Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear


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Yuna, a 15 years old girl started playing the world’s first VRMMO. She has earned billions of yen in stocks. She confines herself in her house playing the game without going to school. Today, a huge update has arrived. She obtains a non-transferable rare bear outfit. But the equipment is so embarrassing that she can’t wear it even in the game. Furthermore, when she answers the survey regarding the new update and relaunches the game, she appears in unknown forest in a bear outfit. Where is this? Email from God? Different world? If she wears the bear outfit she’s a cheat, if she takes it off she’s a normal girl. Her adventure starts just like that. Yuna began doing as she liked.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Bear Bear Bear Kuma
くま クマ 熊 ベアー
Related Series
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Isekai Yururi Kikou ~Raising Children While Being an Adventurer~ (4)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (JP On-Going)
  2. enjoyed my time
  3. Isekai w slow life no harem tags
  4. Read and chill
  5. JP Novel

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/21/18 Xant & Minions c198
10/16/18 Xant & Minions c197
10/08/18 Xant & Minions c196
09/23/18 Xant & Minions c194-195
09/17/18 Xant & Minions c193
09/11/18 Xant & Minions c192
08/27/18 Xant & Minions c191
08/20/18 Xant & Minions c189-190
07/30/18 Xant & Minions c188
07/23/18 Xant & Minions c187
07/16/18 Xant & Minions c186
07/09/18 Xant & Minions c184-185
07/02/18 Xant & Minions c183
06/25/18 Xant & Minions c182
06/18/18 Xant & Minions c181
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136 Reviews sorted by

daosnack rated it
May 13, 2022
Status: c473
This one is definitely a personal favorite. Having started by reading the manga for Kuma, I was already a fan.

Having read other reviews, I have found many things that make it gold for me that "ruin" it for others.

Why I like it:

  1. Little to no drama. When you read a slice of life like this, I personally don't like drama. I hate going into a 'chill' story only to find out that they drag out dysfunctional, bad-communication relationships for 30-100 chapters only for a cheesy and typical resolution to happen. Kuma embraces a simple and relaxing story. There are fights and events, but most 'major' fights/ events will be resolved fairly quickly which I personally prefer. I'm not reading this relaxing story only to learn that the evil villains that I don't even care about have an evil background and take forever to get defeated. The characters are very cute and pleasing. The major events are memorable and pleasant.
  2. Playful story, author, and good TL. The worst thing about finding a decent light novel is MTL halfway through or weird author/ TL scenarios. The story is playful in large part because the author is so upfront and lax. Oftentimes the author will mention that they were going to try and finish an arc or event earlier but didn't end up doing it, etc... This can be cringy or annoying in some circumstances but I personally found the author's notes to correspond perfectly with the chill and relaxing vibe that the LN gives. It sometimes made me laugh a little and other times made me feel that the author is a human trying to put an entertaining story forward. The TL is great - by far one of the best I've seen with good grammar, spelling, and spacing.
  3. Refreshing and reasonable storytelling. I think this is where other people, including Mavsynchroid, started to fall off. I don't want to put words in anyone's mouths and to be honest, I think this is the main point that either attracts or deters readers from light novels. There were times when Yuna (MC) gains abilities randomly or for no reason. I honestly had no problem with this and even believe that it can be reasoned out to make sense in the world-building side. I personally love the way that Kumanano, the author, tells stories (or at least how it's translated to tell.) This is probably why I can read a few chapters about some random cooking or slice-of-life event and still enjoy it. I personally enjoy the way characters and events are portrayed. I think a big point that others, like Mavsynchroid, reason as the 'downfall' of the LN is also how there's isn't much character building. I actually like the consistency and reliability of the main characters - like Yuna. I'm of the opinion that characters don't NEED to grow a ton in order to make a story enjoyable. In fact, because it is a slice of life story, I prefer that the characters I like don't change too much because I already enjoy them. To me it's the same way that people will watch filler episodes of anime they like because it's not necessarily about the character growing, it's about more 'screentime' watching and enjoying characters the viewer likes.
Now it's understandable given my 5-stars that I would love most things about Kuma, and I do - but there are a few points of consideration for people who value other things in the... more>> slice-of-life LN they read:

