I’ve Transmigrated Into This Movie Before


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– Question: “What is scarier than the personal experience of transmigrating into a horror movie?”

Anonymous: “Transmigrating into a movie you’ve never seen before.”

– “Poor comment! There’s nothing scary about that!”

Anonymous reply: “You sure? Can you be sure your dad isn’t a mu*derer? Can you be certain your spouse isn’t out to kill you for insurance money? Can you even be certain there isn’t any hidden lethal weapon in your son’s lunchbox? The scariest thing is that you have never seen this movie before so, you have absolutely no idea of any ‘surprise’ that awaits you ahead!”

Hence, this novel is also called [’surprise’ that awaits you].

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  3. Strong FLs (showing not telling)
  4. CN w/ Excellent Plot (BxG)
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101 Reviews sorted by

duxy rated it
October 12, 2021
Status: Completed
This novel is so intense, so gripping, but still an easy read somehow. Maybe it's because a lot of the tension comes from the mystery and the MC (and hence the reader) start off ignorant of what's to come.

I could describe this as a thriller, but it's equally plot and character driven. That's the benefit of the setting, I think. This also allows complexity in the character's mindscapes, relationships, motivations, desires, emotions... not in the sense that it's hard to follow, but in the sense of deeply striking meaning—the story... more>> just hits you hard.

As you can see, there's a bit of a paradox between my former two paragraphs: an easy read that hits you hard. Well, it was so engaging I couldn't put it down, except for a break to wash the tears off my face lol. If you're not completely convinced, just put it into your to-read list for now. It'll probably pop back into your head sooner rather than later, maybe when you're looking for something with guaranteed quality—it did for me. <<less
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asyuki rated it
August 10, 2021
Status: c174
I usually go for stereotypical isekai stories to kill my time, I don't expect much from light/online novels yet this one blew my mind.

There is so much to write about this but if I have to focus on the most obvious it would be the world building and intertwined stories of each passing character. Reading about Ning Ning's journey was an involving adventure on my behalf, a one that I desperately tried to hold on to. One that I could not bear to part.

I wish that one day I could... more>> get an actual hard copy of this book. <<less
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erynalu rated it
May 5, 2021
Status: c35
This is a really good time traveling/mystery novel, but I had to stop reading for now because it is very emotionally taxing. The psychology/tragedy aspect of the story is quite heavy compared to my usual light reads, so after going through two different movies, I find it really hard to continue. I don't understand how the MC could keep coming back to the Life Theater with just a few days in between X_X It would take me months or years to recuperate.

The story is very immersive, the characters have depth... more>> and they are connected to one another, forcing you to think about the their relations and actions. There are quite a lot of time paradox element, so reading this requires concentration and brain power.

Definitely read if you want something substantial. <<less
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shadow2105 rated it
February 13, 2021
Status: c128
If you decide to read this, you won't waste your time. All of the characters even the ones from the ''movies'' are so realistic that they make you feel you can meet a real person like them. The reasons behind their actions are explained, and you can even find compassion for the ruthless ones and not hate the 'antagonist.' Everyone has flaws, everyone has good traits.
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rocca.linne rated it
October 1, 2020
Status: Completed
AAAAA++++ story!!


I mtl-ed it for the 2nd time and I have no regrets!

Character growth ✅

Interesting storyline ✅

Suspense & mystery ✅

Non-generic romance ✅

Giving this 1000/10 for all the interesting but interconnected plot!!

Downside is, the ending kinda.. Bleh- not everything is revealed, kinda hoping for 50 more chapter to clear all the mysteries..

But all in all, still giving this 5 star for the very enjoyable experience of reading this story! Wouldn't even be mad if author giving us a sequel!
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September 14, 2020
Status: c59
Honestly I don't know if my contacts are giving me a migraine or if this novel is. I think I need to wait until this is completed in translation because I just don't understand what the MC is doing right now.

