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Reiji Saeki, who lives in the north eastern countryside town, lost his life in an accident during summer vacation. ……But before he knew it, a mysterious ball of light hovered in front of his eyes in a world of whiteness.

That ball of light was a magician from a parallel world, and is looking for a person qualified to inherit the magic they had created to prevent it from being lost.

Reiji, who rode on that suggestion, now lives in the parallel world Elgin, with a new body and powerful magical power.

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Related Series
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Expecting to Fall into Ruin, I Aim to Become a Blacksmith (3)
Sevens (3)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (JP On-Going)
  2. I'd like to buy these if they were licensed.
  3. Light Novels 2
  4. Shousetsuka ni Narou TOP 100 (mostly isekai)
  5. Adapted to manhwa/manga, so I come to look for nov...

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02/26/17 Silent TL c86
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71 Reviews sorted by

Whynotaname rated it
July 2, 2017
Status: --
For me the story was going great at the start, but everything changed as soon as he became an escort in a dungeon. After that everything was cliche and annoying, I couldn't take it anymore. *Sigh* another good novel turned bad by a love interest.

I'm dropping this here, unfortunately
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kandoko rated it
June 23, 2017
Status: c99
Sigh, It started out decent if a bit bland, but it just never develops a real plot. The current escort Arc seems to be trying to hint and some overarching ideas but the whole arc is just so. damn. tedious...

The novel has always felt a bit flat but the last 30ish chapters have been pointless.

... more>>

Seriously it was bad enough with the Earlier idiot trio the MC killed off. They somehow lived for years as hunters but felt a unknown man with damn A rank gryphon pet would be easy pickings. Purley so we the author could show how "hardcore" and "smart" the MC is to kill people attacking him.

But The latest betrayal was basically for the "evil luls"!

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Peacewalker rated it
June 18, 2017
Status: c103
The story became very boring and frustrating when the MC became an escort when diving into the dungeon. It describes every single of actions of every small fry monsters which MC took so long to fight with. Even though the MC's body is made by a legendary mage of an era ago (which comes with that mage's knowledge, the MC took so much time on the very first floor even with his pet griffin which is a rank-A monster and "general princess".... more>>

After that, one of the nobles who is with the "general princess" betrayed the group on the last floor the, but MC still talk with him when he had the chance to attack (what?) and let him escape anyway

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Crowhead rated it
July 7, 2016
Status: --
it's such a pleasure to read. Finally we get a calm, collected and level-headed MC unlike those typical spineless japanese brats that you kinda want to punch in the face. Together with Overlord (LN) easily became one of my favorite novels. For some reason it's heavily underrated, imho deserves to be in top 20
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Dudz_Dna rated it
August 28, 2020
Status: c278
Firstly thanks to the translators who spent their time so that I could enjoy a great read (caught up and now waiting for next release)

I'm not sure how many people will come across this review but for those of you who have, please give this novel a chance. I was so close to not picking this up after seeing other reviews here.

The novel is in short great. I love the pacing as most isekais start off slow then bam demon Lord world ending angel god typhoon and its like... more>> where did my chill boar hunting adventure go.... Most isekai the MC starts off as a low rank adventurur and then slowly climbs before bam sssss rank..... Romance in most isekais are see hot girl, save her life, OK girl is now yours and will follow you around like a pet.....

Don't misunderstand me, I love isekais. But a bit of flavor is welcomed. This novel was a breathe of fresh air that didn't try and be different. Instead it simply improved on the standard isekai tropes.

The MC isn't avert to killing evil. Good. Bandits that kill and r*pe should die. Sparing them let's them r*pe and kill others. People who try and kill you, this MC kills them too (not all)

The romance is great for an isekai. A bit slow then super fast then slow right back down. Almost realistic for that type of life. Almost. Better than most others.

I fear I'm not doing the novel justice with such a long winded review so spoilers.....

1. Other reviewers have said that MC is weak or s*upid. Or the girl catches up to his power too fast. BS. The MC isn't a gamer. Or the author isn't a gamer. It's almost like watching a normie MC. Ie he has some knowledge but doesn't behave like a gamer.