Why others might not like it:

  1. Character traits (that don't change a lot) : The characters are written pretty consistently even 'til the current chapters (473 released excluding Patreon). That being said, if you want Yuna or others to grow a lot character-wise (she does gain more powers as the story progresses), then you might get sick of it. I would still recommend you read until you get sick of it though.
  2. Villains: Admittedly, the villains can be kind of typical/ trope. There are unique situations after the first couple. I would argue though that the villains usually aren't heavily focused on, which I prefer being a slice of life, which makes the arcs that have a "villain" to be smoother.
  3. Bear Haters: If you hate bears, probably not the LN for you lmao.
My thoughts on other's reviews:

mrcogllrdo -> This person wrote essentially: 1. Too many characters 2. Reflection chapters from side characters (most of the chapters are written from Yuna MC POV) and 3. Situations resolve too easily.

Ok, I can see the too many characters perspective - but I don't share the same opinion. I think the story adds more characters to grow content for the story - which it continues to do until the current TL release. All stories do this lol. If you think this is too many characters, try reading a Chinese LN as an American. Those are hard to keep track of the characters. Most characters aren't too important so you don't really need to remember specific characters and names the whole time. I don't understand why the reviewer was so adamant on the hatred of the reflection chapters that side characters give their POV for. A lot of times, I didn't care too much for having it, but it's cool to see other POV on some parts of the story that just happened and it's easy to skip. Honestly I didn't feel burdened by skimming or even skipping reflection POV's when I didn't care so I don't really see it as a major demerit. The last was that situations resolve too easily. The further the story goes, the longer I felt that the arcs went on; however, I can understand why someone might not like it resolving too easily. I personally liked it because I don't believe a true slice-of-life should have 90% on intense action because then it's not really a slice-of-life. More of an opinion but it's more of a quick restatement of why I like Kuma.

chayken -> gave a review with the main points being: Everyone underestimates Yuna (MC) because she is a kid and this underestimation continues basically every time she meets someone new. Also the fight scenes suck and all anyone does is eat or relax or do nothing.

Well if I'm being honest, everyone does underestimate Yuna which is kind of annoying but the later the story goes, the faster she resolves it. Honestly it's for the reader to decide (or even care) if it makes sense for adult adventurers in a fantasy world to underestimate a 15-year old girl in a bear costume. Honestly, I also thought it was kind of annoying but it's so fast and something I felt wasn't too big of a deal. This reviewer also thought the fight scenes suck and that the story is slice-of-life which sucks. I mean, I feel like most people who read reviews for LN will understand that Kuma is truly slice-of-life and because of that, they shouldn't expect nor want the story to have intense fighting and mythical battles every chapter - again probably a personal preference thing. If you want that, you'll probably find most slice-of-life boring (especially LN slice-of-life where there are not even pictures.)

Last one: justice41 -> If I'm being honest, the way this review was written was kind of vague and difficult to understand but I understood their main points as: Yuna (MC) is a hypocrite, is a spoiled brat, spoils the kid characters, and the MC's acquaintance is a loud mouth?

I guess I thought it was weird that this reviewer was on chapter 293 or whatever but mentioned things so early on? I never felt like the MC was a hypocrite. If I'm honestly speaking, I also felt that Yuna, who is basically OP and rich, could still spoil the other characters more because she's basically one of the richest people in the story probably - but It's fine either way. I never really felt like Yuna is a hypocrite at any time in the story. I believe that justice41 probably just didn't like the story that much (which is fair - that's their opinion), and mentioned a couple instances they didn't like early on which stuck out in their head. I am a fan of Kuma (though not religiously rereading every chapter every week) but don't recall any of the specific instances that this reviewer mentioned. I know the events happened but the details and gripes he has, either slipped my mind or weren't how I interpreted the situation.