What are her intentions. How does she plan to fight this system. It is veering so off of the idea of being an actress that I just don't know what to do. Ultimately the writing is very good and immersive but I can't help but get the feeling that she's... more>> being very dumb with her savior complex when she can barely save herself. I suppose it makes the novel immersive and compelling but really it also makes it nonsensical as she ignores the dangers and also fails to properly warn others (especially if she's so concerned on the consequences of the theater), that itself seems like a huge dumb part on her. She's like flailing around. The writing is amazing however so far in it's world building. <<less
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tonguelasher rated it
May 12, 2020
Status: c549
The story is interesting, but the romance is written poorly. It's more focused on the adventures of the MC. The progression with the ML was so poor that I thought another person was the ML.


ML is an actor in one of the movies she went into. He flirted at her during the plays and she kept putting him off, knowing that he died in the past. The author is better at writing obsession than romance.

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azuron rated it
January 13, 2019
Status: c2
I had immense hope for this novel seeing the 5 star reviews and reading the summary. Unfortunately after reading the 2nd chapter, I am dropping this. I shall refrain from rating the novel too low since translation quality is good enough. However one might wonder about the blatant contrast between the reviews and overall ratings.

If I had to guess I would say that the initial attitude of MC and even her mother towards her malicious grandmother is extremely off-putting. This is clearly not ancient china settings where the characters are... more>> unable to resist the oppressive demands of their so called elders. Also it's inconceivable how a "movie empress" was unable to fight back against an old woman, not to mention her daughter willingly acts submissive towards her indirect mu*derer. The main lead (I hope he is) is nothing to write home about and is extremely off-putting.

This review is solely based on the premise/pre-arc and I will not be going into the arcs, simply because my initial impression of the characters is so so so bad. If you can ignore the flawed characters, and can pass through the initial hurdle of illogical submissiveness and maliciousness, you should be able to get into the arcs, in which case your opinion will fall into the 5-star bracket. But if you are completely unable to relate to the characters and completely loathe every single one of them, there are plenty of other novels to choose from that floats your boat.

[Disclaimer: This review portrays my subjective opinion as a reader, and only as a reader] <<less
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yminbaery rated it
May 9, 2024
Status: c176
While I enjoyed nearly every other aspect of the novel, there are some controversies involved when I thought about it:

... more>>

While I loved the first arc, the author had managed to whitewash Boss Qu and somehow made his victims into the villain. Why can they not persecute the perpetrator that had stolen their childhood and forced them to live in hell for years? They themselves were children, why can they not persecute the girl that benefits from their misery?

Though I guess this highlights a certain theme of the novel, similar to The Ones Who Walk Away From the Omelas- where there is a utopia for someone, others will suffer for that utopia.

What right does he have to seek revenge? What had they ever done to him? Even if there was an untold past, nothing would've justified his tra**icking of children and quite literally traumatizing a generation of kids. Being a "good father" does not erase his actions. He deserves what he got in the end, to be honest. Maybe even more.

I wished the author made it so that he realized his daughter is truly gone, not because of the Chen family nor the Liu family, but because of himself. That is why he had to, once again, suffer and die in that fire.

They could've even made it so that Ning'er helped all the kids escape and sacrificed herself- basically anything to uphold basic morality. It is the least she could pay, for all their sufferings have paid for her dresses and dolls.

Anyways, this novel is really controversial in China because of this. You won't even find it on jjwxc and I can see why :)


However, if you can overlook this part (it might be hard since the controversial character appears for quite a bit of the story), the novel becomes really good until probably the last 15%, where it became extremely rushed.

There were even parts when the writing gets jumbled- such as the village arc- I probably missed half the plot of that arc because of this. Maybe because the important parts of the plot gets rushed through, the ending became a bit messy.


Characters such as Pei Xuan, Li Bo Yue, Li something, and a bunch more I think- a lot of characters were introduced but didn't have much contribution to the ending. Pei Xuan was this big scary know-all villain up until the village arc, and he fell off just like that?


