Leveling with the Gods


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He became stronger, faster than anyone else… but he lost. In the end, there was only despair for Kim YuWon.

In his last moments, he was given another chance… Through the sacrifice of his comrade, his fate had not been sealed yet.

Returning back to the past, he attempts to climb the Tower again with his unmatched talent.

To fight the ancient evils that threatens to destroy the Tower.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Leveling Up With the Gods
Level Up With the Gods
신과 함께 레벨업
Related Series
Reincarnator (5)
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint (5)
Second Life Ranker (3)
Swordmaster’s Youngest Son (2)
Boundless Necromancer (2)
Return of the Frozen Player (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (KR On-Going)
  2. thesauce
  3. KR Male Protagonist No Harem
  4. Um Actually, I Read the Manhwa
  5. Damn good novels

Latest Release

Date Group Release
05/20/23 Levelingods c194
05/19/23 Levelingods c193
05/17/23 Levelingods c192
05/15/23 Levelingods c191
05/13/23 Levelingods c190
05/12/23 Levelingods c189
05/10/23 Levelingods c188
05/08/23 Levelingods c187
05/05/23 Levelingods c186
05/03/23 Levelingods c185
05/01/23 Levelingods c184
04/28/23 Levelingods c183
04/26/23 Levelingods c182
04/24/23 Levelingods c181
04/21/23 Levelingods c180
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33 Reviews sorted by

ivanlyw7 rated it
September 9, 2021
Status: Completed
The story was somewhat interesting until near the end where the author obviously got burnt out from writing and sort of half assed much of the remaining plot.

Otherwise, this is an interesting read with a calcuating MC who is able to improvise with the situation, with intereeting supporting character development. Romance is very little as it should be (esp since MC is rushing to save the world) (even though MC 's relation to female love interest is very sudden and abrupt with no substance)

Why its obvious the author... more>> gave up near the end:-


Managers and helpers dont do jack sh*t when there are invaders even though they are stronger than normal players

The tower's existence is never explained

His surbordinate summons stop being mentioned at all near the end

Tartarus is never fully exploited as one of his powers (you'd think as king of the dead you would be able to do more with literal hell like summoning an army)

Hades pretty much is non-existent near the end

The way MC dies suddenly is utter BS. Same with the outers and resolving of the world situation.

The link with our world and novel's world never explained. It just suddenly became a short plot point.

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Harry1610 rated it
September 2, 2021
Status: --
First of all this here is a cheap and mostly copied version of Second Life Ranker and a little bit of mix of Reincarnator. Those who have read SLR would agree with me. Everything is copied just the author has changed the names. I thought I would give it a try as SLR is one of my favs that I am currently reading but oh boy I was so disappointed and enraged. Let me list the commonalities and you can just check out by yourself.

1. Power System is same. (Well many of you will say this can be ignored but I had to mention this.
2. Tower System with Outergods.
3. Has Future knowledge and smashes through Tutorial just like SLR MC.
4. Has same types of main powers i.e Fire and Darkness (Make a liitle effort to atleast change the attributes.)
5. Both start off with Olympus Society and both meet blacksmith early which is hiding his identity from others.
6. Gets an egg just like SLR MC albeit a little early. (This was the point by which I stopped reading).

I have written what I could remember and I honestly thing SLR is far better than this degraded and copied version.
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crisnirvana rated it
November 17, 2023
Status: c287
This a story about action, action & action. The detail does not matter as long the fight & war with gods & heros of the past. Its fun, but got super messy in the middle & ending because the story dont make sense anymore.

The MC become s*upid again on how to become strong when he got back to the past even tho he already at the very top before.

There a GOD that oversee all matter in the tower to make everything balance & stronger than any player but when the... more>> tower got destroy it up to the player to stop it. WTF. So many useless character that dont fit in the story.

Man, I like the story so much but to focus on the fighting & war so much the plot got super mess up.

Hope you guys enjoy it... <<less
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Me RandomBleep
Me RandomBleep rated it
July 19, 2022
Status: c40
I don't get why there are so many recommendations for this because this a straight copy of second life ranker, I mean after having this in my must reads for a while I expected something, especially with the amount of recommendations I got. Strongly overated, art is good tho
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Kreia_ rated it
January 3, 2022
Status: c65
This is a fantastic novel with a properly coherent, logical and well paced plot. The original regression was well implemented into the story, giving a sense of mission for the proceeding story and making is seem far less forced than many other regressions in novels that I've read. I also think that the writer did a fantastic job at making Kim YuWon seem like a real weakling at the beginning, despite the amazing feats he accomplished in the first few stages of the tutorial he really felt like a skinny,... more>> average dude, unlike the vast majority of films, animes and manhwas which have supposedly nerdy characters who look like they could be supermodels or professional athletes. The novel has me so invested into his progression up the floors and it constantly surprises me with just how epic the MC is. One thing that I do wish we could see in the novel is the introduction of other characters like Hargaan to give the plot a bit more interest and to learn more about the MC.