Bottom Line: As far as slice of life LN go, this is probably one of the most solid, pleasant, and light-hearted stories with a rich and OP MC. I believe the arcs are enjoyable and creative. The characters and writing are both 5/5 for me. <<less
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han2xiah rated it
April 1, 2016
Status: --
I have read the story up to chapter 38.

I will it a high points for the cuteness and lightheartedness of the story.

I don't know if it is the author or the translator but the flow of wording is good as I actually read every word a come through. Also the way the MC goes through everyday life with the goal of going into the capital but then situation arises and lead her to stay longer than she planned. Though as the author note said that it wasn't planned but spur... more>> of the moment I will still wait and see if he can incorporate this idea with the original plan specially when you want the MC to go travel the world to taste different kinds of food.

this leave her in a dilemma on how she will leave the village/city to go to capital with 2 little girl attached to her as she joked to the mother" can you give me your child" like some pe*o bear hahaha

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BL-lover rated it
September 18, 2018
Status: c195
My favorite!! If only the update is faster????

Super cute!! Bear!? ♥ OP MC and plenty of cool events. Not so much drama so its easy to read. No saving the world plot so far. Im looking forward for the other things that the God mentioned. Im pretty sure it reeks of OPness Totally recommended!!!~♥~

Omg I want those bears!!
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December 24, 2020
Status: --
I don't remember how far I have read this, but I think it was about the arc when the bear is about to go to the desert. And I could say it was extremely boring. The plot was so predictable in a very poor way. How predictable was it you might ask? Here is how.

Characters Development
If characters are male, it was almost to absolute that they were evil or idiot and they will be punished by the bear no matter how young they are. I still remember she punched a brat with her bear outfit. And if male characters ain't bad, they will likely be a useless characters with no power or unable to work properly. The step father of a kid I totally forgot name, the big guy in a first city that I completely clueless and the King are a good example for the second case. That's is the male characters' fate. For girls, things were much better. If you are young, it is likely 90% that you belongs to the bear (yes, I said 'belong to' not 'belong with'). If you are older, you will be a capable women with power and every beautiful traits that you could only have in a novel. In short there are no characters development in the story. It only reflect how was the author treating different genders in real life. And as the result, an after bad taste is what readers could have.

World building
The world setup is poorly. It relies completely on game setting which gives me a feeling of none of these were real. Therefore, I was gradually lost my favor to every single characters in this world. This world's terrain has forest, sea, beach and desert and... that's all. It has countries, villages, cities. Races so far were simply with 4, human, dwarves, elves and monsters which are the rest of creatures will be beaten to death by protagonist. This world has magic but you can hardly find it implementation in the life. It's likely only for adventures to do the killing monster things. In a nutshell, the author has no idea how to connect those element to build a fantasy world. He/she simply thought that if we throw everything to a hot pot we have an America. And that is poor in imagination.

Even though we see the whole story from the protagonist point of view, we still couldn't see anything at all. That's right, none is the answer. The main character is so shallow. I couldn't find anything attractive from here. She was describing as a very smart kid. But as the plot grew, I couldn't see what did she done to be called smart. If you are smart and you want to stay low profile, you wouldn't do the abnormal things. The 'smart' in here only means as convenient plot, and that's cheap thing to do. At a certain point, the protagonist is just a background character if the story doesn't describe in the first pov. Too plain and too cheap.

Main plot
None, again. Since this is a slice of life, we cannot expect some surprising plot twist. It is not its thing. But one thing cannot be accept under any genres, it is plot convenience. This story is packed by a filthy rich of convenient plot which doesn't make better, sometimes it could even be worse. Like in the arc of a rich noble girl party, the author willingly turn on boy into an evil boss and get his face beaten to half death by the bear who swore will never beat the kid. Just because there wasn't enough villain for the act, the protagonist can be easily changed her heart upside down so easily to fit the plot. What kind of the story is this? Also, everything the bear made must be good to perfect. I kept wondering do those people have sense of tasting? The political plot is also very s*upid. It's s*upid because it was built only for the protagonist to solve it. It doesn't have any meaning in world or characters development. The story plot only a simple pudding, it's sweet but it plain. If you eat about 100 puddings (chapters), you will get fed up.

