Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi ~ Sokushi Mahou to Skill Copy no Choetsu Heal


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–Using healing magic on the world itself, I’ll start over.

‘Healing magicians cannot fight alone.’ Keare, who was bound by this common knowledge, was exploited again and again by others.

But one day, he noticed what lay beyond healing magic, and was convinced that a healing magician was the strongest class. However, by the time he realized that potential, he was deprived of everything. Thus, he used healing magic on the world itself to go back four years, deciding to redo everything.

This is a heroic tale of one healing magician who became the strongest by using knowledge from his past life and healing magic.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Redo of Healer
The Redo of a Healing Magician ~ Transcendental Healing of Instant Death Magic and Skill Copying
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Date Group Release
02/05/18 Idle Translations v6c4
01/01/18 Idle Translations v6c3
12/26/17 Idle Translations v6c2
12/17/17 Idle Translations v6c1
12/11/17 Idle Translations v6 prologue
12/03/17 Idle Translations v5 epilogue
11/27/17 Idle Translations v5c18
11/19/17 Idle Translations v5c17
11/11/17 Idle Translations v5c16
11/04/17 Idle Translations v5c15
10/29/17 Idle Translations v5c14
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Seregosa rated it
October 23, 2022
Status: --
Really, people are hating for the sake for hating here. Essentially bored people wandered in here and started reading a story that was CLEARLY not meant for them. This story is for people that have little faith in humanity, who doesn't care about r*pe and torture and preferably they should be sadists as well. People who find a mentally corrupt protagonist hilarious or interesting. Also for people who are completely fed up with all the nice guys MCs and wants to spice things up. The score here is completely undeserved.

Just... more>> a bunch of people screaming about not getting a pizza when they ordered chinese food. Or perhaps they ordered the wrong thing by mistake or wanted to try something new and now they feel offended because they didn't like it.

People like me really enjoy this story. He's mentally warped, his earlier experiences broke him many times over, he's cruel to others and he's cruel to himself. He'd let himself get into the same situation as before, at least the initial part, to power up and quickly get his revenge on the princess. He's already so broken but people can't understand this. But I guess that was too disgusting for some people.

Bet you wanted some kind of a healing story where he went for half-arsed revenge and then quickly started to forgive and move on? Some mild bullsh*t sob story. Seriously, if you went through what he did, you'd be so broken you wouldn't even be able to function and there's no way you'd ever forgive anyone nor will you ever return to anything remotely normal. Experiences are what shapes us, his created a warped monster and that's awesome. It's good to see a protagonist actually pulling through with his revenge.

I found myself giggling through a lot of this, I was amused by his revenge. I don't believe in the goodness of humanity, I believe everyone hides ugly sides underneath and everyone is capable of evil, especially if they have power. I also don't believe in magically healing someone after extreme traumas, I'd rather they embrace their new personality. I believe there are things that are perfectly deserving of torture, r*pe and death and I don't believe anyone is completely innocent. I'm also more of a S than a M. That's the type of person you have to be to really enjoy something like this, don't kid yourself. If you don't fulfill at least the criteria of not minding r*pe, torture, mind control and death as legit revenge, you don't belong here, go read some shounen novel or softcore seinen novel instead. <<less
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Vladislavis rated it
December 23, 2021
Status: v9c20
So, this one is a quite peculiar speciman.

Unlike others, I won't cling to the MC and his cracked psyche. Instead, let's talk about the author. This man doesn't respect you as a reader, much less he cares about any consistency of his book. He will never reveal you anything interesting about the world, only 2 cities have names, nothing consistent about georaphy, nothing about Faran's church up until the 9-th volume! They were the ones to put Keyaru's village to dust, mind you. Environment writing is at zero, many characters... more>> don't even have descriptions, like Carol's "friends" and Eve's council of 10. Many things, like Faran church's banishment, are explained post-facto. Everything Keyaru is given is being utterly forgotten, like Setsuna's father amulet, Lapis's father amulet, orichalcum ore from golems, magic of light and darkness from Eve - those things aren't even used. Hell, even his big decision to remain himself (a 14-year old boy body) in the end of the 8-th volume is forgotten in the 9-th! And limit break along with casting spells with mana from the outside of a body or Freya's ability to use knives are one-time tricks. You, as a reader, should just forget about them entirely, just as the author did. Every hardship is resolved with an ace from a sleeve, which you are not presented beforehead, like the power of a true hero (divinity) or the fact that Guren is bound to the MC with her very soul.

