Kaleidoscope of Death


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It started off peculiarly; first, his domestic cat refused to let him cuddle it.

Lin Qiushi soon found that a sense of disharmony and incongruity began to pervade everything around him.

Then, one odd day, he pushed open a door, and he discovered that the hallway he was familiar with turned into a boundless corridor.

At both ends of this corridor were twelve, identical iron gates.

He pushed one of the doors

Thus, the story begins.

Ruan Nanzhu said to Lin Qiushi, “When you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss will also gaze back into you.”

Upon hearing this, Lin Qiushi sank into deep contemplation. He then pulled down the zipper of his trousers and aimed at the abyss…

Ruan Nanzhu: “…Put your pants on properly!”

Super shameless, ill-pampered gong X Shameless, calm shou; a combination of double [or extreme] shamelessness.

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Kính vạn hoa chết chóc/Tử vong kính vạn hoa
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  2. Psychological, Crime, Thriller, Modern, Alternate/...
  3. my 10/10s
  4. Danmei I've read part 1
  5. Apocalyptic/Survival Setting

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281 Reviews sorted by

infidelity11 rated it
August 18, 2021
Status: Completed
Now let me get the obligatory 'This is my first review ever but i've read tons of BL" out of the way.

I finished reading this about a month ago, and already wanted to write a review for this back then, but I really couldn't bring myself to do it, because just the mere thought of this novel and the MC/ML brought about painful stabbing sensations to my heart. This novel hit me hard. I've never felt such strong emotions while reading a novel. Honestly the best novel i've... more>> ever read. I don't think I need to emphasise on how good this novel is, as the other reviewers have already put it to words better than I can.

However, I feel like I need to give a heads-up to those who struggle with mental health issues. As someone who's diagnosed with chronic clinical depression and anxiety, reading this novel made me feel beyond depressed, devastated, and devoid of hope. It's really hard to describe the feeling. Don't get me wrong, this is a HE. But the process of getting there, and the revelations revealed in the extras, oh my... My heart is squeezing now as I'm recalling the novel while typing this review. To put it simply, people who are mentally weak should proceed with caution. IMO, this novel has very depressing themes, like 'what is the meaning of life', how people are willing to go through great lengths to survive, and the ugly side of the world/humans. I'm not sure if it's because I was already going through a depression episode that's why I felt extremely emotional while/after reading the novel. But one thing I know for sure is that this novel will throw 100 different types of emotions at your face. So if you're currently in a 'sad/depressed/anxious' phase, I suggest you shelf this till you get better.

But I want to emphasise again that this is an absolute masterpiece. 5/5 stars for sure. Translation is also top notch, feels like it's almost of professional quality.

Now, let me get to the main part: my rant. Contains the ultimate spoiler so please don't click if you've not completed the novel


The fact that RNZ is an NPC really fking broke me. I can't believe it. I can't accept it either. I'm not sure why this hurts me so bad. I've been trying to find the reason behind my heart break but no matter how much I ponder I can't get an answer. HOW CAN HE BE AN NPC??? I mean, NPCs are supposed to be, 'dead'? like a program? They're not supposed to have emotions/a mind of their own. They're just non-living things with no free will, pre-programmed to act out stuff that they're designed for. SO HOW CAN HE BE AN NPC??? This fact makes me feel that everything about RNZ is fake. All his emotions, experiences with LQS, everything's fake. HE'S JUST A PROGRAM??

If that's the case, does it mean that the other NPCs from the other doors are capable of such things too? And that all NPCs inside all doors actually have freewill/are self-aware/have consciousness? WHAT??!?!??! Oh god just typing this and recalling everything is already pushing me to the verge of another meltdown.

Otherwise, perhaps he's the 'ruler' or 'moderator' of the 12th door? Perhaps every door has a 'ruler', as the novel did mention multiple times that the ghosts/entities inside the doors have to follow a set of rules. Or is he actually a 'door god', in charge and watching over all doors.

IDK man, I really dont know. If anyone wants to discuss this, please drop me message, cos this is driving me insane and I need to rant to someone.

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Filan26 rated it
August 8, 2021
Status: c1
This is simply so good! I loved Zhu Meng so much hahaha, I really love this couple interaction, and the twins, Tan ZaoZao and Gu longming, my favorite arc is the lady of the rain one tho, the painting were really beautiful And that one arc isn't so gore.
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XiaoXueQiu rated it
August 5, 2021
Status: Completed
I loved it, gave it 4.5 stars.