In a nutshell
This story doesn't have anything worth to read. I would recommend you not to waste you time on it. Even if you are looking for fluffy story, there are absolutely better novels, manga out there.
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Aoi_Tan rated it
April 2, 2020
Status: c315
I've read this for a while and have decided to give a short review before dropping the series altogether.

I quite loved this at the beginning, but the more times goes by, the more I feel like I'm forcing myself to read.

This series was quite refreshing at the beginning, mixing a bit of multiple genres: slice of life, battle, world building... After some time it becomes obvious the author is bad at both.

MC has 4 main powers:

    • an OP bear suit that gets new powers whenever needed by the author
    • summoned bears (technically goes with the suit)
    • loads of money
    • some of our world recipes
Battles aren't worth much:

    • With her suit, the MC is mostly invincible, which makes her battles mostly stakeless. The author is not really good at writing battles either which doesn't make them really pleasing to read (besides a few of them).
The world building part is frankly botched.

    • It mostly revolves around food but most problem solved by the MC have no real reason to exist. Examples (minor spoilers) :

      No one seem to have gotten the idea of raising chicken for their eggs despite a chicken-like animal being easy to capture in the wild, not hard to raise (even children can do it), and eggs being really expensive items. Cheese is deemed worthless for some reason but is still produced. Territory is annexed without any political unrest in the neighboring countries...

      And besides that aspect, the "building" part isn't even detailed much.
The slice of life aspect isn't really though well. This genre can mostly go two ways (or their combination) : sightseeing or daily life at some place. The author attempted both and failed.

    • Each place isn't really described much, elements being added as the author needs them, so tough luck on the sightseeing aspect. Despite that, MC keeps going on "journeys", saving the local (or global) world and getting new admirers each time. However, there isn't a real sense of journey as MC quickly gets

      a portable house (not a tent, a modernish house with beds, a bath and everything)

      and not many words are spent on the journey anyways.
    • As for the daily life part, the interactions of other characters with our MC can be cute and funny at times but get really redundant after a while. That's because characters are shallow, being defined by one or two traits each that stay the same during the whole story. Once you have seen what each trait does when confronted with the 4 kinds of power of MC, there is nothing much to see.
So my global feeling about this webnovel can be summed up in one word: lazy. The author is too lazy to:

    • Plan arcs in advance. Stuff is made up on the spot, whether world elements or MC powers, even saying so in some comments. Some times it becomes apparent that the author has no idea about how to get to the core, or how to close, an arc.
    • Polish any of the genres of the novel so that it becomes worth reading for that aspect.
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Suya Rhys
Suya Rhys rated it
August 27, 2017
Status: c131
Hmmm... whenever I'm bored I read this story... it'a cute, heartwarming and tranquil? Well it is... coz either whatever happens you will always know everything will go well with Yuna... but that's what makes it good... a very good break to all those isekai harem and whatever... it's lack of plot is actually good as for something would just randomly happen coz it only depicts like the daily life of Yuna in bear clothes on another world.

Actually a plot would just ruin this story like wanting to save the whole... more>> country or trying to go back to previous world... it lacks that kind of drive but not a reason to give it low rate... I kinda love characters like Yuna who would just deal with things on the go and do whatever needs to be done and accept things as they are. Easy going if I would say... I'm not fond of those who can't move on after all... like forcing to go back On their world or what.

And well... people keep on wondering why she does things without asking for exchange... simply becoz she does not need it... but that's really hard to think about if you're a local... well... I like those who destroys common sense ;)

And also I like putting myself into characters when im reading and I actually 90% would do... same as Yuna... it's also thanks to Yuna I ended up making Pudding for myself in this city devoid of such delicacy... and I know it's easy now because of internet but what? My friends acted like a certain Commerce Guild Master wanting some too... simply becoz they can't cook...