See the pattern? These books are crawling with plotholes, insufficient writing, poor world building and forgotten Chehov's guns. To enjoy it, you either have to turn off your brain or entirely rewrite it. Yes, this story has a bunch of good ideas, like Bullet getting to be more complex character than he's initially presented, interesting dynamics of Keyaru's character, complicated themes like politics and "while cooking an omelette, you have to break eggs" thing, but they're highly outshined by the actual issues.

Let's not ignore the elephant in the room anymore. Keyaru's character is inconsistent. He dreams of a happy life, but lets himself and the others be hurt just to have some foundation for a revenge up until the 9-th volume when he can just rip a d*ck of the one who tried to violate him - wow, progress! Cut this out, and nothing changes. He says that he respects and doesn't want to change Kureha in the 2-nd volume just to say he "maintains" her in, like, the 5-th one, which literally means messing with her brain when initially he just made her love him with his rod!

The characters dynamics could be interesting, but everyone around Keyaru are just dumb bi... Mislead women. Freya will never know she's the princess, there will be no sincere dialogue between them, which could make him love her. Kureha never gets to know that Ellen is her beloved Norn. Norn is a queen figure, and she has nobody to recognize her in a royal palace! Guren could be an ideal person to change Keyaru for the better, but no! Tsukiyo left her as a foolish mol*sted child! And Keyaru... You know what he said about getting back to the original body? "I no longer need to push myself"... So, you think that the man who r*ped, slaughtered, maimed and tortured people while enjoying every bit of it pushed himself? Boy, do I even need to explain how s*upid this is?

He said he loved his women, all of them. But why? Because they're good in bed? Because they have no other functions than s*x and fights. Nobody cared for him, nobody really cherished him, nobody supported him. And yet, somehow we're supposed to believe he loves them?

Anyway, this story is written for money, and now that it's enough, Tsukiyo Rui decided to stop writing... Or he just doesn't know how. I really hope him NOT to publish the 10-th volume. For such sloppy work doesn't need to be continued.

By the way, the only "improvements" of LN upon the WN are few added s*x scenes (like 4-5 for the entire series), 3 new chapters and... That's it. Plotholes are completely untouched. <<less
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EvilGenesis666 rated it
November 11, 2017
Status: v5c15
Firstly, I have to warn readers of inconsistencies in this novel, TL-or tries to correct them whenever he can but still, it's annoying when stats are messed up several times or the names (and even gender) of the characters as well as the laws and abilities of people.

Now about the world and people, it feels like a milder version of The Dungeon Seeker. Humans are extremely evil and treat everyone terribly (even other humans) , however even the other races are manipulative and cruel and have tons of negative traits.... more>> Now, I say it's milder than Dungeon Seeker because there is shown some sort of goal of those evil actions beside ''being evil because I can'' and there also some characters that are genuinely good (so far only the humans in the kingdom MC is in are terribly corrupted and greedy, we still don't know if all of them are like that).

As for the MC, he is pretty insane and hypocritical, pe*verted, cruel and has a twisted sense of justice but at least he stays that way so far and nothing that happens in the world changes his mindset.

I said insanity and twisted sense of justice because MC always wait for people he wishes to kill to first get on his bad side (or as he calls it : ''Get revenge points'') before he strikes them back since it gives him a reason for doing it. This already gets proven in the first volume when he

waits for the princess to drug, torture and order bulky soldiers to r*pe him before he gets his revenge on her.