It was very entertaining to read and the world at the doors was absolutely spectacular.
I have a strong stomach and heart too, so the gore and violence didn't affect me as much but it does have a lot of scenes that give you goosebumps.
There were times when I was reading at night that I really felt some fear reading what was going on in the doors. There are a lot of scenes that I consider to be somewhat strong and very unpleasant so think about that~ (but VEYR VERY interesting and very eager to read to see what was going to happen).


I was heartbroken by the death of one of the characters, I could already see it coming but when it actually happened it still left a void in me. Reading how the characters dealt with the death of their loved ones... it really hurt a little. It made me wonder if really the doors were some kind of blessing, with all that was going on inside... it's really creepy.


About the final...


The last door (last 10 chapters) I didn't dislike at all but I also didn't like how the story ended. It felt very rushed and not very detailed compared to the other doors/worlds.
I had high expectations when reading the last gate, I was expecting something even more terrifying and more tension but it focused more on the relationship of the MC and the ML, which although it wasn't bad, I found it a bit repetitive and a bit boring.


But I still loved this story and would read it again, it's like being part of a really scary horror story. I highly recommend it :-)
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Realvnv rated it
July 29, 2021
Status: Completed
The novel, not counting the twist at the end, was good. It had holier-than-thou MC, black-bellied ML, likable side charas, and a nice plot to boot.

Personally speaking, I am not really a fan of these types of MCs but I just fell in love with the ML lol, he's a memorable one for sure. The romance between them is super slow, they officially got together at chap 105 or sth, and I find it baffling how it turned out.

We have this "so dense not a needle can slip past" MC,... more>> who is also straighter than steel, accepting ML right here and there. I'm not saying they had no chemistry at all, but it was like, bros in arms?? How did it come to falling so deep I can't even live without cha? What happened to side characters, why so much dog food? Really relationships are a mess _ (:_」∠) _

And the last 2 doors made me so f*cking tight.


So Nanzhu and Quishi went to the 11th door, and encountered their previous doors' enemies. So far so good, I thought it was logical tbh. You pay your debts in the 11th door, get rid of karma, then proceed to the 12th door and embrace your new life... I thought like they'd live inside the 12th one and it would be a bittersweet ending.

What I have got? Oh boy, if you haven't already heard from other victims lemme tell ya, they go and sum ghosts chase them around. Then ghost number gradually thins out and that's where the true fun begins. The whole "horror" concept morphs into "Your Name" tier melodrama. Remember those brats b*tching around "we're in the same place but in different timelines, so I can't even touch you *clenches thin air and his vanity within*" in "Your Name"?

So yes in the whole process I felt like I was in the middle of "try not to cringe challenge". Then whole drama ended, Quishi left the door, what about the 12th?

Ohohoho, ya mortal, how could you not guess ML was the 12th door from the beginning? What, you're saying there's no foreshadowing whatsoever? Pfft, you must have missed it. You're telling me ML was just like a normal person, where the f*ck did this twist come from? Didn't ML say that he programmed himself to be exactly like a human? How come you don't buy it?

Truth be told, I'm still pissed and extras don't give me much comfort. The first two were just there to throw dog food to our faces, it felt uncharacteristic of them. I dunno if I should read twin ones, my glass heart is protesting.


Overall, it's good, but the ending man... Still better than twilight. <<less
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nitan rated it
July 24, 2021
Status: Completed
I enjoyed it! 🖤 I really like the CP's chemistry, the kind where there are shameless flirting and coquettish rotating around each other, while the other is oblivious. No annoying straight panic, just the 'oh my god I'm in love with this person' panic! Honestly the romance is really refreshing, a breath of fresh air that doesn't stick for too long because we have to focus on plot - but each and every moment they act coy with each other makes me want to read more! Both of the main... more>> characters are really interesting, they fit well together and I don't find either one of them annoying.

It feels like a collection of small stories; just because the chapters are dense so you get so many different instances/stories in 2-3 chapters. It's really nice, I like it a lot because you have to keep pace and not neglect a detail. Other than that, I think the pacing itself is very leisurely for an unlimited flow novel. It's a gradual build - until the end, I got hooked on the last 9 chapters plus the extras.

