone recommend a site which translate this series from c620 above ? A good one please, and thank you.
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Dummy00001 rated it
January 23, 2018
Status: c619
The novel is great. Great development, beautiful harem and super-OP MC. All that laced with surprises, humor, and occasional romance.

I give the novel 4/5 solely because of the poor translation, which at times completely ruins the fun. Spelling errors, cut sentences, missing sentences, obviously wrong words/terms/names - all are very common events. Some of the more figurative or symbolic moments are simply too demanding of the amateur translators, with the end result being a barely coherent nonsense. The inconsistent terms and names cause even the most astute reader to lose... more>> the thread of the story quite often. Some readers try to help with the errors in the comments, but that is generally ignored by the TLs and editors, as editing of the already published chapters is an exceptionally rare event. Most bad LLS reviews here are mostly about the bad translation, not the novel itself. In the end, spelling could be ignored - but not the blatantly wrong/missing words/names/sentences.

Saddest part of it all, is that no other translation group would touch the novel or the existing translation. Thus, guaranteeing that there would never ever be a readable and enjoyable LLS translation to English. <<less
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AutumnSnowz rated it
January 6, 2018
Status: c400
It started out really good but started going down hill the more you real. MC seem to get hornier by the chapter and it's sometime disturbing to read. Being pe*verted is one thing but this MC is a rapist and would r*pe if he had any chance to. Only reason it doesn't happen is because there always something unexpected that happen to stop him. The novel itself is okay to read like any other Chinese novel with op MC. Nothing special here beside the MC always coming close to being... more>> a rapist constantly. <<less
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January 2, 2018
Status: c607
At this point, I want to say that this is a great novel. I want to give my best appreciation to the translator team. But first, let me talk about the setback of this novel. (Sorry for a bit spoiler).

At the begining, well I would say that it is not well-writen. Plot holes are like mushrooms. The author said that martial teachniques is not important with some shity reasons, not many people learn them, yet I can say that martial artists were everywhere in later part of the novel (and... more>> they are very strong). Some characters of MC is not likeable. Sometime he is too arrogant, sometime ignorant, sometime lack of seriousness. Even in most serious situation he still flirted with his girls, which doesn't make him a badass but an a**hole. He can't get over the fact that he is a person coming from other world. He worried that his family and lovers know this. But I don't think this is the problem at all, cos they love him after he became new. He didn't get over his demon heart at all, but still passed the Zodiac test which demanded him to get rid of his demon heart. The romance in this novel is a bit forced. I can't understand why Xue Wuxia loved him. She was just engaged with him and hadn't meet him before but boom loved him enough to fight to death with him and become his best wife (She didn't even care he wasn't that world person, so she must have loved him after he was tranmigant to that world, but there wasn't any interaction between them before they fight the marquiss) . Even the sickly beauty Wu Hen too. I can't understand why she hadn't met him before the tournament but boom have s*x and love each other like husband and wife. The author wrote that MC harem had connection with each other but I don't think they just chat about him in secret and just love him like that. And Sea Empress too, she hated him cos he killed her father. Ok he co-operated with her to make her ascend the throne but hate was still hate, but boom again as she care about him so much, even have s*x with him on the throne... I don't like how fourth mother trying to keep secret from him too

Well those are setback of the story. I fell glad that I am patient enough to read pass 100 chapters of this novel. The later part is good. First is good world building. and the cultivation system is quiet creative and detailed. The battle system is good too, combined by beast battle and martial art (and magic?) battle. They developed parallel with the story, or I may say the author is fixing the mistakes from the past. Second, the MC is quiet good. He is ruthness enough. He is arrogant, but still calm and rational, prepare first before rush into danger, use both his mind and battle power to fight because he is not too OP. I like his shamelessness and smooth flirt too. Second is the harem. I admit that the number of the MC harem is too much, but after a certain number you will become numb with it. The harem is obeideint and rely on the MC, but they are not useless pushover and they know how to help him and know how to retreat to avoid becoming his burden. They are not blatantly approve outsiders in the harem and there are some small conflicts between them, which is good and make it different from other harem novels. Third is the plots and mysteries are well developed (a litle too much developed). And last and the most important in my opinion is there are breather chapters after scheming and battle chapters, and this is the reason why I read 607 chapter of this novel up till now. The s*x scenes are quiet well described, I don't know if it is because the author is female, not like other novel " kiss and they have s*x. Fin". The battle is well writen and not become stretching too much, about 2 - 3 chapters, not like typical wuxia.

And now, about the plot amour. Plot amours is a must, it make the story more special. Too much is not good, but in this novel this is not the case (at least in good part of the novel). I would not recomend this novel to new readers or impateint readers. After all, this is one of the best but underated novel in my opionion. It is worth reading. <<less
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EvilGenesis666 rated it
October 18, 2017
Status: Completed
The easiest way for me to describe this novel would be to call it an extreme pokemon world - the premise is similar, you catch monsters into your monster space (grimoire) but the difference is, you can also level yourself and your monster space beside the monsters you catch. Now why I say its an extreme pokemon world - because its waaay more le*d and brutal (there are descriptive s*x scenes, torturing and mu*ders).