About hypocrisy, he is ruthless to men, but becomes somewhat soft when dealing with females. I think this quote from him describes this trait pretty accurately :

''To be frank, apart from my village and my first love, I don't really care about anyone, but only after this many people are here, I can become serious. I have to search for someone I can feel attachment to. As I thought, I can't come to like anyone unless it's a cute girl. Are there any girls that are my taste and will make me cry and shout when they get killed ? ''


As for the his mindset overall, I would say it's quite on point for the world he is living in and that it's better than most ruthless and twisted MC's have because he knows he is ruthless and doesn't sugarcoat it in any way. Similarly to my last paragraph, there is also a quote that shows how he feels about his current life :

''That path has already vanished long ago. I chose a different path.I became the hero of Healing, degenerated into a brute, and even while being self-aware that I'm a brute, I'm doing whatever I want to my heart's content and will grab everything. And also, I don't regret a single part of it. I have money, I obtained the best women, and both my body and spirit is free. I obtained overwhelming power. As if there is any happiness better than this!''


Also, for the people who think that his second life is all about revenge and that he lives only for executing it, this is what MC has to say about it :

''After I finish my revenge, I will live a long life, and living a life without anything remaining after my revenge is lifeless. I only think of revenge as a hobby to become happy''


Now for the harem, I wouldn't say it's too good, since half it are his s*aves and are brainwashed to love him, but at least there are much interactions and emotions shown from them and each girl has different traits then the other. Also, he doesn't treat his s*aves too terribly like abusing them, he actually wants to improve them and because of that he often has a dilemma because it's a double-edged sword if they some day try to betray him. <<less
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TallOrder66 rated it
July 25, 2023
Status: c143 part1
Coping and paste a review from the anime

"Many reviews said "this show is not for pure or weak minded", "oh people who doesn't like it are weak"... But in fact this show IS FOR pure and weak minded. It is for care bears. If you aren't pure minded events in this anime won't effect you at all, you will able to see how bad is the story telling, you will just shrug and don't care for events and... will actually continue to watch for its hentai content.

I am neither pure... more>> nor weak minded and this show is very bad. I won't give it 1 point because I hate it, or 10 points in order to defend it. I will do my honest review.

For plot, there isn't much. It is just a revenge plot without twists. If this show released as hentai it would have pretty okay story. There are better hentais out there with better plot. Same goes for story telling. It is just bland. There is no such thing as transition. Events just starts, happens, ends without much transition scene. Events just follow pretty simple story step by step. Nothing else is shown. There isn't any question what will happen next. Either MC will get his own revenge on someone, or revenge for one of the girls, or get a new girl. That is how story told.
Long story told short: Powerful MC, will screw over everyone who screwed him before. There is "the real man", girls lines up for laying with him because all girls are h**ny beasts. They are thankful because MC lays with them and... pretty much it.
Pretty okay as hentai plot. If it was hentai and if I couldn't care less about plot while watching titties. But if it claims it is not, I can't say it is almost non-existent because whole revenge thing. It exists but not much it is extremely shallow. If gore/r*pe events awe you and make you see as if this story has bit depth to it, sorry but you are a care bear who is/was afraid to learn of darkness.

As for enjoyment, if you watch it as if watching hentai, it is pretty good. If not, well this show should be on way to tr*sh can."

A lot of people seem to hate people who criticize this show by calling us 'snowflakes'. However, even with the gore and r*pe scenes, this anime fails to meet any significant impact on a average viewer." <<less
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zozzythebeast rated it
January 17, 2021
Status: v3
well here we have a fulfilment novel that's centered around revenge and s*x basically. About a hero who does everything to get revenge for being treated horribly. That then goes and treats innocent people even worse then he was. He's not even an anti hero who may treat his enemies with brutality but comrades he treats well. He's just a c*ck sucker that gets a companions and thinks I guess I can get some use out of my new toy before they die for me or break. While laughing inside... more>> for trusting him. He's worse than his enemies in every way. Also the story is horribly written. The quality is ok for day to day events but battles and action scenes it feels as if a grade schooler wrote it. I mean it, the writing is that bad. Plus you can tell the author has most likely 0 experience with woman. Probably not even a sister. <<less
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RennasS rated it
July 31, 2017
Status: v4c6
I give it 4 cos MC is too Mary Suu so by far he didn't encounter really hard obstruction.