For those who like spoilers (heavy spoilers) :


If you've decided to read the 1st chapter and dont know who to root for, the ML is cosplaying Ruan Baijie so feel free to ship them! Other than that, if you really don't mind spoilers for endgame- the ML himself is a door, the last door, the 12th door. But if he dies then he really will die because he likes realism in everything he does. No the MC doesn't have to kill him to leave, in fact they have a very happy ending of them both leaving the doors and the 12th door being sealed permanently (bc the ML/12th door left).


I wanted to include the spoilers because I know Im someone who scour the reviews for them too, and don't want to go into something feeling uneasy. But this really is spoiling the plot twist, so don't click open if you don't like it. I'm someone who believes plot twist can be used to help tell a story, but if the plot twist is the story then it's really not a good story at all. Thus why, even if you now know the plot twist, I hope you can still enjoy the story telling and elements included in this novel. It's a wonderful ride, I hope you can enjoy it without feeling burdened or stress wile reading. <<less
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sararehman rated it
July 13, 2021
Status: Completed
This. Is. Now. My. Favourite. Novel.

I absolutely love how this is written, the plot, the characters and literally everything. Lets first start with the characters. May I just say the ML (Ruan Nanzhu) is the best ML I have ever come across. He's so damn shameless with the MC (Lin Qiushi) and it really brings some hilarious and cheery moments inside this novel that consists of a lot of gore and deaths. And he cares so damn much for Qiushi, it's the most adorable thing to read aaaaa.

Qiushi oh my... more>> lord has the EQ of nothing. Yes, it's non-existent but we love that, because he's so dense towards Nanzhu's flirting throughout literally the entire novel. He's so calm and collected and I love that about him, he's not one of those wimpy ass protagonists who need their ML's constant help. Qiushi is perfectly capable do the stuff on his own as he grows in strength and experience as the novel progresses.

Their relationship dynamic is the best thing to read. It's so damn funny, like everyone around them all have their suspicions and definitely cringe away at PDA LMFAO, but Qiushi doesn't know (which is a tad bit painful later on welp :')).

A lot of the time, side characters are the most 2D things in novels, but in my opinion, the side characters actually have a personality, and I really love this about the novel. The side characters weren't neglected even though they are side characters.


I love how all the different world's are based on existing folklore or old legends, well I'm pretty sure they are anyways. Even so, the different situations are detailed written, and there's no sugar-coating on any deaths or the predicaments the protagonists go through.

I also do love my BLs with a good plot, because it really draws my attention to it, and this novel perfectly does this. Also, the slow development of their relationship. Yes please. We stan the slow burn dhgshdf

I don't really want to spoil anything, so I wrote a spoiler-free review. I hope anyone who read this far will read this novel as it is AMAZING. Please I beg just give it a gooooooo.

Ah but stay away if you can be rather squeamish lmao there is a lot of gore, and I mean that the author really didn't hold back in terms of the way the cannon fodder died djhwkfhd

And last of all I'd really like to thank the author and the translators. The author did a beautiful job of writing this novel, and the translators did an amazing job of translating this masterpiece so thank you so muchhhh.

Thanks for reading this far lmao dhkhds <<less
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please_smile_for_me rated it
July 3, 2021
Status: Completed
Loved it. I'm giving this five stars for all the laughter, tears and scaring this put me trough. BUT...

We honestly have to talk about the last doors and the reveal in the extras.

For this @Celissiye wrote a very good review and talks about the negative points she marked with "spoilers". I couldn't have said it better. She basically picks up all the points I would have criticized too. I recommend you to read her review. ;P
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SirGineePig rated it
July 3, 2021
Status: Completed
I was really craving a horror/ survival danmei and then this book appeared like a saviour. There are many excellent reviews on the plot of this novel so I'm not going to talk more on that. Instead lets talk about the MC. He is such a unique, fleshed out character. He is not op yet he is superior to every other character in the book (including the ML in my opinion) due to how kind and empathetic he is, but not overtly so. He seems so real and to date... more>> is the most natural character I have read about in any bl novel. He is not described to be earthshakingly gorgeous or cute or overpowered without a shred of humanity, uncaring of others, but is instead an ordinary guy who is handsome, much like a good looking guy you might meet in real life, but made a protagonist through his own bravery, kindness, intelligence and a tiny bit of luck, much like a hero in real life. He is not told through the authors pink lens but through his own narration as if he is a tangible living thing.

About the polarizing twist, I don't have much of an opinion about it since it didn't impact the story in any way. The ending would have been the same regardless of the twist, which probably had been added for an extra shock value.