Has infinite mana or something. Well sure but he doesn't know how to use it properly. Ie unlike a gamer who would get sent there and start training etc. This guy slowly does it (this is why I gave it 4/5, as a gamer I would instantly earn some money to live on then lock myself up in the library and read everything useful. Then I'd start hardcore grinding. Basically this MC is a normie at least to me.)

He does get stronger and more experienced though dw.

2. People said story is too slow. Nah its good. Detailed. Personal preference. Makes you feel like it's a world not just a story

3. People said he hides his power too much. Wrong. He hides his abnormal power. He doesn't hide his base power at all.

So many more things I could say but try it. <<less
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Seraphy rated it
October 15, 2018
Status: c145
174/1851 chapters translated as of writing this review. Translator even suggests learning Japanese rather than waiting for him to catch up as it would be faster at this point.

Lots of useless content in the story, characters repeating what they just said or what other characters have just said in slightly different ways is just annoying.

Magic "chants" are particularly cringe-worthy in comparison to other works. E.g: 『Dancing flames, dance. Light up the surroundings with your magnificent dance, burn as you dance and captivate the people.』

... more>>

MC basically has no money problems after a certain point, and yet despite being flooded with cash only ever uses it on food. Throughout nearly the whole story you sit there hoping the MC will have the genius idea of buying magic stones to get stronger only for the MC to immediately discard the idea once he realizes he can do so. Why? Cos he isn't an alchemist and would draw suspicion if he started buying them is the reason given, and yet he's been living in the city for only a few months and has been lying about having a teacher that taught him magic, it's not a great leap of imagination to think he could have been taught alchemy too. So basically its just another example of an author making the MC s*upid so the story goes the way he wants.


After all, the fact that this WN is basically never going to be fully translated is the largest disappointment, nothing worse than starting a story that you can't finish. <<less
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saihamaru rated it
July 11, 2018
Status: c161
this novel started out good, really
but the more you read it, the more you will realize that the story is going nowhere
as some other reviewers say, the author is dragging the story for too long
there are too many unnecessary internal dialogue and redundant explanations

i mean, we're almost 60 chapters, just taking care of a single small fry villain? seriously? and that villain is so s*upid, so 1 dimensional, that we can't sympathize at all with his acts

then, 50+ chapters later when we thought it's finally gonna end... BAM!! another small fry villain and 3 other villains showed up....

just finish with one before introducing another bad guy, for god's sake!
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2Girls1Cupcake rated it
July 8, 2018
Status: c80
Started off great but soon went down hill.

Needless struggles against inferior foes, excessive explanation and dialog that's long-winded, out of place and seems forced.

Sudden change in personality of MC to a more standard isekai MC which makes him seem like a cardboard cutout.

In short, it's dull and the writing is horrible. And I'm not talking dull in the sense that I want constant fighting, I actually hate novels like that, tbere's just no life in it.
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Saint174 rated it
August 13, 2017
Status: c1
Good novel to relax


-MC Scythe User

-isn't afraid of killing people

-evolution of his weapon and Griffon

-good to read


-in start of novel it look like he doesn't have personality

-release rate of translated chapters is biggest cons.
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MrWhiskers rated it
July 12, 2017
Status: c105
Started out good, but as soon as he joined a team as a escort it just went downhill, then hit rock bottom when MC is in a hard fight and refuses to use any magic (WHICH IS HIS STRONGEST) just so to push the story, and in the process destroys all the character that was built up till then.
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LivingCorpse rated it
March 10, 2017
Status: c86
Although it's a standard isekai novel stuff, this one is pretty good. The plot progression is pretty slow, but it makes it more immersive instead. But this is also a double edged sword, since with a slow plot progression, impatient readers might drop it halfway since reading one chapter for every update might makes the excitement from the previous chapter cooled down.

Also, the MC character design is every Chuunibyou's wet dream (You'll get that vibe on the illustration). Which makes it cooler actually. A cursed left arm or evil eyes... more>> and it would be perfect. Overall, this is a good novel to binge read. <<less
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shylight rated it
March 5, 2017
Status: c87
As many have mentioned, it is a comparatively slow paced novel. However that's not a bad thing. The author takes time to establish the world and the events without going into unnecessary level of details. The writing seems to be good so far. MC is strong but not ungodly OP, he's also level-headed and fairly ruthless. Most importantly, the story doesn't feel like your typical wish fulfillment novel and it also lacks Japanese narcissism that is way too heavily presented in isekai genre.