MC is so broken I laugh so much.

I also looking forward to see how this gonna end cos while MC tell himself all he did is for revenge, he did do a good deeds that will lead to world peace.


I hope Freya turn back into Flare and kill him and kill herself after that cos she both love and hate him.

His harem can keep the world at peace after his dead.

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summers rated it
July 8, 2017
Status: --
Reading several chapters and I never knew what the point of it was. As an ecchi a good foundation was set, apparently hero's don't have level limits and s*x with them raises it, this forms the basis for MC's capture, r*pe, then reason for revenge. That's fine, problem is this world seems to view healers as useless?! Because who needs healing. After that I just got lost.

A test I use to see if I should drop book is if a skip dozen or more chapters and feel as if nothing... more>> has been missed, like there was just a timeskip or a scene change.

I dropped it. <<less
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slimeholder rated it
April 17, 2019
Status: v4
This novel is one of those "not for everyone novels". I really liked certain parts of it, but at parts it had me bored. Anyways, here we go:

This novel is about an OP protagonist who was a weak healer exploited by everyone (rap*ed, tortured, hated, abused in every posible way etc.). At the very first chapter we seem him deceive his party (who exploited him), steal a powerful magic stone and make the earth go back in time 4 years (he was able to do that due to the very... more>> weird nature of his power, and all the experience he "gained" throughout his miserable journey). This novel is about him taking revange and making the world a "fun" place for him to live once he goes back in time.

The protagonist is a scheming c*nt. He is a horrible human being, but once you get in his shoes, you realize you'd be kinda the same if you endured what he had.

This novel contains a lot of torture, mind control, s*x, rap* etc.

If you like cute romantic novels and hate violence, this novel is totally not for you. This novel is for fans of brutality, and people who hate cencorship.

What made it kinda boring was the fact that the novel lacks world building. It is supreme at establishing characters and conveying the feelings of the protagonist, but it is real garbage at world building (only one proper scene in 4 volumes).

This novel is worth reading imo, but it is very inferior to stuff like "The death mage who doesn't want a fourth time." or even "Overlord" if you are looking for something "dark". <<less
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2Girls1Cupcake rated it
January 6, 2019
Status: v2c8
In short this novel isn't that interesting and I've pretty much dropped it already.

We have a MC that's the hero of healing, without spoiling anything I can say that he's been used and abused by the other members of his party and when he awakens to the true power of the skill he uses it on the world, turning it back to at least what the MC sees as the "perfect state".

First of all we have the innate classes such as hero and sword saint and no matter how you... more>> look at it, it's boring, even if you have a MC with it or one who overcomes the difference while being born without it, that's just a fact. And although it is vague it seems that you can acquire different skills yet can't gain the modifier which makes the class strong, this of course creates a rigid class system which is just lazy writing, making the powerful just exactly that because of their innate talent instead of wisdom, smarts or trickery.

Then we have a MC who can copy these skills from other people, but not the modifiers, yet for some reason this skill also nerfed so that the level of the skill he gains is 1 less than the original, meaning he can't ever reach the apex, and while that being level 5 and the fact that heroes can for some reason cast a higher tier being dumb in itself, for some reason he's also limited to 5 of these at a time, yet he can change them any time he wants, what is the use for this limit then? It's so the author didn't have to come up with a sh*t ton of them at once when he was writing his status and could pull it out of his ass deus ex machina style whenever needed. Again it's just lazy writing.