There were many loose ends left untied, and I felt that many more-than-flawed characters were made "innocent" or "relatable" too easily.


This includes that girl who cheats on her beloved fiancee with a bunch of other men, gold digs, etc. and tries to seduce Wen Yu regardless of everything, yet somehow her end says that she loved her fiancee and would have a groomless without him? She made him go into debt, for god's sake ?? Yet somehow the fiancee became the villain in the end.. I would go mad too if I were him.


While I loved nearly every other character, Boss Qu is unforgivable. That first arc really made me question the morals of the author, though.

Anyways, it's a good novel. The type that makes you stay up all night until morning, and you can't stop thinking about it. There are some flaws if you think it through, but if you can turn a blind eye from some things and only focus on others... it should be a good read. <<less
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Onelazygirl rated it
November 18, 2023
Status: Completed
The plot was so refreshing not to mention it was so interesting that it keeps you on your toes.......I loved loved the concept not to mention the arcs made me cry buckets especially the first arc

But I am not satisfied with the ending..... though she does ends up with ML but what exactly is their situation I can't understand not to mention their was never explicitly stated that who was Ning Ning's father....... people are still not sure who is the father

... more>>

See what I ment with the MC and ML's situation is that ML is the doorman now which means he is still a masked man who can't kiss our MC can't eat literally not human and as he is the doorman he is bound to the theatre for eternity....

Even though MC is the owner but she afterall is a human she will age whereas the doorman will never age so even though they are together it can't be said to be long term

Not to mention as ML is bound to the theatre MC can only go and meet him at the theatre..... MC is an actress she has her work so if she isn't able to contact him he can't contact her either

He can't step outside so MC is all alone even though she has a boyfriend there relationship is not exactly an easy one

In the last chapter MC tells ML "let's go on a date" but I am so confused he is a doorman how can he go on a date outside??? Or she is talking about a date in the theatre???


Honestly as amazing the plot was it had still many loop Holes and just stuff that was never explained or characters never given a proper end

Like Pei Xun this guy as much as I loathed him he was a very interesting character but the way author decides to just kill him off is sooo disappointing like how can he just die like this??? And even if he dies there were so many questions that were never answered like how does he knows how to obtain tickets???? What was his motive really???? <<less
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moonmystery rated it
August 2, 2023
Status: c176
OK, go and read this! Pros: engaging unique setup, effective horror writing, interesting characters, good translation, intriguing plot progression, and a decent female main character.

This is loads better than most chinese webnovels out there. So if you are reading those other ones, you might as well give this a try. The first half of the series is fantastic with great pacing and plot. Unfortunately, things become rushed towards the last 30% of the series. The ending was very mediocre compared to the rest of the story. It seems like the... more>> author gave up and wanted to end things as quickly as possible. So, it was haphazard.

Now, cons. I am mildly annoyed because I became very invested in the characters (which is rare for me), but they all lost steam by the end of the series. Plenty of unresolved plot holes and character arcs, too. It became clear that the author tried to juggle too many story threads concurrently for the mystery and bit off more than she could chew. She ended up forgetting to weave a lot of them into the final arc of the story.

It is such a shame since the author managed to create these intriguing characters with various motivations but lost steam, so all the really interesting characters never lived up to their fullest potential. It's like a half peeled onion. I wanted more and I knew there was more, dammit!

See below:


- The author did Pei Xian dirty. I was so excited anticipating the resolution of his story, but it was extremely anticlimactic. Given how prominent a character he is through 1/2 of the story, it never went anywhere. He was such a scary villain and I was dreading/waiting for him to play the cat-and-mouse game more with FMC! I was waiting for them to face down in reality! I wanted to see his schemes push FMC into a corner over and over! But no, he was forgotten about. If I skimmed correctly, all he got was a few words of exposition through a minor character. Whatever happened to the victims of Pei Xian in the end? I wanted to see the legal battles, but there was not even a line about whether or not they were able to get justice... Also the whole progression of his character was confusingly done. I thought the author would eventually clarify, but this was never done.