I mean it doesn't really matter if the ML was a npc or not because it doesn't impact or change the plot in any way. The ending would still be the MC going through all the doors and the ML also surviving with him. To the other characters the ML is still a real person and not npc and even the MC doesn't seem bothered by it.


All in all its an excellently written novel which is surprisingly heart wrenching in places with an excellent plot and characters which don't exist to break stereotypes but nevertheless mange to do so anyways. <<less
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realrinya rated it
June 24, 2021
Status: --

Wow that twist at the end I was shocked omg whatt seriously I have no words. There could be a few things that doesn’t make sense but to find them you have to be a it too detailed other than that I can’t understand how some people and reviews here can say things didn’t make sense when the author literally explained the same thing in the novel and I am like did we even read the same thing? Lots of things have been explained quite well in the extras I actually am quite satisfied with the end. This novel really is an emotional roller coaster. Personally I felt every emotion reading the novel. I laughed I was horrified (all the time lol) I was in pain and cried, I was excited, I was clueless on what’s going on :) and maybe because of this it really left a great impact on me. I loved the characters like all of them MC ML the twins other extra characters are all so well-thought. Romance is quite slow burn but it still doesn’t leave you unsatisfied. The door world is so interesting And I loved how the author used tales/games/traditional figures in such a creative way. I personally don’t agree with anyone who is not satisfied with the 11th door I thought It really was quite interesting. You would be looking at it on the wrong side (in my opinion) if you think that door was only for their parting scene for them to go show their love like why would the door care about their love life. It was about a trial and a very good one at that. I don’t understand why people say that It was not as exciting as they wanted. Maybe the whole purpose of this doors was to be early steps of the 11th door.I mean one could say anything about the meaning since it is left to us but to say that it was a bad one I don’t agree at all. One thing that I can say I didn’t really understand would be a part of the end. Spoilerssss

So they passed through 12th door at the end we know it they are safe and can talk with people who are still in doors right? So their friends can still die? I know that novel didn’t talk about it but I am really curious about the way 12th door is locked. Then other people can’t return to the real world? And another one which is the most obvious question and that the author didn’t really write that much about - Who made these doors and why? Did the author explain this or did I really not understand what’s going on?


Even though I have some questions I loved this novel with all my being seriously a brilliant novel in my opinion no wonder the ratings are this high. Recommendedd a lot

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yampaste rated it
June 22, 2021
Status: Completed
I can't begin to describe this novel... I absolutely adore it, the twists, the turns, the horror - I really love it all.

Please give this novel a read, even if somehow you aren't into BL, read this for the story and the adventures of the characters, you definitely won't regret it.
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Nspolaris rated it
June 14, 2021
Status: Completed
I really liked this novel for a variety of reasons and it's one of my favourite QT novels.

First of all, I liked that although the ML (RNZ) was very smart and competent, there are still times where he and LQS (MC) are stressed out and in danger, especially as the doors get harder. I also like how LQS learns to fend for himself within the doors and doesn't rely on RNZ the entire time, nor is he "extremely OP".

Secondly, I really liked how the doors referenced real life references (though... more>> for some I wouldn't look up the references until the morning after because I was scared to look at them at night lol), and thought the doors incorporated these references well.

Lastly, the romance seemed very organic as LQS and RNZ lived together and went through the doors together, and I loved and got attached to the side characters as well. Make sure to read the extras as well! <<less
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Iamher rated it
June 14, 2021
Status: Completed
One word. AMAZING!

If you wanna read an infinite flow novel that actually has a logical plot, then this is for you!

The characters were amazing, the world building was legit! And it all MAKES SENSE!

I've read a lot of horror novels, but this was the only one that really managed to creep me out.

And it's probably because of the detailed writing and amazing concepts.

You won't regret reading this.

P.S for the weak of heart, don't read this at night (☉。☉) !
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kagami_kyou rated it
June 13, 2021
Status: Completed
Let me tell you that this novel is a MASTERPIECE OF THE WORLD!!! I love it so much!!!
Both uniqueness of the story and charming of characters are the greatest!!

The plot twist come to you at an unexpected scene ever and the whole story make me feel excited, thrill and anxious yet too good to stop reading. Romance scene also as good as the horror scene and character development between each characters really interesting.

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LunetteLit rated it
June 13, 2021
Status: --
Guilty on reading this few times already.