Then we have the MC himself, he's out for revenge, this is very understandable, yet he's highly inconsistent. He's first shown as a caring person, protecting a woman that took care of him after his parents died, then being lenient towards the mastermind behind his suffering since it's essentially a different life and that person hasn't done anything to him in this one, showing compassion for the sword saint who's gone through hell in training to reach the apex, where the person is now and last but not least

budding feelings of love towards the princess that's the mastermind of his torture, based on the fact that he wiped her memory, making her a clean slate, which is essentially a different person while trying to deny these feelings

Yet for some inexplicable reason he's suddenly a psychopath and the only thing that matters is how he can use people for his own benefit, his personality is highly inconsistent.

Overall it's a fairly poor novel. It feels like the author just wanted to live out delusions of controlling and manipulating people, especially women, creating a MC that has the aura of husband that abuses his wife and children both physically and mentally while the rest of the story, like the revenge, is just an excuse used to justify his behavior, pieces forced to fit to hide the original intention and delusions of the author. <<less
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RarestProGamer rated it
October 25, 2018
Status: v5c12
If its anything, the main protagonist at least get s*x many times in the story so it is definitely not like your typical average isekai harem stories with beta protagonist who doesn't know how v*gina works, so you gotta give credit where its due.

-As for the plot, it is decent at its best. I am not saying it is bad, but it isn't that good either. To sum up the plot "bad guys did VERY VERY bad things to me, so now I will have my revenge against everyone", by... more>> very *really bad things* I mean the protagonist gets brutally tortured, treated like a s*ave and even gets r*ped by men/women alike specially men because our MC is a hero class and his bodily fluids (sperm) increase your level cap by one, so having s*x with him daily raises your maximum level by one which resulted in him getting r*ped so many times a day by male soldiers and adventures as the Kingdom he was in uses him as some kind of s*x tool, now that makes quite an interesting revenge story at least for me for starters, but the only problem I have with that is author needs to explain's MC reasons again and again so that all the actions done by him throughout story falls under the "revenge" criteria for e.g somewhere along the line, he meets the soldiers of the same kingdom that put him through hell, he decides not to take any action because they are you guessed it are innocent only to realize later on the same soldiers raided his village where he originally is from and killed all of them because our protagonist might or might not be related to them which finally hits MC in the brain that the whole kingdom from the top to the bottom its rotten to the core and then he decides to kill everyone and leave no alive person behind.

-The author takes that trope many times in the story so that us readers don't think he is just mindless killing machine after his targets for revenge as that he always needs a valid reason to remind him of his revenge, but honestly, it is annoying and tedious and makes MC way too naive and s*upid even though he went through so much!

-Also, I don't understand Title is a lie. MC is called a healer and all his powers have "healing" in name, but they neither use healing effect, nor are linked in any way to healing. If in RPG you could imagine someone killing enemy with some kind of overheal or overgrowth, but here you should try to imagine something similar to "healing fireball".

:Nonetheless, The MC is a savage, brutal and sadistic af, the story at the least doesn't deserve 3.5. I guess the anti-harem police is already here? Like I understand most people hate isekai harem but it is a genre for f*ck sakes, you can't hate a genre for being a genre, its like purposely reading something that you are obviously gonna hate. <<less
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Bondage Radish
Bondage Radish rated it
March 2, 2018
Status: --
I read Maou-sama and I liked it. I read Elf Tensei and I liked it. “Gee, ” I thought. “I’ll bet I’d like this one too!” I had high expectations. And maybe it met them! I don’t know. And I’ll never know. What was done to the MC was terrible, but I trudged onward. What he did to get revenge was gruesome... okay, I’m not going to judge him. He went through stuff I can’t say wouldn’t turn me into the exact same thing.

But after all that, I couldn’t grow... more>> to enjoy where it was and where it was going from there. I decided to check the reviews for a second opinion. I even opened the spoilers to see if there was something that would draw me in further, a reason to give it the benefit of the doubt. I tried so hard to give it a second chance, but nothing managed to convince me.