- I wanted to see all the people she saved through Life Theater come together in the real world present time and team up against the big bads. This never really happened beyond FMC, ML, and ML's little brother. The others saved were promptly forgotten about.

- Same with her manager. It felt like the author retconned his role so that some of the plot progression could be explained away, but the secrets behind the manager was never really explored, and his scheming never left an impact after the reveal.

- Who pushed FML into the theater and forced her to use the main character ticket? This was never touched on again. I mean, I guess there are multiple possible culprits with different motives, but still. I don't like that this was just... forgotten.

- Whatever happened to rabbit mask dude in the end? Heck, whatever happened to the mask projection room's masks?

- So who is FML's father, in the end? Is it the manager's father? So they are siblings? But why was this so hidden away and made into such a big deal by the author? There was no payoff. Also I felt like the origin story of FML's familial relationships could have been written better.

- The story made it seem like Director Chen's son would have a big role, but he seemed kind of forgotten at the end even though he even got his own life theater screening. The aftermath of that was also not even explored.

- I was not sold on FML's attachment to her "Papa" and ML. I also feel like her adult relationship with her mother should have been more fleshed out before the main plot kicked into gear.

- Just what is going on with Wen Yu at the end? Why was it not fleshed out more? The author seems more adept at the horror elements of this web novel than complex human relations. I know his ending was supposed to be bittersweet or whatever but I was just... underwhelmed.

- The extra 2 chapters after the canonical end were lame and poorly executed.


BUUUUUT, it is already a difficult feat to make me so passionate about the plot continuity. This was a story that actually got me fully invested and I stayed up all night reading it. So, even if I was not satisfied with the destination, the journey is well worth it! Highly recommend giving it a read. <<less
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July 23, 2023
Status: c174
Everything was perfect until the end. There is an intense desire in my heart for a new and better ending that ties up all the holes; one that explains the birth of Life Theater, one where Pei Xuan's motivations are revealed and how he became the doorman, a different ending where Pei Xuan is the real villain and Ning Ning defeats him, one where the father is alive, one that explores SZT and Ning Ning relationship to the full, one that gives Wen Yu his own lover, and more side... more>> stories about this world where the story takes place. More, more, more. Instead, I feel empty and unsatisfied.

Why did the author hate her own story? To want to finish it as quickly as possible. To move on to 180 versions of pure love. To not give a proper ending to her characters. Why?

After putting so much effort and skill into creating a fresh genius unique idea of transmigration, why did it have to end? <<less
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MusicFromMiles rated it
February 5, 2023
Status: Completed
Damn my roommates think I've had my heart broken by a guy when they saw me just sobbing over my phone reading this. This is truly a 10/10. I love how it constantly improving and how self aware it is. The build up is great too. This is the only time I loved a novel so much but wished it didn't have extra chapters. Normally I would wished more but in this cased I wish there were none. Not that it's bad or ruined the story or anything. It's just... more>> sad. I like the happy ending but the extra chapter added a pinch full of sadness in the end. <<less
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bluesonnet rated it
September 10, 2022
Status: Completed
To be honest, I had to stop reading several times, not because I couldn't take the suspense (in fact, the suspense kept me going), but because it was quite episodic. Also, despite having such a strong start and building up so much mystery in the middle, the plot seemed to have lost its way towards the end. I had to give it 5 stars because I felt the need to finish it and I'd given lesser interesting stories a 5, but I also feel like so much of the world... more>> and character building was wasted in the end. I'm sad for the wasted potential but also glad I'm done with reading this. Nonetheless, it was interesting enough to keep me reading.

My only tip: don't look for romance here. <<less
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July 31, 2022
Status: Completed
This is definitely a chef’s kiss 🤌🏻🤌🏻
I love the plot, I love the character, I love the pace, and the translation is also great 👍

The author really doesn’t waste words, everything is there for a reason.