But I am not Yuna... I ask for payment... over priced too <<less
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Parpaing rated it
December 17, 2016
Status: --
Exactly what I wanted out of a light novel: Adventuring for the sake of not being bored, there's no demon lord to defeat, no world to save, she does what she wants and most importantly, she doesn't make it her duty to save absolutely everyone, she only saves people when it'd intrude with her light-hearted lifestyle.
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Puru.The.Great rated it
June 17, 2016
Status: --
It's a fun series. Don't care about the plot as it has none as yet. It's light hearted n refreshing. The protagonist is also cute somewhat. I mean look at that cover it's cute! *Cute is Justice!*
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peterkxm rated it
July 1, 2021
Status: c397
Ah, the first novel, in a long time, that I enjoyed having a female protagonist. Now, most novels I have read always has the female protagonist rely too much on ML's, side characters, or even their own parents to support what they do. But for Yuna, our MC of this masterpiece, she has way beyond enough intelligence to avoid all the wrong flags in any isekai.

  • A smart MC is a good MC. That's the motto I go by when I read novels. I don't mean things like the MC being an absolute genius or some sort of mind-reader but rather knowing what they want to accomplish and going about that path with little to no interference. MC's that get sidetracked constantly only tick off the readers and end up getting shunned by the audience with the authors receiving endless backlash. Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear has an MC that's smart enough to earn a wealthy living, put down troublesome issues, fight well, and protect those that she deems important to her. Most of all, she has a solid sense of humanity and righteousness to act in the right place at the right time.
  • For those that love cooking, this novel's MC is 75% of the time driven the motivation of food and ingredients for that food. She doesn't care that much about superficial merits or rewards but rather pursues things that she personally takes pleasure in which is food. Her introduction of various foods to this world is insane and it shows an enjoyable read through her various cooking sessions and audiences with various people to display her cooking skills.
  • Slice-of-life is a type of novel series that can sidetracked really easily and I mean easy (I mean take a look at By the Grace of Gods or Lazy Dungeon Master). Despite this, the author allows the MC to stay consistent and stay true to her own personal interests while having the timeline of the story all in-place with little to no irrational disruptions to the timeline.
  • It's a 9 or 9.5 out of 10 read for me!
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FoolsandTools rated it
May 11, 2021
Status: c390
The ultimate in "potato-chip" style light novels, a feel good time about a OP girl enjoying her life care-freely in a fantasy world, no politics, no morally questionable decisions, just cute girls eating snacks an Occasionaly kicking ass.

The best thing I can say about the main character, Yuna, is that unlike other OP protagonists, is that she has a spine and isn't afraid to lay someone out for insulting her and conversly, she isn't a psychopath that does needlessly edgy or callous things at any wrong commited to her. She... more>> has a good balance. "Don't bother her and she wont bother you." Truly the bear mindset.

Obviously she still does stuff at the behest of others but there wouldn't be a story otherwise and it's not a big deal to help out every now and again. She doesn't ever really do something she doesn't want to do with the exceptions of occasionaly embarassing things but it's played for comical effect and it makes those around her happy. <<less
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Alex-dono rated it
December 20, 2020
Status: c125
I read the manga and enjoyed it so I transferred over to the novel. I tend to stray away from overpowered isekai series but I feel like this series does that type of story right. This story for me captures what isekai is supposed to be: living life in another world with knowledge of your original world.

What I like about this series is everything is laid out from chapter 1 so you know exactly what type of story you are going to be reading:


  • Each part of the bear suit is described so you can understand how op they are from the start. Unlike other series where the MC will randomly get some power up.
  • the MC was rich in japan and all of her money was transferred over so you don't have to deal with the MC constantly comparing isekai currency to yen because money is irrelevant. You can guess what would be considered expensive vs cheap.
  • the protagonist was described as someone who basically had to take care of herself so her knowing all sorts of recipes and random food knowledge makes more sense than other isekai where an MC will make mayonnaise because they vaguely remember a commercial they saw while brushing their teeth.
  • The MC already had to overcome hardship in her original world as described by her relationship with her parents, school, etc. So there is no need to have trials to develop the mc's character.
  • the MC is self sufficient and doesn't really have a need for friends so there is no need to force a party element into the story, unlike other series where the MC will be given a harem despite being op because harem.
  • the MC didn't interact with people much but doesn't feel the constantly remind us of her lack of friends or social experience unlike some series where the MC will keep discussing the curves of female characters and talk about how nervous they are to be with a person of the opposite gender.
  • so far there is no sign of romance being forced if there are plans of romance.
  • the character being op actually makes sense and the MC actually utilizes strategy to fight rather than just relying on her over powered ability