I couldn’t bring myself to give this a 1, but nor could I give it a 3. Using a 3, to me, says, “Meh. It’s not really bad or good.” Using a 1 would be my way of saying, “There are no redeeming features. This is garbage.” It’s better than garbage and worse than merely feeling mildly conflicted about its qualities. It’s my way of saying, “I can’t stand this, I vehemently reject it, but maybe you will enjoy it.” I can’t imagine you will, but I can’t say you won’t.

Some people like Dungeon Seeker, after all. <<less
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Bushtuckrman rated it
August 12, 2020
Status: --
I absolute love these rare gems where the protag is more towards an evil alignment or at least neutral, bonus points if they are a bit mentally unstable and there is no shortage of that in this novel. The premise on the outset is a good twist on the usual bland healer role, being able to subvert his 'heal' to the extent that he does is very engaging and brings a host of unusual abilities that is seldom seen in these types of stories.
Yes, this is a high testosterone story so its not for the faint of heart or the child of mind as there is plenty of mature themes from r*pe to brutal torture and that's just putting it mildly.

It starts off as a revenge fair but it begins to evolve into much more as our protag progresses and begins to learn about the secrets of the world and its systems. The roles of demon kings, human kings and heroes unfolds as he learns the truths through his healing abilities that can give him the memories of those he 'heals'. Its an exciting read, is it wish fulfillment? No, not really unless your wish is to be mind f*cked and physically r*ped both unwillingly and willingly to achieve long term objectives.

The characters are surprisingly fleshed out very in the form of the mc's companions 'both the willing and brain washed companions' and insights into what could be thought of as the mc's arch rival, the boy mol*sting Hero of [Gun]. We have a demon king of the first time line, the demon king of the second time line, the human king and a world wide conspiracy plot with the fate of all life in the balance. I think it was great mostly because of its adult and mature nature, I personally do not like naive and whimsical mc's who just want a quiet life which is so prevalent in Japanese novels and mangas.
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Zeragnon rated it
January 19, 2019
Status: v7c16
I finished the currently translated chapters (end of volume 7 chapter 15) and wish I could read more. The MC is extremely twisted and is revenging a handful of people. The MC kills (and/or tortures) anyone who wrongs him (wrongs as in touches his harem or other insignificant things.) I found it enjoyable and loved it every step of the way, although I realized I have way too much free time because I read 7 and 3/4 volumes in 3 days. I'm really hoping someone picks it up or Idle... more>> comes back to translating. It was a fun journey and if you have free time and like revenge plots or twisted characters you should read it. <<less
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Hajime_005 rated it
July 31, 2018
Status: v2c16
If brainwash and mind break is romance then sure, this is romance. This thing is so confusing that it is hard to grasp even the genders of the character. To much contradiction and sudden changes. The author even forgets the settings he placed in the earlier chapters.

Ex: Out of the 2 heroes, the gun hero is supposed to be competing with the other hero for the affection of the princess. This changes in just a few chapters that the Gun hero is a sick f*** that is an abusive shota-con yandare type of person that is infatuated with MC

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UnknownSaint171 rated it
June 26, 2017
Status: v3c20
The first volume was the best but every single Character is f*cked up in the head. The MC contradicts himself a lot and is a huge hypocrite. He claims to be a pacifist but I started to catch on that he was just being sarcastic. In almost every chapter MC says he never looks for trouble. He will kill if he feels like it, he will r*pe if he feels like it. That's all there is too it.

I also hate how the Author tries to get us sympathy for Flare... more>> later on in the story. I don't hate that he has s*x but why is the writer being hypocritical about it? At least stay true like in Elf Tensei and write it out, instead of being a round about way of doing it.

Anyways I'm still a big fan of the Author. I like how he writes about fox girls in every novel. He knows how to write a good plot and has shown significant improvement in his writing. Elf Tensei had many holes and writing was really bad. But now these characters are very well fleshed out. Though I wonder when he will write a non harem? <<less
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N.I.B rated it
February 15, 2023
Status: v9
First of the "Three Amigos" of Revenge.