I love the characters’ developments, the motives are clear and the progression felt natural

The ending isn’t what I would wanted but I understand why it is written that way, I wish there’s more epilogue. So so many questions still.

I cried, laughed, perplexed, such a a ride. Definitely worth to read.
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dilight_986 rated it
June 9, 2022
Status: Completed
I'm in love with this story. The story flow is amazing. The only problem I have is how the author killed my favorite character :D. Other than that, it's perfect I'd say.
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February 27, 2022
Status: Completed
The first half of this book was amazing.

Interesting plot, amazing cast of characters and an MC that was constantly grew, both in skill and mentality. She had a mission and a clear goal: become a great actress and unravel the secrets of her mother.

But then the second half of the novel fell flat and lost it's drive and purpose. I feel like the author tired to tie a lot of plot points together but failed to do so in a satisfying and reasonable way. Halfway is where the MCs motivation... more>> also changed and because of this, a lot of her actions did not make sense to me. It felt like she was just being pushed along with the plot, instead of leading it.

The romance was so promising but ended up making me go WTF. My fav relationship was between the MC and her father in the first arc. I thought they had such an interesting relationship and backstory, but the author managed to ruin that relationship as well.

After the amazing first few arcs, the ending was a slap to the face and left me very disappointed. <<less
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Faceslappingisalwaysfun rated it
October 28, 2020
Status: --
I came into this novel expecting a random lighthearted quick transmigration story that I would soon forget, but boy was I wrong. The synopsis makes this novel sound like typical faceslapping, but it's so much more.

This story is the best translated novel, if not novel in general, I have read. The characters are very real and I adore how MC is shown to grow and change throughout the story. The mysteries really pull you in, and I genuinely feel the stakes when reading the story. Normally there's the excitement of... more>> seeing the MC grow strong or faceslap but not much fear for the characters. At each chapter of this novel, I'm holding my breath and wondering how the story will unfold. I wonder if the MC will suddenly trip up and face serious consequences. I don't know the last time I've been so immersed in a story.

One thing that strikes me in particular is the author's masterful mix of mystery, time traveling, and realism sprinkled with romance. The characters all have 3D sides, like the grandma who seems like a mean elder or the perfect mother in MC's memory. The reader faces the same confusion and uncertainty MC does, not knowing how to untangle the mysteries of the life theater. Not everything goes well, and MC even feels some psychological backlash from transmigration, a topic not often touched on. This story really handles character and worldbuilding well while keeping the audience captivated with the time travel intrigue. The romance isn't heavy but I can guess who the ML is. It is really interesting how the romance develops alongside the plot.

Overall 100/10 would recommend to anyone in the mood for such a deep and fascinating novel. <<less
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Hikami2005 rated it
October 22, 2020
Status: c83
Oh god. I found the one. The one who will make me laugh, angry, and cry. This is the first chinese novel who ever lasted with me. The plot twist are slowly revealed but not too obivious. The characters feel real. They stick with their personality. Unlike those who suddenly changed. These story is complete. Familial love, romance, horror, horror, and friendship. All in one.
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tedy2004 rated it
May 30, 2020
Status: Completed
Old review (after reading it completely)

This is something you don't wanna miss if you are up for some thriller and reality with some consequences.

I'll wait for the novel to be updated completely.. we all know how frustrating it is to wait for the update, however, I thank the translators for translating this gem novel, they have it harder than us, while we wait and forget they translate and write.

I recommend it most only when completed...

P.S (02/11/2020) No bed scenes as I remember and I think after the novel is completely translated I'll read it from the beginning, since I forgot so much:P.

P.S. 1 (05/11/2023) I've remembered this novel, and I have the plan to read it these days slowly! :D.

Overall: It took me between breaks and ups and downs to read it in 4 days. And I can say I totally enjoyed the ride, even though the last thirty+ chapters felt a bit rushed, I didn't regret reading this.

Good night.

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