The writing style and charaterized and the flow really hooked me up. The author balance the horror, humor, and romance so well. It’s a horror but not a depressing, gloomy and dark kind of story that make you feel suffocated. It’s humor but not cheapen the story nor unfit for the flow. It’s romance but with a very logic and humanize steps, and right pace.

All of these description above also applies for her other stories such as five elements and fantasy farm.

But I also... more>> wont dare to pry her old stories more that I have too. Because she has some style that can twist up a story beyond what you think and not caring to write down a BE story.

I learnt the lesson in hard way. <<less
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Shrike1978 rated it
June 6, 2021
Status: Completed
Very interesting!! Cool concept. Well done plot that's tight and not too long. Characters were developed and even side characters had distinct personalities that you get invested in. The author really creates a family of characters that work together as a whole piece, not two leads and mostly cannon fodder. Did I mention that there are a lot of very strong, take no prisoners women in this story? So refreshing to see a balance of women and men in a BL story!

Even though this is a horror story it has... more>> a lot of really funny moments. It also has parts that will have you ripping up a box of tissues as you sob your way through a chapter. Not to mention the parts so scary that sleep is not in the cards. I really liked the relationship between the MC and ML. There's not a lot of explicit but so what? The way they learn about each other and (even while battling monsters) navigate those bumpy initial relationship moments is so endearing.

Absolutely recommend this one! Try it, you'll love it! <<less
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Nana24 rated it
May 31, 2021
Status: Completed
Recommend this to read! Slow romance! MC is kind of dense in EQ, yet intelligent in finding clues. ML cross-dressing as a girl was so shameless, keep teasing MC.

I'm usually not frightened in reading horror novels at an unearthly hour. But, this novel spooked me, making me feels anxious.

Overall, this novel is quite realistic in elaborating the connection between the characters. It also shows that death is near to them and that they can die at any time since this is borrowed time.

... more>> (My opinion) :

Learnt from the twins: There are no shortcuts as a success shortcut. Be willing to take the long road or you will hit a dead end. (U believe in your ability and judgement that your actions eventually lead to his survival. Yet, at the very last moment between life and death, u realised that everything went wrong and is already too late. He pays the price and u survive, that's the consequence of not knowing your limits) - Luckily, they get their own happiness!

Learn this from tan zaozao: Sometimes, everything is too late when you initially make a choice. (You pay the $ to that organization, hoping that they can ensure your lives. Yet, deep in the heart, u still have a bit of nervousness that maybe your decision is wrong. (This is human nature) The time when ML provides the options to choose in the beginning, the choice u make determines your fate.) <<less
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May 29, 2021
Status: --
This is gold, I promise you, you will not regret reading this piece. One of my favorite novel.
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Kurakuri rated it
May 25, 2021
Status: Completed
The best book that I ever read for survival type of story. The interaction between characters also funny and few times I really crying. I love this story. For sure I will reread this story again.
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Likalily rated it
December 15, 2020
Status: Completed

Very good, I highly recommend this story! The story is great! Stress, sadness, anxiety there is love between lovers, friends, friends and family. This novel is very mixed up and it fits perfectly. I was surprised by the extravagant thing that it was, such an amazing writer could think of it. There is also a plot in my brain that Lin Quishi is a veteran who arrived at Door 12 but because he lost his memory it came back. And it is true! Although there is something more surprising than that, it's about ML's true identity. Ohh that's amazing! And I am also very happy because they did not gather right away, for a moment it seems I forgot exactly when they gathered ?! Is it in chapter 80 and above? MC's IQ is not very high but he is smart, has sharp hearing and also sees details several times. Even though his EQ is 0, he doesn't understand emotions but it's very natural if you look at his past. RN also did not force LQ to love him back because he knew they could die at any time. Oh and of course, LQ really loves cats! Actually I am not satisfied with the extra MC and ML, and feel that the extra Bai Ming and his boyfriend are really not needed.

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geek_yaoi1004 rated it
October 17, 2020
Status: Completed
The plot is amazing and the romance is slow and consistent. Also, the way the author describe the scene make it scary but with a little comedy undertone. Both of the MC and ML are powerful but not OP so it doesn't it make them resolving the plot easily. ML is in love with MC but not in a ovebearing sense, he is cute and loveable, making the MC slowly fall in love with Ml. Anyways, a masterpiece to read if bored. You won't regret it.
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