Honestly, I don't understand why some of the reviewers are so harsh with this LN, what are you reading here is pretty clear; a story about revenge, r*pe, corruption, manipulation and violence, if you don't like it go read some escapism fantasy story with a pu*sy and simpleton MC, there's a lot of stories like this on this site for white knight readers, instead of talking sh*t from this one just because of the first 4 volumes.

The story starts as the plot of a... more>> Dark Fansaty manga like Berserk or Violence Jack, but soon the story turns into Rance Hikari o Motomete, I believe is because the MC needs power and reliable companions who he can manipulate, but after the start of volume 5 and the arrival of the "main villain" the story gets better.


I like the way that Bullet f*cked all the plans to Kearuga until the final fight with him, sure, he's too OP with an annoying personality, but he did a good job balancing the power level to the Kirby Rance and his OP harem. And I like the way that the author use to Ellen, she's well written since volume 6 to onwards.


The harem girls barely has personality, except for Eve, Ellen and Guren. Freya, Kureha and Setsuna are puppets with some moments that shows some of lucidity, but that's all.

What I liked the most about this story is the MC and his goal, which changed as the story progressed, but nevertheless, in essence it remains the same, only that it includes his harem in it. The way in which he passes through on top of the others, laughs at them and facing everyone who gets in his way gives this story good points. I like proactive characters instead of the ones who received everything and do nothing, and the character development in Kearuga was also good.

It's a good LN, not the best one i've been read it, but it's entertaining and decent for this type of stories. <<less
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Kurai Oji-Sama
Kurai Oji-Sama rated it
August 17, 2021
Status: v2c20
Cant even remember the last time I read this. I do remember that MC is a b*tch. Literally. Wants revenge, but to much of a pu*sy to just kill them when he sees them. Instead, he wants them to r*pe him all over again before he kills them.

Something about... gotta give “them” a reason for my revenge so that they can remember when he gets his revenge.

i aint a scientist, but I dont think anyone is still alive to remember anything when they die... so the excuse MC came up... more>> with was irrelevant. <<less
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January 15, 2021
Status: v4c2
I like the overall gist of the story so far but damn does it take the loli pe*o s.l.a.v.e. Trope the Japanese love so much a little far. The MC flat out calls the kid he is boning a "child" the proceeds to dick-her down. Raising everyone's age by 7 years would have made this so less creepy and not made the story any less enjoyable. The other major problem I have is the the author is so inconsistent. The way characters think, ages and descriptions are all over the... more>> place chapter to chapter. The translator points some of it out in their notes. The part I like is how the story's revenge is reasonably built and has a flair to it even though its not overly amazing. Its just satisfying enough that I enjoy the revenge when it happens and and looking forward to the next time it happens. If the author could just turn off their desire to be a p*rnography writer it would be even better.

So I have gotten further in and I am starting to see how tr*shy the author is and its bleeding over into the MC. Any empathy I had for the MC is gone as he is just about as bad as the people he hates. I mean if the author is trying to show this world as a place that has nothing good to offer then its a success but that gives me nothing to like about it and therefor really gives me no reason to read this.

So I went even further and by volume 4 it becomes obvious the author is showing the MC to be just as sick and depraved as the people he hates. I can live with that if it has some meaning to how this concludes but I still thing the pedo, in*est, r*pe, torture sh*t is crap and distracts from what might be a secretly deep plot. I'm probably giving this too much credit though. <<less
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SinsI rated it
February 14, 2018
Status: v2c6
First volume was kinda OK, but after it the story lost all tension, as MC and his harem are too powerful, versatile and knowledgeable; there's just no credible threats aside from MC's own s*upidity.
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Anduin rated it
July 31, 2017
Status: v3c9
The MC is powerful, but his personality is twisted. The way he takes pleasure in torturing his enemies disgusts me. He values himself above all else and sees the people around him as disposable. If not for these character flaws, I would have rated this series a bit higher. If you don't mind an edgy and twisted MC, then you can consider this a 4/5 review instead of a 3/5 review.
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