All in all it's a good read if... more>> you're ready to take some time for the plot to get into the full swing (which hasn't happened as of time this review was written, but we're getting there) <<less
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Alpacasaurus rated it
August 14, 2016
Status: c58
Well written but very slow pacing. The main heroine has only just been mentioned for the first time and this has basically been one long prologue. Can't wait for it to get into the main story.
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Aldocorona rated it
February 7, 2016
Status: --
Interesting novel similar to Death March Slice of life story howerver up to chapter 16 still missing the harem but well things going slow and not rushed so I like it.
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Zing rated it
August 31, 2019
Status: c211
How to describe Legend in two words?

Yaaaaawn, fillers!

Underneath the mundane and boring adventure of the brick protagonist, there is probably an entertaining story, a plot worth following. But we spend too much time on the slice of life aspect of the story, or should I call it slice of adventurer life? Basically, the brick protagonist goes on adventures and gets involved in troublesome situations, chapter after chapter.

The author puts a lot of effort to make a giant rabbit hunt fun, way too much effort. Describing events of the hunt and... more>> fight against the rabbit in such painstaking details, it actually gets boring. Because of how much effort is put into everyday mundane life of the brick protagonist, the story barely progresses forward. Its just boring, there is too much writing for the sake of writing. <<less
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NovReds rated it
June 9, 2019
Status: c878
The story is really great. The development of plots and twists are good.


  1. Author has done good work in setting the story.
  2. Translation is also good enough matching with the story.
  3. The story will definitely make you curious.
  4. MC is decisive.

  1. Translator do not have any schedule and they take their own sweet time, which forced me to read the raws with google translate which was enough for me to understand the story (SUPER NEGATIVE) [Note: I can understand that the translators have their real life problems and they are doing this translation out of their free time without asking for payment or selling their work for the sake of countless readers out there. But the thing I do not like is their commitment. If they have lots of problem, then I will suggest to release on Arc basis not chapter basis. Like they take a break of 4 months and after that released a whole Arc (Example Azoth Firm Arc). It is a win win situation for everyone I think.
    I really apologise for being snobby about this. I am really grateful to all those fan-based translators out there, who work hard to get people like us to enjoy the fantasy and adventure of these Novels. I also apologise to the translator for my complaining.]
  2. Sometimes the plot is boring and sometimes it takes too long for descriptions of situations (not that its bad though)
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Richard Fox
Richard Fox rated it
November 8, 2018
Status: c514
Despite ALL the bad I have listed, the shear fact that the plot is good, the world is built ok, the monsters are interesting, there are lots of chapters; all this makes the novel a solid read that even made me continue to read the MTL of google translate on the raws that are 1900+.

- side quests, stories, attention to the little things around the character, everyday activites, mindless filler chapters; these all give a real sense of 'months' of time for the story, so you can really feel that a lot of time has passed with the MC, not just one day or one month passing and being written. You don't read time flowing, you feel it. It is easy with 60% filler/world building.
- lots of world building
- progressive plot; like most CN/JP authors, the plot is 10x more impressive than the MC.
- the battle setup of the MC is unique and refreshing, but mildly irritating when his forte is magic and he uses melee.
- monsters battles are interesting, it's very similar to running through the Witcher 3, except instead of Geralt, you have another impotent weeb.
- lots of chapters, good updates
- the story is interesting
- firm enemy, the MC sucks pretty bad so despite being powerful, his ability to handle any human enemy at his level is very low, so it feels like he is only very average.
- MC doesn't use any tactics so his chronic incompetence in the novel feels very justified.
- it is very satisfying that the author has avoided most cliche romantic moves that identify a JP protagonist in a crowd of random MC's.