Main reason I rated it 2/5 is because the game elements (the thing that hooked me... more>> up to the novel in the first place) gets almost completely forgotten and it transforms into generic xianxia in the second half of the novel. Story also becomes more boring (in my opinion) later on, tons of stuff are forgotten till the end and the comedic aspect of the novel is almost non existent.

Ending was relatively rushed -

almost nothing was explained about the upper heaven (the second highest realm introduced in the story) , only 2-3 major clans and their leaders which participated in the final war, the final villain was somewhat easily crushed and bunch of other stuff


MC also has intense plot armor and is OP in every situation without any labor or having to do anything - his lineage and special skills that were bestowed upon him when he was reborn do basically everything for him. <<less
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Itz_Minh rated it
August 27, 2017
Status: c540
So after reading up to the last chapter my opinions of this book have changed pretty well. The MC becomes more of a likable character due to all of his tribulations which goes to his character development. he more serious and the jokes get better in my opinion and the romance is pretty good but could be a little better and be more descriptive...

The female characters are all pretty unique but not as much compared books such a HJC. The female are still likable though.
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devilsvila rated it
May 27, 2017
Status: --
One of the best stories out their with lets says unique MC, female character's are well developed has its own funny moments. It a type of story I can't read it all in one go because of some chapter's with long description's and fights. Enjoyed reading it some chapters at a time.
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Kiarthros Toveke
Kiarthros Toveke rated it
May 1, 2017
Status: c466
Not the traditional MC by far, his lack of common sense in the ways of the world he is in are a blessing that make him powerful. Unlike many fantasy novels where the plots of others are easy to see through, despite his powers, it is often his intuition that proves his greatest asset. Whether or not planned from the beginning, the author covers many points that early on seem to be plot holes. Additionally, the main character while powerful, is far from always winning. He suffers losses at times,... more>> and other times prepares for a difficult fight that turns out to be the simplest of fights. I enjoy the variance that the novel has compared to most stories, and how the author occasionally omits details to let you share in the surprise of the other characters.

The early development of the harem is mediocre, but after he begins training with them, many personalities develop more. Especially in the case of those the story has developing personalities.

The story also focuses a lot on acupuncture points and enlightenment as it goes on. Not familiar enough with Daoism to be sure, but it takes some ideas from our world that are meant figuratively to a literal level. <<less
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UnknownSaint171 rated it
March 9, 2017
Status: c436
It's not bad, I love the MC shamelessness. Read this for the Comedy. But you can easily tell the writing is very mediocre. The Author always writes how MC wants to push them down and have s*x with each girl in long paragraphs. And I'm like "Dude we get it already.." before I knew it I started to skim and skip through chapters.

Romance: I liked it at first. It was like Misaka Mikoto where Heroine pops and goes and started to develop feelings.. but then the Author started to... more>> add more girls driving the attention away from Nan Yi.... thus making this into a Harem. Every girl is a god dam clone!! No lie. So the Romance is just plain s*upid now since they fall for MC for no reason. Might as well make the Non-Blood related sister as your wife now since you like monster girls as well... only then I would feel content. (Sounds like a good ending)

MC already has a loose screw somewhere since he sees people as NPCs and its literally a child with a gun.

The writing is even worst then 'I Eat Tomstoes. The MC pretty much trains and sleep after an OP battle then when he comes out and sees his friends dying then goes Berserk and blames the thugs... Well you shouldn't had been lazing around despite knowing the environment! He called his 'sister' smart then the next page she does the s*upidest thing and sends her shield to look for MC despite dying.. Didn't the Author just say she trusts him he'd be safe?
As for the Romance. Why add suddenly a OP thief girl when we already had the Main Heroine? Its obvious the Author screwed up on writing something for the Main Heroine so he just made another dam Clone!


Ill have to agree with the reviews. The power abilities make no sense and I would be lost if it weren't for the TNs. Only few chapters then MC leveled up by leaps and bounds. But 100 pages later suddenly he's the weakest and there's a new ranking system? <<less
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Katra1212 rated it
October 23, 2016
Status: c333
Ladies? I got lots of em. With my techniques *you know it look* is there any question of my awesomeness? Learn from this young master pick up techniques and watch out for his dream of a harem of one-sans come true.

Fourth Young Master Yue Yang won't disappoint you at all. With this abnormal person at your side, do you even have to fear anything? Crazies got nothing on him. Very shameless, know no bounds MC. It has one of my most favorite fantasy system: summoning! The grimoire book is one... more>> of the most unique I've ever encountered. With all those hidden plots and interesting machinations at play. It will set your anticipation thrumming. <<less
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