Overall, a fantastic power fantasy so far. <<less
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prograMAnimus rated it
August 2, 2021
Status: c28
I had to look up the authors to be completely sure but this novels reads like an unofficial spin-off of "Second Life Ranker":

  • Both MC's have cheat-like knowledge about the secrets of the tower and can use it to their own advantage (although how they acquire said knowledge differs, but just if you want to split hairs)
  • Both MC's bulldoze through the Tutorial, gathering items and getting impossible achievements; meeting potential allies that swoon about him, just to dismiss them and meet with them later on in the story
  • Both novels have godly societies that are named after the earthly mythological societies (Olympus, Asgard etc) with people named after mythological gods (Zeus, Hercules etc) that are "players" inside the Tower that reached godhood (and it seems that in both novels' universes these mythological beings don't exist, as no one really questions it)
  • Both MC's seem to have the same "alignment" with their skills, as items and skill-names popup from both novels (although SLR needed more than 300 chapters to even get there...)
  • Heck, even the end-goal seem to be the same,

    as in fighting against the outerworld gods

So yeah, this novel is not bad in any form or shape, it just seems to be a rehash of SLR that it isn't even funny anymore. I'll still read it in the hope that it will diverge in a major way pretty soon, as I don't want to read a "light-version" of another novel I'm already reading.
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GianCarpio rated it
October 11, 2023
Status: c220
Status: Dropped

I considered this a 4.5 star novel from chapter 1-100.

Dropped at chapter 220

... more>> Pros :

Great world building. Unlike SLR this is more consistent, two novels that has a lot if similarities but the other ones chockfilled with plot holes. This one, not too much which is good.

Enjoyable, I found this a lot more enjoyable than something like Omniscient Readers.

Great Characterization, as someone who is actively into myths, the way the author slots each character into each roles perfectly serves the story.

Author makes the mundane interesting, the ones without the fights or MC just going out and grinding are probably the best parts of this novel.


Translation goes downhill at chapter 80. By 110 every chapter has atleast 5 gender mistakes. By chapter 170 every chapter is interchanging names [Hephaestus >Hefestos, Sun OhGong (I hate this) , Sun Wukong, Ash Eyes > Cinder Eyes, Holy Fire> Sacred Fire] There’s many more and it changes back THEN back again.

Fights are probably the weakest link, I could accept the MTL quality translation but fights is where I drew the line. It’s one sentence the paragraph break. Exhausting to the eyes. Kills the momentum, intensity, tension, and everything else necessary for a blood boiling fight. Oh and the pattern is mostly pokemon like [Yuwon uses thunder bolt] [Zeus resists] something like that. Did I mention how much I hate the one sentence paragraphs?

At chapter 220 it because too self serving. There was basically 5 chapters mentioning how Son Ohgong is HERE! Dont worry he is HERE! Yes he has come to save us!’ It’s too corny and the novel has lost its magic at this point. <<less
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huneybomb rated it
June 4, 2023
Status: c200
So far it was great, I like how the floor in the tower is lively world, not just a room to climb. Even tho not that amazing like other novel i've read, this one is still great and fun to read.
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runelt99 rated it
January 11, 2023
Status: c135
Pure wish forfilment to see a badass getting strong. One annoying thing I see is how it relates to reincarnator, the novel this clearly copies... Like what is his actual goal?

... more>>

In reincarnate, a central point is how humanity is weak and constantly self sabotaging. MC there cleans house and gives humanity as a whole upgrades to stand in front of most powerful beings in the universe.

Here however, we are dealing with eldritch entities that are literally beyond comprehension to anyone in the tower. We have confirmation of 1 of them dying but that too many sacrifices. His plan is 'get strong' and that's it.

A side note but why did the tower tutorial give an egg of one of the outsiders? Obv there is chance that egg isn't outsider but akshually an immune response from Tower itself but current chapter hasn't gotten to hatching. Hope it gets explained.


I did notice that more than 135 chapters are up but that requires making an account there so I'm not bothering.

Fun read nonetheless. <<less
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breather rated it
January 3, 2022
Status: c71
The translation is really good and the story is good to I like the MC and his way of thinking. The enemy are not all dumb each one of them fight to get to the top and become a ranker. In any case for me its a 4/5 if im not putting 5/5 its simply because nothing is perfect in this world.
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WolfStar14 rated it
January 5, 2024
Status: c381
It started nicely, but now it's very repetitive, previous reviews mentioned it but there's always something going on, always a fight or a war.

There's also inconsistent things which can be ignored, the translation is like every other Korean work : pronoun confusion between male and female...

Anyway it's a 3/5 for me, not an excellent book nor a bad one... Just a good one above average.
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AnimatorOfSouls rated it
June 27, 2023
Status: c292
OP MC Time travel tower climb.

The MC is fun to read in this novel since he always makes rational decisions + only joins fights he either needs to join or has a high chance of winning.

Romance: none atm but apparently there is a lot later. Knowing that, who the FL is is really obvious at around ch200, literally the only girl. I don't really like her but whatever.
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cirianz rated it
February 26, 2023
Status: c153
If you enjoy a good regression+tower climbing/Dungeon conquering type story then this is well worth reading. It's not particularly original, but the world is well constructed, the reasoning for the regression and subsequent story progression is sound, the characters are a bit tropey but within that framework they're relatively interesting and have varying degrees of development and there is no swarm of brainless simpy pseudo harem girls or unnecessarily sexualised descriptions of female characters to drive you crazy. Just a good story with a relatively interesting if straightforward plot line... more>> well suited for some light entertainment.
My biggest gripe would be the author's tendency to try and build tension by under describing people and items. I mean really... no one talks that way. Can you imagine anyone actually saying. "I've got a big test tomorrow and I've not studied hard enough... I guess I'll have to use... 'that thing'!" Or. "It's the big corporate takeover tomorrow and things aren't going well... I think you'll need to consult with... 'that guy'!" *dadadadum!* Sorry mate... doesn't build tension, just makes you look like a loon.
But that's a small issue common to a lot of web novels (really... why?) And like I said. If you like this type of story then this one's better than most. Enjoy. <<less
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