BAD/What the author could work on:
- lengthy conversations in moments of 'urgency'. Often these situations feel like an afternoon tea party with casual conversation, then finally doing something...
- speeches longer than a politicians in the middle of combat while exchanging blows; in one on one this can happen, like DBZ battles, but what about group-f*cking-battles? What about your team mates who are getting f*cked up the ar*e while you are discussing the price of fish in Norway over a cup of tea?
- battles that should be short sometimes take far too long... OK the MC has OP stats and can fight for a long time but no one, not even A rank adventurers can fight for as long as some battles picture (~ch500 raws the dudes are battling for hours. HOURS. This is when you consider the distances, and other actions that occur in the background before everyone arrives)
- Random food talk filler that just doesn't make sense as it doesn't enhance characters... it's just too deep for what it is.
- cliche jap MC cringe moments: Bollywood grade self sacrifice, relationship insecurity galore, fem lead gets annoyed when another girl gets close to her MC who she has a barely existent and un-progressive relationship, reiterating things said multiple times in different chapters... c'mon, this BS is just unnecessary lengthening of the story. None of these build character and when reading you can just jump these paragraphs. It's all saying rather than showing, so the worst way of building character. OP MC vastly undervalued. MC just accepts anyone f*cking him... the opposite of CN MC... Ray takes 10x the f*cking but only returns 1 f*cking and embraces the other 9 like it's a gift. Complete opposite of classic CN bandit MC.
- Absurd adventurer world -> forced to start at F rank and treated as tr*sh. Dafuq?
- Just accepts being undervalued and not being given anything since his rank is low. They are hiring his abilities as an A rank for goodness sake and paying him for whatever his rank is, which is a hundredth his value. MC hates these up tight nobles yet goes with whatever they say when they want a request completed; URGHHH.
- no clear sense of the MC's progression; he uses a weapon he is garbage with and learns skills which don't help him in crucial moments, his magic which is his main card is massively underpowered and underused for what it is meant to be. For christs sake he actually chooses to use his beginner melee skills over his so-called first grade magic skills. He has the option to learn from a massively powerful wizard but gives it up for his garbage melee skills. He could learn how to manage magic he isn't talented in from Grimm, but just doesn't; grimm being talented in multiple rare magic that he doesn't have a forte in (with 1000+ yr practice, but still MC is MC so he can learn a few pointers).
- MC does lots of dumb things that don't fit his character: doesn't care about nobles so he doesn't bother to deal with them, then suddenly goes nuts on them after enough filler has been put in. Doesn't upgrade his own skills, over seth's who isn't involved in some of the crucial fights. MC only focuses on increasing the power of his weapon, not himself. 500 ch in and he hasn't improved his own magic ability. Doesn't bother to buy magic stones to further his scythe when he is literally loaded with countless platinum coins. Doesn't hunt high grade monsters because he isn't at the right rank, when LITERALLY NOTHING IS STOPPING HIM, he only isn't allowed to accept the high rank quests (the monsters are still there! do the monsters not spawn if your rank is too low lol?!). When he leaves the cities he ALWAYS encounters high grade monsters, he literally doesn't search for these monsters at other times. This is mildly annoying, but it is understandable if you consider he is immortal and very casual and is only focusing on his guild rank, but it isn't said anywhere, only implied through assuming the MC isn't an idiot.
- the lack of emotion in the MC can be frustrating
- with all the world building, how come there aren't any small romantic building scenes?!?!?!?! You drink tea with her, look at her eyes, the way she sits, how her clothes suite her, etc, you just have to notice one thing that you like about her for gods sake to show us that there is something there! There is no progression at all~! My money is on it being oh you so nice, then oh lets have tea and kiss, then lets go to your father and get married, then marriage at end of story because romance after marriage is too hard to write. With no progression in between any of that except for those key points. What do you even like about her that makes you think about her? The MC gets distracted by half naked adventurers and still likes her for no apparent reason LOL.
- human enemies and monster enemy ranks vary depending on the situation. An A rank monster is very hard to deal with, but an A rank human is easy to deal with. An A rank human sometimes take hours to deal with, but at other times can be dealt with in minutes. WTF? A B rank monster can be dealt with in seconds, but at other times takes 10's of minutes to kill. WTF? Generally it's progressive but sometimes it's out of control.
- There are only 2 categories in Japan, R18+ and G. The author carefully avoids anything more than characters in bikinis, or anything deeper than kissing to ensure that the story is safe for children of all ages and the workplace. God forbid human romantic interactions in a book where slaughter is a national sport. If s*x was remotely alluded to (a night together perhaps?) this novel would instantly be classified as p*rn, f*cking lol. For gods sake Japan, can't there be more than 5 authors who have the guts to write a novel with s*x in it that isn't p*rn?
- Finally, the most criminal and common offence of Japanese authors: not saying who is speaking. Not expressing how something is said. I cannot fathom how Japanese authors believe this is not important, and do not include it in their novels. Even the translators do not include it, or make assumptions from how speech is written. It's just left up to the reader. Do you only talk to other people in monotone? Just typical incompetence in conveying tone in their work. It really makes you wonder if any of these authors are above 8th grade - what the hell do they teach in national language classes? (why do you not have any writing skills?). I'm sorry for expecting writing skills remotely on par with english authors. I'm also not talking about translations being poor. I'm talking about structure of paragraphs and the actual sentence order and what they convey; this can be seen with google translate. The tone just isn't there.
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Pizza rated it
April 5, 2020
Status: c167
Story is pretty Decent so its not that bad of a read but I will say this look at the release frequency atm as of the 4 - 5 - 2020. 7.3 Days. Pretty much every Weekend. Then look at the chapters 2203 web novels chapters.