    for example she 100 goblins and instead of blowing up the surrounding area to beat them she launches a fireball into the cave to burn up the oxygen and suffocate them since she sealed the exit


  • this series is more on the slice of life side so if you are expecting deep philosophy and themes like in Attack on Titan for example this is not the series for you. This is a series where you can let your brain relax and just enjoy the story without having to think to deeply about anything.
  • most of the story is us seeing the world through Yuna's eyes so other characters aren't really discussed in terms of their thoughts. But most of their thoughts are visible in their dialogue and interactions with Yuna.
  • there is a lot of food talk in this series not necessarily like in food wars but more like a scene in Naruto where the ninjas go to that barbeque place or to get ramen. Yuna knowing how to make such foods makes sense so it doesn't detract from the story.
  • There are a few scenes where yuna builds things so any professional architects might have critiques but not me.
overall I think this is a great series it'll get boring for you if you go into it with the expectation of it being the novel version of one piece rather than a nice slice of life isekai without the generic I'm op but everyone thinks I'm tr*sh plotline.
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Memory325 rated it
September 3, 2020
Status: c131
Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear is... well a lighthearted and fun story to read. I don't suggest it to people who want like SAO type stuff. While the main character is overpowered, one shotting some things and what not but I cant say its an action intesive story. Its just a girl that got transported living her life the way she wants it. She doesnt have a goal like to save the world or anything. From what I have read so far, there is literally zero reason why she exists in... more>> that world. God just decided to drag her in and give her some stuff to start off with.

I personally think the character has somewhat of a character compared to some other iseakai MC. She keeps to the fact that she doesnt want to have a lot of trouble and tries to avoid it. She knows some stuff that she shouldnt really mess too much with since she herself hasnt had experince.

This book is just to make you kinda have some happy time. Its just filled with cute stuff and its like a Slice of Life with an overpowered character.

The girls main problem isnt saving the world but the attraction she gets from wearing the bear suit. <<less
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April 18, 2020
Status: c322
This series is not for someone seeking seriousness and plausibility. This is simply a feel-good, very light-hearted-very non-serious web novel. If you are looking for some fluff and distraction, this is a perfect find for you.
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_MaLinTooTs rated it
August 12, 2019
Status: c270
Bear cute

Kids cute

Yuna cute

Story cute

Everything is a cliche but what do you expect from a slice of life story. Just enjoy the life of the bear.
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Marton cross
Marton cross rated it
May 11, 2019
Status: c80
The story feels lackluster, I hate the template of Op MC who wants to have a relaxing life in another world.

I don't like how its written, it feels like a summary of events and at times I get bored during fight scene. I also find different perspective/recaps is useless filler.

If you're really intrested in this just read the manga its a bit more bear-able, if you know what I mean.
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Fiora rated it
August 5, 2018
Status: c187
The 3 most important things in an isekai are:

1. Characters,

2. Story,

... more>> 3. Worldbuilding.

Author fails to create any of them in a way that makes them believable and interesting.

Yuna the main character is a highschooler and a NEET, but she doesn't leech off their parents even though she lives with them, because of her investments in the stock market (don't even get me started), she became an adventurer, while she's rich enough to not work her entire life because her stock cash transformer into this world currency. She's also OK with killing animals and monsters and seriously beating people up, but won't skin an animal, cause reasons? Her main goal is to eat good food and laze in her house. Weird, isn't it? All of the supporting cast is on one note and they lack characterization. Chapters with their perspective are just a recap filler, without character insight, thoughs presented in them are so shallow that readers will understand them just by reading the oryginal chapter.

The story is non-existing, Yuna goes to a place, someone react to her costume, she saves the day, she get the food or something else. It's not bad, many good series do the same, but this one cannot execute it in a good way.

Worldbuilding is the worst part of the series. Setting is standart european medieval fantasy. In this world people cultivate potatoes, although they hardly sell, because they are poisonous and NOBODY researched them od tried to prepare them in a way that doesn't upset your stomach. NOBODY in the village though about rising something else and everyone is OK with constant diarrhea. Yuna obviously knows which part is bad and it should make her look smart, but it just shows how incompetent author is. Similar things happen a few more times.

I mean the guy wrote a chapter about exterminating moles in a middle of an arc about supremacy fight between nobles. <<less
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Hitsugi Hime
Hitsugi Hime rated it
December 2, 2016
Status: c331
Like the name implies - Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear (くま クマ 熊 ベアー - every words are the same meaning: Bear), this story is about Kuma-san's daily life. If you need to read something funny and relaxing for your health, this is the first choice I'd recommend. Kuma-san is strong (even more stronger as the story goes by) and smart, but she's still want to not stand out unlike most of the OP MC. She's doing anything as she pleased (as long as it's within her abilities), trying anything of short to enjoy... more>> her daily life activites (like open stores, make business routes, make foods - stuffs, kickass monsters and bad ppl, v.v). If your taste is full of actions though, I'd not recommend on it (Full of Slice of Life). The only minus on this serie is the other POV - it's not different from Kuma-san's view (so I only put it 4/5).

If you think this series is good and worth to read, please buy the LN version to support author (the LN version have some other stories that not included in the WN parts). Thanks. <<less
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Nerodith rated it
November 3, 2016
Status: c80
Nice story, easy to read with no complicated plot.

I usually don't like slice of life but surprisingly, I ended up reading until the last chapters (80 as for now). The MC is really likable. Cute, smart, straightforward but not in an arrogant way, and obviously OP (thought to be precise, it's just her equipment that is OP).

Thus being said, it's still a slice of life. I won't say it's slow paced, but it can't be compared to a real adventure novel. There is a lot of chapters that will only... more>> describe the MC buying food, cooking and so on. Yep. It IS a slice of life after all.

Additionally, I'm not a huge fan of POV in this novel. Usually, I really like reading others' point of view, but in this story, I found the POV pretty useless. They were basically telling us the same story, just changing the narrator, not adding anything new. But well, there aren't that much of them so I guess it's fine.

So in the end, nothing exceptional, but a cute story to read to pass time or if you're bored. However if you're looking for a real adventure story with a deep plot, then you might want to pass on this one. <<less
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balbonits rated it
September 25, 2016
Status: c100
Why is this so cute?! Story aint gonna win international awards, but it's gonna leave you wanting to hug a bear.

Also, the illustrations are done by 029, same artist who did Hataraku Maou-sama! And Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de. Big doe eyes, roundy cheeks, and some good ol' fashioned cutesy poses. Both writing and art combines for a very cute, funny, and fluffy adventure light novel about friendship, funny antics, fluffy bears, and just plain ol' fun for all.

Recommend for light reading and ending a day on a beary... more>> satisfying note. UPDATE: it's still cute, even after 99 chapters. The MC still is OP, but not to the point of her starting to fight supreme beings, like gods and demon lords (yet). I'm actually re-reading from the start, as part of my daily afternoon walks. It's easy-to-digest, cute and fluffy, light-hearted and funny, and definitely for all ages. <<less
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schmidtcooper rated it
August 11, 2016
Status: --
She's un"bear"ably OP... I'm so sorry, I just had to... she is just to unbearably cute...... OK really ill stop.

So yeah, its simple, relaxing, shes in an OP bear costume and this is how she lives day to day. That's really it. But really its elegant in its simplicity. Being simple and a good Slice of Life make this Bearly, ahem, Fairly amazing. Please just BEAR with it, OK wheres my gun.
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