Do the math While the story is fine the time for this to actually be translated number in the years to catch up and this novel is also still ongoing. I would just put yourself thru the misery and find a machine translated version instead... more>> of waiting 40 years. If the country of origin updates more than a week then pretty much change that year count to forever.

Pretty much its faster to learn Japanese and make the money to read it on the original site then follow this translator.

Upside though its free right? Which means its fine it will take years to translate instead of allowing another group to translate it cuz of the unwritten rules of no one takes another translators novel but w/e I doubt anyone would even care enough for a okay novel in the first place.

Edit: forgot to mention as of this review the translated chapters are 253 also found out in CoO the novel updates daily so year forever to be translated. <<less
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January 12, 2020
Status: c240
The beginning of the story is quite good but soon you will see couple of annoying things:

1. MC has best body with highest amount of Mana paired with great equipment and knowledge about flame magic. Why he is so underpowered then? Why young Noble girl is as good as him? Why he struggles with soldiers from empire?

2. Death Scythe... The name itself is pathetic and it doesn't even have any skills related to death. But the most annoying is that author MUST use this pathetic name everywhere

3. Other characters don't... more>> have character. Even MC is a bit half-baked

4. The amount of moments where people feel how OP MC is. And behavior of MC at these moments is so hauthy. It feels unrealistic

5. The pet. It's annoying, just believe me.

6. How he learned how to use Scythe in couple of days. Scythe which is one of the hardest to use weapons. Guy without experience in martial arts with new body self thought how to use after several days

7. The re is no character development because he already has best body, Mana, magic, and martial skills. But we have Scythe and pet development which makes MC even more pathetic <<less
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Shy Giggling
Shy Giggling rated it
July 26, 2018
Status: c84
I stopped reading temporarily at some point just to read some of the reviews just to actually check the story wouldn't go the wrong way I thought since where I stopped reading seemed kind of fishy beyond heaven, and love interest appears mario style outta nowhere in the middle of the story to wreck things, one whom I didn't expect from the bottom of my heart coming from this novel, or might just be me annoyed by the fact Lenora and Kenny weren't picked xD (in truth, I'm sad).

... more>>

Who would want that seriously, a noble's daughter? Great originality, give me village girl A and I'll write a better love story than with a noble's daughter


And things just went from 0 to a 100 real quick and then stopped reading permanently.

Worst thing is the story up till now was actually doing quite good and I thought it was kind of interesting with the whole goal to get lots and lots of magic cores but, really, why pull out outta nowhere a heroine in the middle of the story. Makes no sense, breaks things, and really, she's no where near compatible. Author also drags things way too far for no real purpose when really, just saying kaboom explains it all. And always smalls fries? Why that?

Really, from a personal POV:

might just be me hating cuz I shipped Kenny and Lenora, as well as breaking things for no raisin and turning this into a normal generic isekai

but from a critics POV;

hell na, dropping this bad boy, where the hell is the story going mang? <<less
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